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时间:2019-08-19 14:25:17 来源:免费论文网

企业技术并购带来的价值创造探究 本文关键词:探究,并购,带来,创造,价值

企业技术并购带来的价值创造探究 本文简介:摘要    伴随着全球经济迅速发展,企业并购成为企业在这样时代背景之下谋求新出路的必然选择,这种趋势在中国市场蔓延,中国作为亚洲最大并购市场之一,在并购上已经有了自己的方式,更多的企业选择发挥技术并购价值协同效应创造企业价值。    企业并购的价值创造,众多学者也有研究,有的作者涉足于企业并购价值创

企业技术并购带来的价值创造探究 本文内容:

 摘 要
  With the rapid development of global economy, mergers and acquisitions havebecome the inevitable choice for \enterprises to seek new ways under the background ofsuch an era and the trend has been spread in the Chinese market, in addition, as one ofAsia's largest M&A market, China has built up his own way on mergers and acquisitions,more companies choose to play technology M&A synergy into full play to create enterprisevalue.
  Many scholars have also studied on the value creation of mergers and acquisitions;some authors have been engaged in the research on the factors that influence the mergerand acquisition value creation; while some authors have studied the merger and acquisitionvalue, but based on the enterprise technology, the research on the acquisition value creationis fewer. Enterprise development depends on the technology while the best way to obtaintechnology is mergers and acquisitions, as the enterprise technology mergers andacquisitions can help enterprises and internal stakeholders to create more values, therefore,the research on the value creation by enterprise technology M&A can provides referencefor the promotion of enterprises' own values and for other enterprises to create valuethrough technology acquisition. By constructing technology M&A enterprise value chaintheory model and based on this framework, this paper has conducted deep exploration fromtwo aspects of soft technology and hard technology on the value creation technology interms of its own value, social values, shareholders' value, the creditors' value by theenterprise technology mergers and acquisitions and has taken Lenovo's acquisition ofMOTOROLA as an example to carry on the analysis on the value creation brought by theenterprise technology mergers and acquisitions and to discuss how to bring values andwhat kind of value of ascension for the enterprise by the enterprise technology acquisition.
  Through studying the value creation of enterprise technology M&A, with theory andcase combination methods, the paper discusses its impact on the enterprises' own valuesof the external development and internal management, and at the same time explores theinspiration of the enterprise technology value creation on the development ofcontemporary society, so it is concluded that in the process of enterprise technologymergers and acquisitions, internal values and external values can be created, at the sametime, the enterprise should pay attention to the integration of soft technology and hardtechnology in the process of technology acquisition. In this paper, the study has conformedto the current planning of One Belt and One Road and has been used as reference for thefuture of technology mergers and acquisitions.
  Key words: Technology Mergers and Acquisitions; Technology Integration; ValueChain; Value Creation

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 选题背景
  1.2 研究意义
  1.2.1 理论意义
  1.2.2 现实意义
  1.3 研究综述
  1.3.1 技术并购相关研究
  1.3.2 技术并购价值研究
  1.3.3 文献述评
  1.4 研究内容
  1.5 研究方法
  1.5.1 文献研究法
  1.5.2 案例研究法
  1.5.3 创造价值链模型研究法
  1.6 创新点
  第 2 章 主要概念界定和理论基础
  2.1 主要概念界定
  2.1.1 并购
  2.1.2 技术并购
  2.1.3 价值创造
  2.1.4 利益相关者
  2.1.5 技术整合
  2.2 理论基础
  2.2.1 价值链理论
  2.2.2 技术整合理论
  2.2.3 利益相关者理论
  第 3 章 企业技术并购价值创造的理论分析
  3.1 企业技术并购中的软技术和硬技术
  3.1.1 企业技术并购中的软技术
  3.1.2 企业技术并购中的硬技术
  3.1.3 小结
  3.2 企业技术并购价值创造过程
  3.2.1 技术价值的创造过程
  3.2.2 利润价值的创造过程
  3.2.3 社会学价值的创造过程
  3.3 企业技术并购价值链模型
  3.3.1 企业技术并购价值链模型引入
  3.3.2 企业技术并购价值链模型的构建
  3.3.3 企业技术并购价值链模型分析
  第 4 章 企业技术并购价值创造案例分析---以联想收购摩托罗拉为例
  4.1 联想收购摩托罗拉案例简介
  4.1.1 并购双方简介
  4.1.2 并购背景
  4.1.3 并购历程
  4.2 联想技术收购摩托罗拉价值创造分析
  4.2.1 联想技术收购摩托罗拉的技术整合
  4.2.2 联想技术收购摩托罗拉的价值创造分析
  4.3 对其他企业技术并购价值创造的启示
  4.3.1 注重企业软技术和硬技术方面的技术整合
  4.3.2 企业技术并购要注重品牌效应
  4.3.3 充分利用企业的技术并购创造最大价值
  第 5 章 结论与政策建议
  5.1 研究结论
  5.2 政策建议
  5.3 研究不足与展望
    张婷婷. 企业技术并购价值创造研究[D].山东财经大学,2016.

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