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时间:2016-10-16 18:07:03 来源:免费论文网


A Contract for Equipment Installation


The Contract for project of installing ______ Main Engine was made on ______, by and between ABC Company Ltd.(hereinafter called Party A) and XYZ Company Ltd. (hereinafter called Party


于___年__月_日, ABC有限公司(以下简称甲方)与XYZ有限公司(以下简称乙方),签订安装________主机的项目合同。

1. Name of installation work:______

2. Location of installation work:______

3. Scope of installation work: As specified in the drawings and specifications attached.

4. Time limit for completion:

The installation work shall be coordinated with the construction of Party A’s ___________, and shall be completed, including the trial run for the Main Engine of _______, within 60 (sixty) days after the completion of _______.

5. Total price of installation work: USD____ only.

1. 安装工程名称:________

2. 工程地点:____________

3. 工程范围:按本合同所附图纸及技术说明书的规定。

4. 完工期限:本安装工程须与甲方的___ 建设协调进行,应于___的工程完工后六十(60)天内,完成安装工程,其中包括_____主机试运行。

5. 安装工程总价格:____________

6. Payment terms of installation work: ________

The first installment:

Party A shall pay to Party B fifteen percent (15%) of the total price for installation work, i.e. USD ____ only, when this Contract comes into effect.

6. 安装工程付款进度:

第一期:甲方在本合同开始实施时,付给乙方总价的百分之十五(15%),即___美元整。 The Second installment:

Party A shall pay to Party B fifteen percent (15%) of the total price for installation work, i.e. USD ____ only, at the commencement of construction installation.

The third installment:

Party A shall pay to Party B fifteen percent (15%) of the total price for installation work, i.e. USD ____ only, during the installation of _____.

The fourth installment:

Party A shall pay to Party B fifteen percent (15%) of the total price for installation work, i.e. USD ____ only, at the time when the main equipment arrives at the site.

The fifth installment:

Party A shall pay to Party B fifteen percent (15%) of the total price for installation work, i.e. USD

____ only, upon completion of the installation work.

The sixth installment:

Party A shall pay to Party B ten (10%) percent of the total price for installation work, i.e. USD ____ only, after work received has been proved qualified.

7. Penalty for default:

In the event that Party B should fail to complete the work in time owing to reasons that Party B shall be held liable for, Party B shall pay a penalty for such default based on one out of a thousand of the total price for installation work, i.e. USD _____ only for each day of such default.

7. 违约罚款:因乙方的责任原因造成乙方未按时完工时,乙方应付违约罚款,每违约天的


8. Increase or decrease of work:

In case Party A has to amend, increase or decrease the working schedule, the corresponding increase or decrease of the total price shall be evaluated according to the terms and conditions between the two Parties. Should the work be increased, the Parties shall enter into an agreement for the unit price of additional items.

Should any part of the completed work or any part of the material transported to the site have to be abandoned owing to amendment made by Party A, Party A shall, after having receiving the work, pay for such completed work or materials abandoned as per the unit price specified to Party B.

8. 工程的增加或减少:如果甲方须修改、增加或减少其工程计划,相应总价的增加或减少,

应按双方签订的条件进行评价。如需增加工程量,双方应就新增项目的单价达成协议。 如果任何已完工程或任何已运抵现场的材料,因甲方做出修改而不得不废弃时,甲方应于接收后,按规定的单价向乙方支付已完成工程及废弃材料的费用。

9. Supervision for progress:

The supervision personnel appointed by Party A and its representative shall have the authority to supervise the progress of work and give instructions. Party B shall perform correctly in accordance with such instruction given by Party A’s personnel or representative.

9. 监督进度:甲方委派的监理人员或甲方代表,应有权监督工程的进展,有权下达指令。


10. Stoppage of work:

Should Party A notify Party B to stop the work for reasons beyond the responsibility of Party B, Party B can stop the work and claim from Party A the price of finished work and materials at site and other reasonable expenses to be added or deducted from the paid installments.

10. 工程停工:如果甲方通知乙方停工,其原因非属乙方责任,乙方可以停止工程,同时要求甲方支付已完成工程和现场材料的费用以及其他合理费用,可予追加或从已付款中扣除。

11. Custody of work

The completed work and the materials, tools, and equipments at site shall be under the custody of Party B after commencement and before completion and delivery of the work. Unless in the event of Force Majeure, Party B shall be fully responsible for any damage of the work under the custody of Party B. In case of Force Majeure, Party B shall give a list of damage according to the actual condition and suggest an expected price and date for recovery from such damage to Party A for checking and payment. Should Party A decide not to continue with the work, this Contract shall be terminated according to Article 10 hereof.

11 程监护:工程开工后至工程完工交付之前,已完工程及现场的材料,工具和设备应


10. Warranty for work:

Party B shall warrant the promised condition of the work within one year after the date of receiving the work by Party A. However, Party B shall not be liable for Act of God or misuse of the work by Party A.

12 工程保修:乙方应在甲方接收工程后的一年之内,保证工程的承诺质量。但乙方不



11. Supplemental provisions:

Party B shall be held responsible if Party A’s personnel or other people are injured due to the negligence of Party B during the progress of construction. However, such responsibility shall rest upon Party A if the injury caused is due to the negligence of Party A or of the technicians contracted with Party A.

12. 附加条款:在工程进行中,若因乙方的疏忽,使甲方或其他人员受到伤害,乙方应承担


13. Attachments:

Attachments shall become an integral part of this Contract and shall be as effective as any other provisions. Attachments include: (1) Drawings; (2) Specifications; and (3) An estimate list of cost. 附件:本合同附件应视为本合同不可缺少的一部分,与其他条款具有同等效力。 附件包括:(1)图纸; (2) 技术规格书;以及(3) 估价单

14. Format of this Contract:

The Contract shall be in duplicate with two texts to be held separated by the parties hereof. Each of the Parties shall also keep two copies of the Contract for record.


15. Additional provisions:

Maintenance of the ___ Main Engine:

Party B shall provide free periodic maintenance services for the _____ Main Engine for one year after the receiving of the work by Party A and send maintenance personnel every 6 (six) months for performing maintenance.

This Contract has been executed by the Parties as of the day and year first above written. Party A:_______ Party B:________

___________(Signature) _________( Signature)

16. 附加条款:


乙方应在甲方验收后,对_____ 主机提供免费的定期保养服务,每六个月派员进行一次养护。 本合同自双方签订之日起生效。

甲方 乙方:


交易编号:GREATGJOINT - xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Joint venture / project financing the participation agreement


本合资企业/项目集资参与协议(本“协议”)自2014年7月20日起生效,交易编号为:GREATGJOINT- xxxxxxx-xxxM
