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时间:2017-05-16 07:42 来源:免费论文网


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Part 1 Word Dictation

(每小题: 分)

Directions: Listen and write down the words you hear. You are going to listen to the recording twice. During the first time, write the word that you hear. Check your answers as you listen the second time. 1.















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Part 2 Understanding Short Conversations

(每小题: 分)

Directions: In this section you'll hear some short

conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage or dialog. 1.

A. Everyone has a better mobile nowadays.

B. He is too proud of his mobile phone.

C. He is slow in getting a mobile phone.他正在慢慢移动电话

D. His mobile phone is not real.

Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage or dialog. 2.

A. The man's wife heads the mobile phone division.

B. The man's wife is up for the next promotion.

C. The man's wife wasn't promoted.男人的妻子没有提升

D. The man's wife promoted someone with more experience.

Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage or dialog. 3.

A. To gain access to the person's money.进入人的钱

B. To make up fake IDs.

C. To use another person's identity.

D. To get a social security number.

Questions 4 to 4 are based on the following passage or dialog. 4.

A. Another person has the woman's card.

B. The new card may bring some trouble.新卡可能带来一些麻 烦

C. The new card is really easy to use.

D. Another person is pretending to be the woman.

Questions 5 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog. 5.

A. Dealing with real people at the bank.在银行处理整整的人

B. Using banking machines.

C. Handling bank transactions.

D. Taking care of other people.

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Part 3 Understanding Long Conversations

(每小题: 分)

Directions: In this section you'll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog.


A. The woman's car.

B. The woman's kids.

C. The woman's sweetheart.

D. The woman's hurtful jokes.伤人的玩笑


A. To make jokes.

B. To see the woman again.

C. To be free of the woman.自由的女人

D. To get out of the car.


A. 5 years.

B. 3 years.

C. 10 years.

D. 6 years.


A. Mother and son.

B. Father and daughter.

C. Wife and husband.

D. Boyfriend and girlfriend.


A. The woman is starting her life with the man.


Translation------ unit 1

1. 她似乎与新同学相处不好。(get along with)

She doesn’t seem to get along with her new classmates.

3. 那老兵喜欢对每一位来访者炫耀他的勋章。(show off)

The veteran enjoys showing off his medals to everyone who visits him.

5. 因为托马斯不安心工作,他的父母非常担忧。(settle down)

As Thomas couldn’t settle down in his job, his parents were very worried.

9. 那些男孩太吵闹,我把他们骂了一顿。(tell off)

I told the boys off for making so much noise.

Translation------ unit 2

4. 病了3个月之后,他几乎站也站不稳了。(rise to one’s feet)

After three months’ illness, he found it difficult to rise to his feet again.

5. 由于人手不足,无法按期完成任务。(a shortage of)

Owing to a shortage of staff, the task couldn’t be fulfilled on schedule/ time.

7. 那盲女上了拥挤的公共汽车,乘客们给她让出了地方。(make room for)

When the blind girl got on the crowded bus, the passengers made room for her.

Translation------ unit 3


Mother sent Tom for the doctor immediately.

2.由于糖用完了,她没做成蛋糕。(run out of)

She failed to make the cake because of she had run out of sugar.

4汤姆说错了话,惹得全班同学哄堂大笑。(roar with)

The whole class roared with laughter at Tom’s slip of the tongue.

7他最后终于回到了他的祖国。(in the end)

He returned to his motherland in the end.

Translation------ unit 4

1. 我们的左侧有条路直通山脚。(lead to)

1. There is a road on our left leading straight to the foot of the mountains.

4. 我们无法按时完成这项任务,因为我们人手不足。(short of)

4. We cannot complete the project as scheduled because we are short of staff.

3. 考试前老师给每位学生一枝铅笔,因为他们必须用铅笔答题。(hand out)

3. The teacher handed out a pencil to each student before the exam as the questions were to be answered in pencil.

4. 这幢房子里没有任何家具。(devoid)

4. The house is totally devoid of furniture

5. 他利用她的无知,骗取了她的信任。(take advantage of)

5. He managed to win her trust by taking advantage of her ignorance

Uncle liked to sleep with the window open and got up in the night to open it。As he did ,he knocked over what he assumed to be a full glass of water。Then,groping along the walls in an unsuccessful search for the light switch,he retraced his steps several times befor raising the window and settling back on the bed for the night。When he opened his eyes the nest morning,he was horrified。The fresh wallpaper on two walls was covered with great black blobs。The crisp white curtains were thoroughly smudged with the prints of Uncle's huge paws。It had not been the water glass he'd overturned during the night-it had been the ink bottle。


In a shaken state of mind and knowing he must face the hostess,Uncle dressed

hurriedly and started down the stairs outside the guest room。As he approached the landing,his foot slipped。Reaching wildly for support,he grabbed the nearest object,while happened to be a beautiful electric brass candelabra mounted on the

stairwell wall。The fixture was hissing and smoking as he ripped it from th wall and toppled down to the landing below,still clutching it in his hand。

在动摇的心态,知道他所要面对的女主人,叔叔赶紧打扮开始下楼的客房外。当他走近降落,他脚下一滑,达到疯狂的支持,他抓住最近的对象,而发生是一个美丽的电动黄铜烛台夹具安装在楼梯间墙。那个东西被他从墙上拔下来得时候发出嘶嘶的声响并冒着烟,就是在叔父翻到在地时。他还将它紧抓在手中。 Jerry was scared。Some time passed before he calmed down and began to look for a way to get out。There were no handholds on the inside of the trunk;the snag that had slowed him up on his way down was out of reach。And,though he tried desperately,he couldn't enlarge the hole at his feet by kicking。It would do no good to call,either;he was much too gar from home for that。At last,the idea came to him of sending the dogs for help。"Go hone,Shep!Go home!"He shouted。The dog gave one sharp bark。"Go home!"He shouted again。And,at that,Shep turned and streaked across the field,but the two pups remained,yelping encouragement to their master。


3. He could not bring himself to tell the woman what had happened. 但他不能令自己鼓起勇气去告诉女主人刚才所发生的事情。

a. It is hard for his friends to understand how he could bring himself to leave his girlfriend.

b. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her the bad news.

c. Can he bring himself to tell his father who has damaged the car?

4. Uncle Alden slipped the dead dog into his coat pocket.

奥尔登叔叔偷偷地把小狗的尸体塞到了衣服口袋里 。

4. a. Spotting the wallet on the pavement, the woman picked it up quickly and slipped it into her pocket.

b. I saw him slipping a note into her book. I’m sure he’s in love with her.

c. The spy slipped a little piece of paper into the empty cigarette packet and left the bar right away.

1. Bob had roared with laughter a month earlier, when Jerry had told him they had cost five dollars.


1. a. The naughty boys roared with laughter when Tom made a mistake when answering.

b. The comedian’s funny remarks made the conference members roar with laughter.

c. The young men roared with laughter when they heard the joke.

2. But he never reached the animal. Down he plunged, too suddenly to make a sound, into the deep hollow of the dead tree.


2. a. The man never caught the handle. Down he tumbled to the stair landing. b. The murderer never got to know what happened to the basement door. Down he slipped into a deep hole at the bottom.

c. The pilot never saw who was behind his jet. Down the jet plunged into the sea.

1. He cast his eyes on the earth, where few more hopeless people besides himself now moved towards their certain goal …the tomb.




1.Are u kidding me?你霍老子哦?


3.Long time no see.死哪儿切了喃?那么久没qio到你了。


5.Don“t worry。虚啥子啊虚。

6.What do u want?你要爪子嘛?

7.I can not hold no longer.老子遭不住了。


9.She”s my girlfriend;wife.她是我老妞儿。

10.You are welcome.莫来头;说这些。

11.That“s awesome.简直巴适的板。

12.I have no idea.晓求不得。

13.A little.就那么滴滴儿。

14.I am sure.我呸死了。打包票。

15.What happened?啥子情况啥子情况?

16.It doesn”t make sense.球名堂莫得。

17.It“s none of your business.管你娃球事啊?

18.What a hell? 浪么子搞起在勒。

19.Are u sure.儿霍??

20.Are u out of ur mind?你吃醉了所?

21.Rock paper scissors. 石千儿。

22.I dont care.管我屁事啊。

23.Kick your ass. 给你娃儿两脚头哦。

24.Dark black。黢马黑。

25.See u.空了吹。

26.Let”s go.撤飘。

27.Shut up.闹啥子。


29.You wanna piece of me.老子给你打燃火。


31.I got no money.老子分儿都不分儿了。
