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时间:2016-10-09 09:14:21 来源:免费论文网



Zootopia, a brilliant fantasy from Disney Animation, has become the most popular film in the world since it has been released. The film, set in a city where predators and prey come to live together in peace, is a funny designed cartoon. This cartoon is one of the rare gems that takes all of elements very carefully. So it appeals all ages, both kids and adults.

This Disney Animation is a story about Judy Hops(voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin),who manages to become the first bunny cop in the city of Zootopia because all the cops are lions and other massive creatures. Hops met a sly and clever fox named Nick Wilde. And Wilde helps her investigate the phenomenon that predators begin to revert back to their instinctual nature. Finally, Bunny Hops and Fox Wilde found the truth and fall in love with each other.

Unlike general carton, Zootopia is composed of many elements and it has a thoughtful and significant message that will impact both kids and adults. It is skillful and quick-witted when making

metaphorical connections to our culture. When we think our real world, we will find that we live in a melting-pot big city like Zootopia which full filled of racial discrimination and societal

groups are “predators” and which are herbivores. Each plot validates the sense of how the world works. Meanwhile there are plenty of

jokes that will fly over kids heads and the humor never gets too silly. It’s a great balance that makes an animated kids films so great.


Dream in the former,growth in the post -Zootopia

PART1:This is a great family film that everyone needs to watch because of all the teaching moments within the film. Let me phrase that: the entire movie is a teaching moment. Zootopia is a film that is all about inclusion, about putting away the stereotypes and prejudices aside to live in a better society and how negative they are, how much they blind someone to see something but hatred and anger.

Dickens said it was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.In "zootopia", animals are also experiencing the best and worst of times.Their city has been modernized. They have been separated from the savage state, there is no carnivores and herbivores of chasing and killing.Courts, police, shops and all kinds of advertisements make up the theworld.But the world is not perfect,and there is a variety of injustice and discrimination,while full of civilization and order.Fortunately,there are still dare to challenge the courage of the unfair.

A modern urban animals, each animal in here have their own homes, Plaza Sahara desert climate, year-round cold glacier town and so on, it is like a big melting pot, the animals here Peaceful Coexistence -- whether it was an elephant or a little mouse, as long as you work hard can break some tricks. Rabbit Judy grew up on the dream can become animal city police, despite all the people around feel rabbit impossible when the police, but she still through their own efforts, among the to the whole is bigger animal town police station, became the first officer for rabbits. In order to prove himself, she decided to solve a mystery case. Follow the truth on the road, Judy forced in animal town to swindling fox Nick to help himself, but found behind the pile cases hidden an intended to subvert the huge conspiracy Town animal, and Judy and Nick is in jeopardy of investigative process become a good partner.

PART2:The story is just amazing as it follows Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin) a small town bunny who wants to be a part of the big leagues as an officer with all the other large big animals that work together to solve crime in the big city. But she's a bunny, what the heck can a bunny do as a crime? It's a stereotype the resonates so strongly with the audience, with anyone who was thought of as being too weak to do what the "big boys" do. Judy is breaking those barriers, breaking those stereotypes to show that even though she may be tiny, she can do their job twice as good as they can. And boy, does she do it. She is suck a great character and the film has so much heart to it because of who she is and how she develops in the film. She's so single minded on her quest to do something right, to prove herself, that she becomes lost within the prejudices that now surpass the. It's a growing moment for her and the audience because they see her mistakes and they see her fix them.

As for Nick (voiced by Jason Bateman), he faces many of the same challenges as Judy, but his are based more on the prejudices of a fox. He's a predator, and no one gives him the chance to be anything more than that, so he stopped trying. This is something everyone faced in their life, bullies to geeks, jocks and cheerleaders; society has a way of bunching the few alongside with the few bad apples. Nick represents that side of society that many people don't realize is even there because it is just part of how culture tends to work. And the fact that this film is addressing that makes is such a profound film.

The two lead characters Judy and Nick, have great chemistry and you'll find yourself rooting for them throughout (some even want more chemistry *ahem*. A lot more). Chief Bogo (voiced by Idris Elba) and Ben Clawhauser (voiced by Nate Torrence) were nice additions to the cast, though the lack of focus on them is understandable. J.K. Simmons and Jenny Slate also lends their unique voices to Mayor Lionheart and Asst Mayor Bellweather, both of which are remarkably well-suited. To make it more fun, the movie is also riddled with references (both in pop culture and biological), hidden jokes and easter eggs. However, adults will probably have a lot more fun with these as they cater to the older audiences, like with the Godfather reference.

This movie should be applauded on the story itself, because these writers and the directors, together they were able to create this very time- appropriate story that has a very powerful theme to it. It is simply such an amazing story about inclusion that doesn't play nice. This is may a kids movie, but that did not stop the writers from adding in some very dramatic scenes to highlight the negativity that comes from watching life through stereotypes and prejudices, how dangerous and hurtful they can be to an individual. It's all about not to judge the book by its cover.

Although the whole movie exciting adventure with the arrest and gripping plot, but there is no doubt, rabbit Judy and fox nick from contradiction outbreak to reconciled the emotional ups and downs is most striking. Most of the time, we are not because of the great cause of the adventure and grow, we are often the real growth of friends, is often the people around us. Beat themselves with Nick Judi and again have better detection in the performance also be not at all surprising. PART3:Why do I like this movie so much? That is because within its entertaining buddy cop facade, it shows a lot more and has a lot of relevant messages to tell. It unfolds at an engaging pace and will manage to surprise viewers.This is a full of dreams and warm story, this is a story of growth philosophy. It allows us to appreciate the laughter of friendship, in the sense of humor. The pursuit of a dream, never give up, brave forward at the same time down to earth, growth is natural with you. This is probably the best animal city.And the end of the dialogue may be the most happy growth -nick:You know you love me!judy: I do?Yes I do!Last but not least, the animation is beautiful. Everything, from characters to architecture to effects, looks spot on.

Well I could go on and on but I just want to say that Zootopia far exceeded my expectations. It hit the mark on every single category. I've never laughed so Wholeheartedly and loud. I never lost interest and it had mystery and great fluidity.

Story and amazing voice acting aside, A movie filled with heart, laughs, and plenty of teaching moments for a better society is amazing, and to make it even more amazing were the graphics of the film. Animated movies just get better and better, and Disney works amazingly with their graphics putting so much work into it, they deserve the recognition for their hard work. Everyone deserves something for this film because all together, this film was just an amazing piece of animation that had such a strong story. This is the perfect family film and is the perfect film for everyone of any age, gender, or race because of what it teaches: inclusion。


Give peace a chance(original) As a synonym of "ideal society", "Utopia" was originated from the book named by the British writer Thomas Moore in the sixteenth Century. In that book, there is an island with a perfect social system, apart from the poverty and evil. Under the protection of the ideal system, all the residents of the island shares equality and brotherhood. Zootopia is also a city of idealism like Utopia. All animals live together without the distinction of race, and every animal can be what it wants to be. Just like the movie shows Zootopia is a place where anyone can become everything. Although the room is small and old, the wall is greasy, and the neighbors are quarrelling all day, I really love it. This is the Zootopia, a place all animals look forward to. Zootopia is not only an abstract concept of utopia. It also reflects the real society. The thing most of us always do is to stick labels to others. For example, we think rabbit is a kind of small and cute animal. How can a rabbit be a policewoman! That is surely impossible. Big animals, such as elephants, polar bears and bulls, should be responsible for that dangerous work. And so is our society. We have the prejudice that the weak is weak, and the strong is strong. Is it really like this? I take a different opioion.

As a fable, there are many characters that are nonmasked(脸谱化) in the movies. The lion is always a ruler in the reality, but the lion in this movie is not competent for mayor. The fox is always cunning in the reality, but the fox in this movie is full of justice and integrity. The mouse is always tiny and weak, but the mouse in the movie unexpectedly becomes a gang boss. And the sheep is always a compliant animal, but the sheep is the ultimate criminal beyond imagination. All of this in the movie indicates that don’t judge a man by his face. Man is not always what he looks like.

So is our society. Regardless of their height, the tiny giants, Churchill and Napoleon, did the world famous thing all the same. There is no necessary connection between your shape and your success. It is your effort that counts.

Although born in the ideal city with freedom and equality, Judy has still received the discrimination from others. It is said that the archetype of Judy is a policewoman from America. Because of her sex, there is no one who want to be her partner in the police station. And the reason is those policemen don’t think a woman can protect them. It’s obviously sex discrimination. Besides, the sheep deputy mayor has also

suffered the discrimination from the lion mayor. She was only used as a secretary. Prejudice can lead to unfairness and many other conflicts. And getting rid of prejudice is what this movie advocated. So throw away the prejudice and discrimination, which will make our life better. Another theme I personally think is the racialism. In this grand city all animals, both the carnivorous animals and the herbivorous animals, live together. But there is an impassable gap between the carnivorous animals and the herbivorous animals. As you can see in the movie, the meeting room of police station and the lecture table of press conference are specially prepared for the big animals. When Judy comes the meeting room, she must climb the high chair. If she doesn’t stand on the table, we can’t even see her face. And when she looks forward to an important case with expectation, all she was told to do is to post tickets. The city has a peaceful face, but it is full of racialism everywhere. The nature of hunting of carnivorous is still the biggest hidden danger in herbivores. Anything different with the carnivorous will cause a violent disturbance in the herbivores. The city is a miniature America today. Donald Tramp, US presidential candidate, has publicly supported the racialism. That is really a disappointing thing. So what the movie finally calls for is eliminating racial discrimination. Abandoning the racialism will make a real equal Zootopia instead of a so called utopia. I watched the premiere showing with my big sister. She was touched by the dream of Judy. She said she left her parents to Beijing to find her future like Judy. When joining in the company, she is also urgent to prove herself. But getting success not only lies on your wisdom and effort. More importantly, your unchanged dream which can help is of great importance, she added. Just like the words, Zootopia is a place where anyone can become everything.

The final concert “try everything” indicates that every animal has its defect, but it shouldn’t be the gap between species. The only solution is to keep trying. Keep trying to communicate. Keep trying to know each other. Keep trying to understand. Getting rid of prejudice, getting rid of discrimination and getting rid of suspicions make Zootopia a real utopia. All we are saying is give peace a chance.

Sentence Point:

1. Everyone comes to Zootopia, thinking they could be anything they want. But you can't. You can only be what you are. Sly fox. Dumb bunny. And that is not wet cement.

This is what Nick said. This briefly shows the deep routed prejudice in Zootopia. Zootopia is a place with the mask with equality and peace. But it is filled with discrimination in the depth of its heart. Nick is a fox. He is supposed to be sly in others’ impression. So he gave up the chance to be a positive man. He chose to be opportunistic. Don’t judge a person by his appearance. Or you’ll kill the spirit he should insist on.

2. Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.

There is a large amount of difficulties in your life. It’s hard to avoid making mistakes. But don’t stop your footstep. All you need to do is keep going. It not what you are but what you do that counts. As Mr. Frank in scent of a woman said, if you make a mistake, get all tangled up, just tango on.

3. It's not about how badly you want something. It's about what you are capable of!

Although your dream is of importance, it is far from enough that you only have a dream. There may be many obstacles on your way to your dream. You should equip with some special abilities. We should learn from the monkey king Sun Wukong. Only by practicing the seventy-two metamorphoses with diligence, can we face the Eighty-one Adversities with smile.

4.The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself.

This sentence is what Franklin Roosevelt said. It means to say that the thing that makes us afraid is not the most terrible thing itself. The terrible thing is the psychological fear of all negative things in the depth of our heart. The fear can control our mind, make us hard to deal with the things. Without thinking to be fear is the most terrible thing. When facing terrible things, we should face it and get the courage to solve it instead of escaping from it. 5.All we are saying is give peace a chance.

“give peace a chance” is made and sung by John Lennon. It was the first record released by Lennon. John Lennon is a firm anti-Vietnam War. In order to give out this voice to the world, more than one hundred thousand students gathered in Washington, singing loudly this song. The anti-war movement made the Nixon government feel much pressure, and ultimately contributed to the retreat of the United States from the Vietnam War. Now the United States, as the sixty's, is facing a serious crisis of racialism. The presidential indicate Tramp publicly supported the racialism. So this movie gives out such a sound that no discrimination and give peace a chance.
