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时间:2016-10-13 07:59:02 来源:免费论文网



1. 上交给国家(handover sth to the government)


这个词组也是属于中国特有滴,所以小编认为直译会比较靠谱,即为handover sth to the government 或者说handover sth to the authority,你觉得呢?

2. 吓死本宝宝了(scared to death)

“吓死宝宝了”这里的“宝宝”指的是自己,是吓死我了的意思,自称本宝宝只是为了卖萌,说自己很可爱!可以译成I'm scared to death或者说It scared my pants off!

3. 明明可以靠脸吃饭(could have earned a living with face)


小编认为这句话用英语表达就是:She could have earned a living with face, but instead, she uses her talent.

4. 世界那么大,我想去看看 (The world is big and I want to see it.)


5. 睡什么睡,起来嗨(Wake up and get high with us!)


6. 重要的事情说三遍 (Important things cannot be underscored too much.)


7. 傻白甜 (blonde)



8. 我的内心几乎是崩溃的(I lost my control, in my heart.)


9. 小鲜肉 (He is such a young handsome!)


10. 城会玩(townies' behaviors.)

“你们城里人真会玩(We can't understand you townies' behaviors.)”的简称,指某些人的行为很作。

11. 心塞(feel stifled)

这里是指心里堵得慌、难受,对周围发生的事感到很不舒服,也可表示对某件事情很无语,可译为feel stifled,feel suffocated或者是feel very uncomfortable.

12. 么么哒(love you, my darling)

一般用于情侣、闺蜜或关系较好的人之间,表示亲近的意思,可译为love you, my darling, my dear。

13. 你行你上啊(You can you up/If you can do it then you should go up and do it.)


14. 有钱就是任性(A rich man is capricious.)


任性一词在两会上被官方翻译翻成了capricious,更多人觉得willful比较贴切,所以“有钱任性”可以译为A rich man is absolutely capricious/willful.或者You rich men can do anything with the money you’ve got.





英文翻译:Chinese dream



英文翻译:Clear your plate

光盘就是吃光盘中饭菜的意思。2013年1月,北京一家民间公益组织发起“光盘行动”(Clear your plate campaign)。随后,中央电视台新闻联播,号召大家节约粮食。“光盘”被捧为时尚新词,“今天你光盘了吗”成为流行语。


英文翻译:reversed transmission of the pressure to get something done 倒逼,即逆向促使。倒逼来源于经济领域中货币供给的倒逼机制。如今扩大了使用范围,“由下而上”“由流溯源”“由果问因”等行为,都可以称“倒逼”。


英文翻译:counterattack under unfavorable circumstances



英文翻译:tough girl, manly woman



英文翻译:Nouveau riche







“微”本指小、细、轻、少、弱等,如今成了一个时尚语素,生活中出现了一批以“微”命名的新事物,如微博(microblog)、微新闻(micro news)、微电影(microfilm)等等。“微XX”正在改变人们的生活方式以及思维方式。


英文翻译:big V (verified weibo users who have more than 500,000 followers)





原文来自 必克英语http://bbs.spiiker.com/topic-11645.html



一、Are you happy with your life? 你幸福吗?我姓曾。


This question may sound mundane. While during the October holiday period, thousands of common people from all walks of life and from literally all places of the country were interviewed by CCTV (Central China Television) reporters the same question, it became the No.1 frequently asked question in China since then. And the truth is varied answers collected by the hard-working reporters are actually way funnier than the question itself. “My surname is Zeng” is generally regarded as the most classic answer for the question. It was made by a migrant worker from west China’s Shanxi province. The trick is the Chinese pronunciation of “Are you happy with your life?” sounds the same with the Chinese question “Is your surname Fu?” So, when being asked by a sincere young reporter of CCTV, the hard-nosed worker corrected, “No, My last name is Zeng.” The whole country applauded the honest worker for his unintentional “humor”.



Diaos is thought to be the most talented coinage in 2012, which refers to the group of youth who are not pretty or handsome and don’t have well-paid jobs or rich families to lean on. In one word, Diaos is the under-privileged youth who could only rely on their own talents and hard work for a shabby existence. The phrase is initially coined to set off the other hot word “GaoShuai Fu” which means “tall, handsome, and rich”. Without a doubt, Diaos means the opposite of “GaoShuai Fu”. And, once getting out, the funny coinage not only got the attention of mainstream media like People’s Daily and Sina.Com but strike a resonance in the general public who are also self-reliant common people.

三、×× Style


Gangnam Style, a hit song by South Korean singer PSY, became a global phenomenon in 2012. Soon, a“style”craze engulfed the cyberspace.People talked about Shanghai style, Diaos style, pre-school style and even the aircraft carrier style (the deck staff of China’s carrier made funny gestures indicating aircrafts to take off, the common public got so amused that they rushed to produce their own editions of the gestures online). Apparently, all the characteristic styles

derived from common people’s varied innovations to make fun. SanxiaZaixian personally holds that maybe Gangnam Style would be gone with the wind soon, but the “style” craze would stay to keep coloring our lives.

四、Can I spit four-letter words? 我能说脏话吗?


“Can I spit four-letter words?”asked a citizen when requested by a reporter to comment on the ever-rising gasoline prices. After getting a negative reply, the citizen then said, “No? then no comments.” The video clip containing the cool response soon spread on the Internet, and when harsh social realities were being discussed, like a public servant owning twenty houses, people would use the classic reply“Could I speak four-letter words?”to show their indignation.

五、I would not believe in loveever again 我再也不相信爱情了


No one could determine the original source of the remark. But one thing that could be assured is that the remark now is most frequently quoted in reaction to celebrity breakups, which do happen a lot these days.

六、Tired of it, I’m afraid I would never love anyone again. 累了,感觉不会再爱了


“I feel tired. I think I would not love again.” The ultra-sentimental remark comes from the post of a 13-year-old, and thus shocked tens of thousands of big brothers and sisters online. Later, netizens with a good sense of humor began to use the remark to make “pretentious” sentence to express their exaggerated depression for something or someone. Like, if you got fed with playing World of Warcraft, a hit online game, you could say, “Tired of it, I’m afraid I would not love again.”

七、I could not stand it any time.随时受不了


This catch remark came from Weibo, China’s version of twitter. A while ago, a micro-blogger nicknamed Korean Miss Cui began to distribute news in the fake name of a North Korean medium. Her humorous remarks like “could not stand it any time,”“report your longitude and latitude” or

“take it seriously” began to catch the attention of some celebrity micro-bloggers like real estate tycoon Pan Shiyi and was widely circulated among the netizens.

八、Positiveenergy 正能量


Before you could notice, the word “positiveenergy”is becoming more than common in the newspapers, periodicals, magazines, books and advocacy slogans. Many bloggers also like to quote the phrase to energize themselves or others. SanxiaZaixian thinks the overwhelming spread of the phrase indicates the commonly positive mindset of most people and their aspiration and longing for a better world.

九、XX of China 中国好××


What’s the most “in” talent show in China? Yes, the answer would definitely be The Voice of China. The TV program is so hot that the brand name also evolved into a life of its own. Now, on the internet, all inspiringly good things are labeled XX of China.

十、Yuanfang, what do you think about it? 元芳,你怎么看?


Yuanfang, what do you think? When the hit question first came out, the man named Yuanfang faced the question over a million times per day on the Internet. If Yuanfang is a real human being, he would either be tired to death or be bored to death. Then who is Yuanfang indeed? He is a character with full name Li Yuanfang from a hit TV show Big Detective Di Renjie, in which, the hero, detective Di would always inquire his deputy Yuanfang for opinions about cases they dealt with. The dialogue would always go like this: “Yuanfang, what do you think of the case?”“Oh, I smelled something fishy.” The monotonous lines were thus joked and copied by netizens to inquire ideas about almost everything, big or small. Like, “Yuanfang, my mother demanded me to wear chill-cool, what do you think?” or “Yuanfang, I believe the Diaoyu islands should belong to China, what do you think?”Apparently, Yuanfang does know about human’s tendency to seek advice.
