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时间:2018-11-09 10:51 来源:免费论文网


Good morning,ladies and gentlemen,may i have your attention?

It is a great honor for me to have this opportunity standing here.I’m very happy to introduce myself to everybody.

My name is XXXXX.17 years old.I am in XXXXX No.1 high school.I come from Shi Jiazhuang,the capital of Hebei Province.I am a kind and honest girl.One of my strengths is my friendliness and open-minded attitude.Most of my friends love me very much.On the other hand,I am very tolerant of people and have been told that this is other one of my strengths. I feel I have a lot to offer as a team member.

I love the sky. When I was a child, I imagined flying into the blue sky someday.I like travelling very much and I enjoy working with people. Now, I think the day has come. My dream will come true.As Ford used to say :"Coming together is a beginning,keeping together is a

progress ,working together is a success." I believe I can make more contribution to our company.I believe I can be best friend with everybody.I believe I can fly.

that's all. Thank you for your listening!



1 .新加坡航空公司面视指南

①首先准备一份中英文简历。到考场后,工作人员会发给报考人员一篇广播词(英文),经过稍微准备后,接着 5 人一组,进入主考官 , 室每人各念一段手里的广播词。考官主要是观察你的声音是否好听,口齿是否清晰,英文程度如何。




⑤第三次面试:此次有 4 位考官考察一位应试者,以聊天的方式,问一些生活问题。面试通过者到更衣室换上新航的制服,在考场走一圈,转一圈,看看体形线条是否好看,姿态是否优美。面试结束后现场会当时通知结果。

⑥游泳测验:游泳距离为 50 米 ,任何泳姿都可以,在有条件的饭店举行。 ⑦茶会:分成 4 组,一组约 10 个人,酒会方式。餐桌上有茶点供全体参加面试的人员享用, 4 位主考官轮流提出问题,和大家聊天,目的在于了解你的团队精神,以及与其他人相处的能力,并要求应试者提出问题,时间大约 4 小时。结束后当时通知你是否被录取。

2 .德国汉莎航空公司面试指南




·如何对带小孩子的旅客进行服务,对带小孩子的旅客在服务时应注意的事项。 ·航班飞行途中,你发现有的旅客在厕所内吸烟,你将如何处置?


3 .国内航空公司面试指南

①航空公司面试空乘服务人员的形象要求和其他报名条件:年龄一般为 18 - 23 岁,但也有的航空公司将年龄限制在 22 岁以下。


女性身高 164 - 173cm ,男性身高 173 - 183 cm 。




听力不低于 5 米 。









⑤问到的问题:履历表当中的问题,你的年龄、学校、学历、家庭住址。 介绍你的家庭,你的父母和家庭其他成员。














·分组进行面试,一般 10 个人一组进入考场,每个报考人员进行简单的自我介绍(姓名、年龄),然后走出考场等候下一步的面试通知,没得到再次面试通知的人员被淘汰。






热爱工作 服务理念和意识 吃苦精神 性格 业务 说话


空乘礼仪 语言谈吐 话题选择


空姐仪表 面容要求 服饰


新加坡航空公司面试指南 德国汉莎航空公司面试指南


形象要求 报名条件 姿态要求 面试问题 面试程序



Good morning,everyone,My name is ***,I am twenty-one years old.I was born in TianJin.

I am studying at Hebei University of Technology .


I have a happy family. (我出生在一个幸福的家庭)

composed of my father,mother,brother and myself.(由我的爸爸,妈妈和我弟弟组成)

i am an optimistic and confident boy(我是一个乐观和自信的男孩)

When I was a child, I always dreamed of living in the blue sky, although I knew that this was not possible.


However, I now have the opportunity to make my dream come true, that is to become a flight attendant.

(然而,现在我却有机会来实现我的这一梦想,那就是成为一名空乘) I like the feeling flying in the sky.


Although I have a lot of problems, but I will work hard to improve.


That's all.Thanks.



(1)aircraft 飞机 飞行器

(54)tail wind 顺风 (55)head wind 逆风(56)passenger bridge 空桥

(2) belly机腹 (3)nose gear鼻轮 (57)crew 机组员(58)infant 婴儿 (4) retractable landing gear 伸缩起落架 (59)unaccompanied minor(UM)没有家长(5)rudder 尾舵 (6)propeller 推进器 (7)wing 机翼 8)fuel 油料 (9)tank 油箱 (10) radar 雷达 (11) fuselage 机身 (12)break-in (14)air brake 煞车 (15)panel 仪表板(16)flight deck(cockpit) 前舱

(17)galley 厨房 (18)seat belt安全带(19)slide 充气滑梯(逃生用) (20)survival kit(first aid kit) 救生品(21)water extinguisher 灭火器

(22)dry chemical extinguisher 乾粉灭火器 (25)smoke hood 防烟面罩(26)waste bin 垃圾桶

(27)grab handle 扶手 (28) sink 水槽(29)observers seat 观察位(前舱)(30)telescopic viewer 门孔(31)soap dispenser 给皂器(32)bassinet婴幼儿睡床(33)ditching水上迫降

(34)water evacuation 水上逃生 (35)land evacuation 陆上逃生(36)axe 斧头(在驾驶舱) (37)trolley/trolly 餐车

(38)torch 手电筒 (39)armrest 扶手 (40)reading light阅读灯 (41)call button呼叫钮

(42)air traffic control 航路管制(43)control tower 塔台 (44)operation & dispatcher 签派员(45)cruise 平航(46) runway 跑道(49)time zone 时区

(50)estimated time of arrival (ETA)预计到达时间

(51) estimated time of departure (ETD)预计起飞时间


(60)briefing 任务提示 (61)home base 基地 (62)pilot(captain) 机长

(63)co-pilot(first officer)副机长 (65)air current气流

(66)non-endorsable 禁止转让(票) (67)stand-by 地面待命

(68)stop-over 中站停留 (69)layover 外站过夜 (70)refueling stop 加油停留 (71)transit passenger 转机旅客 (72)waiting lounge 候机室 (74)hand baggage 手提行李

(75)unaccompanied baggage 托运行李(76)custom 海关 (77)quarantine 检疫 (78)immigration 移民局 (79)baggage tag 行李签

(80)connection 班机接驳 (81)destination 目的地

(82)free baggage allowance 行李重量限制

(83)general declaration 舱

单(84)load factor 载客率 (85)on time performance 准

(86)LOST-N-FOUND (lost and found)失物招领(87)confirmation 确定 (88)reissued ticket 重开的票

(89)passenger manifest 旅客名单 (90)wheelchair 轮椅 (91)ground staff 地勤 (92)take off 起飞(93)live vest救生衣(94)non-stop flight 直飞班机 (96)terminal航空站(97)hijack 劫机(98)demonstration 示范

(99)evacuate 疏散 (100)traffic congestion 航路拥挤

area 逃生窗 13)undercarriage bay 货舱(64)clear air turbulence 晴空乱流

(23)latch 门闩 (24)tray table 餐桌 (73)baggage inspection 行李检验

(47)taxiway 滑行道(48)I.D.L 国际日线 (95) immigration card入境表格

(52)apron围裙 (53)jet lag 飞机时差症

before take-off 起飞前

1. morning, madam(sir). Welcome board! 早上好,女士(先生)。欢迎登机!

2. May I introduce myself, I'm ___, the chief purser of this flight.

请允许自我介绍。我叫___,本次航班的乘主任务长。 3. Morning, sir. Welcome aboard. Business class or economy? 早上好,先生。欢迎登机。坐公务还是经济舱?

4. Follow me, please. Your seat is in the middle of the cabin. 请跟我来,您的座位在客舱中部。

5. An aisle seat on the left side ------ here you are, sir. 是左边靠走廊座位------这是您的座位。

6. I’m afraid you are in the wrong seat. 20c is just two rows behind on the other aisle. 恐怕您坐错位子了,20c正好在那边走廊的后二排。 7. excuse me for a second, I’ll check. 请稍等一下,我查查看。

8. The plane is about to take off. Please don’t walk about in the cabin. 飞机马上要起飞了,请不要在客舱内走动。

9. You know the weather in Hong Kong is not so good. it has been delayed. 你知道香港的天气不太好,飞机延误了。

10. Air china flight ca937 leaves at 0730 in the morning. 中国国际航空公司ca937航班,上午7:30起飞。

11. Flight no. 926, leaving Tokyo at 1740, flies nonstop back to Beijing. ca926航班17:40离开东京直飞回北京。 12. You’re flying economy class. Is that right? 您是坐经济舱,对吗? emergency situation 紧急情况

1. Fasten your seat belts immediately. The plane will make an emergency landing because of the sudden breakdown of an engine.

马上系好安全带。由于飞机发动机出现故障,将做紧急迫降。 2. Don’t panic! 不要惊慌。

3. Our captain has confidence to land safely. All the crew members of this flight are well trained for this kind of situation. So please obey instructions from us.


4. Take out the life vest under your seat and put it on! 从座椅下拿出救生衣,穿上它!

5. Don’t inflate the life vest in the cabin and as soon as you leave the aircraft, inflate it by pulling down the red tab.

请不要在客舱内将救生衣充气!一离开飞机立即拉下小红头充气。 6. Put the mask over your face! 戴上氧气面罩!

7. Bend your head between your knees! 把你的头弯下来放在两膝之间! 8. Bend down and grab your ankles. 弯下身来,抓住脚踝。 9. Get the extinguisher. 拿灭火器来!

10. Open seat belts. Leave everything behind and come this way! 解开安全带,别拿行李,朝这边走!

11. This plane has eight emergency exits. Please locate the exit nearest to you. 本架飞机有八个安全门,请找到离你最近的那个门。 12. Jump and slide down! 跳滑下来! 空乘服务英语


It’s nice to have you aboard China Southern Airlines. 2、请出示您的登机牌。 May I see your boarding pass? 3、我来为您引座。 I’ll show you your seat. 4、请随我来。 Follow me, please. 5、我帮您拿行李好吗? May I help you with your bag?


You should take your assigned seat, for the plane must keep its balance when it takes off. 7、这是呼叫钮,如果需要我们帮忙,请按一下。

This one is the call button, if you need us for anything, please push it. 8、请将您的椅背调直。

Please put the back of your seat in an upright position. 9、让您感到舒适是我们的职责。

It’s our duty to let you feel as comfortable as possible. 10、请把您的箱子放在行李架内。 Please put your box in the overhead bin. 11、您不能把行李放在这儿,过道不能堵塞。

You may not leave the baggage here. The aisle shouldn’t be blocked. 12、由于机械故障,航班已延误,机械师们正在对飞机进行仔细检查。

The flight has been delayed due to some mechanical troubles. The engineers are making

a careful examination of the plane.


The flight will be delayed about 2 hours due to ground fog. 14、由于空中航路拥挤,我们要等待通行许可(才能起飞)。

Owing to the heavy air traffic, we’ll wait until a take-off clearance is given. 15、我们须等待跑道上的冰被清除。

We have to wait until the ice on the runway has been cleared. 16、我们的飞机要装完货才能起飞。

Our plane can’t take off until the cargo is loaded. 17、我们正在等待几位乘客办理登机手续。

We are waiting for a few passengers to complete boarding formalities. 18、如果有进一步的消息,我们会立即通知你(们)的。 If we have any further information, we’ll let you know immediately. 19、请您回到您座位上好吗?飞机马上要起飞了。

Would you please return to your seat? The plane is taking off soon. 20、请在安全带信号消失前坐在座位上,系好安全带。

Please stay in your seat and keep your seat belt fastened until the sign has been turned off.


The plane is about to take off. Please don’t walk about in the cabin. 22、头等舱乘客的盥洗室/厕所位于前舱,其他乘客的在后面。

The toilet for first class passengers is located in the front of the cabin and the one for other passengers in the rear. 23、盥洗室/厕所有人用着。 The lavatory is occupied. 24、盥洗室/厕所没人。 The lavatory is vacant.


You could draw down the window-shade and turn the reading light off and fasten your seat-belt so that you can take a good nap.

26、为确保飞行和通信系统的正常操作,请您不要使用手提电话/激光唱机/调频收音机。 In order to ensure the normal operation of airplane navigation and communication system, you are kindly requested not to use your cellular phone/CD player/FM receiver.

27、我们前方有大雷雨,无法穿越。我们决定返回杭州。非常抱歉由此给您带来的不便。 There is a heavy thunderstorm ahead of us. We have no way to pass it. So we have decided to return to Hangzhou. Much to our regret for the inconvenience that may cause you.


Now we’ll be serving drinks. Please pull down your tray table. 29、先生,您想要杯香槟吗?

Would you like a glass of champagne, sir? 30、您想来点热/冷饮料吗?

Would you like something hot/cold to drink?


How do you like your tea? Weak or strong? 32、咖啡还未冲好,来杯热茶好吗?

Coffee isn’t ready yet. Would you like to have a cup of hot tea instead? 33、您想在饮料里放点冰块吗? Would you like some ice in your drink? 34、小心烫手! It’s hot! Mind your hand.


Would you like your whisky straight or on the rocks? 36、您准备现在用午餐吗? Are you ready for your lunch now? 37、我们马上给您提供正餐。这是茶单。 We’ll soon be serving dinner. Here is the menu. 38、您想要吃什么?烤牛肉还是熏火腿?

What would you like to have? Roasted beef or smoked ham? 39、我们机上配备的餐食既有中式口味也有西式口味。

Our meals on board are designed to meet both Chinese and Western tastes. 40、我们有多种菜肴供您选择。 We have a selection of dishes for you. 41、先生,您还要点别的什么吗? Would you like more of anything, sir?

42、您要什么样的牛排?嫩点的、适中的、还是老点的? How do you like your steak done? Rare, medium or well-done? 43、对不起,鱼没有了。您能换一道菜吗?我们有鸡……您想来点吗?

I’m sorry. There is no more fish left. Can you make a change? We have chicken…Would you like some?


This is your hors d’oeuvre and this is your steak. Please enjoy your meal. 45、对不起,让您久等了。 I’m sorry for keeping you waiting. 46、您能喜欢我非常高兴。再来点吗?

I’m glad you like them. Would you like to have some more? 47、您对这顿饭还满意吧? How do you like the meal? 48、您介意我把这些东西拿走吗? Would you mind me taking these away?


Could you give us some advice on how to improve our inflight service? 50、这是本次航班的纪念品,但愿您能喜欢它。 This is our flight souvenir. I hope you’ll like it. 51、您买点机上免税商品吗?

Would you like to buy some duty free items?
