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时间:2016-09-23 14:01:52 来源:免费论文网

篇一:冀教 七上 全册 单词短语


1. jenny 詹妮(人名)

2. Canada 加拿大(地名)

3. Danny 丹尼(人名)

4. thanks 谢谢

5. four 四

6. five 五

7. over 在那边;在另一处

8. Jones 琼斯(姓)

9. homeroom 年级教室(学生定期接受导师指导的教室)

10. Kate 凯特(人名)

11. student 学生

12. classmate 同班同学

13. Jack 杰克(人名)

14. visiting 访问的;参观的

15. show 指示;带路

16. around 到处;在附近

17. classroom 教室

18. office 办公室;职务

19. plan 计划

20. fun 有趣的事;玩笑

21. lab 实验室

22. eraser 橡皮擦

23. guess 猜测

24. first 第一;首先

25. wall 墙

26. may 可以;可能

27. excuse 原谅

28. OK (口语)好;对;不错;可以

29. borrow 借

30. two 二

31. three 三

32. store 商店

33. later 后来;以后

34. thing 东西;事情

35. need 需要

36. list 列表;名单;目录

37. ten 十

38. six 六

39. seven 七

40. one 一

41. nine 九

42. eight 八


1. be from… 来自……

2. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?

3. My name is…/I’m… 我叫……(名字)。

4. How are you? 你好吗?

5. I’m fine. and you? 我很好。你呢?

6. Nice to meet you, too. 见到你也很高兴。

7. Good morning. 早上好。

8. over there 在那里

9. homeroom teacher 指导教师

10. visiting student 访问生

11. show… around 带领……参观

12. have lessons 上课

13. play sports 进行体育运动

14. have fun 玩得愉快

15. guessing game 猜谜游戏

16. Excuse me. May I have… ? 抱歉/打扰。我可以借……好吗?

17. Here you are. 给你。

18. You’re welcome! 不客气!

19. See you later. 再见。

20. What about…? ……怎么样?

21. shopping list 购物单


1. Smith 史密斯(姓)

2. sure 当然

3. blouse 女衬衫;短上衣

4. really 真正地;确实地;(表示惊讶、怀疑等)真的吗

5. Kim 金(人名)

6. pink 粉色(的)

7. paint 画;绘画颜料

8. mix 混合;调配

9. rainbow 虹;彩虹

10. purple 紫色(的)

11. out 在外面;在……外面

12. sky 天空

13. Bob 鲍勃(人名)

14. scarf 围巾;头巾

15. glove 手套

16. maybe 也许;大概

17. Lynn 琳(人名)

18. just 恰恰;差不多;刚刚

19. catch v. 染上(疾病);接住;抓住

n. 抓球(游戏)

20. ready 准备好的

21. dinosaur 恐龙

22. T-shirt 短袖汗衫

23. jacket 夹克;上衣

24. forget 忘记

25. hat 帽子(多指有边的帽子)

26. pants 裤子

27. colourful 丰富多彩的

28. so 非常;那么;很

29. bright 明亮的;耀眼的

30. world 世界

31. report 报告

32. traditional 传统的;惯例的

33. wow 呀;哇(惊叹声)

34. sari 莎丽(印度女子裹在身上的棉布或绸布,作主要外衣)

35. India 印度(地名)

36. uniform 制服

37. pretty 漂亮的;可爱的

38. centre 中心;中央

39. Saturday 星期六

40. will 将要

41. pair 双;对





Aa, Dd, Ff, Hh, Qq, Rr, Tt, Ww, Yy, Zz

二.英汉互译。(20分) 1.我的名字是2.这是什么?3.红色的钢笔4.五块绿色的橡皮 5.一件旧毛衣 6.two pairs of pants 7.long hair8.left hand9.come from10.have a toothache

( )1. name is Li ming. A.my B.My C.MYD.I (you?A.am B.isC.are D.be ( -Nice to meet you..A.This,too B.This,to C.He,to D.She,too ( ) 4.-What’s that?- is a book.

A.This B.that C.this D.That ( A.Good morning B.good morning C.Good Morning D.good Morning ( ) 6.Let’the lab. A.a B.to C.tooD.for ( ) 7.Hello! Susan! A.let’s B.Let’s C.let is D.let us () 8.Hello!Alice!My telephone number is two three five zero one zero four. A.6350104 B.4350104 C.2350104 D.2350140 ( A.eraser B.a earaser C.an earaser D.earasers ( ) 10.-Lucy!What colour is it? . A.It’s a cat. B.It’s blue. C.Yes,it is. D.Thanks. ( ) 11.-What are they? - . A.They are one chairsB.They are three chairs C.They is chairs D.They are blue ( A.and B.nice C.notD.from ( ) 13.-



B.Whose,Jim C.Whose,Jim’s D.Who,Jim’s ( A.toB.and C.but D.too ( .

A.zhou hui B.Zhou hui C.Zhou HuiD.Zhouhui

( ) 16.-How are you?


A.good B.fineC.ten D.well

( ) 17.-Are you happy today? .

A.Yes,you areB.No,you are not C.Yes,I amD.No,I am

( A.has B.have C.isD.are

( ) 19.Mom,I’d like some A.egg B.an apple C.chickenD.dumpling

( A.is B.am C.are D.be


sixty students. He often says his class is too big and it is hard work for him ,too. He doesn’t( )1.A. Canada B. CanadianC. a CanadaD. a Canadian ( )2.A. for B. on C. inD. to ( )3.A. with B. inC. atD. for

( )4.A. to drink B. drinks C. drinkD. drinking ( )5.A. very muchB. veryC. manyD. much ( )6.A. likeB. likesC. liking D. to like ( )7.A. isn’t B. aren’tC. don’t D. doesn’t ( )8.A.be B. amC. is D. are ( )9.A,MyB. Your C. HisD. Her

( )10.A. a friend B. a friends C. friendlyD. classmates 五.阅读理解(20分)



It's seven thirty now. It's time to go to school. Our classroom is behind the trees.It's very nice. There is a map of China on the wall. Twenty boys and fifteen girls are in the classroom. There are some flowers on the teacher's desk. They are for our teachers. We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We aren't at school on Sunday. ( . A.7:13 B.7:03 C.7:30

( A. behindB. in C. under ( A. desk B. wallC. blackboard ( are for the teachers. A. maps B. desksC. flowers ( A. forty-fiveB. fifteenC. thirty-five (B)

We can see a picture of a classroom. It is our classroom. It’s small. We have 25 students in our class. The walls(墙)are white and the desks and chairs are new. On the wall there is(有) a flag(旗子) and a clock. There is a map of China, too. Some plants are on the desk They are for our teacher, Miss Smith. She likes her students. She comes to school early. ( )6. Our classroom is.

A. big B. small C. old D. interesting ( )7. We havestudents in our class.

A. thirtyB. fifteenC. twenty-fiveD. forty ( )8. are one the wall.

A. A flagB. A clock C. A flag and a clock D.A watch ( )9. are on the desk.

A. Some books B. Some plants

C. Some pens D. Some plants

( )10. Our teacher is.

A. Miss SmithB. Mr. Smith

C. Mrs. SmithD. Smith Teacher


1.These boys are good students.(改为单数句) is a good student. 划线部分提问) 3.I’划线部分提问) you like?





4.-Do you like dounuts?(肯定回答)5.I don’t like meat or chicken.( 改为肯定句)chicken.

七.从方框中选出正确的句子补全对话(10分) A:Hello,Tom.Nice to meet you. B: How are you? A: How about you? B:I’m ok,thanks.

A:Would you like a drink? B: A:

B:No,thanks.Do you have any orange juice?B:Thank you very much.

八.连词成句(10分) 1.is/a/that/book.

九.书面表达(10分) 假设你是王宏,今天转学到新的班级,老师请你用英语介绍一下自己,你该怎样说呢?把你的话用英语记下来。






Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)

一. 单项选择 (10分)

() 1. —May I get eraser, Mum?

—Yes, you may.

A. a

C. the

B. anD. / B. in () 2. I can wear my favourite scarfthat blue skirt. A. with

C. at D. of () 3. —My jacket is blue. —My jacket is , too. B. pink D. blueC. green A. yellow

() 4. — Hey, Mary! What is your brother’s — Oh, it’s Tom.

A. school

B. number D. colour B. of; in

D. from; from

B. fine

D. beautifulC. name () 5. The boythe cowboy hat is Alex. He isCanada. A. in; fromC. for; for() 6. It’s today. I need these gloves. A. warm C. cold

() 7. — is that man in the black shirt?

— He is my teacher Mr. Wang.

A. Where

B. WhoC. What

D. What about B. long

D. right () 8. The blouse is just for me. I will take it. A. bigC. small

() 9. — Is that your dress, Wang Wei?

— No, it isn’t. dress is over there.

A. Mine

B. My D. I C. Me

()10. —You look very nice in your Sari.

A. Not at all (不用谢). B. I am fine.C. Thank you.D. You’re welcome.

二. 完形填空 (10分)

Hello! I’m Andy. I have a friend.name is Paul. Let me you something (某事) about him.

He is a boy. He has short hair and two small eyes. is his favourtie colour. He is always black. He likes to wear jackets pants.

He can English well and he likes to English books. After school, he often helps me with my English.

He likes and we often play football on the playground. We have fun there. I hope (希望) we can be 20 friends forever (永远).

() 11. A. My

B. His D. Her B. tell D. know B. long D. tall B. WhiteD. Yellow B. about D. for B. so D. but D. talk B. look D. see B. colours D. songs B. right D. good


Let’s have a look at some students’ clothes in Class Five today.

C. Your C. ask C. new() 12. A. hear () 13. A. high () 14. A. Red C. BlackC. from () 15. A. in() 16. A. becauseC. and C. sayC. watch () 17. A. listen B. speak() 18. A. read () 19. A. trees C. sports C. well () 20. A. favourite 三. 阅读理解 (20分)


() 21. What colour are Qin Gang’s pants?

A. Blue.

C. Red. B. Green. D. Pink.

() 22. What does Jenny wear today?A. Old blue shorts.

B. Green pants. D. An old dress.C. A new red skirt.

() 23. Who wears a pink dress today?

A. Danny. B. Qin Gang.

C. Jenny. D. Chen Hong.

() 24. What class are these students in?

A. In Class One.

B. In Class Three.D. In Class Seven.C. In Class Five.

() 25. Whose clothes are in the same (相同的) colour?

A. Danny’s and Mike’s.

B. Danny’s and Jenny’s. C. Qin Gang’s and Mike’s. D. Jenny’s and Chen Hong’s.


Hello, I’m Linda. This is Jen. She’s my mum. She’s 38 years old. She’s wearing a red coat, a pair of red shoes and a pair of blue pants. She often wears a big hat, too. She is a teacher. And the students in her school like her very much. She likes singing (唱歌). But she doesn’t like (不喜欢) playing sports. On Sundays, she goes shopping with me.

