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篇一:Unit11How was your school trip


Unit11How was your school trip?

Section A (1a-2c)


1.给奶牛挤奶_____________ 2.骑马_______________3.喂小鸡____________________


7.种苹果___________________8.摘草莓________________ 9.去钓鱼__________________


1.Carol __________(take)photos on the farm last week.

2._________you_________(see) Mr. zhang just now?

3. Jim _________(get)up at half past six yesterday morning.

4. Where________(be)your mother two hours ago?

5. The boy_________(not go)out for a walk with his friends last night?

6 .I?m__________(worry)about my daughter?s illness.

7.There are a lot of ________(farm)working in the field.

8.__________(luck), I got an “A” in the exam.

9.They all __________(go)to the mountains yesterday morning.

10She ________________(not visit)her aunt last weekend. home and ___________(do)some cleaning.


1. what ______he do on his last school trip?

A does B doC didD was

A ride B rodeC ridesD A. photo ?s newspaper?

A. Are B Is. A. manyD a. lot of

C.did; doD.was;do

_Great. I ____a great time there.

A was,had B were,haveCwas, haveDwere,had

8.My mother often worries_______ my study.

A to B with C of D about

9.We saw ________last month.

A quite an exciting filmBquite film an exciting

C very an exciting filmD a film very exciting

10.Did you go to the park last Sunday?

__________.but it was too crowded.

A No ,I didn?t B No, I don?tC yes, I wentD Yes, I did



1. The farmers grew some apples on their farm.(改为否定句)

The farmers ______________________any apples on their farm.

2 I visited my grandparents in the countryside last weekend.(改为一般疑问句)

__________ ___________you ________in the countryside last weekend.

3The headmaster showed us around the school.( 对划线部分提问)

________the headmaster___________ __________around the school?

4 John?对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ John?s weekend?

5 My aunt cooked dinner at home yesterday. ( 对划线部分提问)

__________ _________ your aunt _________at home yesterday? 对划线部分提问) 7 She had a good time yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)

__________ she _________a good time yesterday? 对划线部分提问)

_________ was your vacation? 对划线部分提问)

____________ was the weather?

10 Tom was in the New York City last year. ()

__________ 11there were some actors at the music hall.()

12Tina went to the zoo. (改为一般疑问句)

五 根据汉语提示完成句子

1 We saw ____________ () on the farm last Monday.

2 I didn?挤了牛奶)yesterday.


学到了许多有关农活知识) on the farm trip last week. 带我们参观了农场) and we took many photos.



am/is________ are__________do_________have____________

go__________ take_________see__________ buy___________

study__________enjoy_________ stop__________ like__________



1. There __________(be)a book and two pens on the desk 3 minutes ago.

2. How __________(is)your school trip yesterday?

3. I often stay at home,but testerday I___________(climb) the mountains with my best friend.

4. What____________you__________(do)on your last school trip?

5. Our teachers went to Lijiang for a holiday and they_________(take)many photos there. 三合作交流



1.—Where did you go last weekend? —I____________my aunt.

A.visitB.visited C.visits D.am visiting

2.I_________to the zoo last year and it__________a lot of fun.

A.go;is B.went;is C.went;was D.went;were

3.__________,we got to school on time yesterday.

A.Luck B.Lucky C.Luckly D.Luckily

4.—How as your trip yesterday?—It was _________..

A.right B.interested C.greatD.all right

5.—Did you _________any birds in the tree?


A.see;seeB.saw;saw C.see;saw D.saw;see


句型转换 __________ ___________he come to school late? ___________ ____________Zhuo Ning _______last last weekend. 对划线部分提问)


—_________,____________ __________.



A:Hi,Ann! ?

B:B:______ __________you?Did you have a nice weekend?

A:No,I _________.I stayed at home over the weekend.It wasn?t very good.


Wei Hua was quite busy yesterday.She got up_____7:00in the morning .She washed her face______and had some milk and bread _________breakfast.It was a fine day.She went to school early.She had four _________in the morning.She had a little________after lunch,______she worked very hard in class all day.She played basketball after school and then went home.On her way _______she bought a pen.

When she_________home,she had a short rest.After that she helped her parents.She quickly cooked_______and cleaned the house.She watched TV for half an hour after supper.Then she finished her homework at half past nine.She______at ten.

1.A.onB:before C:for D:about


2.A:sadly B:happyily C:slowly D:quickly

3.A:for B:about C:on D:of

4.A:matches B:gamesC:classes D:books

5.A:time B.restC.homework D.housework

6.A.and B.orC.but D.for

7.A.home B.to school C.to houseD.to hospital

8.A.tookB.was C.left D.arrive

9.A.supper B.breakfestC.lunch D.meals

10.A.went go school B.went to bed C.got to school

D.got up

Section B(1a---2c)



1.参观消防站____________2.看一些油画3.进行学校旅行____________4.总而言之5.对…感兴趣________________ 6.爬山二.自主探究


1. 农事).

2. 昂贵的).

3. 慢的)train.

4. Plase don?昏暗的)room.It?s bad for your eyes,

5. You can?所有的事情)you hear.


1. 2. Lily________(not teach)her brother English yesterday.

3. My mom didn?t tell me how __________(make)the cake.

4. The new game is really _________but my brother isn?t ________in it at all.(interest)

5. The students visited the farm and had an___________(excite) day.



A:How was your weekend,Tina?

B:Oh,i_________was awful..

A:Really?What happened?

B:Well,we went camping and the w__________was terrible.It rained all day.

A:Oh,that?s too b________.

B:Ugh!Because the weather was so bad,we went f_________a drive.It was really boring.How



A:It was terrible,I studied very hard f__________ my math exam last week,so I slept late and got Up late.When I got to my friend Dave?s house,he w_______there,he was at the beach!

B:So what did you d________?

A:I helped my mom and dad c_________the yard.

B:Sounds I_________a busy weekend!



1.Today we_____________(参观了科技博物馆),it was interesting.

2.The guide taught us________________________(怎样做机器人模型).

3.He went to the gift shop and___________________(为他父母买了一些可爱的礼物).

4.Everything is about robots in the museum but I am________________(对此不感兴趣).

5._____________________(有太多的人)and we couldn?句型转换,每空一词。

1. 对划线部分提问)

____________ ____________Mary _________with her parents?

2.I helped my mother with the housework yesterday.(改为否定句) ______ _________the weather ______that day?

4.They went to the park last day off?





A:What did you talk about?

B:___________I asked him if(是否)he spoke Japanese.

A:You didn?t ask him if he knew somebody in Tokyo,did you?

B:_________He said he did.

A. I?d like a glass of water if you don?t mind.

B. Yes,please.

C. Did you see your friend Harry?

D. Where did you go yesterday?

E. Well,we talked about languages.

F. Yes,I asked him that question.

G. Where did you want to go?


七年级暑假作业 --- 词组篇

Class: ___ Name: __________ No. ___





七年级暑假作业 --- 句子篇

Class: ___ Name: __________ No. ___

1. 你会做什么? _______________________________________________________ --- 我会打篮球. _______________________________________________________ 2. 你会弹奏什么? _____________________________________________________ --- 我会弹钢琴. _______________________________________________________ --- 你可以参加我们学校的音乐节. _______________________________________ 3. 珍妮很擅长讲故事. _________________________________________________ 4. 你想加入什么俱乐部? _______________________________________________ --- 我想加入游泳俱乐部. _______________________________________________ --- 你会游泳吗? ______________________________________________________ --- 是的, 我会. _______________________________________________________ --- 你能游得好吗? ____________________________________________________ --- 不, 我不能. _______________________________________________________ 5. 你英语说得非常好. _________________________________________________ 6. 莉萨想加入运动俱乐部, 但她不会踢足球.

_________________________________________________________________ 7. 我和汤姆能加入讲故事俱乐部吗? _____________________________________ 8. 请打633 – 6033找我们. ______________________________________________ 9. 让我们现在就展示一下吧! ___________________________________________ --- 听起来不错. _______________________________________________________ 10. 请在放学后找张先生谈谈. __________________________________________ 11. 为学校表演招聘学生. ______________________________________________ 12. 我不会唱歌跳舞. __________________________________________________ 13. 她喜欢和人们玩游戏. ______________________________________________ 14. 你在7月份有空吗? ________________________________________________ 15. 对我来说, 交到新朋友是容易的. _____________________________________ 16. 你周末忙吗? ______________________________________________________ 17. 我们需要你来给说英语的学生在体育方面给予帮助.

_________________________________________________________________ 18. 你可以帮妈妈扫扫地吗? ____________________________________________ 19. 我们的英语老师和我们相处融洽. ____________________________________ 20. 你想成为一名音乐家吗? ____________________________________________ 21. 你通常什么时候起床? ______________________________________________ --- 我通常在六点钟起床. _______________________________________________ --- 那么你什么时候上学? ______________________________________________ --- 6:30. ______________________________________________________________ 22. 我们每天刷牙洗澡. ________________________________________________ 23. 周末, 我在晚饭后去散步. ___________________________________________ 24. 他有一份有趣的工作. ______________________________________________ 25. 我的堂兄在一家广播电台工作. ______________________________________ 26. 斯科特从中午12点工作到夜里10:45.




1.看起来 look like

2.中等身高be of medium height 3.长直发long straight hair

4.有长发还是短发long hair or short hair 5.中等身材be of medium build 6.去看电影go to a movie 7.在7点at seven o’clock

8.也许有点晚may be a little late 9.在电影院前in front of the cinema 10.戴眼镜wear glasses

11.一会见see you later then

12.你最喜欢的演员your favorite actor 13.一张小嘴a small mouth 14.一张圆脸a round face

15. 一项有趣的工作an interesting job

16.一项非常有趣的工作a very interesting job 17.与杰克交谈talk to Jack

18.一张罪犯的图片a picture of the criminal 19. 把他刊登在报纸上put it on the newspapers

20.以同样的方式看待事情see things in the same way

21.以不同的方式描写同一个人describe the same person differently 22.长长的黑色直发long straight black hair 23.一个长鼻子a long nose

24.穿着一件褐色的夹克衫wear a brown jacket 25.最后in the end 26.来自于come from 27.首先first of all 28.擅长be good at 29.放学后after school

30. 喜欢听音乐listen to music 1.橘汁orange juice

2.在你的生日上on your birthday

3.吃有蜡烛的的蛋糕eat cakes with candles 4.蜡烛的数量the number of the candles 5.人的年龄the person’s age 6.许愿make a wish 7.吹灭blow out

8.一次in one go 9.实现come true

10.一碗海菜汤a bowl of seaweed soup 11.对健康有好处be good for your health 12.受欢迎get popular

13.切断面条cut up noodles

14.长寿的象征a symbol of long life

15.生命和好远的象征a symbol of life and good luck

16.给过生日的人带来好运bring good luck to the birthday person 17.一大碗面条a large bowl of noodles

18.牛肉西红柿面mutton and tomato noodles 19.什么种类的面条what kind of noodles 20.多大尺寸what size 21.点菜take one’s order

22.麻婆豆腐和米饭mapo tofu with rice 23.一大碗牛肉汤a large bowl of beef soup

24.胡萝卜牛肉面(两种说法)carrot noodles /noodles with carrots 25.不但。。。而且。。。not only …..but also 26.让他的愿望实现make his wish come true

27.不同种类的水果冰激凌different kinds of fruit ice-cream 28.一碗四元的面条a bowl of noodles for 4 yuan 29.缺少,短缺be short of 30.戴上眼镜put on glasses 1. 散步 go for a walk 2. 给奶牛挤奶 milk a cow 3. 骑马 ride a horse 4. 喂鸡 feed chickens 5. 和农民交谈 talk with a farmer 6. 照相 take some photos 7. 看见相当多 see quite a lot 8. 种苹果 grow apples

9. 问他问题ask him questions 10. 带领某人参观show sb around 11. 学习许多有关务农的事儿 learn a lot about farming 12. 摘草莓 pick some strawberries 13. 把它们带回家 take them home 14. 拜访在乡村的爷爷奶奶 visit my grandparents in the countryside 15. 钓鱼 go fishing


16. 听起来不错。 Sound good. 17. 晚上看星星 watch the stars at night 18. 你真幸运。 Lucky you. 19. 去动物园 go to the zoo 20. 看见一些有趣的动物 see some interesting animals 21. 玩的非常开心 have so much fun 22. 爬山 climb the mountains 23. 看见许多花 see a lot of flowers 24. 在一些树下吃午饭 eat lunch under some trees 25. 天变得特别阴 get very cloudy 26. 我们担心会下雨。 We worried it would rain. 27. 太阳又出来了。 The sun came out again. 28. 参观博物馆 visit a museum 29. 参观消防站 visit a fire station 30. 去乡村 go to the countryside 31. 去艺术博物馆 go to an art museum 32. 看见一些油画 see some paintings 33. 画画 draw pictures 34. 参加了学校旅游 go on a school trip 35. 参观科学博物馆 visit the science museum 36. 沿途 along the way 37. 学习许多有关机器人的事儿 learn a lot about robots 38. 和我们下棋 play chess with 39. 教我们如何制作机器人模型 teach us how to make a model robot 40. 拍摄很多非常棒的照片 take a lot of great photos 41. 为父母买了一些可爱的礼物 buy some lovely gifts for my parents 42. 总而言之 all in all 43. 非常棒的一天 an exciting day/ a great day 44. 坐火车去博物馆 take the train to the museum 45. 我对那不感兴趣 I'm not interested in that 46. 缓慢的火车上非常热so hot on the slow train 47. 对那不感兴趣be not interested in that 48. 拍照片很困难 it is difficult to take photos 49. 太多人too many people 50. 礼品店的东西 the things in the gift shop 51. 我根本不喜欢这次旅行 I don't like the trip at all 52. 各种各样的机器人 all kinds of robots 53. 到礼品店去 go to the gift shop 54. 看见一些农场和村庄 see some farms and villages

55. 我们坐公交车到的那里 we went there by bus

56. 有趣的/糟糕的学校旅行an interesting /a terrible school trip 57. 很棒的一天/无聊的一天a great day/ a boring day 58. 空气清新 the air is clean 59. 在河里游泳swim in a river 60. 为我举行一场聚会 have a party for me 61. 我邀请了朋友们到家里来 I invited my friends to my home 62. 冷饮 cold drinks 63. 度过了美好的时光 have a wonderful time 1. 做作业do my homework 2. 去电影院go to the cinema 3. 去划船go boating

4. 在湖边扎营camp by the lake 5. 去海滩go to the beach 6. 打羽毛球play badminton

7. 为英语测试备考study for the English test 8. 喂奶牛milk a cow

9. 做导游工作work as a guide

10. 有一个蝴蝶馆have a butterfly house

11. 超过200种蝴蝶over 200 hundred kinds of butterflies

12. 告诉游客关于他们的生活习惯tell the visitors about their living habits 13. 过一个好周末have a good weekend 14. 有点累kind of tired 15. 熬夜stay up late

16. 看足球赛watch the soccer game 17. 玩的非常开心have so much fun 18. 丢钥匙lose his keys

19. 老鼠一家a family of mice

20. 爬到他爸爸背上climb onto his father’s back 21. 朝着猫大喊shout at the cat 22. 跑走了run away

23. 学习一门第二语言learn a second language 24. 弹吉他play the guitar 25. 去图书馆go to the library 26. 备考study for a test 27. 放风筝fly a kite

28. 和朋友吃晚餐have dinner with my friends 29. 在游泳池里游泳swim in the swimming pool


30. 任何有趣的事儿anything interesting 31. 并没有not really

32. 高中毕业finish high school=leave high school 33. 两周前two weeks ago

34. 作为一份特殊礼物as a special gift

35. 带我们去印度度假take us to India for a holiday 36. 玩的非常开心have a wonderful time 37. 既有趣又可怕interesting but scary 38. 去野营go camping

39. 坐了很长的公交车车程take a long bus ride 40. 搭起帐篷put up the tents 41. 生活来取暖keep us warm 42. 在一个晚上on the first night

43. 坐在大大的月亮下sit under the big moon 44. 互相讲故事tell each other stories

45. 我太累了,早早就睡了。I was so tired that I went to sleep early. 46. 吃了一大惊get a terrible surprise

47. 向我们帐篷外看去look out of our tent

48. 看见一条大蛇睡在火旁see a snake sleeping near the fire

49. 我太害怕了,动弹不得。I was so scared that I couldn’t move. 50. 朝我们的父母大喊shout to our parents

51. 让他们知道危险let them know about the danger 52. 开始上下跳start to jump up and down 53. 把蛇弄醒wake the snake up 54. 移到山里去move into the forest 55. 有耳朵have ears

56. 感觉到有东西在动feel things moving

57. 不要靠进一条蛇很重要。It’s important not to go near a snake. 58. 对我来说有用的一堂课a very useful lesson for me 59. 赶走蛇make the snake go away

60. 过了一个繁忙的周末have a busy weekend 61. 打扫房间clean the room 62. 呆在家里stay at home

63. 帮妈妈做饭help my mom cook dinner 64. 去图书馆go to the library

65. 读有关历史的书read a book about history 66. 和朋友踢足球play soccer with friends

67. 看了一个有意思的脱口秀see an interesting talk show 68. 写了一首新歌write a new song

69. 练吉他practice the guitar

70. 和朋友外出go out with friends 71. 购物go shopping

72. 打电话talk on the phone

