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格式居中,二号字体,TIMES NEW


Table of contents目录页


Introduction....................................................................................... 3

Main body ......................................................................................... 3

Engineering Ethics .......................................................................... 3

Ethics in University Education ....................................................... 4

Conclusion ........................................................................................ 6

References ....................................................................................... 7

正文开始,注意行间距1.5, 字体小四,TIMES NEW ROMAN,每段开始不空格,段段之间空一行



Main body

Engineering Ethics

According to Davison and Kock (2004), “professional Ethics concerns one's conduct of behavior and practice when carrying out professional work.” There are a great many professional bodies throughout the world that put forward important institutionalized “codes of conduct and codes of practice” for their members to follow. In many counties, medical ethics, legal ethics and business ethics are repeatedly discussed by the public and even regarded compulsory to the practitioners. Engineering ethics has also been becoming an increasing concern over the past decades, during which the world witnessed some momentous events like stratospheric ozone depletion, cloning technology, the Challenger disaster and so on, which are closely related to the issue of engineering ethics. Professional bodies of engineering like the US professional engineering associations, the German Association of Engineers and the Institution of Engineers, Australia, are getting more active.

Engineering codes of ethics vary by different cultures and might still remain

controversial. Nevertheless some codes are believed to be universal. For the sake of their professional integrity, honor and dignity, an engineer is expected to use their knowledge and skills to enhance human welfare; be honest, loyal and impartial serving the public, their employers and clients; improve their professional competence and prestige; and work under the guidance of their professional societies. An example could be where an engineer, who knows the performance and using precautions of certain products perfectly well, does his best to overvalue the performance of some goods but hesitates to provide the precautions before potential customers so as to get them into buying the products. What they bear in mind is only their corporate interest and their personal benefits, as is against their professional integrity and impartiality. Examples like this one that concerns knowledge sharing are numerous. In a journal editorial, Elliot (2004) addresses the issue of knowledge and information sharing and enumerates a great many cases in corporate setting that make “the difference between a healthy company and a company that will have to lay off people or closes its door altogether - which could end up being decidedly grave for individuals, families and the community.”

Ethics in University Education

The challenges of engineering ethics in the professional work these days that engineering ethics is becoming a new discipline that holds its place in university education. There is growing expectation by specialists (Chubin et al 2005, Davison and Kock 2004) and the public at large to enhance professional ethics education in universities by incorporate it into improved academic curriculum. Symposia, workshops and seminars could be arranged to promote professional engineering ethics. They believe professional morality and responsibility should be introduced early to engineering majors. It is also a professional must for engineering graduates to familiarize themselves with engineering code of ethics prior to being practitioners.

However, knowledge of right and wrong is at most half of the battle. A good engineering professional also needs other qualities like self-discipline, conscientiousness, integrity and professional dignity, which can hardly be acquired by simple indoctrinization or sheer brainwashing. Johnston et al (2000) advocates practice-focused ethics in engineering education for that the professional ethics being accepted well, it could be made an indispensable part of their academic practice. In universities, engineering majors, undergraduates or postgraduates, are doing experiments, conducting researches, handling projects and writing papers to conclude their practical work. By handling these practical tasks, they learn to establish their professionalism by applying their knowledge to practice and developing some practical skills. Meanwhile they are also learning to adopt their way of thinking, their mindset and their attitude as a real professional. In other words, they are also establishing their professionalism by developing those indispensable professional qualities like self-discipline, conscientiousness, integrity and professional dignity in practices they are most likely to continue after their graduation. With these qualities being part of their professional habit and value, they are bound to be upheld and advanced by those engineering graduates in their professional career.

Among the above mentioned academic virtues, there is one point that is most often than not time and again repeated here and there, and could never be overvalued. That is academic honesty. Academic honesty is relevant to professional code of ethics in that it practices integrity which is valued by employers and a professional must demonstrate while working.

Academic honesty and integrity is important also in that practicing academic dishonesty means overcoming academic dishonesty. Academic misconducts such as plagiarism, collaboration and multiple-submission are rather common and induced by many factors: lagging behind in coursework, working too many hours, meeting emotional and healthy issues and so on. Thus, a university student is always tempted


1, 在essay

里,你不能用第一人称,比如:I,me,mine,my(我)这些你要是一用,就是扣分。 2, we(我们)这只有在指很大一个数不清的集体的时候可以用,比如 :our humans 我们人类,这样的可以用。要是只是指你和你朋友我们,那样的话不行。

3, essay里一定不能有私人用语,比如 stuff 东西,这种说法感觉太私人。 4, essay 里的语句一定要很肯定,不能含糊,比如:she is like friendly towards him. 她好像对他很友好。 句子用了 ‘好像’,这就是不肯定。


sentence(一个话题),然后支撑句 support sentence, 结合句 linking sentence,总结局 conclusion


7,essay 里不能写缩写字,比如 cause,because 的缩写,不能有

Agreement: 主语和谓语在人称、数上的一致,关系代词与先行词的一致。 Ambiguity: 尽量不去使用可能引起歧义的词语或句子。

Brief: 文章"简为贵",要抓住要点,简明扼要。

Coherence: 文理通顺,前后连贯。

Development: 主题的发挥应当充分、合理、正确。


词汇、句子、段落要分配使用得当,划分要清楚,避免使用重复字句和种子片段。 Figures: 正确合理使用各类修辞格式。

Inflated diction: 不使用做作的语言。

Key: 用适当的关键词突出主题,每段都应有主题句。

Logical: 内容要符合逻辑。

Message: 信息要新鲜、确实、可信。

Omit: 合理删除多余的不必要部分。

Proposition: 主张、观点、论述要清楚肯切、合情入理。

Punctuation: 正确适时使用标点符号。

Relevant: 文章一定要要题。

Sentence pattern: 句型要尽量多样化。

Strait: 开门见山,直来直去。

Style: 文体恰切,适合内容要求。

Tense: 动词时态要正确、一致、变化合理。

Theme: 选题得当,主题突出。

Essay 由 introduction, body, conclusion,

reference四部分组成,下面以这篇文章为例,教你如何写作一篇符合格式的essay 全文统一用times new roman字体,小四,1.5倍行距

Essay 是理论性较强的论文,通常情况下,一定用第3人称,禁止出现“I”,“we” “our”, “you”, “your”这些第一,二人称字样,注意语言措辞,多用些副词。为了避免使用 第一人称,某些地方可以用被动语态或其他句型代替。


1, 由于essay理论性较强,请用相关例子来支撑论点,避免空谈理论

2, 在叙述完了理论之后,请一定要对理论进行评论,体现作者的critical thinking 3,请多用的数据和图表,使用数据图表时请附上reference表明出处。

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它相当于一个开篇,引出Essay代写这篇essay的主旨。然后从this essay

will开始是introduction的第二部分,介绍本文结构,不要再用the structure is like this这样的语句了,比较chinglish。介绍结构请统一用将来时态)

Since the setting up of the first factories in the late eighteenth century, management had become a problem seriously affecting the factories’

production. Then, management was gradually recognised as an important element of the success or failure of a company. Until the nineteenth century, the systematic and scientific management theory came out with its leading

thinkers, two of whom were well known as Frederick W. Taylor and Elton Mayo. Both Taylor and Mayo stated the importance of the productivity and cooperation between managers and workers. This essay will firstly discuss these similarities in their different management theories and how they relate to each other.

Following this, it will explain the differences of the two theories concerning the consideration of the human beings during management. Finally, it will look at how the two theories affect the feeling of workers and support increasing the productivity and maximising the efficiency.


Similarities and relations in management theories of Taylor and Mayo

Although Taylor and Mayo have different management theories, they both aim to make workers more productive and efficient during the management. Taylor, the founder of the movement known as ‘scientific management’, states ‘The principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity for the employee’

(Taylor, 1947, p.36). According to this, workers should be trained as ‘first-class’ and follow the methods of the work which managers have carefully analysed and set up. Workers are not responsible to think about the way of doing the work, and they just do what managers

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tell them to, and that makes them more productive, which is the aim of work. Taylor is much concerned about increasing the output of the production

systematically and scientifically and at the meantime decreasing the cost per output. Taylor (1947) believed that by scientifically selecting them, workers

would possess the physical and intellectual qualities to enable them to get work done systematically and efficiently and consequently achieve the output. Similarly, Elton Mayo also pays much attention to productivity and efficiency. Mayo (1933) introduced rest pauses as one technique and explained its

importance for accomplishing work productively. The rest periods eliminate the monotony of the work, which can lead to ‘pessimistic reveries’ (p.59). Workers could re-participate into the task fast due to the relief of postural fatigue and impaired circulation during the rest pauses. Generally speaking, both Taylor and Mayo treated labor as the main sour


by Sandy Kreisberg

Founder of the Cambridge Essay Service





-Why are you seeking an MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business? What do you hope to experience and contribute? What are your plans and goals after you receive your degree (750 words maximum). 这是今年芝加哥商学院的典型问题。

-Briefly assess your career progress to date. Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree from Kellogg (One to t

wo double spaced pages).


-Please discuss the factors influencing the career decisions you have made that, in turn, have led you to your current position. Why is now an appropriate time to pursue an MBA, and what will you contribute to the class entering in the fall of 2000? What are your career goals for the future, and how will you avail yourself of the resources at the Wharton School to achieve these goals? 沃顿商学院的类似问题似乎问得更为具体。



1. 在你过去经历的基础上构筑你的目标。


所以不要说“My goal is to become a consultant to high-tech firms starting business in Asia”,最好的说法是“Based on my experiences working in India and Hong Kong as a programmer and business analyst, and on my project leader work at Cenco Corporation in Singapore, my long term goal is to return to this area and start a consultancy advising large technology companies how to 'do business' as an employer in these countries.”。


2. 把你的目标分成阶段性。

想使你看起来很有理性,对人生深思熟虑,最好把你的目标分成阶段性:长期目标、中期目标和MBA毕业后的短期目标。分段构思使你能够真正达到长期目标,而且读来也十分可信,同样为你攻读MBA提供了合理的解释。学校能在成千上万的人中发现你就是因为它们确信你知道毕业后什么工作最适合你(他们同样想知道这种工作是否可能实现,是否其他毕业生已拥有同样的工作,你也应该在写之前看一看)。应该与学校的Career Office联系,了解最近的毕业生从业情况,你对自己未来事业的描述必须有同样的起点。

3. 使用“Interests”和“Could Take The Form”的句型来写长期目标。


Based on my leadership and cross-functional team experiences as the SDK Laser X-Ray project leader at Medco in California , and as a marketing specialist at Jetco in Shanghai, my long-term career objective is to use my technical and marketing know-how and leadership skills to help China obtain high-tech medical equipment. This goal could take the form of my starting a company in China to import or distribute such equipment, or my heading the division of a large American high-tech medical device firm such as X-med, Y-med, or Z-med with production for the Asian market as its goal.

My short-term goal after my MBA is to move from R&D to general management in a health care technology company such as X or Y. My five-year plan is to gain experience in various aspects of the health care technology business including business development, marketing, operations and strategy and also to establish my credibility in running a medium-sized organization.

4. 谈论你的长期目标时,列出你心中一两位英雄,或者你心中最欣赏的公司。


Based on my experiences as the SDK Laser Widget team leader at Medco in California , and as a marketing specialist at Jetco in Shanghai, my long term career objective is to use my technical and marketing know-how and leadership skills to help China obtain high-tech medical equipment.

I am greatly impressed by such companies as IndusMed and BengalRx which have specialized in bringing hi-tech medical devices to the Indian marketplace and I hope to replicate some of their success on the Chinese Mainland. Also, Sammy Lee, the Chinese Minister of Hi-Tech, is a personal hero of mine for his efforts to make technology bridges with Western suppliers. Mr. Lee's own company, Go-Go East, which is the leader in supplying Chinese and Hong Kong casinos with the latest in Western hi-tech gambling technology, is a good sign that China may soon be open to medical devices as well.



在帮助学生应付大学学业的过程中,我发现很多学生对大学作业有着一些误会。这些错误的观念不仅导致他们花费大量的时间在作业上,也导致他们从来不能获得理想的作业分数。很多学生花一个星期在一篇2000字的Essay上,自己感觉已经竭尽全力,但是交作业的时候还是惴惴不安,祈祷一帆风顺,成绩却还是差强人意。其实,作业并非那么困难,只要你掌握作业的技巧,明白大学的要求,以及老师的阅读习惯,就会获得很好的分数。以下是本人总结的十个完成大学作业的误区。如果同学们不能从这些误区走出来,那么大学的学业仍然是非常困难。 误区1:写essay或者report要从introduction写起




1, 学生在不知道主体论述部分写什么内容的情况下,Introduction是不可能很快的完成,因为Introduction经常包含对内容的大致介绍。

2, Introduction的分重很低,只要简单明了,让老师知道大概的论述方向,就达到了目标和效果。



以前在大学读书,因为工作的原因,经常需要很短的时间去完成essay。譬如说,在一个很难的research essay上,我只用了四个小时。旁边的同学总是以为我是不上进的学生——他们认为,一个好学生,不可能只花四个小时在作业上。最后成绩出来,30分的作业,班上80%的中国学生只拿了9分,而我拿了22分。很多同学,包括KIWI,都来问我怎么写的,因为这是很著名的杀手课。






诚然,语言能力好的同学阅读速度更快,表达能力更高,因此完成作业的效率比较高。然而,如果不掌握作业技巧,譬如说文章的结构和论述方式,语言能力好的同学也未必能够拿到好的成绩,至少未必能够拿到理想的分数。反之,语言能力不好的学生,未必不能够在作业中拿到好的分数。 好的作业,总是让老师觉得这个学生懂得很多。如何影响老师对作业的观感?语言固然重要,段落的结构、解释观点的方法、副标题等等,都是很重要的环节,虽然这些细节很少被大家注意。一个老师每天要改几十份作业,重复性那么大的工作让人焦虑和烦躁。如何让老师知道你已经掌握足够的知识?技巧很重要。





因此,老师在改作业的时候,不会忙不迭地看作业的字数,然后决定作业是得A还是得C。更多的时候,老师只在乎作业有多少单词是充字数,有多少耐读的东西让他爱不释手。 该写的大书特书,不该写的能省则省,才是高分的关键。









“天下文章一大抄”。优秀的作业都是抄出来的,如果不抄,就只能用自己的观点去写,后果就是写不出老师需要的内容。随便打开任何作业的要求,不难发现有这么一句话——“you should refer to academic journals, textbooks and other sources for relevant theories”(“你需要参考学术报刊,课本和其他资源获得相关理论”)。仔细阅读这句话,不难发现,大学鼓励学生拾人牙慧。引用和抄袭是同义词。抄得好,就是引用,抄不好,就是抄袭。

因此,“抄”是一门艺术。大家不要以为只有本科生才“抄”,随便打开任何硕士或者博士生的毕业论文,里面都有一个可爱的部分叫“literature review”。这个冠冕堂皇的“review”,就是抄袭前人文章的集中营。既然博士的文章可以上大雅之堂,本科生的文章就绝对不是下三滥,更不可能命丧Turnitin.







误区八:APA Reference很重要

很多同学总要花一个钟头检查自己的APA Reference格式,是否斜体,是否漏了句号,等等。APA Reference固然重要;然而,除非明显的错误,否则老师不会眯着眼睛,对照你的Reference是否有丝毫错误。




只要满足这两个要求,APA reference就能让老师心满意足。我们的作业培训,如何提高APA Reference的质量是一个重要的技巧。一个漂亮的APA Reference List,让老师觉得学生付出了莫大的努力,是获得高分的关键。










1. In this paper, we focus on the need for

2. This paper proceeds as follow.

3. The structure of the paper is as follows.

4. In this paper, we shall first briefly introduce fuzzy sets and related concepts

5. To begin with we will provide a brief background on the


1. This will be followed by a description of the fuzzy nature of the problem and a detailed presentation of how the required membership functions are defined.

2. Details on xx and xx are discussed in later sections.

3. In the next section, after a statement of the basic problem, various situations involving possibility knowledge are investigated: first, an entirely possibility model is proposed; then the cases of a fuzzy service time with stochastic arrivals and non fuzzy service rule is studied; lastly, fuzzy service rule are considered.


1. This review is followed by an introduction.

2. A brief summary of some of the relevant concepts in xxx and xxx is presented in Section 2.

3. In the next section, a brief review of the ....is given.

4. In the next section, a short review of ... is given with special regard to ...

5. Section 2 reviews relevant research related to xx.

6. Section 1.1 briefly surveys the motivation for a methodology of action, while

1.2 looks at the difficulties posed by the complexity of systems and outlines the need for development of possibility methods.
