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New Era Interactive English 3

Scripts for video

Unit 1 Another Busy Day

Video 1 Amy:Good morning, Talia.

Talia:Oh, hi. Good morning.

Amy:You know, you're working too hard.

Talia:I know. I always work this hard. Maybe you could mention that to Tony? I don't think he knows it.

Amy : Is that a new hairstyle? It's very ... Talia : Very funny. I had to work late last night. I' m tired, I'm in a bad mood, and I don't care about my hair. Amy: That's probably why you're not a reporter yet.

Talia : You think so?

Amy: No, I'm just kidding...

Talia : You may be right.

Amy :

Talia : Oh, no! Our journalism class! I forgot. It's tomorrow. What's the homework?

Amy : Compare two news stories on the same topic.

Talia : That's easy enough to do. Sounds interesting,too. I guess I'll do it after work.

Amy : You work too hard.

Video 2

Amy : Why don't you Talia : No thanks. Maybe some other time.

Amy : Come on! Josh Taylor is having a party. ... You might meet someone. Talia : No, listen! I'm too busy to go. Go without me...

Tony : Good, you're here. I have something important to talk to you about. What are you working on?

Talia : I'm researching the background information for that transportation story.

Amy : She's always working. She told me to tell you that.

Tony : I have a big project for you to work on. I know you've been hoping for a

Talia : Really? That's great!

Tony : Come to my office in about 10 minutes. By the way, you look different. Have you done something with your hair?

Unit 2 Breaking News Video 1

Tony Talia : What' s a shame?

Tony: Have you ever heard of Nick Crawford, the soccer player? He's the star forward on our national team.

Talia : Of course. Everyone's heard of him, I think. Tony Nick Crawford talks about how he needs money.

Amy: Tony: Yes, but, it gets even more interesting. Also on the tape, a woman offers him $50,000.

Talia : What for?

Tony: To sit out the first round qualifying match. Remember? Nick Crawford had an injury and couldn't play in that game?

Talia : Sure, I remember. We lost that match, and if we lose again, we might be eliminated.

Tony : Exactly. The next qualifying round is coming up. If this tape is real, Nick Crawford will be history.

Amy : You mean, he won't get to play in the next match?

Tony: Exactly. And without him, we'll probably lose again.

Amy: Wow! A real scandal! Is the tape for real?

Tony : Talia, that's your job now. Find out if the tape is authentic. And you'd better find out fast.

Video 2

Talia : OK. I'll get this tape to an expert.

Tony: If we can, we'll run the tape on tonight's broadcast—before the competition hears about it. In fact, they may

already have a copy of this tape.

Talia : Speaking of copies, we ought to make a copy of this. We shouldn't give away our only one.

Tony: Good thinking. Amy ... handle this with care.

Amy: Absolutely!

Talia : See you later. I'm going to call the audio department. They can give me the name of an expert.

Tony: Tell them we need someone fast.

Talia : OK. I'm on it.

Tony : Is there a problem?

Talia : Not exactly. I'll do it. It's just that ... I know Nick Crawford.

Tony: You do?

Talia:Yes. We went to college together. It's hard to believe he would do something like this.

Tony:Well, wake up and smell the coffee, Talia! He's a big star. He's been a star on the national team for four years now.

People do crazy things when they get famous.

Talia: Nick

Tony:Listen, Talia. You're smart. You're a good researcher, and one day— I hope — you'll be a great reporter. But

don't let your emotions get in the way of your work. If you do, I'll have to find someone else to work on this story.

Unit 3

Video 1

Woman’s voice on tape:

Nick’s voice on tape:

Woman’s voice on tape:

Nick’s voice on tape: A Job For Talia We’ll pay you fifty thousand dollars. That’s right. Do that, and fifty thousand dollars is yours. Well, I can really use the money. You’ve .

Woman’s voice on tape: Great. It’s a pleasure doing business with you.

Tony: How’s it going?

Talia: I can’t tell. I hope our expert will be able to

Tony: Me, too, when will we have the results?

Talia: He’s going to call me back this afternoon.

Tony: Good.

Talia: You know, I’ve been a researcher here for three years. I’ve But something here doesn’t seem


Tony: What do you mean?

Talia: It just doesn’t Nick Crawford loves soccer. Why would he do something to hurt his career?

Tony: That’s a good question. How well do you know Nick Crawford? Is he a friend of yours?

Talia: No, not really. I just knew him in college. We had English together for two semesters.

Tony: Oh, that’s it?

Talia: Well, I got to know him a little. I know that he moved here from England about 10 years ago. I know that he’s smart. And

I know that he’s always dreamed of being a great soccer star.

Tony: Mm-hmm.

Taliaruining his career?

Video 2

Talia: Bad news. The audio expert needs another day to check the tape.

Tony: Did you tell him it was urgent? Find someone else.

Talia: Of course I told him. But I also told him we need to be sure, absolutely sure.

Tony: That’s true.

Talia: Tony, listen. I have an idea. Let me go and talk to Nick.

Tony: I don’t know…

Talia me.

Tony: Talia, look, you’re not a reporter yet, you’re still a researcher. Remember?

Talia: Please, Tony. Give me a chance. What do you have to lose?

Tony: All right, I’ll give you one more day. But only one more day.

Talia: You won’t be sorry. Just one more thing: if I find something big, the story is mine, right?

Tony: What do you mean?

Talia: I mean, you’ll let me report it, won’t you? If I can get Nick to tell me everything?

Tony’ll tell you what: come up with something big and the story is yours. But,Talia be


Talia: What do you mean?

Tony: This Nick Crawford guy… I hear he can be very . Don’t let him a story.

Unit 4

Video 1

Talia: Nick?

Nick: I know you, don’t I?

Talia: Yes. I’m Talia, Talia Santos.

Nick: Yeah, Talia! Of course!

A Matter Of Trust

Talia: After all these years, I’m surprised you remember me.

Nick: How could I forget you?? We were in an English literature class together, weren’t we?

Talia: Tha’s right, the Shakespeare class.

Nick: Right, Dr. Custer’s class. She was a tough teacher. She really made us work hard.



Talia: Yes, that’s right. As I recall, you did really well on it.

Nick: That’s right! But only because I speak Shakespeare so fluently.

Talia: Very cute.

Nick: So, what are you doing here? Are you a big soccer fan now?

Talia: Not exactly. I’m a researcher now… with Newsline.

Nickaren’t my favourite people right now. I heard there’s a nasty story coming out about me. Talia: That’s why I’m here.

Video 2

Talia: No listen. I’d like to … I want to hear . You don’t trust me, do you?

NickYou’re in the news business. You’re all alike.

Talia: Hey, don’t judge me so quickly. I told you the truth about why I was here, didn’t I? Really. You can trust me.

Talia: Wait, NickNick: Yes. That’s why I gave the Soccer Federation Talia: They could stop you from playing. Forever.

Nick: That’s impossible.

Talia: No, it’s not. That’s why I want you to talk to me. I want your story. Did you or didn’t you take the money? Did you or

didn’t you throw the game?

Nick: Oh, you want to hear my story? Do you want to hear the true story, or the story that will get your show more viewers?Talia: The only story I want is the true story.

Nick: Well, the truth is, I didn’t do it. I’m an innocent man. Nick Nick

Unit 5 Nick’s Explanation

Video 1




Nick: OK, let’s get this straight. You’re one of the country’s best soccer players… Well, I have to admit — that's true. Of course, some people think that’s not such a great achievement. Now, for some reason, you sat out one of the biggest games of the year. ankle. I could hardly walk, I certainly couldn’t


But your coach can’Of course not. You can’t see a sprain on an X-ray.

You can’t?


I see…

You don’t have to believe me, but it’s the truth. I sat out the first round qualifying match because I had a sprained Talia: Nick: Talia: Nick: Talia: Nick:


Talia: And not because you took a bribe.

Nick: A bride? How can anybody believe such a ridiculous thing?

Talia: Then can you explain the tape?

Nick: What tape?

Talia: Listen to this.

Woman’s voice on tape: We’ll pay you fifty thousand dollars.

Nick’s voice on tape: And all I have to do is ?

Woman’s voice on tape: That’s right. Do that and fifty thousand dollars is yours.

Nick’s voice on tape: Woman’s voice on tape: Great. It’s a pleasure doing business with you.

Video 2

Nick: It sure sounds like my voice, but I don’t know why. Why would I do something so stupid?

Talia: That’s what I want to know.

Nick: Hey, Coach! Can I talk to you a minute? Some TV station is going to report that I deliberately sat out a game! Coach: I know all about it. Who is this?

Nick: This is an old friend of mine from college, Talia Santos. She works for Newsline. This is Coach Haskins, and you

may recognize my teammate, Dean Bishop.

Dean: Hey.

Coach: Hi.

Talia: Nice to meet you both.

Coach: Talia: Sure.

Coach: Look. I don’t think it’s such a good idea to talk to the media right now.

Dean: Yeah, you’ve got that right.

Nick: CoachCoach: Well, we’re going to find that out. Now, I don’t want to worry you, Nick, but I’ve been getting some pressure from

the Soccer Federation.

Nick: What do you mean?

Coach: They want you to sit out the game next week.

Dean: No!

Nick: They can’t do that!

Coach: Yes, they can. Nick, I know how badly you want to play, and, frankly, I don’t think we can win without you.

Unit 6 Bad News




205新时代交互英语视听说3,完整截图版本(注意选项顺序) Unit 1















How about 2)too 3)Why don't 4)enough 5)Let's 6)to walk 3/5

am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing 4/5

unique/seriously/mention/journalism 5/5 3 1 1 2 3 1 ***二***
