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时间:2017-05-09 06:58 来源:免费论文网



1 Dr.Rob Boll was craving a hot turkey dinner and a slice of apple pie. After a hectic week treating patients with sore throats and ear infections at his family practice, the 52-year-old physician was ready for a night of home cooking and fellowship at his church’s annual fund-raising dinner.

2 Stepping inside the crowded gym at St.John’s United Church of Christ, Boll and his family found a long line of people waiting to be seated. He wasn’t surprised. The turkey feast had become a popular event in Mokena, Illinois, attended by hundreds from the surround-the good food and were willing to pay $10 to heap their plates and help pay for the church’s new community center. Boll and his wife, Dana, and their son, Kyle, 14, went every year.

3 After sitting down, Boll had barely placed his napkin in his lap when he heard a commotion on the other side of the room. ”Help!” a woman shouted. “Does anybody know how to do the Heimlich?”

4 Jumping up from the table, the doctor could see a white-haired woman slumped over in her chair. “I’m a doctor. What’s going on?” Boll said to the group gathered around 76-year-old Pat Rohrer.

5 “My mother-in-law choked on a piece of turkey,” answered a frantic Colleen Rohrer. “We’ve tried the Heimlich maneuver, but it’s not working.” Boll reached around Pat’s abdomen and pulled sharply upward with his fists. Nothing happened. Moving quickly, he lifted Pat up and onto the floor to get her into a better position. Twice again he tried the Heimlich, but she didn’t respond.

6 This can’t be happening, Boll thought. He worried he wouldn’t be able to help her. Looking up, he recognized Steve Hoblin, a nurse from the hospital near his office. “Steve, stick your fingers down her throat and see if you can sweep anything out,” he said. Hoblin reached in and pulled out a small piece of turkey.

7 But Pat still wasn’t breathing. In fact, she was rapidly turning blue. Apparently, some food was still lodged in her throat. Boll knew he needed to do something drastic---and fast---to get air into her lungs. His only chance was to perform an emergency tracheotomy.

8 “Call 911! And get me a sharp knife!” He shouted. His wife ran to the kitchen, and Hoblin handed over his pocketknife.

9 Boll had never done the operation before. He flashed back to the only time he’d seen one performed: during his residency 20 years earlier. That procedure had been done in a sterile, controlled environment by expert surgeons. How was a family doctor supposed to accomplish the same thing at a church dinner with a dull pocketknife?

10 He was relieved to see that his wife had found a clean paring knife. Taking a deep breath, Boll carefully cut a small slit in Pat’s neck. As blood poured from the wound, he broke into a sweat. But Boll knew it was too late to stop. Two or three precious minutes had already passed. She couldn’t survive much longer without oxygen. Boll figured he had about 45 seconds to save her life.

11 Oblivious to the crowd breathlessly watching him work, Boll steadied his hands and continued. But the knife wouldn’t cut deep enough. Out of nowhere, a man handed Boll a switchblade. It had a tapered point, nice and sharp, with a three-inch blade that locked securely in place. Boll quickly finished the cut.

12 Then, as if she were reading his mind, Colleen handed him a tracheotomy tube. Her son,

Shaun---Pat’s grandson---has a severe lung condition and needs a tube to keep his airway clear. But he could manage without it for an hour or so.

13 Pat was turning bluer by the second. Colleen helped Boll gently push the tube into Pat’s trachea. Seconds ticked by like minutes, but the pair worked calmly, with precision---just like a surgical team, thought the doctor.

14 “I’m in,” he said once the tube was finally in place.

15 but the crisis was far from over . Boll needed to resuscitate the unconscious woman. Fortunately, her family never went anywhere without an emergency kit containing a manual resuscitator bag, just in case Shaun had trouble breathing.

16 colleen clicked the bag onto the tube and pumped .within seconds, Pat Rohrer started breathing and the color returned to her cheeks.

17 as paramedics rushed in and took over, boll stood up, trembling. He certainly hadn't anticipated anything like this when he left his job as a social worker to go to med school.

18 “i 'm not terribly religious, ”Boll says now, “but i know now that God goes to Turkey dinners at churches. To take a doctor who only half knows what he's doing and give him the right tools ——i don't know how i recalled to do. To me there's no explanation but divine intervention. ” 19 Maybe so, but Howard Stephens, assistant chief of the Mokena Fire Protection District, was quick to point out, “without Dr. Boll, this lady wouldn't have made it. ”

20 now that her grateful mother -in -law is back at home, with no signs of infection from the switchblade surgery. Colleen says, “we are so thankful that in this age of lawsuits, dr. boll was willing to put himself on the line. he just stepped up and did what had to be done. ”

21 later that November night, after returning from the hospital, Rob boll found another job that needed to be finished. he strolled into the church kitchen and rolled up his sleeves. “Divine intervention doesn't usually come into play, ”he says, “when it's time to do the dishes. ”


The forest was full of shadows as a little girl hurried through it one summer evening in June. It was already eight o’clock and Sylvia wondered if her grandmother would be angry with her for being so late

Every evening Sylvia left her grandmother’s house at five thirty to bring their cow home .It was Sylvia’s job to bring the animal home to the milked. When the cow heard Sylvia’s voice calling her. She would hide among the bushes

This evening it had taken Sylvia longer than usual to find her cow. The child hurried the cow though the dark forest .toward her grandmother’s home As the cow stopped at a small stream to drink .Sylvia put her bare feet in cold ,fresh water of the stream

She had never before been alone in the forest as late as this. Sylvia felt as if she were a part of the gray shadows and the silver leaves that moved in the evening breeze.

It was only a year ago that she came to her grandmother’s farm. before that she had lived with her mother and father in a dirty crowded factory town One day , Sylvia’s grandmother had visited them and had chosen Sylvia form all her brothers and sister to comer help her on her farm in Vermont

The cow finish drinking and as the nine-year-old child hurried through the forest the air was suddenly cut by a sharp whistle not far away Sylvia knew it wasn’t a friendly bird’s whistle she

forgot the cow and hid in some bushes but she was too late

Hello little girl a young man called out cheerfully How far is it to the main road Sylvia was trembling as she whispered two miles She came out of the bushes and looked up into the face of a tall young man carrying a gun

The stranger began walking with Sylvia as she followed her cow through the forest I’ve been hunting for birds he explained but I’ve lost my way Do you think I spend the night at your home Sylvia didn’t answer She was glad she could see her grandmother standing near the door of the farm house

When they reached her the stranger explained his problem to Sylvia’s smiling grandmother

Of course you can stay with us she said we don’t have much but you’re welcome to share what we have Now Sylvia get a plate for the gentleman

After eating,they all sat outside.The young man explained he was a bird collector."Do you put them ina cage?"Sylvia asked."No,"he answered slowly,"I shoot them and stuff them with put them with special chemicals to preserve them.I have over one hundred different kinds of birds from all over the United States."

"Sylvia knows a lot about birds,too,"her grandmother said proudly."She knows the forest so well,the wild animals come and eat bread right out of her hands."

"Maybe she can help me then,"the young man said."I saw a white heron two days ago.I've been looking for it ever since.It's a very rare bird.Have you seen it,too?"He asked Sylvia.But Sylvia.But Sylvia was silent."You would know it if you saw it,"he said."It's a tall,strange bird with soft white feathers and long thin legs.It probably has its nest at the top of a tall tree."

Sylvia's heart began to beat fast.She had seen that strange white bird on the other side of the forest.The young man was staring at Sylvia."I would give ten dollars to the person who showed me where it is."

That night Sylvia's dreams were full of all the wonderful things she and her grandmother could buy for ten dollars.

Sylvia spent the next day in the forest with the young man.He told her a lot about the birds they saw.Sylvia could not understand why he killed the birds he seemed to like so much.She felt her heart tremble every time he shot an unsuspecting bird as it was singsing in the trees.

Sylvia would have liked him vastly better without his gun;but as the day waned,Sylvia still watched the asleep inchild,was vaguely thrilled by a dream of love.They stopped to listen to a bird's song;they pressed forward again eagerly--speaking to each other rarely and in whispers;Sylvia followed the young man,fascinated,a few steps behind,with her gray eyes dark fascinated,a few steps behind,with her gray eyes dark with excitement.

Long after the moom came out and the young man had fallen asleep,Sylvia was still awake.She had a plan that would get the ten dollars for her grandmother and make the young man happy.When it was near suise,she quietly left her house and hurried through the forest.She finally reached a huge pine tree.She could see the whole forest from there.She was sure she would be able to see where the white heron had hidden its nest.

Sylvia's bare feet and tiny fingers grabbed the tree's rough trunk.Sharp dry branches scratched at her like cat's claws as she climbed higher and higher.

When Sylvia had at last reached the tree'shighest branch,the golden sun's rays hit the green forest.Two hawks flew together in slow-moving circles far below Sylvia.Sylvia felt as if she could go flying among the clouds.too.

Suddenly Sylvia caught a flash of white that grew larger and larger.A bird with broad white wings and a long slender neck flew past Sylvia and landed on a pine branch below her.The white heron smoothed its feathers and called to its mate,sitting on their nest in a nearby tree.Then it flew away.

Sylvia gave a long sigh.She knew the wild bird's secret now.Slowly she began her dangerous trip down the ancient pine tree.She did not dare to look down and tried to rorget that her fingers hurt and her feet were bleeding.All she wanted to think about was what the stranger would say to her when she told him where to find the heron's nest.

About an hour later Sylvia came back home.Both her grandmother and the young man stood up as she came into the kitchen.The splendid moment to speak about her secret had come,but Sylvia was silent.She remembered how the white heron came flying through the golden air and how they watched the sun rise together from the top of the world.Sylvia could not speak.She could not tell the heron's secret and give its life away.

The young man went away disappointed later that day.He never returned.Many a night Sylvia heard the echo of his whistle haunting the forest.She forgot even her sorrow at the sharp report of his gun and the sight of thrushes and sparrows dropping silent to the ground ,their songs hushed and their pretty feathers stained and wet with blood.

Were the birds better friends than their hunter might have been?Who can know?


Ryan Halligan was taunted for months.Classmates spread rumors via instant messaging that the 13-year-old boy was gay.A popular female classmate pretended to like him and chatted with him online,only to copy thier personal exchanges and share them with her friends.Unable to cope,the teenager from Verment in the US,killed himself.

Gail Jones,a 15-year-old from the UK,took her life after receiving,at one point,20 silent calls on her cell phone every 30 minutes.Her father,Glyn,suspects a final call in the middle of the night pushed her over the edge.

These are extreme but far from unipue examples of the devastation caused by cyber-bullying.Since Halligan died in 2003 and Jones in 2000,more and more and children are logging on to the Internet,so it's likely that online bullying,including sending threatening messages,displaying private messages,and posting embarrassing videos and photos online,is also increasing.

A study last month by the Pew Internet & Amrican Life Project,based in Washington,found that one third of US teenage Internet users have been targets of cyber-bullying.And as online communication evolves from instant messaging and chatrooms to social networking sites and YouTube,the venues where bullying occurs are becoming both more central to young people's lives,and more public.

Research into the causes and effects of cyber-bullying is still in its infancy.But it is becoming clear that aspects of online communicantion encourage people to act aggressively,prompting them to do things they wouldn't dare to try in real life.

What's more,the ability to reach more people,and the always-on culture the internet,mean that cyber-bullying can have an even more detrimental effect on the victim than conventional playground bullying."It's school-yard bullying taken to next level,'' says Justin Patchin,a criminologist at the University of Wisconsion.A study by UK-based Internet market research firm

YouGov in 2006 found that for one in eight young people cyber-bullying is even worse than physical bullying.

one reason for this is thesheer number of people who can view something that is posted online."it would be bad enough to be cyber-bulied by one kid and nibody else knew about ut,but a video seen by hunders or thousands ofyour peer could be devastang,"says Roin Kowalski,a phychologist at Clemson University in South Caolina and co-author of the book Cyber Bullying;Bullying in the Digital Age,which will be published in October.

Ghylain Raza,also known as the"Star Wars Kid",learned thisthe hard way.In 2002,the somewhat overweigh and silghtly awkward Canadian adolescent made a video of himself playing with a pretend light sabre andleft it lying around at school.when his classmates found the video in 2003,they posted it online as a joke Raza was so upset he finished the school year from a psy chiatric ward Unfortunately for him,it was just his friends who found the video amusing.Acrodding to UK marketing firm the viral factory it became the Internet`s most downloaded video of 2006.

Another reson cyber-bullying is so harmful is its relentlessness ,says John Carr,chair of the children`s Charities`Colaition for Internet Safety in London ."when I was a kid ,playground bullying stoped when the bell rang and you went back inside or when you went home at the end of the day ."he says ."with cyber-bullying it is 24/7,365 days a year ." there is no escape While an adult could simple turn off the computer ,that`s not reallyy an option for today`s teens ,who are dependent on the Internet for communicatng whit their peers."This is the awlways-on genertion,"say kowalski."This is how they communicate."A 2007 Pew study found that 93precent of US teens use the Internet and 61 percent go online daily.

The Internet does`t just amplify the effect of bulying,however The many options to remain anonymous when online ,by using pseudonyms,say for instant messaging ,mean people can write things they would not daer to if their identity was known.

Anonymity was at the heart of a 2001 incident when a student at an elite high school in New York City set uo a Web page that let students vote anonymously on who they felt was their most promiscuous peer."Just enter the name of the person in the interschool who u think is the biggest ho(be them FEMALE or MALE)and write the number of their grade next to their name(maybe even their school),"read the site."Since it's anonymous,u can write about whomever u please!"More than 13,000 votes were cast,and about 150 names,mostly girls,appeared before it was shut down.

Anonymity can also amplify bullying's negative effect on the victim."The psychological ramifications of not knowing who's attacking you can be maddening," says Kowalski."The bully could be your best friend,a sibling, or half the school."In a recent,as yet unpublished survey she carried out,nearly half of the children she interviewed didn't know who their cyberbully was.

The lack of face-to-face contact might tempt bullies to new levels of cruelty."On the playground,seeing the stress and pain of the victim face-to-face can act as an inhibitor to some degree,"explains Carr."In cyberspace,where there is no visual contac,you get more extreme behaviour

."Kowalski says the effect unique to computer-mediated communication."There is a distancing of the self and immediacy in response that we don't have in any other form of communication."she says."On the computer ,it's like it's not really you."

So what can be done? Led by Ruth Aylett of Heriot-watt university in Edinburgh,Scotland,a
















FANUC Roboguide





FANUC Roboguide







FANUC Roboguide



FANUC Roboguide





FANUC Roboguide

篇三:7.8.9单元 题库

(Choose the answer to complete the following sentences. 10’ )1).I thought you ____ i like something to read ,so I have brought you some books.

A. may B. mightC. could D. must

( )2).You ____ return the book now . You can keep it till next week if you like .

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not

( )3).He _____at the meeting . He is in hospital now.

A. can’t speak B. mustn’t speak

C. shouldn’t speakD. needn’tspeak

( )4).When can I for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

They _____ be ready at 12:00.

A. have toB. can C. mustD. need

( )5).You_____ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.

A, needn’t to come B. don’t need come

C.don’t need comingD. needn’t come

( )6). Put on more clothes . You ____be feeling cold with

only a shirt on .

A. need B. should C. have toD. must

( )7). I think all drivers____ wear seat belts.

( )8). Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.--------______

A. I don’tB. I won’tC. I can’tD. I haven’t

( )9). Peter ____ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.

A. must B. couldn’tC. need D. would

( )10). A computer ____ think for itself; it must be told what to do .

二。Choose the best answer for each blank to complete the following passage. 10’

Beijing will ban smoking in most __1__ places starting from May 1 –a big step toward tobacco control in a nation of 350 million __2__.

The capital will be the first to ban smoking in all restaurants , offices and schools, bars , Internet cafes, hotels, offices, holiday resorts and all_3__ areas of hospitals.

“ Hotels must also have rooms for non-smokers”, said Cui Xiaobo , a tobacco control expert who helped draft the new rule .But it has not yet been __4__ hoe to deal with smokers

__5__ the new rule. “ There are proposals to fine individuals up to 200 yuan ,but it remains to be discussed”, said Cui.

For Chinese , smoking is part of a meal , said Zhao yingqi , __6__ of Jingweilou Restaurant in the city’s downtown . His_7__ has about 20 non-smoking tables compared to the 400 plus tables with glass or steel ashtrays on __8__.

“ It’s not a bad _9__ to have non-smoking restaurants ,” said a 40-year-old smoker surnamed Xie who was dining at the restaurant . The majority diners _10__ the new rule.

()1). A. personalB. publicC. openD. common

()2). A. smokersB. smokerC. smoking D. smoker

()3). A. outdoorB. outdoorsC. indoorD. indoors

()4). A. known B. decided C. made D. DONE

()5). A. keepingB. making C. doing D. braking

()6). A. managerB. customer C. expert D. host

()7). A. hospital B. hotel C. restaurant D. room

()8). A. each B. both C. every D. no

()9). A. thingsB. idea C. restaurantD. office

()10). A. against B. for C. disagreeD. support

三。翻译 20分

1)我们应该学会处理生活中的难题。( deal with…)

2)形势开始朝着好的方向发展了。( take a turn for…)

3) 他们给我们提供了很多食物。(offer)

4) 你做的工作可真谈不上好。(far from )

5) 期望能在这家公司工作,他认真准备应聘。( with the desire to …)

6) 政府免费给市民分发药物。( give away )

7)严寒袭击了这个城市。(be hit by…)

8) 这幅画吸引了我的注意力。( attract)

9) 听到这个消息,他要发疯了。(go mad)

10) 为什么不尝试一下新的方法呢?( Why not…) 用所给词的适当形式填空。

Publiceffect dangerous death raise used toLead to die of harmfulpolitepossible

1) Whathing TV too much is _______ to your eyes.

2) All the family are sad at the ______ of their pet.

3) What ______ the accident?

4) Smoking has a bad ______ on the smokers and the passive smokers.

5) It is _____ to finish the task on time if all us work hard.

6) It is not______ to somke in ______ places.

7) Anyone who wants to go , please _____ your hand.

8) Many people ______ somking every year.

9) It is _______ for you to swim in the river.

10) My friend ,John,_____ to smoke, but now he doesn’t. Create controldeal with situation offer

Opportunity desire failure react choice

1) The car is out of ______ and ran into the big tree by the side of the road.

2) If I’m given an _____ , I will grasp it.

3) The students______ to the teacher actively in class.

4) I asked our teacher how to ______ the difficult problem.

5) The shop assistant ______ to carry all these I bought to my car.

6) All men are ______ equal.

7) ______ is the mother of success.

8) With the strong _____ to go to university, he studies very hard.

9) The poor boy had no_____ but stay here waiting .

10) You could get into a ______ where you must decide immediately.


1) You _____ drive carefully . The road is too narrow.

2) --- Could I borrow your dictionary/

--- Oh,of course you _____.
