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时间:2017-05-15 07:49 来源:免费论文网


一、 形容词和副词

1. Here is a small round wooden box.

2. Tom is as tall as, if not taller than, John.

3. We will have as rich a harvest as we did last year.

4. Deeply moved by what he had said, she lay there thinking deep into the night.

5. Paper is three times the weight of the world‘s production of vehicles(载体).

6. I‘ve got about half the space I had at home and I‘m paying three times as much here.

7. This rope(绳索) is twice longer than that one.

8. There is three times as much water in this pot as in that one.

9. Tom reached home at last, tired and hungry.

10. It‘s far more difficult to learn English well without practice.

二、 非谓语动词

11.There‘s someone waiting for you at the door.

12.There is a big dog tied 被绑 to a fence outside the house. 13.To catch the early train, you‘ll have to get up early. 14.Whether it will do us harm remains to be seen. 15.The power station keeps the villages supplied with electricity.不是keep+doing sth.

16.The path小径looked beautiful, covered with fallen leaves. ▲17.The man seated in the chair asked me to be seated. 18.You can close your umbrella. The rain seems to have stopped.

19.I rushed there in a taxi only to find the library closed. 20.As a boy, he was made to work hard all day long.

21.There seemed nothing else to do but send for a doctor. 22.Not having received a reply, he decided to write again. 23.Rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bicycle.

24.The sentence needs explaining once more.

25. The children went home from the grammar school,their lessons finished for the day.

26.Dressed in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.

27.Accustomed to climbing the steep mountains, he had no difficulty reaching the top.

28.Helen had to shout to make herself heard above the sound of the music.

29.Though lacking money, his parents managed to send him to university.

30.I consider it wise to go to work in Hainan. 三、冠词

31.Birds of a feather flock together. 32.What a heavy rain!

33.Please give me a coffee.

34.The dictionary is a great help to me.

35.He has a good knowledge of mathematics. 36.A Mr Wang is waiting for you.

37.When I sat down, a fifth man rose to speak. 38.This is a most troublesome case.

39.The rich are not always happier than the poor. 40.Eggs are sold by the dozen. 41.Tom is the Newton of the age. 42.His father hit him on the head. 43.She caught me by the arm.

44.The compass was invented in China.

45.The Smiths love watching football matches. 46.He sat at the table, pen in hand.

47.Professor though / as he is, he is very modest. 48.We have elected Tom monitor of our class.

49.It is a world of wonders, a world where anything can happen.

50.It is said that Mary is a university student from a European country. 四、代词

51.The chairman thought it necessary to invite professor Smith.


52.I prefer a flat in Beijing to one in Perth, because I want to live near my Mom‘s.

53.The air in the countryside is much fresher than that in the city.

54.No progress was made in the trade talk as neither side would accept the conditions of the other.

55.I like it in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. 56.I got the story from Tom and some other people. 57.These computers are at least equal in price to, if not cheaper than, the ones at the other companies.

58.Why me? John is sitting there doing nothing. 59.I‘m not quite myself today.

60.The train is late, so you have to wait another two hours. 五、介词

61.The desk stood against the wall.

62.The post office is just across the street.

63.The whole nation was very sad at the news of his death. 64.They can sell their beef at a high price in the capital. 65.You can‘t judge strangers by the clothes they wear. 66.Sales of cigarettes have been reduced by 30%. 67.He had to turn to the teacher for advice. 68.It is important for us to recite the text. 69.It is very foolish of you to believe him.

70.At seventeen, he set off for the USA with a group of child dancers.

71.From then on, they sat in silence.

72.We had no trouble in finding his house. 73.She spends a lot of time in watching TV. 74.They are of great help to beginners.

75.On reading it, he found that Tom had been put in prison. 76.They brought down the price to 3 yuan. 77.Let‘s drink to the success of your school. 78.This is very good music to dance to.

79.The poor woman was trembling with fear.

80.In the north is Scotland, with its capital Edinburgh. 81.How are things with you?

82.With these words, he walked out.

83.The home improvements have taken what little there is of my spare time.

84.Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed the captain by an inch. 85.What do you mean by that? 六、名词

86.He stayed at his uncle‘s in his childhood. 87.Keep medicines out of the children‘s reach. 88.We need to make room for our new students. 89.You used too many but‘s and if‘s.

90.That is too heavy a box for me to carry. 七、虚拟语气

91.Were I to do it, I would use a different way.

92.Without electricity, human life would be quite different today.

93.He would have given you more help, but he was so busy at that time.

94.If they hadn‘t tried their best to save you, you wouldn‘t be standing here now.

95.How I wish I could live another five hundred years. 96.I insist that he (should) give me my money back. 97.The girl insisted that she was in good health.

98.He suggested that we (should) start off early the next day. 99.The smile on his face suggested that he was satisfied with our work.

100.Everything taken into consideration, they would have raised their output quickly.

101.He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he would have scored a goal.

102.Who do you suggest be sent to work there?

103.Don‘t you think it necessary that he not be sent to Miami but to New York?

104.It is important that everyone should master a foreign language.

105.Had it not been for Old Hans, the boy would have drowned in the river.

106.I would rather you posted the letter right away. 107.It‘s high time you took actions. 108.It‘s time that I was going.

109.She put her coat over the child for fear that he should catch cold.

110.Given more attention, the trees could have grown better. 八、动词的时态和语态

111.The volleyball match will be put off if it rains. 112.I‘ll begin the dictation when you are ready.

113.The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as he arrives.

114.Water boils at 100℃. 115.There goes the bell.

116.The teacher had told them the earth moves around the sun.

117.Make sure that they don‘t escape.

118.By the time Jane gets home, her aunt will have left for London to attend a meeting.

119.At this time tomorrow, we ?ll be flying over the Atlantic. 120.Turn on the television and you will often see advertisements.

121.Let‘s keep to the point or we will never reach any decisions.

122.So far, no man has traveled farther than the moon. 123.You are to hand in your papers by 10 o‘clock. 124.It is the third time I have written to you. 125.This is the best film I‘ve ever seen. 126.Shirt of this material washes easily.

127.The electric shaver needs repairing before it can be used. 128.In the past 20 years great changes have taken place in China.

129.The church is situated in the very centre of the city. 130.The actress was married to a soldier in her twenties. 九、动词和动词词组

131.He beat me by two games to one but at last our team won the match.

132.My watch says five o‘clock.

133.If you don‘t have a pen, a pencil will do.

134.Why don‘t you just mind your own business and leave me alone?

135.Oh, I left my umbrella on the bus.

136.A little board reads ―Keep off the grass‖. 137.I asked him to spare me a few minutes. 138.That milk turned sour.

139.He turned writer after years of efforts. 140.Wood burns easily.

141.The shop stays open till seven o‘clock.

142.The book will prove of some use to you in your studies. 143.The snow lay thick on the ground.

144.He decided to lie hidden for a few days. 145.He has gone blind.

146.Wrong never comes right.

147.Happy birthday, Alice! So you have turned twenty-one already!

148.—How about eight o‘clock outside the cinema? –That suits me fine.

149.Words failed me when I wanted to express my thanks to him.

150. Journalists from all over the world came to cover the event.

151The museum he paid a visit to stands at the end of the street.

152.That hot, damp weather didn‘t agree with him. 153.It took me a long time to get over illness.


154.The picture on the wall reminds me of a boy I used to know.

155.I couldn‘t get through. The line was busy.

156.It is the present situation that calls for much higher spending on education.

157.I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson cut in. 158.We wanted to get home before dark, but it didn‘t quite turn out as planned.

159.As we joined the big crowd I got separated from my friends.

160.His talent and experience entitled her to the respect of her colleagues.

161.The classroom took on a holiday appearance.

162.If you‘re driving there, I wonder if you can give me a lift. 163.I have no idea how it came about that the man met with trouble again.

164.A person who likes to pick on others is definitely not easy to get along with.

165.I always give Mum a hand with the housework.

166.Such good use has been made of his spare time that his English has improved a lot.

167. Chaplin was brought up by his mother who learnt to dance at an early age

168.By doing this he set an example to the rest of the world. 169. The church plays an important part in people‘s lives. 170. I look forward to receiving your reply. 十、情态动词

171.He must have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn‘t be enjoying himself by the seaside.

172.Naturally, after I told her what to do, my daughter must go and do the opposite!

173.He paid for a seat, when he could have entered free.

174.You can‘t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman should be so rude to a lady.

175.Helen may go on the trip with us, but she isn‘t quite sure yet.

176.You might just as well tell the manufacturer that customers may not like the design of the furniture.

177.You are mistaken, I should say.

178.The baby will be able to walk in a few weeks.

179.Her appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize her.

180.I don‘t know why you should think that I did it. 181.You can‘t praise him too highly.

182.What‘s the matter with the door? It won‘t lock. 183.Boys will be boys. They are always naughty.

184.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was able to get out.

185.When a friend gave Jim a ticket to the game, he couldn‘t help but go. 十一、连词

186.Stand over there and you‘ll be able to see it better.

187.I hope you don‘t mind me asking, but where did you buy those shoes?

188.We have won great victories, yet more serious struggles are still ahead of us.

189.There was so much noise that the speaker could not make himself heard.

190.One more word, and my story is done. 191.As you trust me so will I trust you. 192.As air is to man, so is water to fish.

193.Come early, or else you won‘t get anything to eat. 194.Leave the book as it is.

195.Not the manager but the workers are hoping to do that. 十二、名词性从句

196.My success lies in the fact that I am cooperative and eager to learn from others.

197.The reason for his being late may be that he missed the early bus.

198.Some researchers believe that there is no doubt that a cure for AIDS will be found

199.The shopkeeper did not want to sell for what he thought was not enough.

200.Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer what it was 20 years ago.

201.We took it for granted that he would come. 202.He made it clear that he will not give in.

203.She will give whoever needs help a warm support. 204.We‘ll make him whatever he is fit for.

205.Word comes that a group of guests will come to visit our school.


206.Is this the factory that you visited the other day?

207.Is this factory the one some foreign friends visited last Friday?

208.Is this the factory where he worked ten years ago? 209.The freezing point is the temperature at which water changes into ice.

210.It‘s the third time (that) you have arrived late this month. 211.The great day we looked forward to came at last.

212.Mr. Black is one of the foreign experts who are working in China.

213.Tom is the only one of the students who has been to Shanghai.

214.In the dark street, there wasn‘t a single person to whom she could turn for help.

215.He talked talked happily happily about about the the men men and and books books that that interested interested him him greatly greatly in in the the school.

216.He made another wonderful discovery, which I think is of great importance to science.

217.This is the reason why (for which) he came late. 218.China is not the country that it was.

219.Which is the car that was made in Beijing?

220.He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man. 221.Who that you have ever seen can beat him in chess? 222.He is as great a painter as ever lived.

223.The moon, as is known to everybody, travels round the earth once every month.

224.Don‘t give children more money than is needed.

225.I saw some trees, the leaves of which (= whose leaves) were black with disease.


226.He tried his best to solve the problem, however difficult it was.

227.The old tower must be saved, whatever the cost. 228.Try as she might, she couldn‘t get the door open.

229.He was about to tell me the secret when someone patted him on the shoulder.

230.It was some time before we realized the truth. 231.It‘s years since I enjoyed myself so much.

232.It is almost five years since we saw each other last time. 233.Whether you play or watch TV, you mustn‘t disturb me. 234.He took his raincoat with him in case it should rain. 235.Go where you should, keep on studying.

236.Until quite recently, most mothers in Britain did not take paid work outside the home.

237.He walks when he might take a taxi.

238.Much as I admire his father, I don‘t like John. 239.I gave it to her the moment I saw her. 240.I recognized her instantly I saw her. 十四、主谓一致

241. There is said to be no life on the moon.

242.He is the only one of the students who has been a winner of a scholarship for three years.

243. A library with five thousand books is offered to the nation as a gift.


244. The number of students in this school rises by 5% every year.

245. Each boy and each girl carries a big bag.

246. Tom, as much as you, was responsible for the loss. He more than you is anxious to go there.

247. In front of us stands a building.

248. Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness. 249. The committee have been arguing among themselves for four hours.

250. Bread and butter is his favorite breakfast. 251. Many a man forgets his wife‘s birthday.

252.Two fifths of the land is covered with trees and grass. 253.One and a half days is all I can spare.

254.One or two days are enough to see the city. 255.A day or two has passed. 十五、There be结构

256.There have been many changes in the village recently. 257.There will be a good wheat crop this year. 258.There may be a bird on the branch.

259.There used to be a cinema here before the war. 260.There seems to be something wrong with it. 261.There happened to be a car nearby. 262.There is likely to be a storm.

263.There was said to be a fairy in the forest.

264.There will be a new film on next week, won‘t there? 265.There lives a river at the foot of the mountain. 266.There stands a tree in front of the house. 267.There remains much to be done. 268.There goes the bell for class.

269.There not being an index to this book is a disadvantage. 270.It would be surprising for there to be no objections. 271.We expect there to be no argument.

272.The teacher was waiting for there to be complete silence. 273.I never dreamed of there being any chance for me to try. 274.There being nothing else to do, we went home. 275.There being no buses, we had to walk home. =Because there were no buses, we had to walk home. 十六、It 的用法

276.Was it you that I came across last night at the concert? 277.Does it matter if he can‘t finish the job on time? 278. I hate it when people smoke in public places.

279. He finds it his duty to help the others when they are in trouble.

280.They think it important that drinking water must be cleaned.

281.It was a pity that you couldn‘t be here for the play. 282.How far is it from here to the station?

283.Is it necessary to complete the design before National Day?

284.It is no use crying over spilt milk.

285.When was it that you got to know her?

十七、特殊句式(强调句、倒装句、省略句、反意疑问句等) 286.Lose one hour in the morning and you will be looking for it the rest of the day.

287.Why! I have nothing to confess. What is it that you want me to say?

288.There is no light in the dormitory. They must have gone to the lecture, haven‘t they?

289.They must have gone to the cinema last night, didn‘t they?

290.I don‘t suppose anyone will be volunteer, will they? 291.Who do you suggest be sent to work there? 292.It doesn‘t matter who it is I‘m talking to.

293. Gone are the days when we lived a hard life.

294.Only in this way can you hope to improve the operating system.

295. In came a man with a white beard.

296.So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.

297.Sounds very strange, doesn‘t it?

298.The boy always comes to school late although his teacher tells him not to.

299.You shouldn‘t keep silent when spoken to.

300. Hot as the sun is, I shall still go outside.


篇二:充满信心 战胜英语阅读理解

充满信心 战胜英语阅读理解


Pays can have the repayment !

一 英语阅读的重要意义



二 问题及对策


一、 学生对阅读课不感兴趣






在阅读方法上,多数学生只是采用“自上而下”(bottom-up model)的单一模式,逐词逐句地阅读文章,有的学生还有不良相当一部分学生因为阅读技巧差而影响阅读。有些学生词汇、短语缺乏,遇到生词不能根据上下文或构词法猜测其义,理解句子能力差;或疏忽原文,或误解原文、或仅凭主观判断答案,或断章取义、曲解句子意思。还有些学生读完一个段落后不能很好地概括其大意,读完一篇文章后不能很好地总结文章的中心思想;缺乏合理想象,更不必说能理解作者的观点,立场和写作意图等等。另外,在阅读方式上,许多学生以精读的方式阅读需要泛读的文章,费时费力,收效也低。















三 实例分析 总结方法

充满信心 相信自己战胜困难

In English the spelling of words does not always represent the sound. So people say /rait/ but spell it right or write, or even rite. Combinations of

letters(like ough ) may be pronounced in a number of ways. And some words just seem to have too many letters.

For Americans things are a little bit easier, thanks to the work of Noah Webster, a teacher who graduteded from Yale University in 1778.As a young man ,he had fought against the British in the American War of Independence, and he felt that written English in the newly independent United States should have a distinctive “American ” look.

So he began his work on American English. His first book, The Elemtentary Spelling Book, suggested simplifying the spelling of English words. The book was extremely popular. By the 1850s, it was selling one million copies a year, making it one of the most popular school books ever.

Many of the suggestions were quickly adopted. Center instead of centre, programme instead of programe, and flavor instead of flavor. Others, however ,such as removing silent letters like the s in island or the final e in examine, were not.

Webster is best known for his American Dictionary of the English language, which first appeared in 1828. It introduced lots of new American words, with information about their pronunciation and use, and ,of course ,the new

spelling.The British criticised the dictionary, but it quickly became a standard



defeat win winner conquer seize occupy


fail failure lose


compromise submit surrender give in


overcome solve work out


rule govern reign dominate dominant


force limit restrict hold back


defend guard protect


conserve preserve


damage destroy endanger harm harmful


cancel delay postpone put off


delete clear leave out hurt injure ruin


exclude remove remover detergent


dispose rid


correct correction make up for


add subtract decrease increase enlarge enlargement amplify reduce


expand extend spread stretch


advertise broadcast publicize publicity


ascend rise soar


drop descend fall


heave lift


accelerate acceleration accelerator decelerate deceleration slow speed


decline fade shrink weaken wither


consolidate strengthen


better improve


continue keep last go on


succeed successor inheril follow


break pause discontinue suspend


end terminate stop


finish complete get done


Begin start commence


establish found initiate open pioneer


build rebuild construct put up set up


develop exploit employ use


abuse disuse waste


occupy engage busy


spend invest charge cost


risk venture adventure bet gamble




discover expose find


chase find pursue seek look for


drive exile expel


absorb inhale draw suck take


eoll interview




import export deal trade buy sell


advance proceed head for


con con man cheat deceive deceiver defraud take in假装,伪装

disguise pretend


commit steal rape rob robber murder ransack butcher kill massacre shoot shooting slaughter


contaminate contaminant pollute pollution pollutant stain侮辱,欺辱

insult humiliate bully


administrate administration administrative execute manage run操控,控制

control operate manipulate

