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1、战略是什么?战略本质?What is strategy? How do we do strategy

research? Discussion on various perspectives

1、 被引用次数:4036

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Management Review, 6(4): 609-620被引用次数:696



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4、 战略与组织(结构)

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5、 竞争战略

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16、Shan, W. (1990). "An empirical analysis of organizational strategies by entrepreneurial high-technology

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17、Shortell, S. and E. Zajac (1990). "Perceptual and Archival Measures of Miles and Snow's Strategic Types: A 被引用次数:409

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6、 多元化

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第一章 管理总论

Manager 管理者

First-line managers 基层管理者

Middle managers 中层管理者

Top managers 高层管理者

Management 管理

Efficiency 效率

Effectiveness 效果

Planning 计划

Organizing 组织

Leading 领导

Controlling 控制

Management process 管理过程

Management roles 管理角色

Interpersonal roles 人际关系角色

Informational roles 信息传递角色

Decisional roles 决策制定角色

Technical skills 技术技能

Human skills 人事技能

Conceptual skills 概念技能

System 系统

Closed systems 封闭系统

Open systems 开放系统

Environment 环境

Special environment 具体环境

General environment 一般环境

Contingency perspective 权变观

Organization 组织

Universality of management 管理的普遍性

Nonmanagerial employees / Operatives 操作者

第二章 管理的历史

Division of labor 劳动分工

Industrial revolution 产业革命

Scientific management 科学管理

Therbligs 基本动作元素

General administrative theorists 一般行政管理理论家 Principles of management 管理原则

Bureaucracy 官僚行政组织、层级组织

Quantitative approach 定量方法

Organizational behavior (OB) 组织行为

Hawthorne Studies 霍桑研究

Workforce diversity 员工多样化

Entrepreneurship 企业家

e-business (electronic business) 电子商务

e-commerce (electronic commerce) 电子贸易、电子商务 Intranet 内部互联网

Total quality management (TQM) 全面质量管理

Learning organization 学习型组织

Knowledge management 知识管理

Workplace spirituality 团队精神

第三章 计划

Decision 决策

Decision-making process 决策过程

Problem 问题

Decision criteria 决策标准

Implementation 实施

Rational decision making 理性决策

Bounded rationality 有限理性

Satisficing 满意

Escalation of commitment 承诺升级

Intuitive decision making 直觉决策

Well-structured problems 结构良好问题

Programmed decision 程序化决策

Procedure 程序

Rule 规则

Policy 政策

Poorly structured problems 结构不良问题

Nonprogrammed decisions 非程序化决策

Certainty 确定性

Risk 风险性

Uncertainty 不确定性

Directive style 指导性风格

Analytic style 分析性风格

Conceptual style 概念性风格

Behavioral style 行为性风格

Planning 计划

Goals 目标

Plans 计划

Strategic plans 战略计划

Operational plans 作业计划

Long-term plans 长期计划

Short-term plans 短期计划

Specific plans 具体性计划

Directional plans 指导性计划

Single-use plan 单一目标计划

Standing plans 标准计划

Traditional goal setting 传统目标设定

Means-ends chain 手段-结果链

Management by objectives (MBO) 目标管理

Mission 使命

Commitment concept 承诺概念

Formal planning department 正式计划部门

Strategic management 战略管理

Strategic management process 战略管理过程

Opportunities 机会

Threats 威胁

Core competencies 核心能力

Strengths 优势

Weaknesses 劣势

SWOT analysis SWOT分析

Corporate-level strategy 公司层战略

Stability strategy 稳定战略

Growth strategy 增长战略

Related diversification 相关领域多元化经营

Uelated diversification 不相关领域多元化经营

Retrenchment strategy 收缩战略

BCG matrix BCG矩阵 波士顿咨询集团矩阵

Business-level strategy 事业层战略

Strategic business units 战略经营单位

Competitive advantage 竞争优势

Cost leadership strategy 成本领先战略

Differentiation strategy 差异化战略

Focus strategy 集中化战略

Functional-level strategy 职能层战略

Environmental Scanning 环境扫描

Competitor intelligence 竞争者情报、竞争者信息

Forecasts 预测

Quantitative forecasting 定量预测

Qualitative forecasting 定性预测

Forecasting Techniques 预测技术

Benchmarking 基准化、标杆

Resources 资源

Budget 预算

Revenue Budgets 收入预算

Expense Budgets 费用预算

Profit Budgets 利润预算

Cash Budgets 现金预算

Scheduling 进度计划、规划

Gantt Charts 甘特图

Load Charts 负荷图

PERT network 计划评审技术网络

Events 事件

Activities 活动

Slack time 松弛时间

Critical path 关键线路

Breakeven analysis 盈亏平衡分析

Linear programming 线性规划

Project 项目

Project Management 项目管理

Scenario 设想方案

第四章 组织

Organizing 组织

Organizational structure 组织结构

Organizational design 组织设计

Work specialization 劳动分工

Departmentalization 部门化

Functional departmentalization 职能部门化

Product departmentalization 产品部门化

Geographical departmentalization 地区部门化

Process departmentalization 过程部门化

Customer departmentalization 顾客部门化

Cross-functional teams 跨职能团队

Chain of command 指挥链

Authority 职权

Responsibility 职责

Unity of command 统一指挥

Span of control 管理幅度

Centralization 集权化

Decentralization 分权化

Formalization 正规化

Mechanistic organization 机械式组织

Organic organization 有机式组织

Unit production 单件生产

Mass production 大量生产

Process production 连续生产

Simple structure 简单结构

Functional structure 职能型结构

Divisional structure 分部型结构

Team-based structure 团队结构

Matrix structure 矩阵结构

Project structure 项目结构

Autonomous internal units 内部自治单位

Boundaryless organization 无边界组织

Learning organization 学习型组织

High-performance work practice 高绩效的工作实践

Human resource management process 人力资源管理过程

Labor union 工会

Human resource planning 人力资源规划

Job analysis 职务分析

Job description 职务说明书

Job specification 职务规范

Recruitment 招聘

Decruitment 解聘

Selection process 甄选过程

Validity 效度

Reliability 信度

Work sampling 工作抽样

Assessment centers 测评中心

Orientation 定向、导向

Performance management system 绩效管理系统

Written essay 书面描述法

Critical incidents 关键事件法

Graphic rating scales 评分表法

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) 行为定位评分法 Multiperson comparisons 多人比较法

Group order ranking 分组排序法

Individual ranking 个体排序法

Paired comparison 配对比较法

360 degree feedback 360度反馈

skill-based pay 按技能付酬

Career 职业生涯、职业

Organizational change 组织变革

Change agents 变革推动者

Organizational development (OD) 组织发展

Stress 压力

Creativity 创造

Innovation 创新

第五章 领导

Behavior 行为

Organizational behavior 组织行为学

Attitudes 态度

Cognitive component 认知成分

Affective component 情感成分

Behavioral component 行为成分

Job satisfaction 工作满意度

Job involvement 工作投入

Organizational commitment 组织承诺

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) 组织公民行为 Cognitive dissonance 认知失调

Attitude surveys 态度调查

Personality 人性

Big-five model 重要的五大模型

Emotional intelligence (EI) 情感智商

Locus of control 控制点

Machiavellianism 马基雅维里主义

Self-esteem 自尊

Self-monitoring 自我监控

Perception 知觉

Attribution theory 归因理论

Fundamental attribution error 基本归因错误

Self-serving bias 自我服务偏见

Selectivity 有选择地接受、选择性

Assumed similarity 假设相似性

Stereotyping 刻板印象

Learning 学习

Operant conditioning 操作性条件反射

Social learning theory 社会学习理论

Shaping behavior 行为塑造

Motivation 动机

Need 需要

Hierarchy of needs theory 需要层次理论

Physiological needs 生理需要

Safety needs 安全需要

Social needs 社会需要

Esteem needs 尊重需要

Self-actualization needs 自我实现需要

Theory X X理论

Theory Y Y理论

Motivation-hygiene theory 激励-保健理论

Hygiene factors 保健因素

Motivators 激励因素

Three-needs theory 三种需要理论

Need for achievement (nAch) 成就需要

Need for power (nPow) 权力需要

Need for affiliation (nAff) 归属需要

Goal-setting theory 目标设定理论

Reinforcement theory 强化理论

Reinforcers 强化物

Job design 职务设计

Job scope 职务范围

Job enlargement 职务扩大化

Job eichment 工作丰富化

Job depth 职务深度

Job characteristic model (JCM) 职务特征模型

Skill variety 技能多样性

Task identity 任务同一性

Task significance 任务重要性

Autonomy 自主性

Feedback 反馈

Equity theory 公平理论

Referents 参照对象

Expectancy theory 期望理论

Compressed workweek 压缩工作周

Flexible work hours 弹性工作制

Job sharing 职务分担

Contingent workers 应急工

Telecommuting 电子通信,远程办公

Pay-for performance programs 基于绩效的薪酬管理

Open-book management 公开帐簿管理

Leader 领导者

Leadership 领导

Behavioral theories 行为理论

Autocratic style 权威式

Democratic style 民主式

Laissez-faire style 放任式

Initiating structure 定规维度

Consideration 关怀维度

High-high leader 高-高型领导者

Managerial grid 管理方格论

Fiedler contingency model 菲德勒权变模型

Least-preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire 最难共事者问卷 Leader-member relations 领导者-成员关系,上下级关系 Task structure 任务结构



英文名称:Strategic:Winning in the Marketplace

学 分:3学分

学 时:48学时

先修课程:管理学、组织行为学、国际贸易、人力资源管理、市场营销、会计、经济学等 适用专业:工商管理类专业


Unlike other business courses that concentrate narrowly on a particular function or piece of the business—accounting, finance, marketing, production, human resources, or information systems, strategic management is a big picture course. It cuts across the whole spectrum of business and management. The center of attention is the total enterprise–-the industry and competitive environment in which it operates, its long-term direction and strategy, its resources and competitive capabilities, and its prospects for success.

Throughout the course, the spotlight will be trained on the foremost issue in running a business enterprise: ―What must managers do, and do well, to make the company a winner in the game of business?‖ The answer that emerges, and which becomes the theme of the course, is that good strategy-making and good strategy-execution are the key ingredients of company success and the most reliable signs of good management. The mission of the course is to explore why good strategic management leads to good business performance, to present the basic concepts and tools of strategic analysis, and to drill you in the methods of crafting a well-conceived strategy and executing it competently.

You’ll be called on to probe, question, and evaluate all aspects of a company’s external and internal situation. You’ll grapple with sizing up a company’s standing in the marketplace and its ability to go head-to-head with rivals, learn to tell the difference between winning strategies and mediocre strategies, and become more skilled in spotting ways to improve a company’s strategy or its execution.

In the midst of all this, another purpose is accomplished: to help you synthesize what you have learned in prior business courses. Dealing with the grand sweep of how to manage all the pieces of a business makes strategic management an integrative, capstone course in which you reach back to use concepts and techniques covered in previous courses. For perhaps the first time you’ll see how the various pieces of the business puzzle fit together and why the different parts of a business need to be managed in strategic harmony for the organization to operate in winning fashion.

The Next Weeks Will Be Exciting, Fun, Challenging, and Filled with Learning Opportunities. No matter what your major is, the content of this course has all the ingredients to be the best course you’ve taken—best in the sense of learning a lot about business, holding your interest from beginning to end, and enhancing your powers of business judgment. As you tackle the subject matter, ponder Ralph Waldo Emerson’s observation, ―Commerce is a game of skill which many people play, but which few play well.‖ The overriding intent of the course is to help

you become a more savvy player and better prepare you for a successful business career. We sincerely hope this course will prove to be instrumental in making you ―competitively superior,‖ successful in your career, and much wiser about the secrets of first-rate management.


1. To develope your capacity to think strategically about a company, its present business

position, its long-term direction, its resources and competitive capabilities, the caliber of its strategy, and its opportunities for gaining sustainable competitive advantage.

2. To build your skills in conducting strategic analysis in a variety of industries and

competitive situations and, especially, to provide you with a stronger understanding of the competitive challenges of a global market environment.

3. To give you hands-on experience in crafting business strategy, reasoning carefully about

strategic options, using what-if analysis to evaluate action alternatives, and making sound strategic decisions.

4. To acquaint you with the managerial tasks associated with implementing and executing

company strategies, drill you in the range of actions managers can take to promote competent strategy execution, and give you some confidence in being able to function effectively as part of a company’s strategy-implementing team.

5. To integrate the knowledge gained in earlier core courses in the business school

curriculum, show you how the various pieces of the business puzzle fit together, and demonstrate why the different parts of a business need to be managed in strategic harmony for the organization to operate in winning fashion.

6. To develop your powers of managerial judgment, help you learn how to assess business

risk, and improve your ability to make sound decisions and achieve effective outcomes.

7. To help you become more proficient in using personal computers to do managerial

analysis and managerial work.

8. To make you more conscious about the importance of exemplary ethical principles, sound personal

and company values, and socially responsible management practices.


Your course grade will be based on the following components and percentage allocation:

1.Atendance at all class sessions

2.Participation in class discussion of cases and satisfactory completion

of case assignments

3.Final exam

30% 100% necessary


1. Lectures by the instructor

2. Practicing the tasks of managerial analysis and decision-

making via use of actual case studies--analysis/discussion

by whole class (students do most of the talking) ―learn-by-doing‖ exercise. 35% of in-class hrs. Out-of-class 3. Practicing the task of managing via the GLO-BUS 65% of in-class hrs.



Attendance at all class sessions is expected, but it is required on those days an assigned case is discussed in class. be discussed with your instructor, since roll is taken on case discussion days and .

Due to the fact that participation in class discussion of cases counts as a factor in determining your overall grade in the course, . Each student is expected to be an active participant in case discussions and to offer meaningful analysis and convincing arguments for the position you stake out. Your grade on class participation is something to be earned by contributing your assessments and judgments to the discussion. Merely coming to class and listening to the discussion of


(48 class meetings of 45 minutes,2 class/each day)


1-2Orientation and course preview

Lecture on Chapter 1

Chapter One explores the concepts surrounding organizational strategy. It begins with an explanation of the term, strategy. Next, it explores the importance of striving for competitive advantage in the marketplace. This is followed by a discussion on methodology for identifying an organization’s current strategy. The chapter then explores the idea that strategy is partly proactive and partly reactive. Next, a close look at the relationship between a company’s strategy and its business model is taken. The chapter proceeds forward with a look at what the strategy-making, strategy-executing process entails. It provides an in-depth exploration of the five interrelated and integrated tasks of this process: developing a strategic vision, setting objectives, crafting a strategy, implementing and executing the strategy, and initiating corrective adjustments. The chapter then provides insight into the role of the Board of Directors in the strategy-making, strategy-executing process. It concludes with a discussion on the importance of strategy to organizations.




9-10 Continued lecture on Chapter 1 Continued lecture on Chapter 1 Case discussion 1 Lecture on chapter 2

Chapter Two presents the concepts and analytical tools for assessing a single-business company’s external environment. It will focus attention on the specific industry and competitive arena in which a company operates. Additionally, the chapter will explore other pertinent technological, societal, regulatory, and demographic influences in the larger macro-environment that can act to reshape or influence the organization’s future market arena.




17-18 Continued lecture on Chapter 2 Continued lecture on Chapter 2 Case discussion 2 Lecture on chapter 3

Chapter Three discusses the techniques of evaluating a company’s resources capabilities, relative cost position, and competitive strength versus rivals. Sizing up the pros and cons of a company’s resources and competitive position paves the way for matching strategy to the company’s resource capabilities and its competitive position versus key rivals. The analytical spotlight will be focused on five questions: (1) How well is the company’s present strategy working? (2) What are the company’s resource strengths and weaknesses and its external opportunities and threats? (3) Are the company’s prices and costs competitive? (4) Is the company competitively stronger or weaker than key rivals? (5) What strategic issues and problems merit front-burner managerial attention? Four analytical tools – SWOT analysis, value chain analysis, benchmarking, and competitive strength assessment will be used to derive responses to the five questions. These analytical tools are valuable techniques for revealing a company’s competitiveness.

10-20 Continued lecture on chapter 3



25-26 Continued lecture on chapter 3 Case discussion 3 Lecture on chapter 4

Chapter Four focuses on a company’s quest for competitive advantage – the strategy options for competing successfully in a particular industry and securing an attractive market position. The chapter surveys the menu of options a company has for crafting a strategy that is well-suited both to industry and competitive conditions and to its own resources and competitive circumstances that holds good prospects for competitive advantage. Chapter Four begins with a description of each of the five basic types of competitive strategies. Next, it explores a company’s menu of strategic choices on the various strategic actions the company can take to complement and flesh out its choice on a basic competitive strategy approach. The chapter contains sections discussing the pros and cons of each of the complementary strategic

options offered. It discusses the need for strategic choices in each functional area of a company’s business to support its basic competitive strategic moves. The chapter concludes with a brief look at the competitive importance of timing strategic moves.Case discussion:Kmart: Striving for a Comeback

27-28 Continued lecture on chapter 4



33-34 Continued lecture on chapter 4 Case discussion 4 Lecture on chapter 5

Chapter Five focuses on a company’s strategy options for expanding beyond its domestic boundary and competing in the markets of either a few or a great many countries. The chapter spotlight will be on four strategic issues unique to competing internationally. It will introduce a number of core concepts including multicountry competition, global competition, profit sanctuaries, and cross-market subsidization. Chapter Five is structured around sections on the special features of doing business in foreign markets, the different strategies for entering and competing in foreign markets, the growing role of alliances with foreign partners, the importance of locating operations in the most advantageous countries, and the special circumstances of competing in such emerging country markets as China, India, and Brazil. 35-36

37-38 Case discussion 5 Lecture on chapter 6

Chapter Six moves up one level in the strategy-making hierarchy, from strategy-making in a single business enterprise to strategy-making in a diversified enterprise. The chapter begins with a description of the various paths through which a company can become diversified, an explanation of how a company can use diversification to create or compound competitive advantage for its business units, and how surveying the strategic options an already diversified company has to improve its overall performance. Chapter Six concludes with an examination of the techniques and procedures for assessing the strategic attractiveness of a diversified company’s business portfolio.

39-40 Case discussion 6

41-42 Lecture on chapter 7

Chapter Seven examines the process of executing an organizational strategy. It has an emphasis on the conversion of a strategy into actions and good results for organizations. The chapter explores how executing strategy is an operations-driven activity that revolves around the management of people and business processes. It denotes that successfully executing a strategy depends on doing a good job of working with and through others, building and strengthening competitive capabilities, motivating and rewarding people in a strategy-supportive manner, and instilling a discipline of getting things done. Chapter Seven defines executing strategy as an action-oriented, make-things-happen task that tests a manager’s ability to direct organizational change, achieve continuous improvement in operations, create and nurture a strategy-supportive culture, and consistently meet or beat best performance targets.Case discussion 6
