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Hari. Bapuji Paul W. Beamish

China exports about 20 billion toys per year and they are the second most commonly imported item by U.S. and Canada. It is estimated that about 10,000 factories in China manufacture toys for export. Considering this mutual dependence, it is important that the problems resulting in recalls are addressed carefully.

Although the largest portion of recalls by Mattel involved design flaws, the CEO of Mattel blamed the Chinese manufacturers by saying that the problem resulted ‘in this case (because) one of our

manufacturers did not follow the rules’. Several analysts too blamed the Chinese manufacturers. By placing blame where it did not belong, there is a danger of losing the opportunity to learn from the errors that have occurred. The first step to learn from errors is to know why and where the error occurred. Further, the most critical step in preventing the recurrence of errors is to find out what and who can prevent it.


From:http:///loadpage.aspx?Page=ShowDoc&CategoryAlias=zonghe/ggmflm_zh&BlockAlias=sjhwsd&filename=/doc/sjhwsd/200709281954.xml, Sep. 2007


哈里·巴普基 保罗·比密什







文献出处:Philippe Nier, The operation and application of Android system [J]. International Journal on Computer Science & Engineering, 2014,13(05):15-26



The Operation and Application of Android System



Android is a software stack for mobile devices which includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. Since its official public release, Android has captured the interest from companies, developers and the general audience. From that time up to now, this software platform has been constantly improved either in terms of features or supported hardware and, at the same time, extended to new types of devices different from the originally intended mobile ones. Google entered into the mobile market not as a handset manufacturer, but by launching mobile platform called as “Android” for mobile devices such as Smart phones, PDA and net books on 5th November 2007. Google has a vision that Android based cell phone will have all the functions available in the latest PC. In order to make this effort possible, Google launched the Open Handset Alliance. Google introduced Android as an OS which runs the powerful applications and gives the users a choice to select their applications and their carriers. The Android platform is made by keeping in mind various sets of users who can use the available capacity within Android at different levels. Android is gaining strength both in the mobile industry and in other industries with different hardware architectures.

The increasing interest from the industry arises from two core aspects: its open-source nature and its architectural model. Being an open-source project, Android allows us to fully analyze and understand it, which enables feature comprehension, bug fixing, further improvements regarding new functionalities and finally, porting to new hardware. On the other hand, its Linux kernel-based architecture model also adds the use of Linux to the mobile industry, allowing to take advantage of the knowledge and

features offered by Linux. The Android platform consists of several layers which provide a complete software stack.

Android applications are Java-based and this factor entails the use of a virtual machine VM environment, with its advantages. Android uses its own VM called Dalvik, which interprets and executes portable Java-style byte code after transforming it, which is optimized to operate on the mobile platform. All of these aspects make Android an appealing target to be used in other type of environments.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section II briefly describes the Android’s background including architecture, features & programming framework. Section III presents detailed analysis of Android market including comparison with Symbian & Windows Mobile. Finally Section IV concludes this paper.


A . Android Architecture

Android Architecture is shown in fig1, which consist of number of layers as Applications, Application framework, Libraries, Android runtime & Linux kernel [1]. Application layer is the uppermost layer which provides a set of core applications including an email, SMS program, calendar, maps, browser, contacts, and others. All applications are written using the Java programming language. It should be mentioned that applications can be run simultaneously; it is possible to hear music and read an email at the same time. The Application Framework is a software framework that is used to implement a standard structure of an application for a specific operating system. With the help of managers, content providers and other services programmers it can reassemble functions used by other existing applications.

Layer which is present below Application framework consist of two parts as Libraries which are all written in C/C++. They will be called through a Java interface. This includes the Surface Manager, 2D and 3D graphics, Media Codecs like MPEG-4 and MP3, the SQL database SQLite and the web browser engine WebKit. Second part is Android Runtime which includes a set of core libraries that provides most of the functionality available in the core libraries of the Java programming language. Every Android application runs in its own process, with its own instance of the Dalvik

virtual machine. The Dalvik VM executes files in the Dalvik Executable (.dex) format which is optimized for minimal memory footprint. The lowest layer is Linux Kernel, Android basically relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model. The kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the rest of the software stack.

B. Features of Android

Google Android has many features which make it special, but one important feature is Dalvik virtual machine (DVM) [5]. Which is a major component of Android platform. It is optimized for low memory requirements and is designed to allow multiple VM instances to run at the same time. The DVM runs Java applications. However, it is different from standard Java virtual machine in some ways. First, most virtual machines use a stack-based architecture, but Dalvik is a register-based architecture. Second, Dalvik runs Java applications which have been transformed into the Dalvik Executable (.dex) format which is optimized for minimal memory footprint The Dalvik VM relies on the Linux kernel for underlying functionality such as threading and low-level memory management. Java virtual machine tool interface (JVM TI) is a native programming interface on Java virtual machine. The interface provides functionalities to inspect the state of a virtual machine, gather information during run time, and also control the execution of applications running on the Java virtual machine. Android has built in integrated browser based on the open source WebKit engine & built in powerful SQL database engine called SQLite, use for structured data storage. Android support for common audio, video, and still image formats such as AAC, MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AMR, & contains Rich development environment including a device emulator, tools for debugging, & a plug-in for the Eclipse.

C. Android Programming Framework

The environment requires to develop application for Android consists of the Android SDK, the Eclipse IDE and the Java Development Kit (JDK) which has to be preinstalled for the installation of both, Android SDK and Eclipse. The following versions of the tools mentioned above are used & presented in figure below.

1) Android Software Development Kit: The Android SDK includes a comprehensive set of development tools. These include libraries, a handset emulator, documentation, sample code, tutorials & tools such as dx - Dalvik Cross-Assembler, aapt – Android Asset Packaging Tool & adb– Android Debug Bridge. Applications are written using the Java programming language and run on Dalvik, a custom virtual machine designed for embedded use which runs on top of a Linux kernel. The officially supported integrated development environment (IDE) is Eclipse (3.2 or later)

2) Android Emulator: The Android SDK includes a mobile device emulator -- a virtual mobile device that runs on your computer. The emulator lets you prototype, develop, and test Android applications without using a physical device. The Android emulator mimics all of the hardware and software features of a typical mobile device, except that it cannot receive or place actual phone calls. It provides a variety of navigation and control keys, which you can "press" using your mouse or keyboard to generate events for your application. It also provides a screen in which your application is displayed, together with any other Android applications running. To let you model and test your application more easily, the emulator supports Android Virtual Device (AVD) configurations. AVDs let you specify the Android platform that you want to run on the emulator, as well as the hardware options and emulator skin files that you want to use.


A. Android Market

The Android Market, an online software store, is developed by Google for Android devices. It was made available to users on October 22, 2008. Most of the Android devices come with preinstalled “Market” application which allows users to browse, buy, download, and rate different available applications and other content for mobile phones equipped with the open-source operating system. Unlike with the iPhone App Store, there is no requirement that Android apps should be acquired from Android Market [2]. Android apps may be obtained from any source including a developer's own website. Also, Android developers can create their own application market. Google does not have a strict requirement for the application to show up on the

Android Market compared to the process used by Apple. Lastly, the Android Market follows a 70/30 revenue-sharing model for applications developed by developers. The developers of priced applications receive 70% of the application price and remaining 30% distributes. As of May 04, 2010, Android apps hit around 49,000 applications which were around 12,500 in August 2009 and 20,000 in December 2009. The global smart phone sell in second quarter of 2009 & 2010 are shown bellow.

B. Android vs. Symbian vs. Windows Mobile

Comparison is based on main criteria as follows.

1) Portability: Portability is a very important assessment criterion. Symbian OS has many references in this area and having standardized architecture and the openness to software. But the fact that Symbian mostly runs on Nokia cell phones and that it is not Java based lets it fall behind Android. Unfortunately Windows Mobile also has several applications that are specific to certain hardware platforms and therefore are not portable. The Android Mobile platform is a Linux & Java based which allow us to use it on many different platforms unlike Symbian & Win Mobile. As a result Android gets one point, Symbian OS gets half a point and Windows Mobile zero points.







文献出处:Lurch R. Talk about overseas act as purchasing agency business model research [J]. Organizational Dynamics, 2015, 35(3): 265-278.


Talk about overseas act as purchasing agency business model research

Lurch R


With the continuous development of cross-border e-commerce, overseas act as purchasing agency gradually in consumer demand. Purchased overseas offer price advantage and brand advantages of international goods, meet the personalized needs of consumers. Overseas act as purchasing agency for the domestic related enterprises especially the severe impact of the retailer weakened the commerce promotion effect of consumption. Network overseas act as purchasing agency as B2C e-commerce in a niche market, has been gradually accepted by Internet users in the network consumption. It can avoid the problems in the international personal shopping link; just enter the act as purchasing agency website, after selected goods, direct payment, no international credit card, need not trouble to forward overseas relatives and friends. Overseas goods consumers not only consider the product quality, price, after-sales service, such as difference, also the comprehensive national policy, price and after-sale activist, technical support and other factors.

Keywords: Overseas act as purchasing agency; E-commerce platform; Commerce 1The present situation and operation mode of overseas purchasing development

1.1 statuses

Overseas act as purchasing agency is based on the network consumer demand for goods in other countries, by large community BBS, comprehensive e-commerce site purchasing platform, professional network "transit" and so on all kinds of ways to make consumers to purchase goods to overseas. There are professional purchased overseas act as purchasing agency web B2C website and attached to the big shopping website of C2C online personal bought two forms. Contemporary is larger, more concentrated procurement time, in order to save cost, can be bought by reality. Human act as purchasing agency buying more proficient in a foreign language; Stewardess,

students familiar with the import and export markets. At present, the independence of the strongest is the enterprise to build online sales platform to promote operation, using marketing network for distribution or distribution business outsourcing to a third party platform. Some trade through the international logistics company imported foreign electronic products, cosmetics, household goods, to avoid delivery channels of duties, through active in the border of and Hong Kong a batch of "water guest" will be split into more imported goods, false claim for personal items, use of personal items allowance preferential rules, through channels into China, the country of import goods management.

Purchased overseas divided into acquaintances purchased overseas and electronic purchased overseas, acquaintance between acquaintances and relatives overseas act as purchasing agency in consumers, is not a profit for the purpose of purchasing way. Electronic overseas act as purchasing agency refers to is the medium of electronic commerce, based on the international logistics and the Internet to provide buyers agent to buy foreign brand products services and related fee. With the traditional compared between e-commerce and international trade, the characteristics of the purchased overseas mainly: one is a general characteristic of the network shopping; Second, can provide convenient and quick for overseas products of domestic demand and safer buying channel, eliminate frontier barrier of international products and services; Three is to provide personalized services purchased overseas to meet the specific needs of consumers, to find a solution to the differential development as the goal.

1.2 purchased overseas operation mode analysis

At present, the domestic and overseas act as purchasing agency electric business platform mainly websites, involved in purchasing products are daily necessities, food, such as milk powder, health care products, consumer electronics, such as apple computer, mobile phone), high-grade products and collection, etc. According to the monitoring data of China electronic commerce research center of the market, in the first half of 2014 China's electricity network operators network market turnover shows mall occupy 57.4%, ranked second, occupy 21.1%, is located in the market

share is the third purchase up to 3.6%.According to the monitoring data of electronic commerce research center, China purchased overseas in 2013 top ten one of the most popular commodities including cosmetics, milk powder, cases, bags, etc. he cosmetic act as purchasing agency products more than 22% of the total, obviously than big than other products. Overseas purchasing platform for e-commerce sites provide consumers with information exchange, goods order confirmation and payment, and other functions, the operation mode of the purchased overseas roughly divided into three categories.

(1) Professional electrical business enterprises and cooperation

Most professional purchasing electricity companies have professional electronic trading platforms, foreign partners, international logistics partners as well as perfect after-sale pre-sale customer service center. Domestic electricity act as purchasing agency partners are divided into different situations, such as products for the United States purchase of specific act as purchasing agency network, there are some websites directly with B and C 2 C 2 C on international shopping platform for cooperation, act as purchasing agency web site in the United States, for example amazons, Macy’s online electricity products covering all the products in the field of circulation of the United States. On the basis of establish close cooperation with foreign partners, looking for fixed logistics company, and act as purchasing agency party can be a large number of the transport of the goods at a lower price to domestic, and be able to enjoy preferential treatment in foreign cooperation due to the tariff to offset the cost.

(2) By the private overseas act as purchasing agency model

Domestic C2C form of overseas act as purchasing agency works mainly has two kinds, one is by purchasing personnel in the name of the individual entity shop to buy abroad, after the goods carry back home or sent by post to domestic consumers. Second, the domestic act as purchasing agency personnel management enterprise with fixed establishment cooperation, overseas act as purchasing agency is responsible for procurement of goods and freight, received by the domestic business personnel and to consumers. Act as purchasing agency personnel in the name of the personal belongings of the freight to return home, the mode of transportation will typically

involve part or all of the tax evasion, easily affected by the customs supervision, in the act as purchasing agency items of the arrival of the goods time, act as purchasing agency costs, there is a risk, even by the risk of cargo was confiscated by completely.

(3) Outside the direct entry of international business

Professional electric business enterprise of the domestic and overseas cooperation and by private overseas act as purchasing agency model is a common mode of two kinds of overseas act as purchasing agency; the foreign merchant direct entry is already some international websites act as purchasing agency service behavior to our country. Act as purchasing agency personnel can only be responsible for international business order, international sites to be responsible for logistics. However, since in this mode of international logistics cost is higher, and consumers to goods logistics information can not be timely grasp and act as purchasing agency risk is higher, so this model is not common.

2 The mechanism of action of overseas act as purchasing agency

Overseas act as purchasing agency of commerce development in industrialization optimization perspective, the influence of commerce upstream industrial clusters involved: universal and special equipment manufacturing; Transportation equipment manufacturing industry; Electrical and mechanical manufacturing; Instrument and meter manufacturing; Transportation and warehousing; The postal service. Wholesale and retail; Accommodation catering industry; Leasing and business services; Comprehensive technical services, etc Downstream industry group include: producer services; Consumer products manufacturing; Consumer services; Processing industry of capital; Capital goods manufacturing; Power industry;The new energy industry;The new energy automotive industry;The new material manufacturing, etc.

The rapid development of overseas act as purchasing agency make the development of commercial and trade circulation industry affected by a lot of, mainly reflects in:

2.1 Enhance the international circulation market information symmetry, drive commerce promotion effect of consumption

Purchased overseas products pricing compared with the global prices of some

products is higher, in behalf of luxury goods for example, China's luxury and upscale product price is about 45% higher than the market average of Hong Kong, China, 51% higher than the price of the United States, 72% higher than the French luxury goods price. Overseas act as purchasing agency and the continuous development of information society, make China's consumers fully understand the product price difference of different country markets, overseas act as purchasing agency to drive the development of commerce information sharing, operating high-end products in the circulation industry can't keep the high price of luxury goods companies strategy, raising domestic product prices fall, prompting more consumers to buy products in China.

2.2 Overseas act as purchasing agency meet the personalized needs of consumers

To promote commerce product diversification and differential development. Purchased overseas products involving most of the products in the global industry, different from the traditional circulation industry, demand is provided by the seller; buy on his behalf by products to meet the personalized needs of consumers. Because customs supervision is not perfect, the part of domestic consumption going abroad, the commerce of consumer spends shunt. Purchased overseas product diversification enables consumers to gradually change the traditional consumption patterns, diversification of consumer demand has prompted commerce introduction and development of a variety of economic system structure of enterprise, establish a new type of ownership structure of commodities interflow and variety of the innovation of the mode of operation.

2.3 Consumers lose faith in their own brand gradually

Due to low quality inspection standards in China, a large number of domestic brands appear unqualified goods quality and in good condition after filling, consumers gradually to our country commodity brand trust declined significantly, although is the international brand licensing production of products, customers also questioned the quality of the goods. At the same time, foreign brand products of high quality standard, forming perfect credit system abroad. This makes consumers give up in the circulation market brand products in our country, increased the pursuit foreign brands, greatly
