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1.直译与意译 (literal translation vs. free translation)


What are you afraid of? He is not the only pebble on the beach=plenty of suitable persons, especially for a romantic relationship.(类例not the only fish in the sea.并非是世上独一无二的)

2. 这事就败在你手里了。Prevent from being successful

You spoiled the whole show.[she’s in charge of the whole show她全权负责此事]

3. 不料半路杀出一个程咬金。

Little did we expect that he would appear half way and try to poke his nose into the matter.[it hardly occurred to us that …] poke one’s nose into =interfere with others’ business

4. 她不分青红皂白,乱交朋友。

She is indiscriminate in making friends. (She is not a chooser in making friends.)

5. 我是半路出家,可能干不好这工作。

I have not received regular training for the job, so I may not do it well.

6. 我们非要把这件事查个水落石出不可。

We must get to the bottom of the matter.

7. 管它三七二十一,先吃个饱再说。

Who would care so much? The first thing to do is eat my fill. (eat one's fill 吃饱)

8. 我对他简直佩服得五体投地。

I simply admire him from the bottom of my heart.

9. 他吓得屁滚尿流。

He wetted his pants in terror.

10. 你别狗拿耗子多管闲事。

Don’t poke your nose into other people’s affairs.

11. 这本小说可真是狗追鸭子呱呱叫,卖得很快。

This novel is really a best-seller.

12. 她怕碰一鼻子灰,话到了嘴边,又把它吞了下去。

She was afraid of being snubbed(refused), so she swallowed the words that came up to her lips./Afraid of …, she….

13. 我真把你没有办法。

I really don’t know how to do with you.

14. 我不知道他葫芦里卖的是啥药。

After all, I don’t know what he has got up his sleeve.

15. 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。

Even a thousand toasts are not enough for bosom friends’ get-together; but a word out of tune is over too much.

16. 他是“外甥打灯笼——照舅(照旧)”。

He has followed a beaten track./ He is back to what he was before.

17. 吃一堑,长一智。

A fall into the pit; a gain in your wit.

18. 家丑不可外扬。

Give no publicity to family scandals. /Don’t wash your dirty linen in public. /It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest. /Domestic shame should not be made public.

19. 巧妇难为无米之炊。

Even the cleverest housewife can’t cook a meal without rice. /One cannot make bricks without straw.

/If you have no hand, you cannot make a fist.

20. 江山易改,本性难移。

It’s easy to change hills and streams but hard to change one’s nature./What’s bred in the bone will come out in the flesh./ A leopard cannot change his spots./ A fox may grow grey, but never good. /You cannot scare a dog from a greasy hide.

21. 那年闹饥荒,我弟弟活活地饿死了。

In that famine year, my younger brother died of hunger.

2. 省词法 (omission)

1. 他在我不知道的情况下私自拿走了那东西。

He took it away without my knowledge./ He had taken it away before I knew

about it./He had taken it away before I realized its disappearance.

2. 此新产品耐寒、耐旱、适合在北方生长。

Cold resistant and drought tolerant, the new variety is adaptable to north China.

3. 大家都必须杜绝在工作中的浪费现象。

We must put an end to waste in our work.

4. 我上这个班是为了提高英语水平。

I (chose to) attend this class to improve my English.

5. 台湾海峡两岸的中国人都是骨肉同胞,手足兄弟。

The Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are of the same flesh and blood.

6. 如果你觉得合适就干,不合适就别干,你自个儿看着办吧。

Go ahead if you think the job suits you and don’t if not. It’s all up to you to decide.

7. 他们是亲密无间的朋友。

They are close/bosom friends.

8. 我们必须认真帮助他们解决工作问题和学习问题。

We must earnestly help them solve their problems of work and study.

9. 前怕狼后怕虎的态度不能造就干部。

Fearing wolves ahead and tigers behind will not produce cadres./Flinching men

cannot turn out to be cadres.

10. 多年来那个国家一直有严重的失业现象。

For many years there has been serious unemployment in that country./ Serious unemployment has plagued that country for many years.

11. 他把事情一五一十地都讲给父母听了。

He told his parents the whole story exactly as it had happened.

12. 我们党结束了那个时期物价混乱的局面。

Our Party has put an end to the disorder of prices of that time.

13. 事发二十个小时以内,他都处于昏迷状态。

He didn’t come to himself until 20 hours later.

14. 至今这位老将军都还记得当年邓政委请他到家作客的情形。

Even today the senior general can clearly remember the day when Commissar

Deng (Deng Xiaoping) invited him over to enjoy a treat/entertained him to dinner.

(commissar: an official of the Communist Party in charge of political indoctrination 政委共产党官员,负责政治教导) (entertain: receive sb as a guest; provide food and drink for sb, esp. in one’s home eg: I don’t entertain very often. 我不常在家请客。)

15. 总理在出席音乐会之前,还有许多工作要做。

The Premier had a lot of work to do before (attending) the concert.

16. 这台电视机真是价廉物美。

This television set is really cheap (in price) and fine (in quality).

17. 中国足球的落后状态必须改变。

The backwardness of the Chinese football must be changed.

18. 无数先烈为中国的革命事业献出了生命。

Countless martyrs have laid down their lives for the Chinese revolution.

19. 等他回国再说。

Let’s wait till he is back to China. (not “Let’s wait till he is back to China and

speak it again.”)

20. 那位世界小姐真有沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌。

Indeed, the beauty of that Miss World would put the flowers to shame.

3.增词法 (amplification)

1. 又要马儿跑得快,又要马儿不吃 草,简直可笑!

want the horse to run fast and yet let it graze. Isn’t it ridiculous! /You can’t eat your cake and have it。

2.努力实现和平统一。 3.三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。 4.法律是上层建筑。 5.水有水波,热有热浪。 6.虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 7.要提倡顾全大局。

8.结婚大办酒席,实在可以免去了。 9.这真是俗话说的,“旁观者清”。

It is just as the proverb goes, “The onlooker sees most of the game./ The spectator is in a better position to judge.”

10. 一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。

Just as a fence needs the support of three stakes, so an able fellow needs the help of three other people.


there’s life there is hope.)


Yto part company in the end.


All of a sudden, he felt an intense warmth in his heart, as if a fire was 14.我们是多年的好朋友,一旦分开,难免会依依不舍。

once we have to part company. (tear away: to remove or cause (sb or oneself) to leave (sth or sb): (1).I was enjoying the film so much that when the time came to leave, I could hardly tear myself away. (2). How can I tear myself away from you? part company (with): to become separated from (sb), as at the end of a journey or a relationship; to disagree with (sb): I’m afraid that I must part company with the chairman on this question.)


4.转换法 (conversion)


The workers new regulations.


of science and technology and of economy must be based on education.


should be put in an important place.


5 6 7 8 .

9 10.

people a feeling of 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. their strong points.

16. 很难把这部小说列入哪一类型中去。

This novel defies easy classification.

17. 我儿子拉洋车。(老舍:《柳家大院》)

My son is a rickshaw puller. (rickshaw/ricksha: 黄包车, 人力车)

18. 他谋杀了他的老板。

He is the murderer of his boss.

19. 他读书时不加选择。

He is indiscriminate in reading./He is an indiscriminate reader.

20. 他们迫切地想弄到消息。

They were news-hungry.

5.逆向译法(正说与反说)(affirmative vs. negative)


To keep in mind that past lessons can serve as a guide for the future/Past experience, if not forgotten, can serve as a guide for the future.


All sales are final. /No refunding. /No refunds.


Keep this passageway clear.(不要做——要做)





当今社会,客来敬茶已经成为人们日常社交和家庭生活中普遍的往来礼仪。俗话说:酒满茶半。上茶时应以右手端茶,从客人的右方奉上,并时带微笑。当然,喝茶的客人也要以礼还礼,双手接过,点头致谢。品茶时,讲究小口品饮,其妙趣在于意会而不可言传。另外,可适当称赞主人茶好。总之,敬茶是国人礼仪中待客的一种日常礼节,也是社会交往的一项内容,不仅是对客人、朋友的尊重, 也能体现自己的修养(self-cultivation)。


Nowadays, offering tea to guests has become common etiquette in daily social interaction and family life. As the saying goes, white spirit, full cup; tea, half cup. Tea cup should be held on the right hand and offered to guests with a smile from their right side. Of course, the guests should pay respect as well, taking over the cup with both hands and nodding to express his thanks. When tasting tea, you should drink it in small sips, the beauty and fun of which is beyond words. In addition, you could praise the tea of the owner appropriately. In short, offering tea is a daily ritual of Chinese people when receiving guests and it is also part of social interaction. It can not only show respect to guests and friends, but also reflect your self-cultivation.


1.敬茶:可以理解为“献茶”,故译为offer tea。

2.俗话说:可译为as the saying goes,固定译法。

3.酒满茶半:可译为white spirit,full cup; tea,half cup。在中国的餐桌文化里,酒要倒满,而茶要倒半杯。

4.以礼还礼:可译为pay respect as well。

5.讲究小口品饮:即drink it in small sips。其中,sip作名词,意为“小口喝”;也可以作动词,例如Mike sipped his drink quickly.(迈克快速地喝了 一小口饮料。) 词组take a sip表示“喝一小口,抿一口。”

6.日常礼节:可译为daily ritual。

7.对客人、朋友的尊重:可译为动词词组,即show respect to guests and friends。



He is so devoted to his research that it never occurs to him that he will soon have to retire.


Many people have observed that, without effective checks, we all have a tendency to abuse our power.


Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference.


The control of sand storms will involve a tremendous amount of work and money.


You have to take the local conditions into consideration when you apply these technologies.


All applicants will have to fill out these forms and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars.


Based on his careful observation of children’s behavior, he came to the conclusion that learning is a natural pleasure.


In a country of many nationalities, ethnic harmony requires very careful handling.


The government is determined to punish all the corrupt officials involved.


Cheating on exams does not occur very often. But when it does, the school takes a very tough position.


I supposed that the book might not be in print. I checked with the bookstore people, and they told me that I was right. The book had been out of print.


One memorable story in the novel concerns how Liu Bei tried not to rouse Cao Cao’s suspicion about his ambitions, because if he did his life would be at stake.


When Cao Cao called him a real hero, Liu Bei was so shocked that he dropped his chopsticks. But he cleverly covered up his suspicious behavior.


The first suspect was the victim’s son. The police suspected him of murdering his father because the neighbors had heard them fighting on the night of the killing.


In learning, the important thing is not to commit everything to memory, but to use your imagination and think creatively as well as critically.


He must have been the funniest burglar imaginable. He broke into a house, ate and drank to his heart’s content, and remained dead drunk until discovered the next morning, with a perfectly content look on his face.


I have trouble remembering people’s names. I imagine it must result from old age.


We often live under many imaginary threats and feel disheartened as a result.

9.我怀疑我们的教师有时候低估了学生智力,其实年轻人脑子里充满了想象。 I suspect we teachers sometimes underestimate students’ mental capacities. Young people actually have very imaginative minds.


Where there’s a will there is a way.


As the saying goes, behind every successful man there stands a woman.


There was a time in this town when the residents didn’t have to lock their doors at night.

4.上学的第一天,那男孩就明白了再也不可能回到那个天堂一样的家里去了。 On his first day at school, the boy realized that there was no question of ever returning to the paradise of home.


Nelson Mandela says in his autobiography. Sometimes there is nothing one can do to save something that must die.


There’s something to be said for living in an out-of-the-way place in the mountains.


There’s no telling what those terrorists might do next. We must be on the lookout all the time.


There were too many things to consider before the family decided to immigrate to Australia.


There is something in the boy’s aggressive behavior that is worrying his parents.


There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Don’t feel entitled to anything you haven’t sweated and struggled for.

Unit 3


They all stretched their necks to see what was happening, as if pulled by an invisible string.


We got out of the car to stretch a little. In front of us was a beautiful stretch of open land.


They talked for hours at a stretch, but they still failed to settle their differences.

4.尽管有温暖的天气、新鲜的空气和美味的佳肴,她的健康仍然没有恢复。 For all the warm weather, fresh air and delicious food, her health still did not recover.


One glance at the car, and he knew that it was beyond repair. He looked ahead and found the desert stretching as far as the eye could see without a soul in sight. He knew he was in a terrible fix.

6.武松奋力举起哨棒像老虎打去。但是哨棒“啪”地一声断了,而老虎毫发未伤。 Wu Song swung his stick at the tiger with all his strength. But the stick snapped and the tiger was unharmed. In his picnic, he had hit the tree nearby.


I am terribly fond of the pictures you snapped in Russia, especially the one showing the Russian coachman sitting by the Black Sea with his supper in a cloth on his knees.



“You can’t just let go at that.” I tried to plead with him.

“It is none of your business,” he snapped.


He snapped his briefcase to, stoop up and said, “Then it’s all settled.”


He was standing in front of his house on a hill, only about a hundred meters away from the wharf when the tsunami came.


The hungry boy wolfed down the leftover corn bread as though it was his favorite king prawn.

2.关于高中的日子,他的记忆中只剩下一轮又一轮、没完没了的测验和考试。 What remains in his mind in his mind of his high school days is nothing but endless rounds of tests and exams.


I don’t think the resolution is in accord with the purpose of the organization. That’s why I voted as I did.


He doesn’t understand what it is that makes his grandson so crazy about microblogging.


I remember the details about the incident as though it was yesterday.


What remained of her home after the tornado was the land the house was built on.


That’s why he behaved as he did when he witnessed the car crash this morning.

8.他们在琢磨是什么使那对双胞胎兄弟一个成了罪犯,另一个成了优秀的警察。 They are trying to figure out what it was that turned one of the twin brothers into a criminal, the other an excellent police.


When he found a particularly strong rice plant he was very happy as though he had discovered a gold mine.


Now that his quiet well-off, he has decided to get in touch with what remains of his family.

Unit 4


Only in this way can we give a reasonable account of his strange behavior.


She claims to possess a magic power----the power to cure diseases simply by the
