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时间:2017-05-12 07:31 来源:免费论文网


乒乓球Table tennis






1.体操 gymnastics

2.游泳 swimming

3.击剑 fencing

4.举重 weightlifting

5.棒球 baseball

6.篮球 basketball

7.排球 volleyball

8.乒乓球 table tennis

9.足球 soccer

10.跳水 diving

11.马球 polo

12.水球 water polo

13.垒球 softball

14.网球 tennis

15.赛艇 canoe

16.冲浪 surfing

17.自行车 cycling

18.羽毛球 badminton

19.田径 track and field

20.手球 handball

21.摔交 wrestling

22.拳击 boxing

23.射箭 toxophily

24.射击 shooting

25.柔道 judo

26.骑马 equestrian

27.曲棍球 hockey

football 足球

rugby 橄榄球

basketball 篮球

volleyball 排球

tennis 网球

baseball 垒球

handball 手球

hockey 曲棍球

golf 高尔夫球

cricket 板球

ice hockey 冰球

gymnastics 体操

horizontal bar 单杠

parallel bars 双杠

rings 吊环

side horse, pommelled horse 鞍马

weight-lifting 举重

boxing 拳击

Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤

judo 柔道

fencing 击剑

skiing 滑雪

downhill race 速降滑雪赛,滑降

slalom 障碍滑雪

ski jump 跳高滑雪

ice skating 滑冰

figure skating 花样滑冰

roller skating 滑旱冰

middle-distance race 中长跑

sprint 短跑 (美作:dash)

the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏

marathon 马拉松

decathlon 十项

cross-country race 越野跑

high jump 跳高

long jump 跳远 (美作:broad jump)

triple jump, hop step and jump 三级跳

pole vault 撑竿跳

throw 投掷

throwing 投掷运动

putting the shot, shot put 推铅球

throwing the discus 掷铁饼

throwing the hammer 掷链锤

throwing the javelin 掷标枪

walk 竞走

swimming 游泳

medley relay 混合泳

crawl 爬泳

breaststroke 蛙式

backstroke 仰式

freestyle 自由式

butterfly (stroke) 蝶泳

diving competition 跳水

water polo 水球

water skiing 水橇

rowing 划船

canoe 划艇

boat race 赛艇

yacht 游艇

kayak 皮船

sailing 帆船运动

jockey, polo 马球

Tennis 网球

Athletics 竞技

Swimming 游泳

Individual Sports 体育项目

Football 足球

Games and Competitions 球类运动

Baseball & Softball 棒球和垒球

Water Sports 水上运动

Wrestling 搏击类竞技

Bicycles and Motorcycles 自行车和摩托

Basketball 篮球

Riding and Horse Races 赛马

Boxing 拳击

manager 经纪人

instructor 教练,技术指导

guide 领队

trainer 助理教练

referee, umpire (网球.棒球)裁判

linesman, touch judge (橄榄球)裁判

contestant, competitor, player 运动员

professional 职业运动员

amateur 业余运动员,爱好者

enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者

favourite 可望取胜者 (美作:favorite)

outsider 无取胜希望者

championship 冠军赛,锦标赛

champion 冠军

record 纪录

record holder 纪录创造者

ace 网球赛中的一分

Olympic Games, Olympics 奥林匹克运动会

Winter Olympics 冬季奥林匹克运动会

stadium 运动场

track 跑道

ring 圈

ground, field 场地

pitch (足球、橄榄球)场地

court 网球场

team, side 队

竞技性运动competitive sport

用粉笔记下(分数等);达到,得到 chalk up

出名 make one's mark

体育项目(尤指重要比赛) event

体育 PE (Physical Education)

体格、体质 physique

培训 groom

余的,带零头的 odd

年少者 junior

残疾人 the handicapped/disabled

学龄前儿童 preschool

全体;普通;一般 at large

平均寿命 life expectancy

复兴 revitalize

使有系统;整理 systemize

历史悠久的 time-honored

跳板 spring-board

秋千 swing

石弓,弩 crossbow

(比赛等的)观众 spectator

取得进展 make headway

体育大国/强国 sporting/sports power

与...有关系,加入 be affiliated to/with

落后 lag behind

武术 martial arts

五禽戏 five-animal exercises

体育运动 physical culture and sports

增强体质 to strengthen one's physique

可喜的,令人满意的 gratifying

称号,绰号 label

涌现出来 to come to the fore

源源不断 a steady flow of

队伍 contingent

又红又专/思想好,业务精 to be both socialist-minded and vocationally proficient

体育界 sports circle(s)

承担义务 to undertake obligation

黑马 dark horse

冷门 an unexpected winner; dark horse

爆冷门 to produce an unexpected winner

发展体育运动,增强人民体质 Promote physical culture and build up the people's health

锻炼身体,保卫祖国 Build up a good physique to defend the country 为祖国争光 to win honors for the motherland


Do not become cocky/be dizzy with success, nor downcast over/discouraged by defeat.

体育道德 sportsmanship

打出水平,打出风格 up to one's best level in skill and style of play 竞技状态好 in good form

失常 to lose one's usual form

比分领先 to outscore

打成平局 to draw/to tie/to play even/to level the score

失利 to lose


Physical Culture and Sports Commission of the PRC (State Physical Culture and Sports Commission)

中华全国体育总会 All-China Sports Federation

国际奥林匹克委员会 International Olympic Committee

少年业余体育学校 youth spare-time sports school, youth amateur athletic school

辅导站 coaching center

体育中心 sports center/complex

竞赛信息中心 competition information center

运动会 sports meet; athletic meeting; games

全国运动会 National Games

世界大学生运动会 World University Games; Universiade

比赛地点 competition/sports venue(s)

国际比赛 international tournament

邀请赛 invitational/invitational tournament

锦标赛 championship

东道国 host country/nation

体育场 stadium; sports field/ground

体育馆 gymnasium, gym; indoor stadium

比赛场馆 competition gymnasiums and stadiums


Exercise has a major part to play in preventing and combating disease.


Physical exercise administers to the circulation of the blood.


Exercise is conducive to good health.


Physical exercise is beneficial to health of body and mind


Sports can cultivate good will quality


篇三:2016新课标创新人教英语必修五 Unit 4 Section 5










1.It is reported that 58 people were killed, including 22 males and 36 females.


2.A big explosion broke out in Tianjin on August 12, 2015.



1.Witnesses say the fire lasted for four hours.


2.Further details of what happened are still unclear.


3.The whole nation was shocked at the news.


4.The conference urges the government of all countries to take necessary measures to get rid

of pollution.



1.In my opinion, measures should be taken by the government to set up various schools and colleges to meet the needs of people.


2.“Saving the Earth” conference came to a close last Saturday.












2.词数100字左右 。

参考词汇:阳光体育活动 a student sports program; 教育部 the Ministry of Education



1.要求 2.积极参加 3.高级的 4.渴望 5.集中于,全神贯注于 6.进程,过程 7.获得,学得 第二步:巧用单元语法和句型


①In order that studentscanhavegoodhealthandworkfiftyyearsandenjoythewholelife, they should exercise for an hour every day.

②Students should exercise for an hour every day 2.锻炼不仅可增强体质,还有助于我们集中精力学习。 ①Taking exercise buildsupourbody. Taking exercise helps us concentrate on our study.

②Notonlydoestakingexercisebuildup our body but it also helps us concentrate on our study.(not only ... but also ...)




On 13th July, 1985 the world was the stage for the largest rock concert it had ever known, Live Aid. This show was organized by musicians Bob Geldof and Midge Ure. With main performances in London's Wembley Stadium and Philadelphia's JFK Stadium, and supporting shows in cities such as Sydney and Moscow, Live Aid just wanted to raise as much money as possible for the people who suffered the famine (饥荒)) in Ethiopia.

Live Aid brought together a host of mainly British

and American musicians. Around

1.5 billion people in 100 countries around the world watched the shows live on television. Throughout the TV broadcasts, viewers were continually asked to phone up and donate money. It is said that,

over time, the Live Aid concerts made around £150 million for Ethiopia.

Twenty years after Live Aid, in June 2005, Bob Geldof and Midge Ure were once again the organizers behind a series of worldwide concerts, which went under the name of Live 8. The shows, ten of which were held on 2nd July, with one four days later on 6th July in Edinburgh, were held while the meeting of the heads of the G8 nations was held in Scotland. This time the aim was to put pressure on the presidents and prime ministers of the world's richest nations to drop all foreign debt and increase their help to the world's poorest nations. In order to do this, a huge petition (请愿) was organized, with people all over the world signing their names via the Internet and mobile phone text messages. This was then presented to the world leaders at their meeting. This petition, with more than 38 million names, can still be signed online at the official Live 8 website.

Many of the artists who performed at the original Live Aid concert returned to play again and they were joined by modern-day stars such as Black Eyed Peas, Alicia Keys, Joss Stone, Green Day and Robbie Williams. Again the shows were watched by millions all over the world on TV. Luckily, promises have been made by the world leaders, but it remains to be seen if these will be kept.


1.What can we learn about Live Aid?

A.It involved different types of music.

B.It got support from the British government.

C.It got attention from the heads of the G8 nations.

D.It was held in several places at the same time.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段的“With main performances in London's Wembley Stadium and Philadelphia's JFK Stadium, and supporting shows in cities such as Sydney and Moscow”可知,Live Aid这场盛大的摇滚音乐会在很多地方同时举行。

2.Throughout the concerts, viewers could donate money to Live Aid by

A.making phone calls

B.sending text messages

C.visiting its official website

D.buying tickets for the concerts

解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第二段的“Throughout the TV broadcasts, viewers were continually asked to phone up and donate money.”可知,观众通过打电话的方式与Live Aid的主办方联系来捐钱。

3.What did Live Aid and Live 8 have in common?

A.They both lasted a week.

B.They were organized by the same people.

C.They both aimed to raise money for the poor.

D.They both invited the world leaders to take part.

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一段的“Live Aid ... was organized by musicians Bob Geldof and Midge Ure”和倒数第二段的“Bob Geldof and Midge Ure were once again the organizers behind ... Live 8”可知这两场音乐会的组织者都是Bob Geldof和Midge Ure。

4.By holding such big concerts, Bob Geldof and Midge Ure probably hoped.

A.more people could love music

B.music could help those in need

C.people all over the world could unite

D.music could bring happiness to the world

解析:选B 推理判断题。Live Aid的目的是为遭受饥荒的埃塞俄比亚人筹集善款,而Live 8的目的则是对八国首脑施压以减免最穷国家的债务并增加对他们的帮助,故Bob Geldof和Midge Ure举办这两场音乐会是希望通过音乐来帮助那些需要帮助的人们。


For better grades — use your brain!

If you're like most students, you probably started this new school year with an air of determination to study harder. Now science can help you. Recent discoveries in brain research point to better ways to learn.

Think of the last time you looked up a number in the telephone book and dialed it. Could you remember that number five minutes later? Probably not! 1.But if you can put the phone number into long-term memory, you'll remember that same phone number next week.

When you study, you transfer (转移) new information into long-term memory. Every time we learn something new, the structure of the brain actually changes, as we build new connections to information that we already know. 2.

Brain researchers have discovered three key points for better study.

◆3.Your brain can process only a limited amount of information at one time, so don't try to remember every detail. When studying a textbook, look for titles and headings to show you the main ideas.

◆Make the new brain connections stronger. 4.This is the most powerful way to transfer information from short-term to long-term memory. Another way is drawing a picture of the information, to make the visual (视觉的) part of the brain active.

◆Give the new material time to soak in (渗入) — your brain has to build new physical connections. 5.And cramming (突击式学习) the night before a big test doesn't help.

A.Try to make an effort.

B.That's because it's in your short-term memory.
