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时间:2016-10-09 00:14:20 来源:免费论文网

篇一:Try to do 与try doing区别秘法

Try to do 与try doing

一般来讲,大家容易从语义上区别这两个词组-----即 try to do 意为企图做,尽力做; try doing 意为试着做。而在练习过程中,很多学生把这两个意义弄颠倒了。更有甚者,两个词组对应汉语意思很清楚,可就是做题做不对。尤其令人头疼的是,有个学生搬出一本很厚很新的字典来,里面竟有一条清清楚楚的写着:try to do = try doing。结果,学生或者沮丧无奈,或者愤愤不平,一个个要把我逼上梁山的样子。

正所谓“退一步海阔天空”,我没有跟学生针锋相对,而是很诚实的跟“质问”我的学生说:“这个问题的确很棘手,我回去多查些资料再和你们讨论。另外,你们这么多人的智慧加在一起,应该比老师强;所以,我希望你们也多查些资料,争取再次把老师 “打败”。”


首先,我跟同学们说,这两个词组的确很难区分,这是历届学生和老师的难点,甚至是语言学家的难点。所以,同学们现在觉得这两个词组相关的题不好做很正常;我个人认为,个别觉着这部分题很简单的人比语言学家都要厉害。(听了这样的话,同学们半信半疑,但是无论如何,他们基本确定了一点——他们一时觉得做题难绝不是因为他们笨,更不能说明他们英语学不好了。)见同学们对我的话感兴趣,我接着说,为什么这么说呢?我一边让那个手里字典上写着try to do = try doing的学生把字典拿给其他学生看,一边向他们解释了两个对他们来说完全陌生的两个语言学术语:规约性语言学和描写性语言学。规约性语言学家认为,人们必须按照规定的用法去用语言,比方说汉语字典里“回家”这个词是正确的,而方言里的“家走”说法不符合语法,不规范,就不允许说了。可事实上,“家走”这样的词是很难因为语言学家认为不对就消失的。所以,描写语言学派兴盛起来,他们认为,语言学家的任务就是描写语言,简单地说,就是人们怎么说,语言工作者就怎么记录,各种表达法之间不应该有对错之分,只要人们日常应用方便就可以了。于是,就出现了个别资料上“明日黄花”与“昨日黄花”通用之类的说法。而对于try to do 和 try doing这两个词组,可能很多人都觉得难以区分,很多地方都把两者混用,于是编字典的人干脆说,别区分了,两者通用吧。可是话说回来,我们在座的各位毕竟不是语言学家,而且考试要考我们这两个词组的区别,没办法,我们只能绞尽脑汁想办法区分这两个词组,怎么区分呢?(同学们被吊起了胃口,纷纷议论起来)

过了两分钟,英语课代表首先说了他的观点,认为还是得从意思出发: try to do 意为企图做,尽力做; try doing 意为试着做。大多数同学点头称是。但是有的时候就是翻译不好,觉着这两个汉语表达似乎一样。我只有请出语文课代表来解释了。又经过一番讨论,大家认为,“企图做,尽力做”实际上也就是挖空心思,绞尽脑汁,竭尽全力想方设法,甚至不惜付出任何代价,克服一切阻挠去做,总体感觉很吃力,这应该是try to do 的语境。我趁机引导同学们说,既然费了那么多劲try to do ,人们自然想知道努力又没有白费,事情有没有成功,因此,含try to do 的句子后如果有补充说明的部分,这部分表达的意思往往是类似做成没做成的意思。相比之下,try doing 的语境显得轻松多了,后面也很少带说明成果与否的解释说明成分。 这样一来呢,区别try to do 和 try doing的标志就有了三点:a,含义; b,语境感觉是否吃力;c,解释说明部分是否表达成功与否的含义。然后我补出第四

点,大多数字典上认为try to do 可以换成try and do,try doing表达的意思与try sth 相近。


1.---------(be)here on time.

2. I --------(not laugh).

3. You haven't even ---------(lift) it.

4. Don't --------(swim) across the river.


5. Don't shout at him, he's only -------------(help).

6. You must ---------(control)your temper.

7. I'm going to --------(cook) a fried egg this evening.

8. He ---------(make)her stay, but she refused.


9. Susan wanted to be independent of her parents. She tried ----------alone, but she didn't like it and moved back home.

A. living B. to liveC. to be living D. having lived

10.I am very sleepy. I tried --------my eyes open, but I couldn't.

A. keepingB. having kept C. to have kept D. to keep


1. Try to be

2. Tried not to laugh

3. Tried to lift

4. try to swim

5. trying to help

6. try to control

7. try cooking

8. tried to make

9. A

10. D

我和同学们逐一分析了这些题,又重新总结了try to do 和 try doing的用法:

1.try to do 意为企图做,尽力做; try doing 意为试着做

2.try to do 的语境总体感觉很吃力;try doing 的语境显得较轻松

3.try to do 后补充说明的部分表达是否成功的意思。try doing不表达这种意思

4.try to do =try and do;try doing意思与try sth 相近



1. bring along


2. bring back


3. bring ...out


4. bring up


5. bring on


6. bring in


7. bring ...forward

提出;提前 (= put forward)

8. bring about



与 bring 有关的重要词组:

bring down :使 … 下降,倒下;击落

bring up :教育,教养(儿童);提出(议题,计划);打断

bring in :引进;赚钱,获利;收(庄稼等)

bring …to an end :结束

bring …to life :使 … 苏醒

bring …to light :发现;将 … 公之于世

bring …to mind :想起

bring …to pass :使……发生;促成


bring vt.brought, bringing

拿来;带来 Bring me the book. 把那本书带给我。

Why don't you bring you favourite girl along?你为什么不带你最喜欢的女儿一块儿来呢?

Bring the children back from the kindergarten at four o'clock.下午四点把孩子们从幼儿园接回来。

When you go to the post office, will you please bring some stamps back for me?


Please bring me back the saw.请把锯子带回来给我。

Bring those suspects in.把嫌疑犯们带进来。

The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes.优美的音乐使她眼中充满泪花。

If they are not brought to the surface soon they may lose their lives. 如果不很快把他们带上地面,他们可能要丧生。

Bring the children out and l'll have an urgent report to write.把孩子们带出去,我要写一篇紧急报告。

You are welcome to bring your wife to the party.欢迎你带你的妻子来参加聚会。 产生;引起 Spring rains bring summer flowers.春雨带来了夏日的百花。 I'm sure an antifebrile injection will bring your fever down in no time. 我相信注射一针退热剂会使你的热度立刻降下来。

The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes.优美的音乐使她眼中充满泪花。

卖;出售 This old car will bring about £1000.这辆旧汽车可卖1000镑。 This old bicycle will bring about $15.这辆旧自行车能卖十五美元左右。 This would bring about a lowering of the general level of intelligence in the population.


提出(诉讼) bring a charge against提出控告

If they refuse to make heart-felt apologies soon we will have to bring an action against them.


引来 Her cries brought the neighbors.她的叫喊声引来了邻居。

使达到某种情况 Bring them together.带他们集合。

We must bring the chairman around to our point of view.我们必须劝说会议主席转而支持我们的观点。

Of course you can bring your date to our party.你当然可以带你约的异性朋友来参加我们的社交聚会。

He could never bring himself to kill an animal or bird.他从来就不忍杀生。 I hope I have the honour to bring you home?我希望能荣幸地陪你回家? Bring your girlfriend together.把你的女朋友一起带来。

【习惯用语】bring to book要求澄清;受惩罚


bring down(把一个数字)转入下栏,转到下页

bring forth生产;生(孩子)

bring forward把(数字等)过到次页; 把…提前(= put forward)

We'll bring the party forward.我们要把晚会提前。

They'll bring the date of their marriage forward from the 30th to the 28th. 他们将把结婚的日期从三十日提前到二十八日。

提出 A plan was brought forward.提出一项计划。

The general manager brought forward a new reform plan on the personnel system for the company.


The final examination will be brought forward to June instead of July. 期终考试将由七月提前到六月举行。

The lawyer brought forward some new evidences against the murder. 律师为这件谋杀案提出了一些新的证据。

bring in获利;赚 The boys bring in £60 a week.这些男孩子每周赚60镑。 How much did the sideline bring the farmer family in last year?


Bring in every single grain.颗粒还仓。

The sale brought us in over $1000.那笔买卖使我们赚了一千多美元。 We have brought in a good grain harvest for three years on end.


求援;求助to bring in advisers求助于顾问

bring off办成功

Though it was a very difficult job, Helen was able to bring it off successfully ahead of schedule.


bring on引起;导致

Working out in the rain for a long time may bring on a fever.在雨中工作很长时间可能使人发高烧。

The use of natural fertilizer can bring the crops on nicer than the use of chemical fertilizer.


使发展;使成长加速 This warm weather should bring on the crops.这种暖和天气有助于农作物的生长。

帮助;提高; 改善 Study should bring on your Maths.学习会提高你的数学水平。

bring out生产;制造 to bring out a new kind of soap生产一种新肥皂

使显露 to bring out the worst in sb.使(某人)显露其最丑恶的一面(= draw out) 鼓励;发言鼓励Company should bring her out a bit.与人交往会对她说话方面有所鼓励。

Alice is very shy, try to bring her out.爱丽丝很怕羞,要设法鼓励他说话。 The applicant was so choked with excitement at the acceptance notification that he could hardly bring out a goodbye.申请人得到通知说他被录用了激动得连一声'再见'也说不出来。

使罢工 bring the workers out要工人罢工

bring round使苏醒 (= bring around, bring to)

Someone has fainted, try to send him to hospital at once and bring him round. 有人昏了过去,赶紧设法把他送进医院,使他苏醒过来。

使改变主张 Bring him round to our point of view.让他赞成我们的观点。 bring under镇压;压制;使就范:

Those who oppose us will be brought under. 反对我们的人一定会被迫就范的 Any attempts to bring under the mass movement for civil rights are doomed to failure.


The frost fire has been brought under control. 森林大火已被控制住。 Tyrants always try to bring the people's movement for freedom under. 专制统治者总是企图镇压人民争取自由运动的。

It took the nursery teachers months to bring their class of boys under control. 幼儿园的老师们花了几个月的时间才把男孩子的班级整顿好。

bring up教育;养育; 提出;引出 to bring up the question提出问题 呕吐; 骤然停止 He was brought up short.他突然停了下来。

bring up the rear(队伍)殿后

反义词: take






例:To protect environment is important.


例:Sleeping eight hours a day is good at health.


It’s +adj.(形容物) + for + toV

adj.(形容人) + of + toV

例:It is important to protect the environment.

·表明不定词意义上的主词(对某人来说)时,在toV前加for sb.

例:It is important for all of us to protect the environment.

·不定词的否定形:not + toV

例:Not to depend on others is the best way to success.


例:A doctor’s duty is to take care of sick people.



例:My son needs to see a dentist.

·疑问词+ toV :视为名词片语

例:The problem is where to set up the tent.



例:Amy was the only person to remember my birthday.

·【名词/代名词+ toV +介系词】的形式中,名词/代名词为介系词的受词

例:I have parents to take care of.parents为of的受词

I have to take care of my parents.


例:I’m looking for someone to help me

who will help me.



·可用in order to / so as to 代替

例: to

He went to Germanyin order tostudy music.

so as to


例:I was shocked to see the scene.


·only / never + toV有“失望”的意思

例:We were separated never to see each other again.


例:I would give you anything to go to the concert.

if I could


1.表示动作很难或容易做,用hard/easy +toV表现

例:Poetry ishard to translate.


2.[ beV+adj.+toV ]的惯用表现

(1)beV apt to V易于…的

(2)beV ready toV愿意…;易于…

(3)beV willing toV乐意…

(4)beV eager toV渴望…

(5)beV likely toV可能…

(6)beV anxious toV急着想要…

3.enough toV 够…可以…

so…that + S. +(can)如此…以至于…

例:She was kind enough to offer me her seat.

She was so kind that she offered me her seat.

·enough当adj.时=sufficient / sufficiently

例:I have an enough income to support you.

a sufficient

4. too…toV…太…而不能…

so…that + S. + can’t如此…以至于不能…

例:This bed is too small for me to sleep in.

This bed is so small that I can’t sleep in.

· only too+(happy/glad/pleased…)+toV…非常…而…


例:I amonly tooglad to help you.


5. so…as toV … 非常…以至于…;到…的程度

that + S. …

例:He was so angry as to be unable to speak.

that he was

·so 和such的区别

so(ad.):修饰adj. / ad.

Such(adj.):修饰n. such a/an + 单数名词

6. toV当受词补语的用法:S.+V.+O+toV


例:I want you to tell me the truth.


例:Please allow me to introduce my wife, Rosaline.


例:We believe him to be honest.

(4)表示依赖、建议、要求、命令等:tell/advise/order/ask/beg/request/require/force/persuade/get/cause/teach 例:The doctor advised him to stop smoking.

7. 原型toV:S.+V+O+原型toV(VR)

(1)感官动词之后:feel/see/watch/look at/notice/observe/hear/listen to +原型toV(VR)

例:I saw the boy put a chocolate in his pocket.


例:The police officer watched the children cross the road.

The children were watched by the police officer to cross the road.



例:The mom made/have the boy turn off the TV.


例:The teacher made the students try again.

The students were made by the teacher to try again.

(3)get + toV

例:I got him to repair the radio.

(4)help + toV

原型toV( VR)

例:Can you help me (to) put up the tent?

8. S.+V+it+C+toV



例:She found it impossible to understand him.

She found that it is impossible to understand him.

9. 句型: seem\appear

happen\chance toV 主词可用it代替

prove\turn out

(1)seem/appear toV…似乎…

例:My dog seems to understand what I said/say.

It seems that my dog understands what I said/say.

(2)happen/chance toV…碰巧…

例:I happened to meet one of my friends at the station.

It happened that I met one of my friends at the station.

(3)prove/turn out toV…结果是…;证明是…

例:The rumor proved/turned out proved to be true.

It turned out that the rumor was true.

10.come/get toV变得…

例:You will come/get to like this town.


1. 表示预定:打算要做…

例:The meeting is to be held on Wednesday.(被动语态)

2. 表示愿意:必须;不得不=should

例:Rules are to be observed.(被动语态)

3. 表示可能:能够=can

例:Not a cloud was be seen in the sky. (被动语态)

4. 表命运:有…的命运

例:He was never to see his wife and family again.



例:If you are to succeed, you must work harder.


1. 不定词的被动语态:to be p.p

例:I like to be taught.

2. 不定词的进行式:to be Ving

例:They seem to be waiting for us.

3. 完成不定式:to have p.p

例:The child seems to have been sick.


例:They couldn’t have been on strike.


例:Her mom must have been seriously ill then.

·在should/ought to之后表示未能实现的事

例:You ought to have kept your words.

5. 代不定词:

(1)目的:为了避免相同动词的重复,在句子意思非常明确的情况下用to代替toV,to称为代不定词 例:You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to (eat it).

6. 分离不定词:

(1)将修饰toV的副词,放在to和V之间:to ad. V

(2)not/never放在to之前:not/never to V


例:I wish to utterly forget my past.

She made up her mind never to return.

7. 独立不定词


例:to speak strictly 严格来说

to be frank (with you)坦白说

to begin with一开始

to tell the truth老实说

to be honest诚实说

to make matters worse更糟糕的是

to be sure的确

to be brief简单扼要的说

to say nothing of not to speak of 更不用说

not to mention

to do…justice对…公平的评判

to say the least of it保守的说

strange to say奇怪的是

so to speak可以说是
