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篇一:八年级上册Unit1 Encyclopaedias

Unit1 Encyclopaedias

Reading A


1.____ ady. 人的2. ____n. 恐龙

3. ____n.发明家 4. ____n.音乐家

5. ____n.科学家 6. ____n.才智;智慧

7. ____n.才能;能力 8. ____adv.可能;大概

9. ____n.发明 10. ____n.笔记本

11. ____v.包括


1. ________出生

2. ________两篇短文

3. ________多于

4. ________在动物园

5. ________在博物馆

6. ________生活在地球上

7. ________查询,查找

8. ________一名意大利画家

9. ________最出名的油画

10. ________例如


一. 单项选择题

1. My friend Frank sings well ,and he is ____good at playing guitar.

A. not B.also C.yet D.too

2.Thomas Edison is a great____in the world.

A.inventorB.chairmanC.doctor D.secretary

3.When ____people____the computer?

A.was;invention B.does;invent

C.did;inventor D.did;invent

4.China is ____the Great Wall and pandas.

A.famous as B.famous for C.ready toD.ready for

5.When you don’t know the meeting of the world,you may ____

A.look up the dictionary

B.look it up in the dictionary

C.look up it in the dictionary

D.look the dictionary up


6.It can get into the h____body and cause diseases.

7.Recently ,s____have found that dogs are clverer than cats .

8.I’m sure he has the a ____to finish drawing

the horse soon.

9.Liu Huan is a famous m____.

10.For example ,his n____includes some interesting drawings of flying machines.



My family ____my parents and ____.


They ___ ____ in America

13.从小时候开始,他就显示出巨大的智慧和艺术能力。 From____ ____age ,he showed great __and artistic ____.


I would like to ____ ____the information about my travel.


He ____had many ____.


一. 用some和any填空。

1.-Are there__maps on the wall?

-Yes,there are.

2.-Have you got ____uncles?

-Yes,and I have got ____aunts too.

3.There is ____meat and fish for lunch.

4.We haven’t got ____beef.Let’s buy____.

5.-Is there____cheese ?

-No, there isn’t ____.


6.I don’t have present for my friend.What if ____else brings a present?

A.anybody B.nobody C. everyone D.none

7.-Where is my notebook?

-I don’t know .It isn’t here .Maybe____took it away by mistake.

A.everybody B.nobody C.anybody D.somebody

8.-Does____know the answer to the question? -Me.

A.everybody B.anybody C.somebody D.nobody

9.-Who helped you clean the classroom yesterday?

-____.I cleaned it all by myself.

A.Somebody B. Nobody C.Everybody D.Anybody

10.-The exam was very easy ,wasn’t it?

-Yes,but I don’t think ____would pass it.

A.somebody B.body C.everybody D.nobody


11.She has got some chocolate.(改为否定句) ____________________

12.I have got some rice for meals every day .(改为一般疑问句)


13.There were some tigers in the mountains.(改为否定句)

There___ ___tigers in the mountains.

14.There was some milk in the bottle.(改为否定句) There____ ___milk in the bottle.

15.There isn’t anybody listening.(改为肯定句)


篇二:新版深圳初中英语八上一单元Unit 1 Encyclopaedias

Unit 1 Encyclopaedias

Part 1 基础部分


1、出生 2、在农村

3、例如 4、多于、超过

5、人 6、灭绝、消失

7、从……出来 8、在……的末尾

9、正如;正像 10、重要的事

11、以……而闻名 12、一些……一些……

13、多长时间 14、了解、弄清



17、去散步 18、看起来像


1.learn to do sth 学习做某事

2、many +复数名词 许多……

3、as+形容词、副词的原级+as 与……一样……

4、used to do sth 过去常常做某事

5、help sb. do sth 帮助某人做某事

6、remember to do sth记着要去做某事

7、so much+不可数名词 如此多的……

8、It is +形容词+to do sth做某事是……的

9、一段时间+later ……之后

10、make sb do sth使某人做某事

11、a number of +名词复数 许多……

Part 2 课文重点句型及短语讲解

1. Look it up! 查阅一下。

●look up意为“查阅;查询”强调在词典、参考书等工具书里查询。如:

We can look up new words in a dictionary. 我们可以在词典中查新的单词.

拓展:与look 相关的短语: look around 向周围看 look out 向外看;当心look like 看起来像 look the same 看起来相同look forward to 盼望

(2013● 杭州) This morning I some new restaurants on the Internet for I wanted to take Mia to a nice restaurant for her birthday.

A. picked up B. looked up C. cleaned up D. gave up

2. Da Vinci 达. 芬奇出生在农村。

●be born意为“出生”.其后可接地点或时间状语,接地点用in,接时间用on或in(具体某一天用on;出生于某年某月用in)如:

Tom was born in Guangzhou on 14 July 1999. 汤姆于1999年7月14日出生于广州。 ●in the countryside 意为“在乡村,在农村”。如:

When he was a child, he lived in the countryside with his grandparents.他小时候和祖父母一起居住在乡下。


● from an early age 意为“从小起;从幼年起”.



语法板块中学过的引导时间状语从句的连词when,但是含有含有as 引导的时间状语从句,主从句的动作还可以表示“一边??一边??”之意。如:

The boy sang as he walked to school. 这个男孩边唱着歌边迈向学校走去.

5. his notebooks include some interesting drawings of flying machines wanted to find.


●for example 意为“例如” 用于列举上文中提到的人、事或物。如:.

A lot of European countries are worth visiting, For example, I have been to the UK, France and Switzerland. 很多欧洲国家都值得一游,譬如我就去过英国、法国和瑞士。

●for example在句子中可以放在开头,也可以作为插入语放在句中。如:

You should visit Hangzhou. Lingyin Temple, for example, is very famous. 你应该去杭州游览。例如灵隐寺就很出名。


●more than意为“多于;超过”。它的近义词是over,两者可以互相替换。如:

It will take me more than/ over 2 hours to get to school. 我将要花费2个多小时去学校。

●more than的反义词 less than


●as…as 中间加形容词的原级,表示“和??一样??”的意思,如:

Amy is as tall as her sister. 埃米和她姐姐一样高


●died out 意为“灭绝,消失”如:How did dinosaurs die out? 恐龙是如何灭绝的。

Part 3随堂练习

I. Complete the sentences with proper words.

, he works very hard every day to do a lot of experiments to learn about the life of many plants.

don’t think so.

3. Do you know about World War I and World II? If not, please look them up in that .

4. Mr. Li’voice. It can repeat what you have said.

6. Remember, when you meet a new word, write it down in and ask your teacher or friend later for help.

than Thomas Edison.

looking at me.

he misunderstood my words.

10. The boss asked me several questions. ―Why do you want to come to my company?‖

II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary. Use each phrase once only.

1. From yesterday’2. I am a fan of Apple products and I have already yuan on iPhones.

3. If you like shopping, you should go to Europe. ,Paris is shopping paradise for you.

4. , her parents read stories to her every night.

5. I prefer to live

6. Before Sandy , his dad died of an accident.

just like dinosaurs one day.

III. Translation

1. 我于2000年2月14日出生于武汉。(be born)

2.当我经过他的身边时,我给了他的一封信。(as, walk past)


4.西蒙在广州住过两年多的时间。(for, more than)

5.这本字典包括15000多个单词和大约3000幅图片。( include )

6.有些狗和狼一样大,有些则和老鼠一样小。 (as…as, Some…Others…)

7.猛犸于8000多年前灭绝,但我们可以通过它们的骨髓来了解它们。( mammoth, died out, learn about, skeleton )

8.当我突然张开双眼的时候,我的面前放着一块蛋糕。(suddenly )

Part 4Grammar

一、some 和any

some 和any都可以修饰可数名词复数或者不可数名词,表示―一些…….‖,但是二者在


1.some一般用于肯定句或者表示请、建议并希望得到肯定答复的疑问句中。 David has some friends in shanghai.

May I have some chicken?

Would you like some noodles?

2. any一般用于否定句和疑问句中

Mary hasn’t got any pens. 玛丽没有钢笔。

(1) (2012. 贵阳) It’s A. littleB. anyC. some

(2) (北京朝阳中考) There isn’t water in the glass. Let’s go and get some.

A. manyB. lotsC. any D. some


1. I saw nobody.

2. There is not anybody in the room.

3. Is there anything on the bookcase?

复合不定代词 一般是用some, any, no, every与one, thing, body组合构成的。1、一般来说,some构成的复合不定代词用于肯定句中,any构成的复合不定代词用于 否定句或疑问句中。


Somebody wants to see you.


Do you have anything important to tell us?


apples. But we don’t have bananas.

A. some; some B. any; any C. some; any D. any; some

in this book?

A. something interesting B. anything interesting

C. interesting something D. interesting anything

3.—Is here?

—Yes, we are all here.

篇三:新牛津深圳版八年级英语上册Unit 1 Encyclopaedias Reading1 学案

Unit 1 Encyclopaedias Reading1 学案

【 学习目标 】

I. 了解文章大意,通过特殊疑问句了解人物的基本信息。

II. 培养学生阅读好习惯:课前预测(predicting),略读(skimming),找读(scanning),掌握重点大意(major ideas)和背记等英语学习技能; III. 掌握课文出现的重点单词、短语和句子。

【 课堂活动 】 PPT



1. 灭绝;消失____________ 2. (在词典、参考书中)查阅;查询_______________

3. 出生于…______________________ 4. 渐渐长大 ____________________

5. 和小鸡一样小____________________6. 学习做某事 ____________________

7. 人_____________________8. 例如 __________________

9. 飞行机器___________________ 10. 在地球上__________________

11. 多于___________________ 12. 了解(到);弄清 ________________

13. 学习;了解________________ 14. 在乡村;在农村_________________

15. 过去常常做… ______________ 16. 一些重要的事__________________

二. 翻译句子:

1. Da Vinci was born un the countryside. ___________________________________________

2. As he grew older, he learnt to do many different things.


3. For example, his notebooks include some interesting drawings of flying machines. ___________________________________________________________.

4. Dinosaurs lived on Earth more than 60 million years before human beings. ___________________________________________________________. 5. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. Others were as big as ten elephants. ___________________________________________________________.

6. Then, suddenly, they all died out. Nobody knows why.


7. However, we can learn about them from their fossils.


三、完形填空: his neighbour’s door, so he walked up to the door, took hold of the bell and pulledThen he sat down and thought, “” he said. In the end, he had an idea. “Ah, I’’t be able to ” The next day he went there again, and took hold of the bell. This ’t hear anything.“Steal my bell? I’” the angry man shouted. And he hit the

thief on the nose. In fact, the thief didn’was stealing the bell. “Why did he come out just then?” he wondered.

1.A. clever B. kind C. foolish D. strong

2.A. steal B. rob C. make D. repair

3.A. voice B. noise C. whisperD. shout

4.A. somethingB. anything C. everything D. nothing

5.A. iron B. sand C. water D. cotton

6.A. listen to B. hear C. see D. make

7.A. strongB. light C. lighter D. harder

8.A. inB. fromC. out D. into

9.A. class B. lesson C. speech D. praise

10. A. how B. whatC. where D. if

1. Jack works in Guangzhou and wants to spend this weekend in Yantai. Then he can go there by A. bus B. plane C. train D. bike

2. Tom is a student from Shenzhen and he decides to visit his friend in Hunan

University. He can meet his friend at in Hunan.

A. 07:10 B. 11: 40 C. 21:00 D. 11:20

3. How long should Lucy spend on her travel from Sanya to Shanghai?

A. About 75 minutes.B. More than three hours.

C. About 250 minutes. D. Less than three hours.

4. Tim and his four friends will take粤B3683 from Shenzhen to Guangzhou. They

should pay for ¥ in all.

A. 60 B. 250 C. 1250 D. 300

5. The flight CA126 is arriving at the airport. Maybe the visitors are fromA. Shanghai B. Beijing C. Sanya D. Guangzhou
