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时间:2016-10-24 10:51:28 来源:免费论文网





To: XXXX Co., Ltd.

As entrusted by XX Ltd. (hereinafterreferred to as “XX Company”), I hereby issue to you this Lawyer’s Letter regarding the payment for goods owed by you to XX Company.

On XXX, you gave a purchase order (order No.: ) to XX Company, to purchase from XX Company 5,000 pieces of the goods XXX at the unit price of XXX (inclusive/exclusive of VAT) and the total price of XXX (inclusive/exclusive of VAT), with the payment terms of 60 days upon your receipt of the invoices. After the said purchase order was sealed by XX Company for confirmation, a contract for purchase and sale of goods between you and XX Company was concluded.

Subsequently, XX Company, pursuant to thepurchase order, delivered to you all goods with good quality under the purchaseorder, and further more, on XXX date, issued to you the special invoices for VATat the total value of XXX. However, after your receipt of the goods, you failed to make payment timely pursuant to the purchase order. Although XX Company urged you to make full payment for many times, you only paid part of theamounts, i.e., XXXX, and has been refusing to pay off the balance of XXX sofar.

It is my opinion that, your failure in payment has constituted a material breach under the purchase order. Now, as entrustedby XX Company, I hereby require you to, within 10 days upon your receipt of this Lawyer’s Letter, pay off the said balance of XXX in a lump sum to XXCompany.

If, within the said time period upon yourreceipt of this Lawyer’s Letter, you fail to pay off the said balance oractively seek solutions through consultation with XX Company, I will, asdirected by XX Company, bring a civil lawsuit against you, so as to recover from you the principal of the said amount and the interests and damagesresulting from your failure of payment, and apply to the court for seizing orfreezing your relevant properties.

For avoidance of burdensome litigation andin consideration of your goodwill, it is advisable for you to attach much importance to this case and promptly make response to us after your receipt ofthis Lawyer’s Letter.

XXXX Law Firm




Lawyer’s Letter

May 17th, 2013



Address:Hunan Province, Changsha City Yuhua District.

Re: Legal Representation

Dear Mr.Wang


The purpose of this letter is to inform you the facts as below.

My client is an agent of your company in Hunan Province. Mar. 28th, 2013, Tang Jie, who is one of the staff in Changsha Office of your company, swindled the goods, which my client had bought, in the Wuhan Office of your company, without any document of authority. One month later, in Apr. 31st,2013, Mr.Tang swindled another passel of my client’s goods again with the same trick. My client paid the full cost but hasn’t received any goods in these deals so far. And these deals have made my client loss RMB 25,748.I have checked all of the evidence supplied by my client and confirmed above facts. In view of Chinese Law,your company made obvious mistakes, for permitting Mr.Tang carried the goods not belong to him without any official authorization in above facts. If my client submitting the case to the court, your company will not only bear all account of my client’s loss, but take on the risk of the favorable reputation in China.

Two weeks ago, I mailed a lawyer’s letter to your general manager, Mr.Song Gao to inform him the legal result of this case, but he didn’t give me any feedback.

We hereby urge you to cherish the reliance from customers and your good reputations, to abide by the national laws and regulations, to respect the legitimate requests of Ms. DEF, to resolve this incident, and to realize both sides’ purposes for cooperation.

I hope your company will attach importance to this case and arrange a conference with me in this month, avoiding the lawsuit between us.

Very truly yours

JingJing Yin





作者:James.Martin 译者:胡清平

Note: This article is for background purposes only and is not intended as legal advice.




Why do people hate to get letters from lawyers? They carry bad news. They mean serious business. They're hard to understand. They use strange words. They carry the inherent threat of suit.


Why do lawyers send such letters? They mean serious business, and they intend to sue.


But must they use those ancient, strange words and be so hard to understand, or can lawyers express serious business and imminent suit using words everyone knows?


Whether writing a demand letter to a contract breacher, an advice letter to a client, or a cover letter to a court clerk, the letter fails if the person receiving it cannot understand what it says.


All of these letters have one thing in common: They are not great literature. They will not be read in a hundred years and analyzed for their wit, charm or flowery words. With any luck they will be read just once by a few people, followed quickly by their intended result, whether that be compliance, understanding or agreement.


Lawyers write many, many letters. An average for me might be five letters a day. This includes advice letters, cover letters, demand letters, all sorts of letters. Some days have more, some have less, but five is a fairly conservative average, I would think. Five letters a day for five days a week for fifty weeks a year is 1,250 letters a year. This is my 25th year in practice, so it is quite conceivable that I have written 31,250 letters so far.

律师会撰写很多很多的信函。拿我来说,平均每天要写5封信函(包括意见书,说明书,正式请求书以及其他各式各样的信函),有时候一天书写得多些,有时候一天书写得少些,不过,我认为每天5封还是一个保守的数字。每天5封,每周5天,每年50周,累计起来,每年就有1250封,不可想象,在我25年的执业生涯中,我撰写的信函达31250封之多。 Why do lawyers write so many letters? A primary reason lies within the ethics of our profession. Florida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 4-1.4 says:

"A lawyer shall keep a client reasonably informed about the status of a matter and promptly comply with reasonable requests for information."

"A lawyer shall explain a matter to the extent reasonably necessary to permit the client to make informed decisions regarding the representation."


"一个律师应向客户报告事件的现状并负有根据客户的合理要求而给予通知的义务。" "一个律师应在适当的范围之内向客户解释事由,以便客户对代理事项做出决定。"

While clients can be kept informed and given explanations orally, lawyers certainly know the value of the printed word over the spoken word: it is not as easily forgotten or misunderstood. Letters also create a record of advice given, which is useful to both the lawyer and the client. That is why letters are the preferred method of keeping clients informed and giving clients explanations.


Some Things To Do Before Writing


Before you start writing the letter it makes sense to do some preliminary background work. 在动笔起草信函之前要注意做好一些基础性的准备工作。

Find a letter form. Find a similar letter you have sent in the past, or see the Appendix to this article for sample engagement, cover, demand, contract negotiation, contract advice, and fax letters.


Review prior letters to this recipient. In a busy world, it is easy to forget. Review prior letters to remind yourself where you are in the work process, what has already been said, and what remains to be said. This will give your letter direction and purpose.


Do not send a letter to another lawyer's client without that lawyer's consent. Before sending the

letter, find out if the nonlawyer is represented by someone else. Start by asking your client. Florida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 4-4.2 says:

"In representing a client, a lawyer shall not communicate about the subject of the representation with a person the lawyer knows to be represented by another lawyer in the matter, unless the lawyer has the consent of the other lawyer."



Outline your thoughts in a checklist. Before turning on your computer or dictating machine, pull out a yellow pad and jot down the main points for your letter. List what you want the letter to say. Write the points in any order; write them as they come into your mind. You can rearrange them when you write the letter. Right now you're just making a checklist for writing the letter.


Keep the legal pad close at hand. When you run out of ideas for the checklist, put the pad at the side of your desk. New ideas always spring forth when writing. Jot these down on the pad as you write the letter; they are easily forgotten.


Simple Stuff That Will Make You Look Dumb If It's Wrong


Letters begin with boring things like the date and recipient's name and address, but if any of these are missing or wrong the letter writer will look pretty careless, to say the least. So be careful when starting the letter, and you can even include some extra things that will make the letter even better than the regular letters the recipient receives.


Date your letter. Date your letter the day you write it, and send it the same day. Undated letters are difficult to reply to. I usually reply to them by saying, "This is in reply to your undated letter that I received in the mail on 24 June 1999."

注明日期. 在信函上注明撰写的日期,并在当日发出信函。未注明日期的信函回复起来有些困难,遇到这样的难题,我常常是这样写的,"兹对1999年6月24日收到之未注明日期函做出答复。"

Consider using the international dating convention of day-month-year rather than the U.S. convention of month-day-year. As reported in the 1 June 1999 Wall Street Journal:

"The quirky U.S. style of date-writing is giving way to the day-first standard used by most of the world.

... Both the MLA style guide and the Chicago Manual of Style support the day-first format. 'You get rid of the comma that way,' says Joseph Gibaldi, director of book acquisition for the MLA in New York."


If you are sending a fax or email, then type the time next to the date. While letters "cross in the mail" in days, faxes and emails "cross in the wires" in hours and minutes.


Remind your client to preserve attorney-client confidentiality. Sometimes clients show your letters to others without realizing they can lose the attorney-client privilege of that communication. Add this phrase at the top of the letter to remind them not to do this:


DO NOT COPY OR DISCLOSE TO ANYONE ELSE If the letter is written during or in anticipation of litigation, the following phrase can be used: CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION




"律师与客户之间的沟通交流为秘密信息,未经允许,不得复制或披露给第三方" 如果信函是发生在诉讼之中或是诉讼的准备阶段,那最好用下面这段话:


Be sure to use the recipient's correct legal name and address. Your letter may be relied upon for its accuracy, so be accurate. Verification of names can be obtained from the public records, the phone book, or the webset. And when it comes to middle initials, never rely on your memory or guess at it because most of the time you'll be wrong. 写清收信人的法定名称和住址。只有信函的内容准确,才能让人觉得它是可以信赖的。您可以利用公共档案、电话本、互联网等工具来核对这些名称的准确性,特别是,如果这些名称中出现了中间名字(middle initials),千万不要凭想象和猜测,因为想来的和猜来的东西常常都不可靠。

Indicate the method of delivery if other than mail. If being faxed, include the fax number and telephone number. If being sent by FedEx, state whether it is by overnight or second day. If being sent by email, state the email address. This will make it easy for your staff person to send it to the correct place, and it will document for your file how it was sent.


Include a fax notice. When sending by fax, include a notice in case it is sent to the wrong number. Here is the notice I use at the top of my letterhead when sending a fax: 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 NOTICE: This is privileged and confidential and intended only for the person named below. If you are not that person, then any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this is strictly prohibited, and you are requested to notify us immediately by calling or faxing us collect at the numbers above.

Date Sent ________ Time Sent ________ Number of Pages ________

Person Who Conf'd Receipt _________



发送日期_______ 发送时间________ 页数_______



After sending a fax, call the recipient to confirm receipt and write that person's name in the space provided. Never rely on the fax machine itself to confirm a fax transmission; fax machines do not yet have the credibility of a human witness.


The Corpus of the Litterae


The body of the letter is why you are writing it. You succeed by leaving the reader with full knowledge of why you wrote the letter and what it means. You fail by leaving the reader dumbfound and clueless as to why you sent such a letter. While most letters fall somewhere in between these two extremes, following these suggestions will keep your letters on the successful end of the scale.

