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时间:2016-10-10 07:36:48 来源:免费论文网

篇一:Engelbreits the Name, Cute Is My Game

Mary Engelbreit was a talented but struggling artist in her mid-twenties when she flew to New York from her native Saint Louis, hoping to find work illustrating children's books — her life's goal. So she was disappointed when all the book publishers she visited turned her down. One even suggested her drawings might be better suited to greeting cards.

"I was crushed," Engelbreit admits. Greeting cards seemed a come-down from her high expectations, but the advice stayed with her, and she decided to give it a try. The results transformed her life forever.

玛丽是一个有才华但挣扎的艺术家在她二十多岁时,她飞到纽约,从她的家乡圣路易斯,希望能找到工作,说明儿童书籍-人生目标。所以她很失望,当所有的图书出版商拒绝了她,她参观了。一个甚至建议她图纸可能更适合于贺卡。 Mary "I was crushed," Engelbreit admits. Greeting cards seemed a come-down from her high expectations, but the advice stayed with her, and she decided to give it a try. The results transformed her life forever. “我被承认,“漫画。贺卡似乎因为从她的期望很高,但建议就陪她,她决定给它一试。结果永远改变了她的人生。

Today Mary Engelbreit sells an astonishing 14 million greeting cards a year. Her popular designs appear on more than 2,000 products, including books,

calendars, and kitchen items. She runs a retail company with shops in nine cities (16 more are planned), and her products are carried by 25,000 retailers. Annual retail sales are in the $100 million range — all as a result of that fateful,

disappointing trip to New York. It's probably no accident that one of Engelbreit's bolder cards shows a young girl in overalls, her bare feet up on a desk, a farm field in the window behind her. "We Don't Care How They Do It in New York," the card boasts.


Once you know Engelbreit's distinctive style, you can recognize her cards from 20 paces away — bright, funny, and with an eye to the past. Her cards usually have elaborate border designs comprised of repeated images: hearts, flowers, peaches, and teapots, for example. Most often, there's Ann Estelle, a woman with short, straight hair, big glasses, hat and an acid tongue. Ann Estelle (named after her grandmother) is the imaginary representative of Mary's outlook.


Engelbreit is cheerful, down-to-earth, humorous, and always cute. "I think the world could use more cuteness," she explains. Indeed, it's her trademark. Her business card once featured a drawing of Ann Estelle, cigar in her mouth and drink in hand, with the message "Engelbreit's the Name, Cute Is My Game." She adds, "As the world gets more complicated, it's nice to have old-fashioned stuff around to help people cope with the demands of modern life. It's like comfort food. This is comfort art."


Old-fashioned art — and values — have always been at the core of Engelbreit's life. Born June 5, 1952, in St. Louis, the oldest of three daughters, she started drawing almost as soon as she could hold a pencil.


One of her earliest memories, from age four, is of sketching her parents all dressed up to go out for the evening. "I was so impressed I had to record it," she says. But what impressed her most were illustrations from the children's books that her mother read to her. Artists such as Jessie Willcox Smith,


illustrator of children's literary classics, and Johnny Gruelle, creator of Raggedy Ann, were very influential in the development of her early drawings. While attending secondary school, Engelbreit sold dozens of hand-drawn cards to a local shop for 25 cents a piece — her first venture into art and commerce. She ignored her teachers' advice to become an English teacher and didn't bother with going on to a university because "I was ready to plunge into my life as an artist." Working in an art-supply shop, "I met working artists and realized you can make a living doing this." A later job as a designer at an advertising agency "taught me about the business of art" . 插图的儿童文学经典,和强尼·格鲁埃尔,创建者拉格迪奥恩,是非常有影响力的发展了早期的素描。在上中学,是卖几十手绘卡当地商店25美分-她的第一次创业到艺术和商业。她对她老师的忠告成为一名英语老师,也不想上大学是因为“我是准备投身到我的生命作为一个艺术家。”工作在艺术品原料店,“我会见了工




In 1975 Engelbreit met social worker Phil Delano, and the couple married two years later. Delano became his wife's biggest supporter. "Even when we had no money, he never said, 'Go get a job,'" she says. "I can't express my gratitude for his support." After that ill-fated trip to New York, Engelbreit sent a sample of her drawings to two greeting-card

companies. One bought three of her original drawings, and she did occasional work for the other, sketching a lot of whales, dragons, castles and mythical animals. Then in 1980 the birth of her son added a new element to her work. "Suddenly everyday life seemed more interesting to me," she says.

孩子,宠物,甚至“善良的老妈妈”开始出现在她的贺卡。她的工作成了“日常生活的画卷,每个人都经历过的事情”。在怀孕八个月,在1983,她决定开始自己的公司。在两年的时间里,她的公司生产了近100种不同的贺卡,卖一百万人一年。她在1986许可版权的卡到日出的出版物,谁现在经营自己的生产和分配,让她把重点放在其他项目。这些是她的室内装修杂志,发送到550000人。Children, pets, even "good old Mom" started showing up on her cards. Her work became "pictures of daily life, things everyone's been through". While eight months pregnant, in 1983, Engelbreit decided to start her own company. Within two years, her company was producing nearly 100 different cards and selling a

million of them a year. In 1986 she licensed the copyrights to the cards to Suise Publications, who now manages their production and distribution, allowing her to focus on other projects. Among these is her home-decorating magazine which is sent to 550,000 people.

尽管她的成功,大的脚牢牢地插在。她还住在16公里从她长大的地方,有很多的朋友可追溯到学校来,和从大房子搬到较小的一个,因为,她说,她的家人没有使用的所有空间在老地方。她作画多半在自己家的工作室在晚上。Despite her success, Engelbreit's feet are planted firmly on the ground. She still lives 16 kilometres from where she grew up, has many friends dating back to school years, and moved from a large house to a smaller one because, she explains, her family didn't use all the space in the old place. She does most of her drawing in her home studio at night.

她的工作起飞,在这么多的方向,也许是不可避免的,她最终会实现她的梦想说明儿童书。1993她创造了一份图纸的儿童书,看到它成为一本畅销书。同时,她作出了一个惊人的发现:“这很有趣,但奇怪的是,我还是最喜欢做贺卡。” With her work taking off in so many directions, it was perhaps inevitable that Engelbreit would eventually realize her dream of illustrating a children's book. In 1993 she created drawings for a children's book and saw it become a

best-seller. At the same time she made a surprising discovery: "It was fun, but oddly enough, I like doing cards best."

篇二:工 会 会 员 登 记 表 - scuteducn

工 会 会 员 登 记 表

篇三:广州版新教材三年级下册Unit 9 Who is this cute baby第一课时

Unit 9 Who is this cute baby?


一、教学内容:Unit9 Let’s talk



会听、说、读、写以下单词:photo,there,there is,baby,cousin,grandfather,grandmother,heavy, tall,short,lovely,


—Is this a photo of your family?

—Yes, it is.

—Who is this cute baby?

—It’s my cousin.

There is a strong man in it.











1、Ridddles:通过Who is…?句式来猜谜语,让学生回顾以前学过的家庭成员单词。

(二)Presentation and Practice:

1、由老师的全家福引出单词photo, there和there is,进而引出短语a photo of my family。(板书新单词photo、there、there is)

2、接着通过介绍老师的各个家庭成员,引出新单词baby、cousin和句型Who is …?及回答He/She is my…。(板书baby、cousin、Who is …?He/She is my…)

3、Let’s Chant:通过Chant,让学生回顾以前学过的形容人的形容词。

4、看图说短语:如an old man、a young lady等,由此引出新单词heavy、tall、short、lovely。(板书新单词heavy、tall、short、lovely)

5、Let’s Guess:让学生猜猜图片的人物的特征是什么,如Is he tall?/Is she heavy?

6、课件出示一张全家福,老师问:Look, who is this cute baby?让学生带着问题去听录音一次。

7、请学生回答图中的cute baby是谁,老师引导学生用It’s Ben’s cousin.













2、抄写U9单词 六、板书设计: hoto Is this a photo of your family? there Yes, it is. there isbaby Who is this cute baby? cousin It’s my cousin. grandfathergrandmotherThere is a strong man in it. heavytall short lovely,

