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时间:2017-02-26 06:08:34 来源:免费论文网



William Sydney Porter (September 11, 1862—June 5, 1910), known by his pen name O. Hey, is one of the American famous short-story writers.He was born on September 11, 1862, in Greensboro, North Carolina.

O.Hey published 10 collections and over 600 short stories during his lifetime.His novels expose the darkness of capitalism from

different angles, describe the difficult life of lower class, praise their sincere friendship, love and desire to blessed life. He always write a comedy ending to express deep social meaning, serious social reality and higher level. Furthermore, it points out the inevitability. 背景:

Critical realism in Western Europe began to decline when the

United States profound changes in social reality cause changes in literature, which is development of realism. It appears in the United States is increasingly decaying stage of capitalism, the transition from capitalism to the era of imperialism. Between the society and class conflict is intensifying. In this period,some small bourgeois writers, from their own class, condemn the evils of the capitalist system, describe the misery of the people, reflect people's grievances against bourgeois regime.But when the turbidity of imperialism came, they despair with the emotional exploration of

fate and destiny. However, the spread of Marxist thought, also caused great shock.Some writers took part in the labor movement, and began to create some advanced literature. The works draw materials from real life, reflected lower working people's miserable life, and accused the rulers persecuting people.


篇二:英国文学论文 警察与赞美诗 英文版







完成时间 2012年6月9日


The interpersonal function is one of the three functions of the functional grammar, interpersonal function, mood, modality and evaluation system to analyze the "Cop and the Anthem" Writing Style - humor, interpersonal function to the understanding of the text can be seen provide an important means and appreciation. 摘要:


Keywords: interpersonal functions; tone; modality; evaluation



A three meta-functions, one of the interpersonal function according to Halliday's Functional Grammar, Functional Grammar. Interpersonal function refers to the language through the exchange of words the role of other members of society with them to establish or maintain interpersonal relationships, in order to influence the behavior of others.Interpersonal function tone system, the modal system and, later, Martin added, and the proposed evaluation system to achieve

dialogue and sole functional analysis of human from "The Cop and the anthem " (A) the Soviet with the first police

“Where’s the man that done that?”inquired the officer excitedly.“Don’t you figure out that I might have had something to do with it?”said Soapy,not without sarcasm,but friendly。As one greets good fortune.This conversation, the police asked special questions. Its function is to answer specific special word the information needed. Therefore, as the answer man Soapy information focus is on the "where", but the Soviet Union is eager to go to jail, with a rhetorical question to answer, contrary to common sense.Second, the sentence in his reply, the use of qualified ingredients clause might show Soapy "hidden subjective(implicit subjectivity)Small clause subject "I" state responsibility for the use of sentient significance, showing the willingness of the Soviet Union responsible for what happens. Obviously, the police and the end understand as the meaning of modal verbs and the subject to select interpersonal meaning.Just based on common sense crime will not stand still. Humorous effect contrary to the principles of communication Soapy, due to the ignorance of the police end result is that the police ran away, Soapy prison did not bring it.

(B) Soviet with another police

“What are you doing here?”asked the officer.“Nothing.”said Soapy.“Then come along,”said the policeman.

The same with the previous conversation. Similarly, a special questions, for the wh-word part of the police the information needed. Did not adopt the tactics of theround about network. Full compliance with the interpersonal discourse rules.But the police to a discourse of the master of the "then" plus Yi sentence response, the achievements have determined the prodigal son of the Soviet Union than the

imprisonment of the "dream", there is no logical relationship before and after the Soapy A language with the police command.In addition to his proposition is an imperative sentence above Soapy A language is no logical relationship: all these show

Soviet Union than into the hotel the customer role, waiters should be the provider of the product or service, but the Soviet Union intended to provocation, with the imperative mood .in addition, after 'and' the imperative clause shows the evaluation of properties of the proposition, show Soapy anger. This attitude further segmentation, belonging to the emotional areas, refers to people's emotions.Soapy apparently so fitted the like angry want to cause resentment of the attendants, so as to achieve the purpose of jail. A language look at the waiter with the evaluation of the color, the assessments of the Soviet Union lost again than to enable the police to seize the

sentence contains a responsibility of the modal metaphor, in fact, in Man, "You are supposed to call a policeman". The combination of the above two points, we should deduce an umbrella man is the victim immediately called the police caught Soapy.But when the dramatic scenes. Humorous effect has been well represented, the umbrella man first said: of course, according to Halliday's theory, this additional tone language (modal adjunct) used to indicate the obvious, seems to be that this umbrella is obvious I Followed by continuous 8 dashes and incomplete sentence revolutionized the status of his own victims, so that the Soviet Union than be a victim of humorous effects

have emerged.

First,the 8 dash to speak to a standstill, incoherent thinking. Take to make a man do not know how to explain their behavior; at the same time most of the sentence subject to the "I".First, take the initiative by the more important is the modal Metaphor, the "I" is the situation state the responsibility of stakeholders, namely the Soviet Union than is the victims, while Soapy 'A language "of course, it's mine", this show that the dominant modality adjunct beckons to his victims into the changing role and go to jail "dream" shattered.

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