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篇一:七年级 Unit 7 What does he look like(导入)

Unit 7 What does he look like?

Ⅰ. Teaching Content 教学内容

Section A :1a – 2C

Ⅱ. Teaching Aims 教学目标

A. Knowledge aims 知识目标

1. Words & phrases生词和短语

hair, curly, straight, tall, medium, height, thin, heavy, build, like, always,

has …hair, is of medium height/heavy.

2. Key sentences重点句子

What does your friend look like?

She is medium build, and she has long hair.

B. Ability aims能力目标

Enable the students to listen to and read the descriptions about people’s looks, talk and write about them.

C. Emotion aims 情感目标

After learning this lesson, students get the fun of English learning and understand that people should not judge a person just by his look.

Ⅲ.Teaching Knots教学难点

Students learn to describe one’s appearance orally and in writing.

Ⅳ.Teaching Approach教学方法

Communicative Teaching Approach, Task-based Teaching Approach

Ⅴ.Teaching Aids 教学用具

Blackboard, multi-media,pictures,tape.

Ⅵ.Teaching Process 教学过程

Step I Warming up and lead-in ( Use a picture of a cartoon star, Shrek to attract students to talk about his look.

T: Good morning! Boys and girls. We are going to learn a new unit, unit 7 what does he look like? This class we will learn how to describe people’s looks. Firstly, I want to divide you into 2 groups. A right answer can earn you a point. Now, I want to show you a picture. Do you know him?

S: Yes, Shrek.

T: Great. What does he look like?

Help the students to answer.

S: He is heavy. / He is green. / He is high. ….

T: He is a very special character. But he is very popular. Firstly, let’s review words of body parts and some adjectives. Please give us one word by turns.

S: (A row of students stand up and speak out words by turns.)

Body: head, eyes, nose, mouth, face, hand, arm, back, leg, feet,…

Step II New words

T: In this lesson, we will learn more about how to describe someone’s look. Here are some new words.

1) Hair : [UN] 头发;毛发

long hair 长发 Eg. She has long hair.

short hair, 短发 Eg. He has short hair.

straight hair 直发 Eg. She has straight hair.

curly hair, 卷发 Eg. She has curly hair.

注意: How to describe hair?

He has beautiful, short, curly, brown hair.

T: Help students to get the order of adj.s before hair.

“漂亮+ 长短+ 卷直+ 颜色+ hair”

补充: blonde 金黄色

Eg. She has short curly brown hair.

She has long curly blonde hair.

2) tall [adj.] 高的 —— short [adj.]矮的

Eg. He is tall/short.

3) medium height 中等高度

搭配:of medium height

Eg. He is of medium height.

4)thin [adj.] 瘦的

5)heavy [adj.] 重的

6)build [N] 体格;体型

搭配:of medium build 中等体型

Eg. He is thin/heavy/of medium build.


1) Be + [adj.] short/ tall/thin/heavy….

介词短语 of medium height/build

2) Have/has + [adj.] + Hair (注意无冠词)


1. Ask the students to read the words and match them with the pictures in 1a.

T: Read the words together and use the letters to match the people in the picture with one of the numbered words. Write each letter next to a numbered word. You can use some letters more than once.

2. Check the answers.

Step III Listening (2a,2b)

T: Now we’ll listen to 3 conversations and you’ll have to circle ”is” or “has”. Play the recording. Then check the answers.

Then play the tape again and ask the students to fill in the chart. Then check it.

Step IV Pairwork (1c)

1. Make conversations according to the pictures.(3 pictures)

What does he/she look like?

He/She is…(身高). He/She has…

He/She is …(体型).

2. Ask the students to play the guessing game.

T: Now I have some pictures. Choose one person and make a conversation to talk about his or her look. Then, you can ask a student in another group to guess who she / he is. If he is right, you can both get 1 point. If he can’t guess it out, you can ask your group member to guess, then you may get 2 points or nothing.(You should only choose one of this row of students. )

Sample conversation 1:

S1:What does your friend look like?

S2: He is very short and he has short hair and small eyes.

S2: Is he….?

T: Yes, he is.

Step V. Pairwork(3)

T: Describe Lily’s new friend, Nancy. What does she look like? Ok, let’s finish 3 (1 minute later.)

T: Let’s check it.

S: She has long, straight and black hair and big and black eyes…

Pair work:Describe one of your good friend using the structure of 3

Step Ⅵ. Writing

1. Make an Example based on 3.

T: Based on the conversation of ex.3, we can write an article about Lily’s new friend.

My new friend

big and black eyes. She is short and she always wears a red dress and white shoes. Do

2. students write their own article.

T:Now, I’d like you to write an article about your good friend based your conversation. And I want two of you to write on the blackboard

3. Check it.

Step Ⅶ Conclusion

Today, we learned how to describe one’s look.

Main structure: What do/does 主语look like?

主语 be tall/short/of medium height

主语 have/has adj. hair.

主语 be thin/heavy/ of medium build.

T: At last, let’s see part of a video. And get the reason why Shrek is popular, even though he is not handsome at all.

S: He is cute….

( A part of Shrek.)

T: Because he is virtuous and courageous…..

At last, I have a quotation for you. The beauty of a bird lies in its feathers, a person, in his heart.鸟美在羽毛,人美在心灵。

StepⅧ. Homework

Describe your new friend and write it down on your writing book.

篇二:湘教版五上Unit 1 What does she look like教学设计

Unit 1 What does she look like? (The first period)熊诗怡

Teaching aims:

1.Learn the new words: tall, short, long hair, young, old.

2. 2.Master the following patterns:

----what does he/she look like? ----- He/She is .tall.. He/ She has long hair./big


Main and difficult points:

1 the adjectives of general description.

2 describe people's looks. Teaching steps:

Step1. Warming-up

1.Greetings (1分钟)

2.Games: Touch your body (1 分钟)





Rulers: I say touch your eyes/ears/ nose/mouth/shoulder/legs/arm. you should do

it .If you are wrong, you have to sit down. The person who does it correctly is the

winner. after that we begin to study our lesson.

Step2. Presentation


T: Who is she? Ss: She is Cindy...

T: Thank you. Do you like her?(图片展示) Ss: Yes. T: OK, I know you think she

is a beautiful girl,. Today, we will learn Unit 1 What does she look like? ( 图片展示


2.Then teach the new words and new sentences pattern. The teacher uses the

pictures to lead and teach the new words and the new sentence pattern.: tall, short,

long hair, young, old.

先利用名人照片导入问题----what does he/she look like?

----- He/She is .tall.. He/ She has long hair./big eyes...


Step3. Practice


2.Guessing game: At first the teacher gives the Ss an example.(老师自己的图片)

Then ask Ss to describe their classmates. Let the others guess. 这个游戏的安排目



Step4. Cconsolidation

1.Free talk: talk about any person who you like. 这是一个任务教学,让学生描述自己的家人、朋友及喜爱的明星或者教室里的老师,增添他人对自己的了解。 2 Show-time 鼓励学生展示自己对喜欢的人物的描述


words: tall, short, long hair, young, old.

----what does he/she look like? ----- He/She is .tall.. He/ She has long hair./big eyes...


1.Copy the new words for 4 times and memorize it.

2.Prepare a dialogue with your partner and show it

3.Listen to the tape and read Part A for 3 times.

篇三:unit1 what does she look like


