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篇一:Unit 4 why don't you talk to your parents导学案

Unit4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?Section A 1a—2c (听说课)


知识目标:1)掌握本课生词、短语及What’s wrong?句式。






【Key & difficult points】

正确运用“What’s wrong? Why don’t you...”等句式, 分角色表演。



允许、准许__________ 有毛病的;错误的_________ 子夜;午夜__________

猜测;估计__________ 太多 /闲逛

去睡觉学得太多 给某人打电话 在电话中谈论它

与......打架 /

哪儿不舒服?___________________ /


1. 导入

2. Learning the new knowledge:

Step1: Guiding

We often have some problems in life. What’re the most common problems? Can you give some examples? Step2: Listening and speaking (1a--1c)

1) Speaking: 读1a中的5个句子并讨论这些问题是否是严重的。

2)Listening: 听并在1a中圈上你听到的问题以完成1b。

3)Pair-work: 根据听力信息做对话完成1c。


Step3: Listening and speaking (2a--2c)

1) Presentation : 介绍有关Peter的烦恼。

2)Listening: 捕捉对话相关信息以完成2a;2b.

3)Acting : 根据听力内容分角色表演对话。


Step4: Exercises 汉译英

1) 你看上去很累,怎么了? ?

2)我的父母不允许我与我的朋友闲逛。 .

3)我与我最好的朋友打架了。 .

4)为什么你不和他谈谈呢? ?

3. 小结:

III. Post-class


【Blackboard Design】

Unit4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? Section A 2d—3c (阅读课)


知识目标:能够正确使用动词 look through, give back, get on (well) with, instead或instead of,

offer to do sth, mind sb doing sth, and explain sth. to sb. hang over 。





【Key & difficult points】

有用短语的使用及建议的表达; 如何解决困难和给人建议。


I. Pre-class

1. 翻译下列短语

怎么了? 代替


还回 ____ 它不是大事。

2. 根据汉意完成下列句子

(1) 昨天我发现妹妹浏览我的东西。

I find my sister ___ ___ my things yesterday.

(2) 我仍然和她生气。

I’m _____ angry _____her.


I can’t ______ ______ my family.

(4) 我总感到孤独和不安。

I always feel (5)妈妈不介意我一直看电视。

My mother doesn’t mind TV3. 【合作探究,展示提升】

(1)work out的用法:

1)起效果 I hope thing work out .

2)算出 He can work out the math problem by himself.

(1)用instead或instead of填空。

1. Dave went cycling_______________going skating.

2. My brother isn't good at math__________,he is good at English.

3. Mr. Zhang likes reading newspapers___________,books.

4. l like reading in the library____________in the classroom.

5. Yesterday John____________Mr. Zhang gave us talk on American history.

(2)return it to sb=give it back to sb but "return it back to sb" is wrong



2. ___________________________________________________________

(3)mind sb’s doing sth

活动: S1: DaveS2:Kim)


give…back, look through, and be angry with, work out.

(3)学习句型 Why don’t you…?

(活动:用Why not do…?互改。)


(活动:Pair work. 找短语,句型并讨论其用法。)


(活动:合作共建 如何陈述自己或他人的烦恼,找到解决的办法。



3. 当堂检测:

Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? Section B Grammar Focus—1e (语法课)







【Key & difficult points】




I. Pre-class

1. 翻译下列短语

1.做运动2.和朋友闲逛 _____

3.独自一人消磨时间 4.看电影

5.读书 6和…打架

2. 根据汉意完成下列句子

(1) 我的父母给我很多学习上的压力。

My parents give me______ ______ ______ ______ about school.

(2) 我没有得到足够多的睡眠。

I don’t get ______ _____.


I ______ ______ ______ ______my parents.


1.fight: “打架,吵架”之意或(激烈)的争吵

eg. (1)Although they just got married, they’re fighting almost every day.


(2)My little brothers are always fighting.


May be you could…

You should\shouldn’t…

2.enough: 足够的 当与名词连用时放在名词之前之后都可以,但当与形容词或副词连用时必须放在他们的后面。如:enough money或money enough足够多的钱 old enough 足够的大

II. While-class


1. 导入新课

If you are stress out, what activities will you do to relax your body or lower stress?

2. Learning the new knowledge

(1)完成1a:(采用问答式) A: What’s wrong?

B: I feel stress out.

A: You should talk to parents or other family members.


(3)根据听力内容练习1e:A:I think Wei Ming should… B: Why? A: Because…


3. 当堂检测:


1. 在学习方面,父母不应该给孩子太多的压力。


2. 昨天我和我的朋友吵架了.


3. 在学校我必须和我的同学竞争。


4. 虽然你和你的父母生气了,但你必须找他们谈


5. 我完全同意。


4. 小结:

III. Post-class

1. 能用英语想朋友诉说烦恼,并能给与合理的建议。

2. 会读会写单词及短语enough free time a lot of pressurecompete with fight with 等。

3. 收获与反思。

【Blackboard Design】

Unit4 Why don't you talk to your parents?

enough free time

hang out with friendsfight with

Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? Section B 2a—2b (阅读课)







【Key & difficult points】




I. Pre-class

1. 翻译下列短语

1.课后活动 2 ……的生活 _____

3.做……时间 4.足够忙

5.很适合某人 6.总是抱怨

2. 根据汉意完成下列句子

(1) 我的父母给我很多学习上的压力。

篇二:Why don’t you talk to your parents(第一课时)导学案第一课时

Unit4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?(第一课时)导学案




篇三:Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents精编导学案

U4 第一课时 Section A (1a-1c)


Homework, class , sleep , time, friend, advice, problem .



1. How many __________ (tomato) do you need?

2. I have __________(too many, too much) homework to do today .

3. My parents allow me __________( hang out ) with my friends.

4. I got __________(介词填空)a fight with my best friend. 5. Why don’t you __________(go) to sleep earlier this evening?

点拨升华too much. “太多”。 1)修饰动词,放在动词之后。不要吃太多。Don’t eat ______ _______

2)修饰不可数名词。妈妈有太多家务要做。Mom has ______ do.

1. allow. “允许,准许”。 _______ housework to

1) allow sb to do sth. “允许某人做某事”。Do your parents allow you _________ (play) computer games?

2) allowing doing sth. “允许做某事”他们不允许在这里吸烟。 They don’t allow ________ (smoke) here.

3) be allowed to do sth. “被允许做某事”我不被允许外出待到很晚。 I am not allowed _______ (stay) out late.

2. get into a fight with sb. 和某人打/吵一架。

4. 向别人发出邀请,请求,建议,或征求某人的意见的表达方式:

1).Why don’t you do something? /Why not do something? “ 你为什么不做某事呢?”

2). How /what about doing sth.?(about是个介词,可跟名词或动名词)“…怎么样?”

e.g. How about getting her a book? 买本书送给她怎么样?

3). You’d better (not) do something.“你最好(不)做某事”

4). Would you like to do sth…?:“你想要做……?”

5), Let’s do sth…?

6). What should I do …?( should表示请求、征询对方意见) e.g.: What should I get my dad for his birthday? 我该送给爸爸什么作为他的生日礼物呢?

课堂作业 完成句子。

1. 上周汤姆和比尔打了一架。 Tom ______ _______ ______ _______ ______ with Bill last week.

2.Why not forget about it? (改为同义句)______ _______ ______ forget about it?______ _______ forgetting about it? 3What’s the matter with your bike?(改为同义句)______ _______ with your bike?

3. She has some free time to do things she likes. (改为否定句) She ____ ______ _____ free time to do things she likes.

一. 单选题

— _______? I’m really tired because I studied until midnight last night.

A. What did you do B. What’s matter C. Why did you study lateD. What’s wrong

2. ________ go to sleep earlier this evening?

A. How about B. Why don’tC. Why don’t youD. What about

3. I couldn’t hear you clearly because there were _______ people in the room.

A. too many B. too muchC. much too D. many too

4. I don’t have _______ money to buy the shoes. It’s too expensive.

A. enough moneyB. enough money C. much too money D. many money

5. My parents don’t allow me _________ out with my friends.

A. hang B. hanging C. to hangD. hanged

U4 第二课时 Section A( 2a—2d)



1. 给他写一封信______________________ 2. 给他打电话_______________ 3. 擅长做…______________________

4. 谈论 ______________________ 5. 在电话中______________________6. 跟某人吵/打架_____________________

7. 浏览______________________8. 归还 ______________________9. 生某人的气 _____________________ 10. 忘掉______________________11.解决;算出____________________12. 它不是什么大事。___________________ 点拨升华

1. be good at doing…“善于;擅长;在…方面做得好”(= do well in) be good for. “对…有益处”。be good to

“对…好/和善”。be good with… “与…相处的好”。

例:1)徐悲鸿擅长画马。 Xu Beihong was _______ horses.

2)多喝水对你有好处。Drinking more wateryou.

3)她对他的邻居很和善。She is very her 4)我和这些孩子相处得很好。 I ________ very the children.

2. find sb doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事

例:我进来的时候发现他正在打电话。I found him _________ (call) when I came in.

3.give sth back to sb.= return sth to sb. 把某物还给某人。


Remember the book me when you finish reading it.

4. It’s not a big deal.它不是什么大事。

【解析】big deal 为习语,用于口语,意为“什么大不了的事;重要的事;要人” It’s no big deal! 没什么大不了的!

5. surprise sb. 使某人吃惊 例: 这个消息使我们都很吃惊。 6. work out的用法:1) “起效果” I hope things work out .2) “算出”He can work out the math problem by himself. 课后练习 一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。

1. My mother has too _______ (many) housework to do everyday.

2. Mr. Zhao has no free time _______ (do) things he likes.3. I can’t find my book. What should I _______ (do)?

4. I found him _______ (read) a book just now.5. He is good at _______ (swim).


1. I don’t do well in writing letters. (改为同义句) I’m _______ _______ _______ writing letters.

2. 我认为我们可以通过电话谈一下。I think we can have a talk _______ _______ _______.

3. 你应该给他写一封信。 You should _______ _______a letter.

4. 他正在浏览今天的报纸。 He is _______ _______ today’s newspaper.

5. 你应该早点儿起床以便你能够吃上早餐。You should get up earlier _______ _______ you could have breakfast.


( )1. With the teacher’s help, Lucy _______ the math problem in the end.

A. took out B. got out C. sold out D. worked out

( )2. The teacher told my father _______ last night.

A. call him upB. to call him upC. called him up D. to call up him

( )3. —I think drinking milk every morning is good _______ our health.—Yes. I agree _______ you.

A. to; to B. with; toC. at; withD. for; with

( )4. I hope things _______. A. give away B. give outC. put off D. work out

( )5. —Why don’t you buy a CD for her?— _______.

A. You are welcome. B. That’s too boring C. Thanks a lot D. That’s all right.

U4 第三课时 SectionA( 3a—4c)

课前预习 短语翻译(自学教材P27-28,找出下列词组或句子)

1. 与某人和睦相处_______________ 2. 感到孤独________________ 3. 主动提供帮助 _____________________

4.与某人交流____________________5. 坐下来______________________ 6. 下次______________________

7. 频繁;反复 ______________________8. 同意某人 ______________________

9. 害怕______________________ 10. not … any more______________________


1. get on with sb. (= get along with sb) 与某人和睦相处/关系良好 get on/ along 与某人相处很好。 例:她不能和她妹妹和睦相处。 She can’t ______ ______ ______ her sister.

2. argue, 动词,“争吵;争论”。 (名词为

1) argue with sb 与某人争论(吵)例: 她经常与她妈妈争吵。She often _____ ______ her mom.

2) argue about sth 因某事争论。 例:不要再为这件事争论了。Don’t ______ ______ this matter any more.

3) argue with sb about/on sth. 因某事与某人争论(吵)

例:这个男孩因为作业与他妈妈争吵起来。 The boy argued ______ his mother ______ his homework.

3. Relation. “关系,联系” the relation between mother and child 母亲与子女的关系

have relations with sb. 与某人有关系

4. communicate动词,“交流”。 名词为 communication communicate with sb 和某人交流

5.instead副词,1)“代替”。例:他累了,让我代替他去吧。 He is tired, let me go instead.

2)“反而”。例:他从不学习,反而整天玩电脑游戏。 He never studies. ______, he plays computer games all day.

3) instead of “代替;而不是” 例:他将去北京而不是上海。He will go to Beijing ______ ______ Shanghai. 6 offer“主动提出;自愿给与;提供”。

1) offer to do sth. 主动/自愿干某事例:他主动提出做家务。 He offers ______ ______ chores.

2) offer sb sth= offer sth to sb. 给某人提供某物例:She offered me a job. = She offered a job ______ me. provide的用法。 provide sb with sth. = provide sth for sb.

The school provided food ______ the students.

= The school provided the students ______ food.

7. be afraid of doing sth. “害怕做某事”(侧重于“担心/害怕某事发生”)

例: 她害怕犯错误。She ______ ______ ______ ______ mistakes.be afraid to do sth. “不敢或害怕做某事” (侧重于“不敢做”) 例:他不敢游泳。 He is ______ ______ ______. 课后练习一、完成句子。

1. 他总是拒绝回答老师的问题。 He always refuses ______ ______ the teacher’s questions.

2. 你应该主动向他道歉。 You should offer ______ ______ ______ ______ him.

3. 吉姆借了我的书还没还给我。 Jim ______ my book, but he didn’t ______ it ______ me.

4. You have these feelings, this is normal. (合并成一句) It’s normal ______ you ______ have these feeling.

5. At home I feel lonely and worried all the time. (改为同义句) At home I ______ feel lonely and ______.

6. Can you explain to me how to do this math problem? (改为同义句)

Can you ______ it ______ to me how to do this math problem?


( )1. He never does his homework himself, he just ______ his brother’s. A. writesB. takes C. reads D. copies ( )2. Why don’t you sit down and communicate ______ your brother? A. withB. aboutC. for D. to

( )3. This evening we won’t go to the party. We’ll go to the movies ______. A. tooB. also C. either D. instead ( )4. —How are you ______ with your parents?— Very well.

A. getting on B. getting off C. getting to D. getting into

( )5. Li Lei argued ______ Liu Ming ______ the seat.

A. with; aboutB. about; with C. with; for D. about; for

( )6. I’m afraid ______ in front of lots of people. A. of speaking B. speaks C. speak D. for speaking

U4 第四课时 Section B( 1a—1e)


1. 做运动_________________ 2. 和朋友一起闲逛_________________3. 和某人说话 ____________________

4.独自打发时间______________________5. 玩电脑游戏_________________ 6.看书 ______________________

7. 看电影 ______________________8.和某人打/吵一架______________________

9. 和某人竞争 ______________________10.有足够的空闲时______________________

点拨升华1. talk to sb. 和某人讲话/说话,相当于have a talk with sb. talk with sb 和某人交谈

talk about sth 谈论某事例:我们应该多跟父母交流。We should ______ ______ parents a lot.

2. pressure “压,压力”,不可数名词。eg. high blood pressure 高血压“压迫,强迫”, under pressure 压力之下 under (the) pressure of在…的压力之下put pressure on sb. 向某人施压

例:父母经常给他们的孩子太多压力。2. compete. 动词,“竞争,参加比赛”。 名词为competition(竞争), competitor(竞争者)形容词为competitive 课后练习一、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。

1. You shouldn’t c______ others’ homework.2. How many m______ are there in your family?

3. I s______ time alone at home yesterday.4. Many students have too much p______ now.

5. Did Jack w______ the movies last night?


1. 他每天做运动来保持健康。He ______ ______ every day to keep healthy.

2.塞姆喜欢和朋友们一起在公园闲逛。Sam likes to ______ ______ ______ his friends in the park.

3. 你不应该和你的弟弟打架。 You shouldn’t ______ ______ ______ with your brother.

4. 他们总是相互竞争。 They always ______ ______ each other.

5. 不要给孩子们太多的压力。 Don’t give children ______ ______ ______.


( )1. I think you should have a ______ with your parents.A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk

( )2. Now many children are under the ______ of their parents’.A. care B. worry C. pressure D. fight ( )3. ______ he exercises every day, ______ he is very healthy.

A. Because; soB. Though; butC. Because; /D. Though; /

( )4. The teacher says very loudly ______ all the students can hear him.

A. so thatB. because C. since D. when

( )5. Jane borrows my dictionary without ______.A. asking B. askC. to askD. asks

U4 第五课时 Section B( 2a—3b)


1. 上课______________________2. 使用网络______________________ 3. 如今 ______________________

4.那么多______________________5. 删除;删去 ______________________ 6.比较 ______________________

7.在某人看来 ______________________ 8.为某人考虑______________________ 9. 课外活动 ______________________10.调低______________________

点拨升华1. cut out 删除;删去 , 动副短语,当代词作宾语时,代词置于中间。

关于cut的短语还有 cut up____________________ cut down_______________cut off________________________

2. successful形容词,“成功的,有成就的” 副词为successfully 名词为success, 动词为succeed

例:1)他是一个成功的商人。He is a ______________ businessman.

2)失败是成功之母。Failure is the mother of _________.

3)他成功地找到了一份新工作。He found a new job _____________.

3. It’s time for homework It’s time for sb to do sth. 该是某人做某事的时候了例:该是你上学的时候了。_______________________

4. continue动词,“持续,继续”continue to do sth. /continue doing sth继续做某事。

例:他希望能继续帮助其他人。He hopes to continue _________ __________ others.

5. compare动词, “比较;比作” compare …with ... 把……与……作比较/对比 compare. … to … 把……比作…… 例:1) 我们常把儿童比作花朵。We often ______ children ______ flowers.

2) 不要把我跟别人比较。Don’t ______ me ______ others.

5 push动词,基本意思是“推动;移动;按”,所对应的反义词是“pull(拉)” 比喻意思是“逼迫某人做某事;敦促” push sb to do sth 敦促某人做某事


1. 现在许多学生都上课外补习班。Now a lot of students ______ after-school ______.

2. 你应该把它删去。You should ______ ______ ______.

3. 孩子们应该有时间放松并为自己考虑。Children should have time ______ ______ and _____ ______ themselves.

4. What do you think of after-school activities? (改为同义句) What’s your ______ ______ after-school activities?

5. I don’t think kids should play computer games until late at night. (同义句)

In my ______, kids _______ play computer games until late at night.


( )1. ______ are a typical American family.A. Whites B. The WhiteC. White D. The Whites ( )2. It’s time ______ us ______ sporte.A. for; play B. for; playingC. for; to pay D. to; to play ( )3. They continued ______ after having a short rest.A. walk B. walking C. to walk D. B and C ( )4. Some parents are always comparing their children ______ other children. A. to B. with C. asD. for

( )5. Doctors say too much pressure is not good for child’s ______.

A. develop B. development C. opinionD. independent

( )6. People shouldn’t ______ their kids so hard.A. compare B. argueC. fightD. push

( )7. They _____ come back home ______ it was very late. A. don’t; untilB. didn’t; untilC. won’t; till D. won’t; until
