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[1] He Z F. Improvement on exterminating method of NO3-N and in vegetables and fruits[J]. Agro-environmental Protection, 1995, 14 (1): 46—48









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参考文献:[1]中国农业大学“校长信箱”./retype/zoom/6733298279563c1ec4da7114?pn=1&x=0&y=0&raww=726&rawh=51&o=jpg_6_0_______&type=pic&aimh=33.71900826446281&md5sum=2ecb16c16046e5eef725249f75b112e8&sign=354442dd56&zoom=&png=0-288&jpg=0-24866" target="_blank">点此查看



[序号]作者. 书名[M]. 版本(第1版不注). 出版地: 出版者, 出版年 例:




[10] Roger S Pressman. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach [M]. Translated by Mei Hong. 5th ed. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2004 (in Chinese) (Roger S Pressman.软件工程:实践者的研究方法[M].梅宏译.第5版.北京:机械工业出版社, 2004) 2.期刊

[序号]作者.题名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码 例:

[2]马小亮,王春杰.一种新的中压电机调速法—转子变频调速[J].电力电子技术,2004,38(3):3-5 [3]包西平,吉智.新型中小功率矿井提升机双PWM变频调速系统的研究[J]. 工矿自动化, 2009,(7):43-47

[4]李旭东,宗光华,毕树生,等.生物工程微操作机器人视觉系统的研究[J].北京航空航天大学学报,2002, 28(3):249-252

[39] Wu R,Dewan S B,slemon G R.A PWM AC to DC converter with fixed switching frequency[J].IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,1990,26(5):880-885 3.学位论文或技术报告

[序号]作者. 题名[学位论文或技术报告][D或R].保存地:保存单位(指该论文被具体保存的地方。 例:

[1]李自亮.矿井提升机变频调速控制系统研究[D].长春:吉林大学博士学位论文,2007 [2]马聪.高级综合中多目标多层次工艺映射技术研究[D].北京:清华大学硕士学位论文,1998 4.专利文献

[序号]专利申请者.专利题名: 专利国别, 专利号[P]. 公告日期或公开日期[引用日期] 例:


[2]杨林江.沥青混凝土再生搅拌机:中国,CN200510049046.3[P/OL].2005-08-03 5.技术标准

[序号]起草责任者. 标准代号 标准顺序号—发布年 标准名称[S].出版地:出版者,出版年(也可略去起草责任者、出版地、出版者和出版年) 例:

[1]GJB 3206—1998 技术状态管理[S]

[2]GB/T 16159-1996,汉语拼音正词法基本规则[S] [5]GB9078-1996,工业炉窑大气污染物排放标准[S] 7.电子文档

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[J/OL]—— 网上期刊(serial online)

[EB/OL]—— 网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online) 例:

[1]王明亮.关于中国学术期刊标准化数据库系统工程的进展[EB/OL]./docs/McElroyDLKMv3.pdf,2003.3.4 [2]Mark W. McElroy,2001,Double-Loop Knowledge

Management,/docs/McElroyDLKMv3.pdf,2003.3.4 [3]中国农业大学“校长信箱”.http:///home/xzxx/,2011.3.1



为了便于大家熟悉引用及参考文献格式,我们假设在下面论文中会引用到四大天王刘德华、张学友、黎明、郭富城的著作或文章内容如下(纯属虚构)。 刘德华:“随着改革开放的推进以及全球化步伐的加快,中国已经超越日本成文世界第二大经济体,且10年内有望成为第一大经济体。”(引自《中国经济展望》,南阳世纪龙出版社,2016年,第99页。)

张学友:“随着中国经济发展取得耀眼成功,中国尤其是南阳在英语教育领域所取得的成绩丝毫不逊色。” (引自“南阳英语教育:历史、现状与未来”《南阳万德隆大学学报》,2016年,20卷第3期,第99-100页。)

黎明:“英语几乎贯穿于各个级别的教育,从小学直至大学,说它关系每一个中国学生毫不为过。” (引自《变化中的英语教育:英语在中国教育体系中的地位》,许文虎译,南阳卧龙岗出版社, 2019,第250页。)

郭富城:“南阳师范学院已向社会输送数万名双语人才,很多毕业生奋斗在促进南阳和外界合作与交流的第一线;因此,荣誉属于所有为促进南阳英语教育而辛勤耕耘的英语老师们,没有他们的辛劳,以上成绩难以为继。” (引自“南阳英语教育的成就”,南阳万德隆大学硕士论文,2016年,第10-12页。)

格式一:直接引用型(带双引号,必须注明[序号: 页码],标注于作者姓之后或引用原话之后皆可)

1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the Present Study

English Language Education English Language Education in Nanyang

“With the furtherance of China’s reform and opening-up and with globalization quickening its pace, China has overtaken Japan as the second largest economy in the world and is en route to becoming the largest one in about a decade”, says Liu [1: 99](均位于句号以内). Meanwhile, as Zhang observes, “In parallel with the glittering success of China’s economic boom, the development of English language education in China, especially that in Nanyang, is no less impressive” [2: 99-100]. It is fitting and proper to say that “English is of close concern to every Chinese

student given its omnipresence at virtually all levels of Chinese education ranging from primary schools all the way to universities” [3: 250]. Since the inception of English education in Nanyang Normal University, “thousands of bilingual talents have been churned out thus far, many of whom have been playing an active role in the forefront of enhancing exchanges and cooperation between Nanyang and the rest of the world using English as the main communicative tool, and therefore in this sense, credit should be given ad hoc to all the English teachers for their painstaking efforts in promoting English education in Nanyang, without whose toil and moil the above-mentioned achievements would have been barely possible” [4: 10-12]. (Authored by Xu Wenhu and not intended for any reproduction or distribution! For reference only…)

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1. Introduction

1.2 Background of the Present Study

English Language Education English Language Education in Nanyang

With the furtherance of China’s reform and opening-up and with globalization quickening its pace, China has overtaken Japan as the second largest economy in the world and is en route to becoming the largest one in about a decade, says Liu [1]. Meanwhile, as Zhang [2: 99-100] observes, in parallel with the glittering success of China’s economic boom, the development of English language education in China,

especially that in Nanyang, is no less impressive. It is fitting and proper to say that English is of close concern to every Chinese student given its omnipresence at virtually all levels of Chinese education ranging from primary schools all the way to universities [3]. Since the inception of English education in Nanyang Normal University, thousands of bilingual talents have been churned out thus far, many of whom have been playing an active role in the forefront of enhancing exchanges and cooperation between Nanyang and the rest of the world using English as the main communicative tool, and therefore in this sense, credit should be given ad hoc to all the English teachers for their painstaking efforts in promoting English education in Nanyang, without whose toil and moil the above-mentioned achievements would have been barely possible [4: 10-12]. (Authored by Xu Wenhu and not intended for any reproduction or distribution! For reference only…)

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[1] 刘德华. 中国经济展望[M]. 南阳: 南阳世纪龙出版社, 2016.

Liu, D. H. The Prospect of China’s Economic Development [M]. Nanyang: Nanyang Century Dragon Press, 2016.

[2] 张学友. 南阳英语教育:历史、现状与未来[J]. 南阳万德隆大学学报, 2016,

20(3): 99-100.

Zhang, X. Y. English Education in Nanyang: Past, Present and Future [J].

Journal of Nanyang Wandron University, 2016, 20(3): 99-100.

[3] 黎明. 变化中的英语教育:英语在中国教育体系中的地位[M]. 许文虎译.

南阳: 卧龙岗出版社, 2019.

Li, M. Changing English Education: The Role of English in China’s Educational System [M]. Trans. by W. H. Xu. Nanyang: Wolonggang Publishing House, 2019.

[4] 郭富城. 南阳英语教育的成就[D]. 南阳万德隆大学硕士论文, 2016.

Guo F. C. On the Achievements of English Education in Nanyang [D]. MA thesis, Nanyang Wandron University, 2016.


$$$$$$$$ 有关参考文献的说明 $$$$$$$$$


$$$$$$$$ 有关参考文献的说明 $$$$$$$$$


[1] 束定芳. 现代语义学[M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2000.【我们发现:所有

文献除了汉字为仿宋、小4号字体外,其它均为Times New Roman、小4号字体(如标点、数字以及字母M, J, D等)】

[2] Shu, D. F. Modern Semantics [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language

Education Press, 2000.【此条专著文献是第一条的英译,通过比较发现:1、英文专著书名斜体,中文书名不斜体;2、汉语书名与[M]之间不空格,而英语书名与[M]之间空一格;3、写作者英文名时,全写姓而缩写名,例如:用Shu, D. F.代替Shu Dingfang;用Lewis, M.代替Michael Lewis(注意汉英人名的surname差异)。】

[3] Lewis, M. Pedagogical Implications of the Lexical Approach [M]. Cambridge

UP, 1997.【凡是大学出版社,一律用缩写,例如:用Cambridge UP 代替Cambridge University Press;用The U of Georgia P 代替The University of Georgia Press】

[4] Nattinger, J. R. & DeCarrico, J. S. Lexical Phrases and Language Teaching [M].

Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992.【1、2、3、4为专著写法】

[5] 邓慧君. 文类及题型对英语听力测验之影响[J]. 英语教学, 1998, 23(1):


[6] Deng, H. J. The Effect of Text Type and Item Format on English Listening Test

Performance [J]. English Teaching, 1998, 23(1): 12-15. 【此条期刊文献是第五条的英译,通过比较发现:1、英文期刊名称(English Teaching)斜体,中文期刊名称(英语教学)不斜体;2、中文期刊文章名与[J]之间不空格,而英语文章名称与[J]之间空一格。】

[7] Brewer, B. W., Scherzer, C. B., Van Raalte, J. L., Petipas, A. J., & Andersen, M.

B. The Elements of (APA) Style: A Survey of Psychology Journal Editors [J]. American Psychologist, 2001, 56(2): 266-267. 【我们发现:1、当作者为两名以上时,逗号分开,最后一位作者前加&;2、尾部数字意思2001为出版年,56为卷(volume),
