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时间:2016-10-28 10:39:04 来源:免费论文网


A Love Letter



It happened in high school. They were in the same class. For one and a half years she had been had a huge crush on that boy. The first time he came to her sight, thin, middle-height, and healthy, with a dark clean angular face, short black hair. He wore a red T-shirt and a pair of grey glasses. He gave her an amiable feeling just like her elder cousin. She had a feeling for him at that first sight.

In her eye he shinned like a diamond. As long as he stayed around she could feel the gleam of him. The moment he left the gleam disappeared. In her mind, he had all the character that she desired. She loved his straightforward, modest, and kind manner. He had been regarded as her god. Every time he appeared she became shy and

nervous and dared not to speak. As a result, they never talked with each other for one and a half years.

Then came a day, she earnestly wanted to profess her feeling to him. So she and her best girl friend began to plan. Five minutes later they decided to write a love letter. They reached an agreement in such rapidness because they both had admired that boy for a long time. They passionately planed, drafted, and finished the letter in 45 minutes, and signatured her name only because of her naivety and her friend's

cunning. Her girl friend covered the letter with beautiful paper and pretty envelope. She closed the envelope with colorful heart-shaped tape. Satisfied with their letter, they sent it out immediately.

At noon the boy got the letter. In the letter she expressed how much he meant to her and how much she wished to be one of his friends. Then in the afternoon, each of her classmates knew what had happened. Each of the boys had read the letter several times. When the first class was over, she became totally famous because she was the first girl who pursue a boy first in her class. Three days later, she got his reply. He said she was a nice girl and it was his first time to receive a love letter and he didn't know how to answer her. He apologized for his delay and said sorry for rejection. She still felt happy for she wanted nothing but to let the boy know her feeling.

Four and a half years later, they were still not friends. But the boy always lived in the girl's heart. He once said if they were in the same university, they would be best friends. She would remember that forever.

篇二:全球浪漫情书大奖出炉 69年前英文情书夺冠

全球浪漫情书大奖出炉 69年前英文情书夺冠 2013-07-29 08:52:32 来源: 重庆晚报(重庆) 有5人参与


6月下旬,由重庆晚报联合猪八戒网发起的2013全球最浪漫情书征集收到了一封69年前写的情书。这封残缺的战地情书,有68个英文单词与短短 两句话,经重庆晚报报道后(详见6月27日A06版),将家住南岸区南坪95岁的曹越华与95岁妻子之间的爱情故事呈现在广大读者面前,大家被这一对老人 的至真之情感动。

7月29日,重庆晚报记者从大赛组委会方获悉,这封69年前的战地情书战胜了全球近3000名选手,最终获得此次大赛一等奖,奖金10万元。 重庆晚报首席记者 冉文 记者 任梦 实习生 龚湛

关键 文中有情


前日上午9时30分,由重庆市新闻工作者协会主席周勇等8人组成的专家评审团,正在对初选 的294封情书进行筛选。组委会相关工作人员介绍,决赛的109个名额由网友参与投票与大赛组委会评选产生,其中网友投票占30%比例。

当日下午3时,经过评委层层筛选与打分,得分最高的前9封情书出炉。评委周勇表示,评比时,除了情书本身的文采和真情实感外,还要考虑到情书内 容给人们带来的启示意义。重庆知名文化人、重大国学院导师李永明表示,须多方面平衡。北京时间碎片新媒体公司总裁邹智勇则称,选出的前9名,形式要多样。 重庆晚报记者注意到,9封情书分别来自民国、抗战、文革等各个时期。


竞争 战地情网恋情



一位评委特意为《男人的思念》列出几大优势:第一,主人公是中年人,面向的受众最大;其次,整篇情书文笔优美,又有古诗钗头凤,写的很好;第 三,网恋成婚并生活幸福,可对年轻人的网恋起到良好的引导作用。评委周勇也对这篇情书非常欣赏,认为它透露出一种真实平凡的爱情力量。


冠军 奖金10万元





23号情书是家住重庆市南岸区南坪的95岁曹越华老人,于1944年写于密支那战役前线。该情书除了用中文阐述作者的现状与思念外,最后还有一 段英文表白。老人58岁的小儿子曹庞沛告诉重庆晚报记者,解放后,他整理父母照片时发现了这封残缺的情书。随后,他根据父亲的回忆,将情书补充完整,今年 投递到网上参赛。“如今,许多年轻恋人动不动便提分手,我希望用父母的爱让他们明白,什么才是爱情。”




180号情书《男人的思念》来自杭州,是今年52岁的黑龙江人王志友在2008年中秋写给爱人的。“我与爱人是通过网恋走到一起的,我们在一起 已6年。2007年最后一天,我从东北来杭州与爱人相聚。2008年中秋,在外地工作的爱人没能回家过节,我怀着对她的思念,写下了这封情书。”

王志友说,2007年,他与妻子蒲宁因一副对联相识。当时,一个对联群里出了一副很难的玻璃体对联。“上联是春天开话本,只有蒲宁对出了下联: 末日出文章。”从此,王志友常跟她切磋文学,感情日益深厚。“爱情要有相同的爱好做基础,要有共同语言才行。两个人没话说,怎么过日子?”王志友在电话中 表示,6年来,每天两人一起上班、下班,闲暇时共同欣赏音乐舞蹈。“我们想到最浪漫的事就是:在一起慢慢变老。”









“My darling,Please give me a definite answer,which will reflect my once-pale youthful-ness,I’ll repay you a heart-to-heart smile and love,which nothing in the world can deprive me of When the war is over,we shall,hand-in-hand ,build a small eatle on the yellow soil,and while warming outselves in a fire ,listen togother to the beautiful singing of the early-spring cuckoo,Cuckoo,jiugjiu,pwe twetawuCuckoo,jiugjiu,pwe twetawu。”




窗外的风是否在敲打夜色里的生灵,从月亮升起开始,从灯盏一个一个熄灭开始,我就用心灵的守候与夜色交谈。在雾霭一样的月色里,在尘世之外的角 落,我都希望爱是幸福唯一的诠释。当黑色蔓延,一种生命的空灵在体内升起,指尖跳动的不再是白天没有方向的寻觅;唯有生命之外的安详做我此刻的魂,在心灵 深处燃烧,同你一起解读忧伤和幸福。





你知道王水的腐蚀性有多强吗?它却怎么也腐蚀不了你在我心中的地位; 你知道金刚石的硬度有多大吗?它再硬也比不了我对你的决心和耐心; 你知道SbF5—HSO3F体系的酸性有多强吗?它却强不过我看见你和别的男生在一起所产生的酸意!


1. Confidence 自信


3. Bringing It All Back Home满载而归

4. The Smile 微笑

5. To Win at Marriage, Learn to lose赢得美满婚姻,要学会认输

6. China Gets Wired中国进入网络化时代

7. And Now, Extreme Recruiting招聘竞争白热化

8. Afraid of Your Computer克服畏难心理 熟练使用电脑

9. Simplify Your Life简化你的生活

10. A Chance of a lifetime 生命的机遇

11. Thief小偷

12. 优秀的标准

13. 生活充满选择

14. 另一种爱

15. 足球知识知多少?


17. 纽约时报的CEO

18. 苹果公司的CEO

19. Panic on the Highway山路历险记

20. Paradox of Our Times 我们这个时代的尴尬

21. The Rich Get Richer Faster than Ever富翁比以往更快地变富

22. My Irreplaceable Treasure 人生珍品

23. Investing in Vices 道德与投资

24. My Greatest Olympic Prize 我最珍贵的奥林匹克奖

25. A Damaged Man Has the Last Word on Diana 受伤保镖对戴安娜作结语

26. Star Wars Returns to the Screens 星球大战重返银幕

27. Words of Wisdom for the Modern Age 现代智语

28. Hunger 饥饿

29. Every Breath You Take 注意你的每次呼吸

30. My Most Unforgettable Character我最难忘的人

31. 爱要怎么说出口

32. The Love letter 迟到的情书

33. 面试中常被问及的问题

34. Caught in the Web of the Internet 沉湎因特网

35. Suns Hidden Twin Stalks Planet Earth 太阳隐藏着的小兄弟威胁着地球

36. The New Generation in Japan 日本的新一代

37. Beyond Fear超越恐惧

38. How to be a leader如何做一个成功的领导者

39. Aspirin 阿司匹林

40. The Power of Beauty 美的力量

41. Graves on the Web 网络墓园

42. Shrek the Ogre,The ugliest movie star ever史上最丑电影明星怪物史瑞克

43. Virtuoso--Vanessa-Mae 音乐大师--陈美

44. Deadly Dolphins 致命的海豚

45. Martian garden 火星菜园

46. Welcome to Our Bank开门揖盗实为监守自盗

47. Two Loaves of Bread 两条面包

48. Application and Perseverance Give Results勤奋有恒结硕果

49. My Brain Is Better Than Yours我的脑筋比你好

50. Change Your Bad Habits to Good 改掉坏毛病 养成好习惯

51. How to Be Generous 论慷慨

52. Chemist Leo Baekeland 化学家利奥·贝克兰

53. When Cool Goes Cold"酷"变冷的时候

54. Ten Great Myths of Physical Fitness 保持身体健康的十大误区

55. Abraham Lincoln Didn't Quit 永不退缩的林肯总统

56. THE GOOD NEWS AND THE BAD美专家谈电脑千年难题带来的好消息与坏消息

57. Boisterous, Booming Beijing 欣欣向荣的北京

58. How a Simple Idea Became a Huge Business 我怎样白手起家

59. Who Are the Happiest People?谁是世界上最幸福的人

60. The Hand手

61. Eyeball ID眼球身份证

62. Health & Fitness美国人的健康与健美感

63. Friendship美式友谊

64. Love美式爱情

65. The American Way: Marriage 美国人的婚姻方式

66. Moral Issues 美式道德

67. Pets美国宠物

68. Travel美国旅游风尚

69. Raising Children 美式教养观

70. American food美国食物

71. Growing Old美国老年人

72. Home美国人的家

73. Racial Issues 美国种族问题

74. Law and Order 美国的法律与秩序

75. Human Rights美国人对人权的看法

76. Music美国人的音乐爱好

77. Elections 美国的选举

78. Family美国家庭

79. Driving 美国人的开车习惯

80. Helping Others 美国方式:帮助他人

81. Government美国政府

82. Sports美式运动

83. Christmas 圣诞节

84. Time 美国人的时间观

85. Grooming and Personal Hygiene美国人的仪容整洁与个人卫生

86. Customer Service美式顾客服务

87. Cooking美式烹饪

88. Language美国语言

89. Greetings美国人的问候方式

90. Informal Language美语中的非正式用语

91.Names & Titles美式的名字与称谓

92.Goodbye to the Bulls别了,公牛

93.The Crash Of '99? 1999年会出现经济衰退吗?



Some people are born with the belief that they are masters of their own lives. Others feel they are at the mercy of fate.

New research shows that part of those feelings are in the genes.

Psychologists have long known that people confident in their ability to control their destinies are more likely to adjust well to growing old than those who feel that they drift on the currents of fate. Two researchers who questioned hundreds of Swedish twins report that such confidence, or lark of it, is partly genetic and partly drawn from experience.

They also found that the belief in blind luck-a conviction that coincidence plays a big role in life is something learned in life and has nothing to do with heredity.

The research was conducted at the Karolinska Institute-better known as the body that annually awards the Nobel Prize for medicine by Nancy Pedersen of the Institute and Margaret Gatz, a professor of psychology at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Their results were recently published in the United States in the Journal of Gerontology.

People who are confident of their ability to control their lives have an "internal locus of control,"and have a better chance of being well adjusted in their old age, said Pedersen.

An "external locus of control," believing that outside forces determine the course of life, has been linked to depression in latter years, she said.

"We are trying to understand what makes people different. What makes some people age gracefully and others have a more difficult time?" she said.

The study showed that while people have an inborn predilection toward independence and

self-confidence, about 70 percent of this personality trait is affected by a person's environment and lifetime experiences.

Pedersen's studies, with various collaborators, probe the aging process by comparing sets of twins, both identical and fraternal, many of whom were separated at an early age.

The subjects were drawn from a roster first compiled about 30 years ago registering all twins born in Sweden since 1886. The complete list, which was extended in 1971, has 95,000 sets of twins.







西·皮德森与洛杉矶南加大的心理学教授玛格丽特·贾兹所主持,他们这项研究结果最近在美国老年学的期刊上登出。 皮德森说,对自己掌握生命的能力有信心的人有一种‘内在控制的基因位点’,比较能够适应老年期。 她说,相信外在力量决定生命之旅的‘外在控制的基因位点’与晚年沮丧的情绪有关。







Oxford University once famously claimed to have been founded by Alfred the Great in the 9th Century, but in fact, the University as we know it today began to take shape in the 12th Century when English Scholars were exiled from Paris University and began to congregate at Oxford’s Abbeys and Priories, which were buy then already established centers of learning.

Today, 39 independent, self-governing colleges are related to the University in a type of federal system. Each is governed by a Head of House and a number of Fellows, who are academics specializing in a wide variety of disciplines, most of whom also hold University posts.

Across both the Arts and the Sciences, Oxford research consistently ranks top both nationally and internationally. As well as being in the forefront of scientific, medical and technological achievement, the University has strong links with research institutions and industrial concerns both in the United Kingdom and overseas. The University is income from externally funded research grants and contracts in 1996-7 totaled over £107 million. The University’s great age also allows its teaching staff and research students to draw on a heritage of magnificent library and museum collections.

Students working for higher degrees are an important and valued part of Oxford University. They
