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时间:2016-11-08 10:48:14 来源:免费论文网

篇一:英语论文 1000字 live with makeup

Live Without Makeup?

As the saying goes,“ There are no ugly women but lazy women in this world.” When walking on the road, you can see lots of pretty ladies , wearing beautiful clothes. But are women all that beautiful?Absolutely not.

Everybody is born with their parents’ features, so it is clear that some parts of your organs are similar to your parents. Maybe “Ugly parents will give birth to an ugly baby” is not true for all people. But it is true that many ladies don’t have a gifted pretty face.

So what rescue those “Plain Jane”? Yes, it is makeup. The makeup has a long history. In the ancient times, people paint themselves with crayons and oil to drive the scared dragon away. At the same time, in the ancient Egypt, people paint the skin around their eyes black to escape from the direct sunshine. You can see people decorate themselves long ago for variety of reasons. As time goes by, it becomes makeup.

Nowadays, the consumer market is filled with different kinds of cosmetics: foundation, pressed powder, mascara, lipstick etc. It is not easy for people who never putting on makeup to recognize them. But these are glad tidings to the beauty-loving females and a few males. Women now are the main forces in the consumer market, it is common that those office ladies spend most of their bonus on the

cosmetics, as some women say, “We are working for our faces!” The consumption is a great factor for the development of a country, so maybe women’s makeup is not that bad for the country. To some degrees, ladies have really done a lot.

The makeup has a lot of advantages for the women, since not every woman has a beautiful face, the makeup can make them much more pretty. For example, using the foundation which is close to your skin color, using coffee eye shadow to beautify the outline of your face , using the black eye line to make your eyes bigger, or a mascara that will make your eyes more attractive, or some shallow blush to make you have a better look. There is a saying, “A girl will doll herself up for him who loves her.” Almost every girl wants themselves be pretty when staying with the boy who appreciates them. Beside it, there are still other reasons that the girls put on makeup. For example, some companies demand their female staff putting on makeup in the office in order to show their respect to the costumers. In the mean time, the makeup can gain the confidence for the average ladies and help them keeping in a good mood. From this point, the makeup is really something that does good to the female and society.

But every coin has two sides, no matter what big advantages the makeup has brought to us , it still gives us some trouble. It is known

for all that the cosmetics will have bad effects on our skin, the substance in the cosmetics may be irritable to sensitive skin, if you don’t remove your makeup clean,it is likely that you get pimps all over your face. Compared to the ladies who never put on makeup, those makeup-lovers seems to be older after remove their makeup , which might be the lasting effect of putting on makeup. On the other hand, That women put on makeup puts much pressure on men. Why ? Because “that mild-mannered good girl, awake, asleep, I search for her.” Every one loves beauty, so females make themselves pretty by hook, and males find beauties by hook, which leads to more and more makeup-lovers. We can see from the books and the net , like “ I love you not because you are beautiful.” Is it right? In most cases , no ! According to an investigation, appearance is the first factor that you attractive another one. so if only judging from

appearance ,there is a little chance for the average people to be attracted. But why do I say that women put on makeup puts much pressure on men? You can see from the above, plain Jane puts on makeup to make herself beautiful, but the truth is that they are not pretty enough ,but man fall in love with the lovely lady .Then one day ,when he see her real face, he feels upset ,because she is not so beautiful. He feels pressed because he can not dump her for this

reason. That is so terrible! This may be the reason why males are fonder of beauties who are pure without any makeup face these days.

In my opinion, putting on makeup is essential to people and society. Makeup can gain our confidence and help us keeping in a good mood, in some aspects , it will also show our respect. But due to the damage of the cosmetics, we should pay attention to some points: Firstly, you do not need to dress yourself up to make yourself look pretty, all you need to do is to apply some powder and make-up which will give others affinity and does less harm to your skin. Secondly, remember removing your makeup before going to sleep. Time from 10pm to 3am is the golden time for the recover of your skin. After a full day of working, your skin is in a bad condition. If you don’t care your face at night, your face will be destroyed. Thirdly, using the cosmetics with high quality, high quality means cosmetics that are producted in a formal factory and fit for your skin. So do not only pursuing those expensive things.

With the development of technology, more and more cosmetics with high quality will bring into the market, people will have more choices .And maybe one day ,the cosmetics will not do harm to our skin ,on the contrary, it will cares our skin .The makeup is still one part of most females’ life. For those who are born with beauty, this may not be needed. In brief, makeup or not depends on you!


Improve Air Quality——Everyone Should Get Involved

Background information:

My neighborhood is a rural area in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province. Almost each family there has a piece of farmland of their own. At the beginning, residents made a living mostly by eating food produced by them and selling extra food. Recently as economy grows, more and more residents have chosen to rent their farmland out to make space for factories, at the same time they can get an opportunity to work in factories. Generally speaking, this area is still in its early stage of industrialization. Just like many other places which have gone through or are undergoing industrialization, my neighborhood also faces the conflict between economic growth and environment protection. In addition, residents there sometimes do activities which damage the environment even without realization due to poor knowledge of the causes of environmental unsustainability. One of the most serious aspects of the environment is the decline in air quality. My neighborhood used to have fresh air, but now smog appears from time to time. So in this report, I am going to focus on air pollution in my neighborhood.

Causes and solutions:

1. Industrial pollution

Just as stated above, my neighborhood is in its early stage of industrialization, so air pollution there must have a close relation with industrial wastes. On the one hand, factories are continuously producing air-borne emissions. Among them, factories such as the rubber factory give out waste gases with an unpleasant smell, which is particularly unbearable to people living nearby. On the other hand, large area of farmland and woods are turned into industrial land, thus causing a weakened function of vegetation purifying air. Although there are many examples that cities go for economic growth in sacrifice of environment and repair the environment after becoming rich, we need not necessarily repeat the model of “pollution first, treatment later” in the course of industrialization. I think we can report those factories to local environmental protection agency, forcing them to release waste gases after treating through legal procedures. We can also use the power of public opinion by posting those factories onto “weibo”.

2. Straw burning

Picture 1(taken in May, 2013)

It is not uncommon to see people burning crop straw in rural area. Such behavior is harmful to both environment and society for the following reasons. First, when burning straw, the three pollution index of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and repairable particulate matter in the atmosphere reaches peak, which damages human health. Secondly, straw burning can easily cause fire if there are combustibles around. Thirdly, poor visibility caused by smog leads to more cases of traffic accidents. Last but not least, straw burning can cause ground temperature to rise rapidly, killing beneficial microbes in soil, affecting the full absorption of plant to soil nutrients, decreasing the yield of crop. Actually,

“In Jiangsu Province, the local government has sent supervision teams to all cities to monitor straw burning. Furthermore, in order to extend the scope of the monitoring, the provincial environmental protection agency begun to use remote sensing data to detect locations of fire in straw fields. Unfortunately,

supervision is difficult and to avoid detection, some farmers choose to not

burn straw during daytime but in the evening or on cloudy days.”(Qu, Li,

Wu&Giesy, 2012)

Why do people would like to run the risk of being punished just in order to burn straw? Because young people in a family almost don’t do farming any more, the old and weak members wouldn’t bother to transport heavy straw which is useless to them but very useful if collected and used to generate electricity and methane. To solve this problem, both government and residents should get involved. Local government should set up more straw collection spots so that residents can find the nearest spot to them. Residents can buy the straw returning machine and the bundling machine jointly to minimize the economic burden on each member.

3. Fireworks and firecrackers

Picture 2&3(taken on New Year’s Eve, 2014)

It is Chinese tradition to set off fireworks and firecrackers in celebration of Chinese New Year. Although fireworks and firecrackers can bring us great pleasure, they have also posed a threat to the environment. Just as shown clearly in the picture, the sky is covered by a mist because of fireworks. Fireworks and firecrackers produce smoke and dust that contain various sulfur-coal compounds and other noxious chemicals, which contribute to acid rain and have a bad effect on human respiratory system. On top of that, fireworks contain cancer-leading heavy metals in order to produce brilliant colors. (Hiebert, 2013) Now that fireworks and firecrackers can cause air pollution, we are supposed to think carefully whether we really need them. In some major cities of China, fireworks are prohibited, but in rural area this

problem hasn’t been paid attention to. Although it is of great importance to release related regulations, it’s even more urgent to inform rural residents of the drawbacks of setting off fireworks and firecrackers. If we cannot accept festivals completely without fireworks and firecrackers, maybe we can gather together and watch a firework show instead of each family setting off its own fireworks.

4. Other causes

Picture 4(taken on 4th February, 2014)

There are also many other factors leading to air pollution. For example, some families still use the old stove (picture 4) for cooking, so they sometimes burn their daily rubbish because they think it can not only save energy but also dispose rubbish. Burning waste paper is ok, but some plastic product may produce harmful gases if burnt. Another example is burning briquettes, which can cause sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere to increase. These problems can all be attributed to lack of common sense about air pollution. Therefore, I hope our community organization can popularize related knowledge so that residents reduce, if not stop, their behavior of damaging the environment.


In conclusion, environment protection is not an individual activity but need everyone’s participation. As long as every member in our community does their bit, air quality is bound to be improved.

References: Changsheng Qu, Bing Li, Haisuo Wu and John P. Giesy(2012), Controlling Air Pollution

from Straw Burning in China Calls for Efficient Recycling, Environ. Sci.

Technol., 46 (15), pp 7934–7936, retrieved from


David Hiebert(2013), Declare Your Independence from Toxic Fireworks Pollution, Earth

Talk, Retrieved from




The way to choose employees

How do the business employers judge the qualifications of potential employees? One kind of view is that “When judging the qualifications of potential employees, business employers should rely solely on objective information. Personal interviews are much too subjective and are therefore not a valid basis on which to judge a person’s

qualifications for a job.” However is it totally true? What is the most reasonable way to choose people the enterprise want? Here are my opinions.

First of all, we have to realize that enterprise recruits staff can't simply read resume or face-to- face communication. Enterprise can not only look at resume, but also by the interview. Enterprise only clearly understands who you are and what you lack of and then you can find the employees for their development of business. The test in an interview is an essential important link.

Recruitment testing generally should be divided into interview, knowledge

examination, psychological testing, operation technology assessment and

qualifications review. Interview is the most common method in recruitment activities. According to an interview form and purpose, interview can be divided into many types. Such as structural interview, unstructured interview, general interview, professional skills interview, etc. Interview has many advantages, such as strong adaptability, can two-way communication, can multi-channel to get candidate's

information. The great drawback to interview is not easy quantification and there may be various prejudices.

Knowledge test is another common method in recruitment activities. Knowledge examination refers to through the paper and pencil tests of the candidates in the form of knowledge breadth, depth of knowledge and understanding of the knowledge structure of a way. The purpose of a test is mainly about knowing the width of the candidate's knowledge, the extent of the candidate of professional knowledge and application level.

There is a misconception that qualifications equal to the ability society are wearing tinted glasses for this. From a recruitment perspective, basically large enterprises to recruit staff as sales people first are a college education. Education is a stepping stone, no diploma the interviewer is seeing you, let alone gives you the opportunity. Most people basically thought pattern is that it looks like: qualifications equal to knowledge, knowledge is equal to capacity, no qualifications equal to no knowledge, no ability.

Degree does not necessarily have the knowledge, there is no academic qualifications may not necessarily illiterate, the key only to personal learning and efforts.

Higher education can only prove one o'clock-the person subjected to formal education, systematic learning conditions and a good learning environment. But this man how much knowledge learned in school is not a degree proves that academic achievement also has good and bad points.

Edison didn't finish even primary schools, who would dare to say that Edison has no culture, no knowledge? Mao attended the University, but to comment on China's first great man of the century who can match. Bill Gates didn't finish college, but no one

dare say that Gates is not knowledge, and who would dare to say that biracial more money. Knowledge does not come from the universities, especially not from paper qualifications, but from the study. If it does not have the power and capacity of learning, even in the Beijing University, Tsinghua University and how?

I liked the party's "three represents" a noun – in the times. It is more instructive for our employees: suitable for short term experience may not in the future have been through, to not be eliminated by the market, we must continue to learn, with the times, continuous adjustment, seize the opportunity. Look at our students ' textbooks, something many decades ago. How can it talk about keeping pace with it? Knowledge and ability are two different things. Literate people will of course

consider more comprehensive than illiterate, analyze issues more thoroughly, but a lot of times people who have cultural things like dumplings in a teapot – goods not out, only that it will not do. Theory and practice are far away.

Enterprises recruiting employees is the core to achieve insight into the candidates, read resumes or face-to-face exchanges are just two different ways.

Enterprise staff recruitment core is to do in-depth understanding of applicant, read your resume or face to face communication is just two different ways it.
