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Part I Listening Comprehension ( 33 minutes )

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B),

C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.


A) She wants to find a house.

B) She wants to look for a house.

C) She hopes to have some information on advertisement.

D) She hopes to advertise her house for renting.

Script: Man: Hi, Regal Real Estate Agents. Can I help you?

Woman: Yes, please. I am looking for some tenants for my house and I was hoping you could advertise it for me.

Question: What is the purpose of the woman?

正确答案: D


A) Friends.

B) Landlady and potential tenant.

C) Landlord and potential tenant.

D) Teacher and Student.

Script: Woman: Good. Now let’s get down to the serious stuff. What have you got in the kitchen? A fridge, of course.

Man: Yes, a fridge, and there’s a dishwasher.

Question: What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

正确答案: C


A) 0164326455.

B) 0176423455.

C) 0173423544.

D) 0173426455.

Script: Man: Could I have your telephone number, please?

Woman: Sure, 01734 26455.

Question: What is the correct number?

正确答案: D


A) He got a broken arm when he was 16.

B) He got a broken leg when he was 17.

C) He got a sprained ankle when he was 17.

D) He got a twisted wrist when he was 16.

Script: Woman: Fine, now, let’s get some of your medical background. Have you ever had any serious illness or accidents?

Man: A broken leg I got playing football when I was 17. I was in the school team. Question: What is the medical background of the boy?

正确答案: B


A) He is keen on the project.

B) He is busy going on with the project.

C) He wants to talk with the woman about the project.

D) He is fine.

Script: Woman: Hi, Martin, how are you getting on with your project? You’ve got to give the seminar on Friday, haven’t you?

Man: I am getting on fine. It is just so interesting! Do you want to hear about it? Question: What is the man’s attitude towards the project?

正确答案: A

Questions 6 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Script: Man: Am I too late for the opening ceremony?

Woman: No, it’s just starting. The runner is just coming into the Olympic Village with the torch.

Man: Oh, this is so exciting! I love the Summer Olympics. Track and field, gymnastics, swimming — I can’t wait!

Woman: Oh, here come the athletes from each country, with their flag-bearer in front. Look at all those gold, silver, and bronze medalists.

Man: Isn’t it funny that that country only has one competitor?

Woman: No way! Can you imagine the honor you’d get as the only athlete from your country that’s of Olympic caliber? I’d trade places with her any day. Man: This schedule says that the track and field events begin tomorrow.

Woman: Yeah, but those are just the qualifying heats. The real races don’t start for three days. What’s that?

Man: My flag. I’m cheering on the U.S. team.

Woman: From the living room?

Man: Sure, why not? It can’t hurt, can it?


A) Swimming.

B) Track and field.

C) Gymnastics.

D) Wrestling.

Script: What is not mentioned by the man as his interested sports?

正确答案: D


A) Right after the ceremony.

B) Tomorrow.

C) In three days.

D) The day after tomorrow.

Script: When will the real races of track and field begin?

正确答案: C


A) In the stadium.

B) At the ceremony.

C) In the living room.

D) In the track and field event.

Script: Where will the man cheer for the American team?

正确答案: C

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Script: Woman: Hey, what are you listening to?

Man: Right now I’m listening to the Foo Fighters? the latest album. There are some really good tracks on this CD, including their new single.

Woman: Let me see your iPod for a minute. It looks like you’ve got a ton of good stuff loaded up. I like Gwen Stephanie, too, and what’s this? Shakira? I had no idea you were a fan of hers.

Man: I think she’s a really talented singer and songwriter. And, well, she’s attractive, too.

Woman: Yeah, I bet. Let’s see. You’ve got some great jazz and blues standards here, too. Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, and Billie Holiday. This one is a live recording, and these are compilations. You’ve got their greatest hits, too. I never knew you were such a jazz fan.

Man: Yeah, I like all kinds of music. Now, where are you going with my iPod? Woman: I thought I would just borrow it for a little while.

Man: Yeah, right. Hand it over. I’ve got to download my favorite podcast. 9.

A) She is a friend.

B) She is a playwright.

C) She is a fan of music.

D) She is a singer.

Script: What can be inferred about Shakira?

正确答案: D


A) Classic.

B) Jazz.

C) Pop.

D) Rock and roll.

Script: What kind of music does the man have in his iPod?

正确答案: B


A) He is going to listen to his latest album.

B) He is going out with the girl.

C) He is going to download some podc


D) He is going to give his iPod to the girl.

Script: What will the man do next?

正确答案: C

Section B

Direstions:Listen to three short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. All the recordings will be played once only. After you hear a question, please choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).

Passage One

Questions 12 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Script: Today we explore the ballet version of one of the most popular stories ever told. Throughout history, in cultures around the world, the story of Cinderella has remained a favorite. We tell about the music Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev wrote for his version of “Cinderella.”

And, we visit the artistic director of the Washington Ballet as he and his dancers work together to perform this famous ballet.

Her name may be Yeh-shen, Cendrillion or Aschenputtel. But her story is always about a caring young woman who overcomes her difficult family life with the support of a magical helper. This helper makes the dreams of Cinderella come true. And, by the end of the story Cinderella is repaid for her goodness when she marries the man she loves.

One of the earliest versions of the story comes from ninth-century China. Yeh-shen talks to a magic fish, which makes her wishes come true. The Algonquin Native American version is about Rough-Face Girl, whose kindness and inner beauty win the love of an invisible warrior spirit.

The seventeenth century French writer Charles Perrault included another version in his book, Tales of Mother Goose. His version is one of the most famous. Cinderella lives with her father’s second wife and the woman’s daughters.

Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters are unkind to her and make her do all the work in the house while they prepare for a party given by the ruling prince. Cinderella’s fairy godmother gives her beautiful clothes to wear to the party. She magically turns a pumpkin and mice into a carriage pulled by horses so Cinderella can go to the party. But, the godmother warns Cinderella that she must return home by midnight, when all of her magical belongings will turn back into their normal forms. After the party, Cinderella hurries home but leaves her shoe behind. This glass slipper helps the prince search for and find Cinderella so that they can marry and live together happily ever after.


A) Yeh-shen.

B) Cendrillion.

C) Ascheputtel.

D) Joanna.

Script: Which of the following names is not mentioned as a foreign version of Cinderella?

正确答案: D


A) She is a magic spirit who helps the poor to have a better life.

B) She is a young girl who overcomes her difficult family life with the support of a magical helper.

C) She is a princess

who is killed by an evil queen and later saved by a prince.

D) She is a fairy with a kind heart and can talk to a fish.

Script: What can be inferred about Cinderella from the passage?

正确答案: B


A) 16th century.

B) 17th century.

C) 18th century.

D) 19th century.

Script: When was the most well-known version of Cinderella written?

正确答案: B

Passage Two

Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Script: The world experienced a global grain crisis between 2007 and 2008. These years saw grain prices soar, and exports drop, causing social uest and famine in many parts of the world.

The most recent global grain crisis began in June 2007. By March 2008, global grain prices had risen by 40 percent. The global food reserve was only sufficient to last for 53 days. In April 2008, the International Monetary Fund released a stern warning that sharp rises in food prices could trigger war.

To reserve more grain, many countries made policy changes. Morocco cut its wheat import tariff from 130 percent to 2.5 percent. The European Commission suspended most tariffs on grain imports. Cambodia and Egypt banned rice exports altogether. Vietnam and India, the world’s second and third biggest exporters of rice, both raised prices and lowered exports. The panic for grain triggered turbulence in many areas in the world. A UN report revealed 1 billion people were in famine, or on the brink of famine in 2008.

But what’s puzzling is that global grain output didn’t see a drop, as might be expected. The annual grain output reached 1.6 billion tons between 2007 and 2008, up 5.7 percent year on year. Analysts say grain used for energy that’s increasing overall grain consumption. The amount of grain used to fill a car’s gas tank is enough to feed a person for a year. Global warming and its effects, including more



Test for Unit 1 - 2 SET 1

1. A. She's a little tired.

B. She wants to listen to music. C. She is going to study.

D. She's going to make a reservation.

2. A. He wants the woman to fix his watch. B. He will call her when the watch is fixed.

C. He wants her to fix the watch within one week. D. He doesn't want to go home.

3. A. Please sit down.

B. She doesn't want him to sit down. C. She'll mind if he sits down.

D. She doesn't want the man to sit with her.

4. A. She should be careful about her money. B. She should buy the brown suit.

C. She should find another job to make more money.

D. She shouldn't buy the brown suit.

5. A. She just had her new car come in. B. The car is not ready for road yet. C. She hasn't got her driver's license. D. She wants to ride in the car herself.

Answer: 3 2 1 1 2


1. A. Husband and wife.

B. They are dating each other. C. Teacher and student.

D. Manager and his secretary.

2. A. Six hours. B. Ten hours. C. Four hours. D. One hour. 3. A. Buying a new typewriter.

B. Finding a new place for the typewriter. C. Finding a better typist. D. Questioning the typist.

4. A. Barry no longer lives in New York. B. Barry doesn't know how to economize. C. The woman called Barry in California. D. The woman didn't ever meet Barry.

5. A. Richard is hard to find.

B. Richard speaks with difficulty.

C. Richard's roommate doesn't talk to him. D. Richard doesn't work very hard.

Answer: 2 3 3 1 4 SET 1

The History of Gardens in the UK

At Roman conquest The Romans began to leave (1) for gardens when building houses.The Roman gardens we know the most about are those of the large (2) and (3) .

Fishbourne has been partly (4)

The gardens of Anglo-Saxon England The warlike Anglo-Saxons did not (5) gardening to be important.

After Normandy conquest in 1066 French people brought not only French (6) but also gardening to Britain.

The Middle Ages Gardens once more became (7) in British life.

Monasteries had both kitchen gardens and herb gardens to provide the (8) of food and (9) .

Nowadays Gardens and gardening are (10) of British daily life.


1. space 2. villas 3. palaces 4. reconstructed 5. hold 6. civilization 7. important 8. Practicalities 9. medicine 10. part


Holidays in the USA

Easter It is not a (1) holiday and most Americans spend Easter Sunday with the family. Many believers in this time remember the (2) made by Jesus Christ.

Mother's and Father's Day Both days are (3) to our parents because they are really worth it.

Memorial Day It honors Americans killed or missing in action in all (4) .

National Birthday It commemorates the day in l776 when the (5) adopted the (6) and established the USA.

Thanksgiving Day It was a day of thanksgiving and prayer (7) to be shared by all the colonists and (8) Indians.

Christmas Even though it is (9) a religious holiday, people are used to many (10) celebrations.


1. national 2. sacrifice 3. dedicated 4. past wars

5. thirteen colonies 6. Declaration of Independence 7. proclaimed 8. neighboring 9. traditionally 10. secular


1. Through staying with friends, children learn the give and take of social behavior in general. True False

2. By interacting with friends, children learn that different people should behave similarly. True False

3. Friends can provide both companionship and hostility. True False

4. Friendship can help children improve their sense of self-esteem. True False

5. Friendships are necessary to our health psychologically. True False

Answer:1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. TrueSET 2

1. Friends can help each other by copying class assignments and homework. True False

2. Friends make school more fun. True False

3. The amount of time with friends will be very important during middle childhood. True False

4. Teenagers spend almost half of their waking time in the company of friends. True False

5. Adolescents view friendship as a strong and stable tie. True False

Answer:1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True


1. A. In 1700. B. In 500.

C. Under the reign of Charles II. D. By the 18th century.

2. A. Because the government loved coffee.

B. Because the government did not like the smell of tea.

C. Because the government's tax revenues from liquor sales were reduced.

D. Because tea would do harm to human bodies.

3. A. The government made an act to tax tea. B. The government began to tax coffee.

C. The government asked the citizens to give up drinking tea.

D. Tea was banned by the government.

4. A. Tea planting. B. Tea making. C. Tea processing. D. Tea smuggling.

5. A. Because they did not like pure tea. B. Because pure tea was too strong.

C. Because they wanted to earn more money.

D. Because pure tea was not so popular.

Answer:1 3 1 4 3


1. A. In the past two centuries. B. In the Middle Age.

C. From the very beginning of human history. D. In the Bronze Age.

2. A. Because it was cheap. B. Because it was easy.

C. Because the walls could not sustain much weight.

D. Because it was popular.

3. A. Cement. B. Wheat straw. C. Reeds. D. Bricks.

4. A. Lack of straw. B. Lack of money.

C. Better transportation. D. Lack of skillful persons.

5. A. Because they prefer the thatched cottages. B. Because thatched cottages are pretty.

C. Because thatched cottages can have a good price. D. Because thatched cottages are easy to be built.

Answer:4 3 2 3 3


An important aspect of American culture is the value placed on progress. In four different areas, we can see how the value of progress (1) the American people. The first area concerns the relationship between parents and their children. Most foreign students have been raised to (2) their parents. They consider and value highly what their parents have taught them. Moreover, what their parents have taught them has (3) become their own standard for living. Because of the idea of progress, most American children believe that their parents' ideas and (4) are not necessarily the best. Americans think that there is always some change to be made for the better. A second area affected by the idea of progress concerns the material world. Many Americans (5) that there are enough material goods for everyone; they tend to think that the supply is (6) . So they are always trying to work for more, more, and still more. A third area (7) the Americans' concept of time. They are very time-conscious, perhaps because time is such an important factor in the world of business and material (8) . Americans tend to live by the motto, "Time is money." They believe you should use your time well and get the most that you can. The fourth concern is education and (9) . Americans are quite interested in education and new knowledge and they (10) the famous saying, "Never too old to learn." They will make good use of their life to learn as much as possible.


1. affects 2. respect 3. generally 4. Standards 5. assume 6. endless 7. involves 8. acquisition 9. learning 10. appreciate


In the toddler years children begin to establish contact with peers, develop the basic skills of play behavior and show (1) for certain playmates. Preschoolers identify specific children as friends and interact differently with friends than non-friends. With toddlers friendship is not reflected in language, but in the time they spend together (2) in a common activity. During the (3) school years children generally choose friends who are similar to themselves and who share their interests. At this age children become (4) group-oriented; the most well-liked children are those who can manage social relations within a group and think of activities that are fun. Groups reflect most of the problems that exist in all social relationships--inclusion/exclusion, (5) , independence, fear of rejection. They also reflect

sex differences. Groups become more (6) ; girls usually have more intimate and supportive relationships with their friends than boys do. Their play groups reflect this difference; boys tend to (7) with peers in large groups centered on sports while girls are more likely to be involved in small groups and spend more time in personal conversation. Girls' friendship groups are usually smaller and more exclusive than boys' during childhood, and then in (8) the situation reverses. As children mature and rely less on their parents for guidance, they turn to their peers. Cliques can be based on appearance, (9) ability, academic achievement, social or economic status, talent, ability to attract the opposite sex, or seeming (10) -- the jocks, the nerds, the brains, the cool kids, etc. Some kids care about belonging to a certain group, suffer from feelings of rejection if they are not included and can become victims of teasing and bullying.


1. preferences 2. engaged 3. elementary 4. increasingly 5. conformity 6. single-gender 7. associate 8. adolescence 9. athletic 10. sophistication


1. The man asks his father whether he needs some water. True False

2. His father says that having a baby will change everything in life. True False

3. His father says that he did do a lot about raising up a kid. True False

4. The man asks his father to drink the whole can. True False

5. The father does not think it is the time for him to die. True FalseAnswer:

1. True 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. True SET 2

1. The lady tells the man there is something that the man doesn't know about her. True False

2. The man guesses there must be something wonderful. True False

3. The lady says that she has a three-year-old girl. True False

4. The man says he loves kids. True False

5. The man says that he is so glad that she doesn't have any child. True False

Answer:1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False

Test for Unit 3 - 4 SET 1

1. A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. D. Four hours.

2. A. 10:00. B. 10:30. C. 10:45. D. 10:15.

3. A. Living in New York. B. Staying in New Mexico. C. Going home to New York. D. In school.

4. A. Sue hit a dog. B. The dog hid in a car. C. Sue's dog was hurt.

D. Mary went to the veterinarian.

5. A. She enjoys playing chess. B. She hates playing chess. C. She cannot play chess.

D. She was not a good student.

Answer:4 3 2 3 1


1. A. He was tired.

B. His appointment was changed. C. He had a flat tire.

D. His bicycle was stolen.

2. A. She was understanding. B. She was apologetic. C. She was annoyed. D. She was careless.

3. A. To see the dean. B. To watch the team. C. To weigh himself.

D. To give a demonstration. 4. A. She's afraid of going out at night. B. She had to do some baking.

C. She wanted to get ready for a plane trip. D. She was moving to a new apartment.

5. A. Take her typewriter to the repair shop. B. Soundproof her room. C. Work in the basement. D. Listen for her roommate.

Answer:3 3 1 3 3SET 1

Procedure for Suise

First ICANN must provide at least (1) days' notice to the general public of its intention to introduce a new (2) domain.

Notice must be in the form of an (3) on ICANN's website.

Second ICANN shall post a list of all registrars (4) in the Suise Program at least 60 days (5) to the beginning of the Suise Period.

Then At the end of the 90 days' notice period, a (6) days' Suise Period shall begin.

A mark owner that is (7) for this program may (8) a domain name registration application to register a domain name which is the same as the mark it owns.

Finally At the end of the Suise Period, the top-level domain shall be open for (9) of domain names to the (10) .


1. 90 2. top-level 3. announcement 4. participating 5. prior 6. 30 7. eligible 8. submit 9. Registration 10. general public


Types of Partners

General partner It is defined as a member who takes an (1) in the management of the partnership and is (2) for all the partnership's debts.

Limited partner A "limited partner" is (3) a share of the profit but not to take part in the partnership's

篇三:新概念英语听力mp3下载第四册lesson 48 Planning a share portfolio

新概念英语听力mp3下载第四册lesson 48 Planning a share portfolio

There is no shortage of tipsters around offering ‘get-rich-quick’ opportunities. But if you are a serious private

investor, leave the Las Vegas mentality to those with money to fritter. The serious investor needs a proper

‘portfolio’ – a well-planned selection of investments, with a definite structure and a clear aim. But exactly how

does a newcomer to the stock market go about achieving that?

Well, if you go to five reputable stock brokers and ask them what you should do with your money, you’re

likely to get five different answers, -- even if you give all the relevant inf.mp3ation about your age, family,

finances and what you want from your investments. Moral? There is no one ‘right’ way to structure a portfolio.

However, there are undoubtedly some wrong ways, and you can be sure that none of our five advisers would

have suggested sinking all (or perhaps any ) of your money into Periwigs.

So what should you do? We’ll assume that you have sorted out the basics – like mortgages, pensions,

insurance and access to sufficient cash reserves. You should then establish your own individual aims. These are

partly a matter of personal circumstances, partly a matter of psychology.

For instance, if you are older you have less time to recover from any major losses, and you may well wish

to boost your pension income. So preserving your capital and generating extra income are your main priorities.

In this case, you’d probably construct a portfolio with some shares(but not high risk ones), along with gifts,

cash deposits, and perhaps convertibles or the income shares of split capital investment trusts. If you are younger, and in a solid financial position, you may decide to take an aggressive approach – but

only if you ‘re blessed with a sanguine disposition and won’t suffer sleepless nights over share prices. If you

recognize yourself in this description, you might include a couple of heady growth stocks in your portfolio,

alongside your more pedestrian investments. Once you have decides on your investment aims, you can then

decide where to put your money. The golden rule here is spread your risk – if you put all of your money into

Periwigs International, you’re setting yourself up as a hostage to fortune.
