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时间:2016-11-10 12:55:11 来源:免费论文网

篇一:英语论文The Differences Between Chinese and Western Dietary Culture

The Differences Between Chinese and

Western Dietary Culture The diet is the first need for human’s survival and development. It is also the one of the basic form of social life. However under the different cultural background, having different diet idea and diet custom, then finally form the different dietary culture. Certainly, the Chinese and western diet have a large number of differences. For example, when mention food, Lin yutang's answer is "the foremost enjoyment in life." But the western scholars' answer is "the things which god give to starveling." From these we can see : it is obvious that the western diet is a rational concept, regardless of the color of food, incense, flavor and shape, but nutrition must be assured. It cares about the intake of calories,vitamins, protein and so on during a day. Comparing with the Chinese diet, western diet tastes stereotyped, as simple as chewing the candle, but the sense tells them: We must eat them all because of the nutrition. On the contrary, Chinese diet is a sense of beauty diet. When people sample dishes, they often say this dish is "delicious", and that dish is "not delicious". But if you ask what is meant by "delicious", why "tasty" and what are the aspects of "delicious", I am afraid that it will be difficult to answer. This shows that which Chinese people hanker on a diet is just the “mood” that is difficult for one to say anything. Even using the "color, flavor, shape and implement "which people often said to make the "realm" reifcation, I am afraid it is still difficult to crown all. So, in a word, the Chinese and western diet have the differences that cannot be ignored in concepts. As for the choices of cooking materials, westerners think the dishes are to fill their stomach, so they eat large pieces of meat, chicken and other block. China's cuisine is “Taste”, so when cooking, showing a great

arbitrariness in the selected materials: many things that thrown away by westerners may seem as an excellent raw material to Chinese people. Western raw materials are mainly animal and marine fish, supplemented with plant; while Chinese are mainly plat-based and freshwater fish, supplemented with animal. Why? In fact, it has inextricably linked with the advocacy of Buddhists. They deem animals as "people" and plants have "no soul. " So, Chinese advocate the vegetables as the main dish.

For the rest, ever have seen such a fun, a foreigner invited a Chinese to dinner , after finishing a dish, the foreigner asked the Chinese whether need to ask for some more,we know,most Chinese people think themself is implicit modest and implicative, hence the Chinese politely declined and ready to promise him when asked again. Surprisingly, the foreigner respected the Chinese people's decision, and really don't give him anything to eat, although their stomach are both not full. Speaking of which, I just want to say to the Chinese: "hungry, shout it out". Obviously, mode of thinking is the most important reason. We Chinese think it very disgraceful if we don't cook the food enough for the guests so we normally cook more food than guests eat. If you finish your food at meal, the host and hostess usually add more and more food in your dish or bowl without asking you whether you want it or not so as to show they are polite to the guests. They will keep saying, "eat more" and in English we have the expression "help yourself". Western never force you to eat more. If you stop eating, they tend to think you are full. So sometime foreigners feel very helpless when the host and hostess to put more food in their dishes and bowls and they can do nothing but eat more and more until they are completely full. So some foreigners learn to know they always leave some food in their bowls or dishes in order to avoid more food to be added when are invited to dinner in Chinese family. Sometimes think of , it is really funny.

But speak of difference, in fact, I firstly think of tableware. why? Because this difference is too obvious. As we know, Chinese people use

chopsticks and spoon when they have a meal . And they also use bowl to fill . Westerners? They use a Plate to fill food, a knife and fork to eat and a specialized spoon to drink soup. As two kinds of representative tableware for the Chinese and Western,Chopsticks and knife, fork affected the different lifestyle of the Chinese and Western, representing two kinds of different wisdom. As everyone knows, the history of knife and fork is much shorter than chopsticks, western people use a knife and fork, just four or five hundred years of history, it began with ancient nomadic tribes and pastoraists' application on knives. They carry knives for live, and often cooked the meat, then cut off to eat. After settle the city, the knives and forks are carried into the family kitchen.However, there is scientific basis of use of chopsticks is better training your thinking ability. I think it's a kind of accumulation of time.

In addition, there are some different rules when enjoying the meal between Chinese and western.In China,Chinese people like chatting over eating. But talking and laughing loudly is not polite. While eating, the older is first, when a dish served, the young can’t eat until the older eat. When a person has a cough, he or she should turn his or her back. In west, men should move the seat for women. People always talk with their neighbors when eating, they don’t talk loudly. They do not use their own utensils for others to take their food; do not put the bones and food that don’t eat on the floor or on the tablecloth, while put them on the on the plate of iceberg. Besides, the polite way is eating out the food on your plate.

What's more,what is the reason which causes the differences ?

There are variety reasons to cause the differences between Chinese and western dietary culture , they have different cultures and different history backgrounds which causes different ideas and behaviors. So let’s look the following major causes in details:

First, as there are different cultures and customs between china and western, our education is different, too. So Chinese and western accept the

different views on the time concept. The westerners always combine time and money view together, they think time is important as the money. In their mind, time cannot waste for it is limited. They value their time very much. So they don't like Chinese people,who spend a lot of time in the kitchen just to enjoy a delicious food, they are more likely to spend time in the work.In their view ,food is only used to fill their stomach. In their daily lives, they always arranged and planed their time carefully. They are often filled with a sense of urgency of time. Meanwhile, China accepts the freedom time rule. In our mind, sometimes we needn’t have to obey the timetable. We will not be like a western person generally so strict of carrying on according to the plan .So We can spend more time to enjoy the delicious food .we think that tasting food is a kind of enjoyment.Obviously, because of different thought, the Chinese and western develop their dietary culture in different directions.

Second, culture will affect people’s view on things. Different country has its different culture, so it is obviously that the thinking mode between China and western are different. Western culture leans to logic and analyze, while the eastern culture pay more attention on one’s intuition. Chinese people insist the experience and feeling during the thing. So different thinking mode lead to different thought about diet.

Third,Chinese and western different physical environment is also a reason. The difference of climate, water sources, terrain and so on, influence our diet to a certain degree. Like Shanghai people are fond of sweet food, sichuan people love spicy food, the environment is the most important reason.

Here, I think everyone should have some knowledge about the differences between Chinese and western dietary culture. But, my ability is limited, the inadequacy of article is not avoided, I hope the readers forgive me.

篇二:英语论文-A Study of Taboo Differences Between Chinese and Western Culture

A Study of Taboo Differences Between Chinese and

Western Culture

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 2

2. A general survey of taboo ............................................................................................................. 2

2.1 The definition of taboo ........................................................................................................ 3

2.2 The features of taboo ........................................................................................................... 3

2.2.1 Universality .............................................................................................................. 3

2.2.2 Variability ................................................................................................................ 4

2.2.3 Nationality ................................................................................................................ 5

3. Classifications of taboos and taboo differences between China and the West .............................. 5

3.1 Taboos of appellation .......................................................................................................... 6

3.2 Taboos of conversation topics ............................................................................................. 7

3.3 Taboos of expressions ......................................................................................................... 9

3.3.1 Taboos of words about scourges .............................................................................. 9

3.3.2 Taboos of words about sex ..................................................................................... 10

3.3.3 Taboos of words about blasphemy ......................................................................... 10

3.3.4 Taboos of words about discrimination ................................................................... 11

4. The analysis on taboo differences between Chinese culture and western culture ....................... 12

4.1 The influence of traditions on taboo.................................................................................. 12

4.2 The influence of histories on taboo ................................................................................... 14

4.3 The influence of religious beliefs on taboo ....................................................................... 17

5. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 19

References ....................................................................................................................................... 20

1. Introduction

When we consider starting a conversation with other people, we should be aware of plenty of the themes and topics not uttered freely among our human beings. The reason is that each community has its own principles when people talk about some topics. We must bear in mind what we may speak, what we should not speak, and how to speak in a proper way. Here is one example: B is an American. Once A asked B a question.

A: How much is your salary?

B: It is none of your business.

If B is a Chinese, he may tell A his salary. It is a taboo to ask an American about the salary, but it is not for the Chinese. It is taboo that is “a complicated cultural phenomenon, which exists universally in our society” (Net. 2). Taboo words, however, are not the same in different countries with various cultures, so that whether some word or some topic can be covered or not, it depends on special social environment. Analyzing the taboo, we find that taboo phenomenon embodies differences between Chinese and western culture. Only if we clearly know the taboo and those cultural differences, we can carry on the cross-cultural communication successfully and smoothly.

2. A general survey of taboo

First of all, it is necessary to acquaint ourselves with what taboo is and what the features of taboos are.

2.1 The definition of taboo

In ancient time, the primitive people had little knowledge about natural phenomena and the power of nature. They feared nature and could not give any explanation for what happened frequently. “Thus came into being taboo” (Net. 3). “Taboo” originated from the language of Tongan of Polynesian to indicate the proper speeches and behaviors. Dr. Thomas Bowlder defines that taboos are those expressions omitted, which cannot be read aloud in the family (Net. 3). Taboo remains two aspects: one is about the respected God and objects which are not permitted to speak freely; the other is the sneered matters which are not allowed to keep contact arbitrary. In fact, “one is word fetishism; the other is the prohibition of words and the substitutes of the words” (Net. 3). Therefore, taboo is some objects, behaviors, or relations that people try to avoid and taboo is, by extension, employed to be a word to express those objects, behaviors, and relations (Gu Jiazu, 2002: 248).

2.2 The features of taboo

Taboo exists everywhere and it is dynamic. Meanwhile, it is different from one nation to another. Universality, variability, and nationality are its features (Net. 2).

2.2.1 Universality

People can notice taboos in our daily life, such as calling names of superiors directly in China, or inquiring about the age of a young lady from the West. Taboo exists in nations all over the world, in primitive tribes or civilized modern society, in China or western countries. As it were, the moment a person was born,

his behaviors and speeches were restricted by a variety of taboos. Here are some common taboos.

Many Americans stand for the all-natural look. Supposing a man who is bald wears false hair, it is taboo to compliment his hair even though we are saying the truth. People’s inner world, it is a tricky problem. Sometimes we will run into people who cannot wait to pour their hearts out to us. Then there are those who make sure that their personal business is their own privacy. Therefore, try not to ask too many questions about someone’s feelings, marriage and family until we have a friendship with this person. Even then, we had better wait for our friend to come to us to share stories in inner world (Net. 1).

2.2.2 Variability

Language is alive, changing and developing continuously. A taboo in some age is likely to become a common word in another age. The words with the meaning of “pregnant” can specify this.

She has cancelled all her social engagements. Year: 1856

She is in an interesting condition. Year: 1880

She is knitting little tootees. Year: 1910

She is in a family way. Year: 1920

She is expecting. Year: 1935

She is pregnant. Year: 1956

There is the obvious variation as the times are moving on: the sentences become shorter, the meanings get clarified, and “pregnant” is used ultimately (Gu Jiazu,

2002: 250).

And in the 19th century, “leg” should not be used in formal occasion; even a “leg” of a piano was called “a limb of a piano”, and “chicken leg”, called “chicken’s limbs”. There is a joke about “leg”. Once a woman had a wounded right leg and was sent to hospital for a surgery. She told the doctor, her “limb”, not “upper limb” was hurt, but she was too frightened to say her “right leg”. At present, “leg” is really a common word for us.

2.2.3 Nationality

“Language is the signal of culture, and culture is the orbit of language” (Net.

2). A national culture can be reflected by its language, so taboo can also uncover its culture. The cultural mode of one nation has its own characteristics since histories, beliefs, and traditions vary among nations. In English, religion and privacy are taboos, while, in Chinese, words and conversations about sex are taboos. Before the foundation of the PRC, some words were used to express contempt for the minority, “蛮人” referring to the minority, and “蒙古大夫” (a doctor of Mongol) referring to an incompetent doctor. In the West, “nigger” was employed. On the contrary, these words full of the impressions of racial discrimination are taboos, thus few people use them in formal situations today.

3. Classifications of taboos and taboo differences between China and

the West

Some people classify taboos into verbal and nonverbal taboos, yet, in this paper, taboos are divided into the following three categories: taboos of

篇三:Chinese and western styles of learning

Chinese and western styles of learning

From the reading material, the writer and his wife just encouraged their son Benjamin to try to place it into the slot by himself, while chinese nearby attempt to assist. It shows us two styles of learning, one is chinese’, the other is western’s. I expect that the two has many similarities and differences.

First of all, the two both use their personal style which they think is the most appropriate to help children to learn. Whatever their style is, they must want children to go better learning. However, through the way of learning, they focus on differernt points. One thing is independence. It’s obvious that western people emphasize more self-independence than chinese. They inspire children to think, explore, discover and even summarize by themselves. While in the best chinese tradition, chinese were“teaching by holding his hand”. The following difference is creativity. Apparently, through the process of self-exploration, more creative thoughts, methods and solutions come into being. As telling them what to do, chinese children are hard to have new ideas. Western educators fear that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge. Last but not least, chinese value the grasp of skills. Holding onto Benjamin’s hand , guide it directly toward the slot. The child grasp the new skills quickly and precisely. Chinese teachers are fearful that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired. While his parents, the

westerners are no comparable hurry to tell him skills.

As far as I’m concerned, between the two styles, we cannot say who is right or who is false. With the development of cultural globlization, young westerners make their boldest departures first and then gradually master the traditon; and young chinese start to state originality. As the fostering of skills and creativity are both worthwhile goals, perhaps we can strike a balance between the two styles. We can gather, from the chinese and western extremes, a superior way to approach education.
