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时间:2016-10-08 13:05:20 来源:免费论文网









篇二:如何在Word 文件实现框内打钩_选择按钮_文字窗口——下拉窗口

如何在Word 文件实现框内打钩

1) 打开Word,依次点击“View”—“Toolbar”—“Control Toolbox”,这时会在Word

窗口的编辑区左侧出现一个新的工具条,这就是“Control Toolbox”。

2) 工具条中有一个按钮是内部有小对勾的方框(复选框按钮),用鼠标指向时会出现“复选


3) 用鼠标右键点一下这个“复选框”,再选“Checkbox Object”—“Edit”,CheckBox


4) 如果点击鼠标右键后在点property (属性),可以在里面设置checkbox 里面的字体或其


5) 这时还不能打勾,你再点“Control Toolbox”工具条左上角第一个按钮“Exit Design

Mode”退出设计模式。这样就可以在文件中的方框内部打对勾了(也可以取消对勾)。 如何再word文件中加入文字框、指令按钮、选择按钮、list box、下拉窗口 ?? 等等 一切如上面所述,在Contro Toolbox 的工具条里可以做到

You can create a checklist and check off items electronically by opening the document in Word. However, if you just need a checklist that you print, you can make a list where each item has a box that you check off on paper.

The result looks something like the following illustration.

Make a checklist that you can check off in Word

To use boxes that you can check off in Word, you insert the check box form field into your document. This looks best if you use a table to align the check boxes with the text, so your first step is to create a table. After you have the table, you can insert the check boxes in one column and the text in the other column, and then you can refine the layout. To check off the items, you lock the form. Step 1: Create a table

1. On the Table menu, point to Insert, and then click Table.

2. In the Number of columns and Number of rows boxes, type or select 2 columns and the

number of rows that you want. You need one row for each item in your list.

3. Click OK.

Don't worry about the size of the columns or the border lines in the table. You will fix those later. Step 2: Insert the check boxes and text

1. Click the top left cell.

2. On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Forms.

3. On the Forms toolbar, click Check Box Form Field .

Note If the check box has a gray background, click Form Field Shading

on the Forms toolbar to remove the gray shading.

4. Click the next cell where you want to insert a check box, and then press CTRL+Y to insert

another check box.

5. After you insert a check box for each item that you want, click the top right cell and type the

text for the first item. Repeat this step for each item in the list.

Step 3: Refine the layout

Although you are using the table to lay out the list, you probably don't want the border lines that Word usually includes with the table. You probably also want to adjust the spacing so that the column that contains the check boxes isn't too wide, and the text is lined up close to the check boxes. To make these adjustments, do the following:

1. Right-click the table, point to AutoFit, and then click AutoFit to Contents.

2. Right-click the table, click Table Properties, and then click the Table tab.

3. Click Options, and in the Left and Right boxes, type or select a number that will provide a

little bit of space between the check box and the text, such as .02, and then click OK.

4. Back on the Table tab, click Borders and Shading, and then click the Borders tab.

5. Under Setting, click None, and then click OK.

Note After you remove the border lines, you may still see gray border lines. These are the table gridlines, and they do not show when the document is printed. If you'd rather not see them at all, you can hide them by clicking Hide Gridlines on the Table menu.

Step 4: Lock the form

To check off the items by clicking in the check boxes, you need to lock the form. However, when the form is locked, you won't be able to make changes to the text or layout, so be sure to do this step last.

When you want to edit the document, you can easily unlock the form. Just remember to lock it again so that you will be able to click the check boxes.

? When you are ready to lock the form, click Protect Form

on the Forms toolbar.

again. Note If you need to unlock the form, just click Protect Form

Make a checklist to print

If you just want to create a checklist that you will work with on paper, you can create a list that uses a box symbol as a bullet. This approach provides two advantages:


? You won't need to unlock a form every time you want to edit the document. You can choose from a variety of box characters, rather than being limited to a simple


The way that you create a list like this depends on whether your document already contains bulleted lists with different kinds of bullets. If your document already contains several bullet formats, you can prevent inadvertently altering them by using a table, similar to the procedure above. If your

document does not already contain several different kinds of bullets, you can make a bulleted list with a custom bullet format.


Word2007如何设置下拉窗体 Word2007下拉窗体是在其窗口保护模式下实现的,因此,在设计完下拉窗体后必须对word文档进行局部保护。

在自定义中,调出 “插




选择下拉型后,点击选项,在下拉型中添加下拉选项,确定后完成。 然后设置文档保护,点击,限制格式和编辑,

