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时间:2016-11-08 10:49:37 来源:免费论文网



元宵节(Lantern Festival)和圣瓦伦丁节(Valentine's Day) 相同点:










清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day)和万圣节除夕(Halloween)




1. 时间:清明节为每年的阴历四月初五;万圣节前夜为每年的10月31日夜晚。

2. 起源或传说:






万圣节前夕:每到万圣节前夜,人们就围坐在火炉旁,讲述一些有关鬼的故事,有时让一些在场的小孩听起来害怕。有的人把萝卜或甜菜头挖空,做成一个古怪的头形的东西,在上面刻上嘴和眼睛,在其内放上一枝点燃的蜡烛,看上去古怪、让人害怕,然后把它挂在树枝上或大门上,据说这样可以驱逐妖魔鬼怪。在美国,人们制作“杰克灯”或叫“南瓜灯”(Jack-o'-lantern)。小孩们身穿古怪的服装,头戴面具,装扮成鬼怪的形象,手里提着一盏南瓜灯,从一家走到另一家,在大门口大声叫着“是请客还是要我们捣乱(Trick or Treat)。这时若主人不请客(treat),这些顽皮的孩子就会动真格地捣乱(trick),有的在主人的门把上涂上肥皂或往玻璃上洒肥皂水;有的干脆把主人的门给卸下来;还有的顺手拿走主人放在门口的日常小用品等。但人们对这些天真可爱的小客人一般还是欢迎的,并且事先都准备好糖果或零钱。听到这些小孩来时,他们马上迎出来,给孩子们分发糖果或零钱。

当然,中外还有很多具有独特民族气息的节日,比如:中国的端午节(Dragon Boat Festival)、重阳节(Double Ninth Festival)、七夕节,和西方的愚人节(April Fool’Day)、复活节(Easter)、感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)等。


Nowadays, western festivals have become more and more popular among middle school students. Recently, our class had a heated discussion on whether middle school students should celebrate western festivals. Opinions are divided.

Students who are in favor of the idea think that western festivals are of great fun. At the same time, they regard it as a precious opportunity to learn more about western culture.

Some think otherwise. Since more and more students have lost their interest in Chinese traditional festivals, they turn to chase fashion blindly with little knowledge about the history of western festivals actually.

From where I stand, not only can celebrating western festivals enhance the communication between Chinese and western people, but also help broaden our horizon. Meanwhile, we should respect and cherish our own culture.

Nowadays, western festivals have become more and more popular among middle school students. Recently, our class had a heated discussion on whether middle school students should celebrate western festivals. Opinions are divided.

Students who are in favor of the idea think that western festivals are of great fun. At the same time, they regard it as a precious opportunity to learn more about western culture.

Some think otherwise. Since more and more students have lost their interest in Chinese traditional festivals, they turn to chase fashion blindly with little knowledge about the history of western festivals actually.

From where I stand, not only can celebrating western festivals enhance the communication between Chinese and western people, but also help broaden our horizon. Meanwhile, we should respect and cherish our own culture.

Nowadays, western festivals have become more and more popular among middle school students. Recently, our class had a heated discussion on whether middle school students should celebrate western festivals. Opinions are divided.

Students who are in favor of the idea think that western festivals are of great fun. At the same time, they regard it as a precious opportunity to learn more about western culture.

Some think otherwise. Since more and more students have lost their interest in Chinese traditional festivals, they turn to chase fashion blindly with little knowledge about the history of western festivals actually.

From where I stand, not only can celebrating western festivals enhance the communication between Chinese and western people, but also help broaden our horizon. Meanwhile, we should respect and cherish our own culture.


Second English papers

Each nation has its own characteristic festivals that

reflect the culture of itself.In China, asour country and

westerncountries become increasingly closer,more and more chinese accept western culture.

However, some western festivals sometimes even more popular than traditional festivals, foreign cultural’s influence should not be underestimated.The main The main group of celebratingwesternfestivals is youth group which takes students as the main force.People celebrate festivals such as Valentine's day, mother's day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. In fact, because of the Chinese way of thinking, western holidays in China is just popular for Christmas and Valentine's day, not all western holidays attract people's attention. According to a survey ofCentral China Normal University, many college students know the existence of western festivals, but little of them know about their cultural connotations. In addition to Christmas, respondents who knowother western festivals’meaning are less than 10%. Referring to the way to celebrating, in General, during the Festival, people send gifts such as flowers and greeting cards.They sing with friends, and

blessor send messages to each other;lots of people are going to relax during the festival:shopping, inviting friends to restaurants, dancing, and so on. On the whole, Chinese celebrate western holidays with the following

faith four anda characteristics: passion for universality,particularity,blind


As the saying goes,1000 readers have 1000 Hamlets in mind. people have different viewson whether Chinese should celebrate western holidays. Some people who are keen on Western festivals, argued that China's traditional festivals are too rigidand there are many festivals with feudal thinking.On the contrary,westernfestivalswhich

flamboyantand reflect are excitingadvocate In the freedom. addition, westernholidaysmake people who’re under heavy social pressure have a chance to relax. At the same time, some experts believe that the celebration of Western holidays are an inevitable trend of cultural exchanges. Huang Kemin, aSociologistbelieves that celebrating western holidays is aform of cultural communication.In some cases, it’ll fill vacancies inChinese culture. Some students believe that celebratingWestern festivals can enhance the friendship ofclassmates and make the classes more solidarity.Duringa

festival, Most of the supermarkets and restaurants provide promotions that benefitconsumers, these festivals also has a catalytic role to economic development.

Opponents believe thatChina has its own history and local culture for thousands of years, the Western Festival don’t suit China's needs for cultural development.Also, due to blind worship,people often losttraditional culture. Celebratingwestern holidayswill shake the traditional culture’sstatus in the minds of nationals and endanger the inheritance and development of traditional culture. For example, many young people celebrate Valentine's day, but they don't knowChinese Lovers’s Day. In addition,owing to the cultural invasion,many countries arewary of foreign holidays .To guarantee Chinese cultural’s independence, western holidays cann’t be allowed to develop freely. At the same time, many people celebrate Western festivals for following the fashion .The effectof cultural exchanges isn’t obvious. In addition, the blind pursuit of consumption and enjoyment causesmoney worship,hedonism and other bad ideas.

Just my personal opinion, we should celebrate western holidays withrational thought, and we shouldn’t lose

ourselves.Towards western Festivals, we should take its essence and discard the dregs.For instance,ThanksgivingDaycan be advocated for making our culture advance as it reflects one of Chinese traditional virtues- gratefulness; others, such as Halloween,should be treated calmly because it’s religious.

Cultural integration is the trend of the historical

development.So we should not implement "isolationism". Under the premise of enhancing awareness of traditional culture and revitalizing Chinese culture, we can activelyenter the world that has frequent cultural exchanges.

Festivalsare important means of cultural transmission which host the important cultural.They’re the crystallization of human wisdom. Rich festival lights up our lives, for our life has various colors. Let us take the broad mindand appreciate the colorful festivals!
