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1. significant = enormous = dramatic = tremendous = appreciably = remarkable = crucial = substantial 巨大的,明显的,程度大的

2. rigid = stiff = unchanged = little change = invariable 一成不变的

3. exchange = swap = alter = shift…from… 交换,转换

4. approximately = nearly = almost 几乎

5. proportion = percentage = percent 比例

6. deplete = exhaust = exploit = run out of 开采完,耗尽

7. complex = complicated = sophisticated = intricate 错综复杂的

8. deadly = fatal = lethal = mortal 致命的

9. prosperous = thriving = booming (特指人口,行业) = flourishing 兴旺,繁荣

10. circumstance 环境(event社会)/ surroundings(around周边)/ environment 环境(influence环保)背景/ background 后台/ settings 后台,布景/ context 上下文(文章中)/ condition环境(location形势)/ situation(a state or position)

11. isolate =alienate (人与人)= insulate 隔绝,排外,孤立 – be alien to/ insulate (-ion) 绝缘,隔热(体)

12. substitution 替代物 – substitute sth for sb = replace/ alternative 选择性,代替性,辅助性

13. inventive (-tion) = innovative (-tion) = creative (-tion) = ingenious (-ity) = novel (-ty) = revolutionary (-tion) 创新的,新颖的

14. ambiguous (ambiguity) = obscure = vague=unclear=dim 模棱两可的,暧昧的

15. inadequate = insufficient ( insufficiency n.缺乏,短缺) = deficient = be lack (of) = be short (of) = be shortage of 缺乏的,短缺的

16. (be) skeptical (sceptical) = dubious = suspicious (about/of) 对……怀疑

17. contradictory = opposing = clashing = conflicting = incongruous 矛盾的,相反的

18. accelerate = speed up = increase speed = hasten = step up 加速

19. peripheral = marginal = fringe = bordering = unimportant = insignificant 次要的,边缘化的

20. create / gain efficiently = increase productivity 提高生产率/效率

21. poor = in poverty = impoverished = underdeveloped 贫穷的,落后的

22. associate with = link to = relate to = combine with 与……有关联

23. improve = enhance = promote = boost = strengthen 加强

24. neutral中立的,中性的/negative否定,消极,阴性的/positive 肯定,积极,阳性的

25. drawback = fault = defect = imperfection = failing = weakness = shortcoming = flaw 缺点,缺陷

26. bewildering = puzzling = perplexing = confusing = baffling= embarrassing令人困惑的

27. handicap = disabled = primitive 残疾的,落后的

28. caliber = criterion = standard = specification 标准

29. unsatisfactory = hardly be looked upon 不令人满意的

30. be alike/ be similar to = be resemble in = be identical to 相似的

31. barrier = hurdle = obstacle 障碍

32. address = solve = resolve = cope with = deal with = tackle the problem 解决问题

33. emphasize = stress = highlight = focus on = concentrate on = pay attention to 强调,重视

34. apparently = patently = obviously = evidently = clearly 显而易见的

35. molten rock = lava = magma 岩浆

36. degenerate (-tion) = degrade = deteriorate 恶化,每况愈下

37. make up one’s mind to do = be determined to do 下定决心

38. indicate = demonstrate (具体动作)= display = exhibit = illustrate(举例) 展现,证明

39. in terms of = concerning = considering = with regard to 考虑到

40. reduced = declined = downward trend 下降的趋势

41. pesticide 杀虫/ suicide 自杀/ homicide/ murder 杀人 massacre大屠杀

42. a vast array of = a great variety of = a great range of 各种各样的+可数或不可数

43. chronic 长期的,慢性/ long-term 长期的/ acute 急性的,短时的/ short-term 短期的

44. impede = keep…from… = prevent…from… = stop…from… = inhibit =forbid 阻止,禁止

45. result in = lead to = cause = bring about = induce 导致

46. include = embrace = comprehend = comprise = cover = involve = constitute = consist of 包括

47. constrain = restrict = limit = confine 限制

48. reduce = decline = cut = lessen = diminish = eliminate=decrease 减少,消除

49. predict = expect = anticipate 预期

50. conclude = make/reach a conclusion = put down to = prove that = attribute to = turn out to 归结为……

51. eminent=famous=well-known=celebrated=noted=renowned=notorious(famous for sth bad) 著名的/ imminent 即将发生的

52. deduce(推断)/induce(引诱 导致)/reduce(减小)




Future, prospect 一.名词中同义词、近形词部6.表示“个人”意思的词语:

Person, people, folks, individuals, 分归纳 13.表示“理由”意思的词语:

man, human being Reason, ground, cause 1.表示“能力”意思的词语:

Ability, capability, competency, 7.表示“意义、含义”意思的词14.表示“后代、子孙”意思的词faculty, capacity, gift, talent 语:Meaning, significance, 语:Offspring, descendant,

implication, connotation posterity, children 2.表示“目的、目标”意思的词

语:Aim, purpose, aim, intent, 8.表示“部分、成分”意思的词15.表示“补充”意思的词语:intention, goal, end 语:Part, element, ingredient, Complement, supplement,

component, factor, segment append 3.表示“关系、联系”意思的词

语:Ties, bonds, links, connection, 9.表示“不平等、歧视”意思的16.表示与“树木”有关的词语:association, relations, Bush, shrub词语:Inequality, bias, prejudice,

combination, relationship, discrimination

interrelations, relevance 10.表示“对手、支持者”意思的

4.表示“差别”意思的词语:词语:Opponent, rivals,

Difference, distinction, proponent, advocates

differentiation 11.表示“商品”意思的词语:

Commodity, goods 5.表示“资本、资金”意思的词

语:Capital, fund, money, relief 12.表示“将来”意思的词语:

, jungle

17.表示“边界”意思的词语:Boundary, border, 29.字形相似的词:attitude(态度), altitude(海frontier, verge 拔,高度), magnitude(数量), multitude(多数),

18.表示“错误”意思的词语:Blunder, error, mistake, aptitude(天资,天赋), latitude(纬度, 地区), fault gratitude(感谢)

19.表示“基础”意思的词语:Basis, foundation, 30.字形相似的词:convention(习俗,传统), ground conversion(变化,转换),conviction(坚定的信

20.表示“会议”意思的词语:Assembly, conference, 念或看法), conservation(保存,保持), congress, seminar, session, summit, symposium, conversation(交谈)

meeting, gathering, party 31.字形相似和近义词:vocation, job, work,

profession, occupation, field, career, /vacation, 21.表示“区域”意思的词语:Area, district, region,

vicinity, zone holiday, travel, journey, voyage, trip, excursion

22.表示“成就”意思的词语:Accomplishment, 32.近义词:pace(步伐), speed(速度,速率), attainment, achievement, success rate(速度,百分比),ratio(比例,比率), rhythm

23.表示“要点、摘要”意思的词语:abstract, digest, (韵律,节奏)

outline, summary 33.近义词:process(进程,过程), procedure(步骤,

24.表示“程度”意思的词语:to the degree, to some 手续),course(时间的经过)

extent 二.常用的动词同义词归纳

25.表示“生气”意思的词语:Anger, fury, 1.表示“导致”意思的词语:Lead to, bring about, indignation, resentment, hate, hatred give rise to, give

birth to, contribute to, cause…to, result in, engender, 26.表示“ 痛苦,悲伤 ”意思的词语:pain, sadness,

unhappiness, misery, anguish render, prompt, cause, make, result from(起因于)

27.表示“标准”意思的词语:standard, criteria 2.表示“面对、偶遇”意思的词语:Confront, be

confronted with, face, be faced with, meet with, 28.字形相似的词:welfare(福利), warfare(战

encounter. 争), farewell(告别)

3.表示“集中于”意思的词语:Center on, focus on, concentrate on

4.表示“对付、处理”意思的词语:Deal with, cope with, handle, tackle, manipulate,

5.表示“消失”意思的词语:Disappear, vanish, fade, perish

6.表示“减少、增加”意思的词语:Diminish, lessen, decrease, drop, reduce, fall, /accumulate, increase, rise, soar, rocket

7.表示“依靠、依赖”意思的词语:Rely on(upon), depend on(upon), count on (upon), rest on(upon)

8.表示“变化”意思的词语:Change, turn, vary/range, alter, transform, shift, convert.

9.表示“指控”意思的词语:Charge with, accuse of, sue for, condemn, denounce, prosecute

10.表示“克服、战胜”意思的词语:Overcome, conquer, defeat,

11.表示“获得、得到”意思的词语:Achieve, obtain, get, accomplish, earn, attain, secure, acquire, gain

12.表示“抓住”意思的词语:Catch, seize, capture, catch hold of, grab

13.表示“限制”意思的词语:Limit, confine, restrict.

14.表示“强迫”意思的词语:compel, constrain, force, oblige。

15.表示“责怪”意思的词语:blame, condemn, reproach, scold。

16.表示“困惑、迷惑”意思的词语:bewilder, puzzle, confuse, embarrass, perplex。

17.表示“赞扬、称赞”意思的词语:applaud, clap, commend, praise

18.表示“扩大、加强”意思的词语:amplify, enlarge, stretch, magnify, reinforce, expand

19.表示“声称”意思的词语:affirm, assert, allege, claim, announce, proclaim。

20.表示“附加”意思的词语:affiliate, link, attach, append。

21.表示“调整、改变”意思的词语:adjust, regulate, rectify, amend,convert, alter, modify, transform, vary。

22.表示“提供”意思的词语:accommodate, afford, furnish。

23.表示“取消、除掉”意思的词语:abolish, cancel, eliminate, dispose, erase, exclude, extinguish

24.表示“遵守”意思的词语:abide by, adhere to, conform to , comply with。 25.表示“繁荣、兴旺”意思的词语:flourish, boom, prosper, succeed. 26.表示“阻止、停止”意思的词语:stop…from, prevent...from, keep from, halt, pause, cease 27.表示“忍受”意思的词语:endure, bear, stand, tolerate, put up with, live with 28.表示“来自于,出自于,起因于”意思的词语:come from, arise from,derive from, originate from, stem from, result from. 29.表示“起作用,有重要性”意思的词语:count, matter, play a role, play a part。 30.字形相似的词:Undergo(经历), understand(理解), undertake(承担,约定), undercut(减低), underlie(成为基础), underline(下划线,强调), undo(解开,恢复), undermine(weaken削弱) 31.Describe(描绘), prescribe(开处方,规定), ascribe… to(归因于),subscribe…to(捐助,同意,订阅) 32.Believe(相信), relieve…of (减轻), belief(观点), relief(救济) 33.字形相似的词:reduce(减少), deduce(推论,推断), induce(引诱,促使), produce 34.近义词:release(解放,释放), announce(宣布,通知), declare(公开,宣布), proclaim(官方宣布) 35.字形相似的词:adopt(采纳,采取,收养), adapt (to) (改写,适应), adept(熟练的) 36.字形相似的词:rise---rose, risen(上升,起身), arise(出现), raise(举起,抬起,抚养), praise(赞扬), arouse(引起,激起)。 37.字形相似的词:assure(使相信,使放心assure sb. of sth, assure sb. that ), ensure (ensure sth, ensure that保证), insure(保险,投保) 38.近义词:remember (记得,记住),remind sb. to do(提醒做某事),remind sb. of sth. (使人想起), recall (回忆起,回想起) 39.近义词:代替replace … By /with …和Substitute ... For…。 40.表示“吃惊,惊奇”意思的词语:surprise, shock, amaze, astonish,astound, 三.形容词和副词同义词归纳

1.表示“与……有关/联系”意思的词组 :Be relevant to, be related to, be tied to, be linked to, be associated with, be connected with, be combined with

2.表示“好”意思的词语:wonderful, excellent, good, super, superb, magnificent, first-class, remarkable, fantastic, cool, splendid.

3.表示“充足”意思的词语:sufficient, enough, adequate, rich, abundant, plentiful

4.表示“不足”意思的词语:lack, be short of, for want of, for lack of,

5.表示“可怕、有害”意思的词语:dreadful, terrible, frightening, horrible, awful, harmful, bad, detrimental, adverse, unfavorable, negative.

6.表示“有能力做”意思的词语:be competent in/as/to do , be capable of , be qualified for/as, be able to

7.表示“传统、习惯 ”等有关的词语:traditional, conventional, customary, habitual, social, global

8.表示“许多、大量 ”意思的词语:many/much, a lot of/lots of/, a large number of, a large amount of, plenty of , plentiful, considerable, ample, numerous, countless,

9.表示“合不合适”意思的词语:right, proper, suitable, appropriate, fit, improper, unsuitable, inappropriate, unfit

10.表示“效果、效率”意思的词语:effective, effectual, efficient, sufficient

11.表示“合不合理 ”的词语:logical, reasonable, sensible, rational, /illogical, ueasonable, irrational

12.表示“倾向于”意思的词语:be likely to, be liable to, be inclined to, be apt to, tend to

13.表示“意不意识到”的词语:be aware of, be conscious of, be unaware of, be unconscious of, subconscious(潜意识的)

14.表示“简短”意思的词语:brief, concise, in brief, in short

15.表示“合不合法”意思的词语:legitimate, lawful, legal, illegal,

16.表示“精确、准确”意思的词语:accurate, precise, exact,

17.表示与“身体”有关意思的词语:bodily, physical, mental, spiritual, materialistic,

18.表示“态度”意思的词语:optimistic, pessimistic, objective, subjective, impartial, 19.表示与“谨慎、小心”有关意思的词语:careful, cautious, prudent, careless, carefree 20.表示“虚弱”意思的词语:weak, fragile, frail, invalid, feeble, vulnerable 21.表示“基本”意思的词语:basic, elementary, fundamental, primary 22.表示“天生”意思的词语:inborn, innate, inherent, gifted, talented 23.表示“普遍、一般”意思的词语:average, common, general, universal, usual 24.表示“明显的,清楚的”意思的词语:apparent, evident, self-evident, manifest, obvious, distinct, clear/ ambiguous, obscure, unclear 25.表示“严重的、紧急的”意思的词语:acute, critical, crucial, urgent, serious, emergent 26.表示“愚蠢,可笑”的词语:absurd, ridiculous, silly, foolish, stupid, ironic, funny 27.表示“节约,奢侈 ”的词语:economic(经济的), economical(节约的), thrifty(节省的), simple, luxurious, extravagant(浪费的), generous(大方的) 28.表示“富裕”意思的词语:rich, wealthy, affluent,well-off 29.表示“仅仅,唯一,就是”意思的词语:only, just, merely, solely, simply, uniquely, alone 30.表示“可能的”意思的词语:possible, likely, probable, presumable 31.表示“有决心的,坚定的”意思的词语:determined, resolute, firm, decisive 32.表示“不断的,不停的”意思的词语:continual, continuous, uninterrupted, successive, eternal, endless, successful(成功的), succession(连续不断) 33.表示“永久的,永恒的”意思的词语:lasting, ever-lasting, permanent, perpetual, temporary(暂时的) 34.表示“致命的,要死的 ”意思的词语:deadly, fatal, mortal, 35.表示“重要的,必要的,关键的”意思的词语:important, significant, vital, critical, crucial, necessary, essential, indispensable 36.表示“ 愿不愿意”意思的词语:Willing, unwilling=reluctant 37.表示“喜欢、感兴趣”意思的词语:be interested in, be keen on, be fond of, be crazy about, be

enthusiastic about, be addicted to(上瘾)

38.Internal(内部的), inclusive(包含的), intensive, inside, implicit, external, exclusive, extensive, outside, explicit

39.Consequent(由…而起), subsequent(随后的), frequent(经常的)


en-, em- 使成为

enable(使能够) encourage(鼓励) enforce(实施)








-en 做,使变成…















-ify …化,使成为…,变成…





identify(辨认,识别)justify(认为合理) specify(指定,详述)

solidify(巩固)purify(洁净,净化) qualify(胜任,有资格)

rectify( 改正,修改)

-ize …化,照…样子做

apologize(道歉) 40.字形相似的词:optimal(最佳的,最理想的), optional(可选择的), optical(视力的,光学的), optimistic(乐观的) maximize(最大化) organize(组织) utilize(使用) mobilize(动员) criticize(批评) publicize(宣传) visualize(想象) democratize(民主化)characterize(概括) specialize(专攻) realize(实现)industrialize(工业化) revolutionize(彻底改革) recognize(认出) civilize(使文明) 五.形容词常用后缀 -able, -ible, -ble 能够…,值得… knowledgeable(知识渊博的) sustainable(可持续的) acceptable available(可以得到的) comparable(可比的) favorable(有利的) honorable(可敬的,光荣的) liable(倾向于,有责任的) noticeable(注 意到的)reliable(可靠的) unbelievable (难以相信的) responsible -al …的,行为,人,物 skeptical(怀疑的) perpetual(永恒的) commercial(商业的) annual(每年的) casual(随意的) classical(古典式的) continual(不断的) conventional(传统的) experimental(实验的) identical(相同的)



critical(关键的,批评的) original(原始的,原创的)

-ate -----

affectionate(亲爱的) passionate(热情的,多情的)

-ed …的

accustomed(习惯的) advanced(先进的) ashamed(羞愧的)









-en 做,使,…的,人








-ful …的












-Fold ---- 倍数tenfold(十倍的)


-ic,ical …的,人,…学



academic(学术的,学业的 artistic(艺术的,高尚的)economic(经济的) electronic(电子的) heroic(英勇的) organic(有机的) systematic(系统的) practical(实际的) statistical(统计的) -ish …的,有…性质的 selfish(自私的) British(英国的) -sive ---- divisive(分裂的)aggressive(挑衅的,好斗的) -tive …的,人,物 assimilative(同化的)conservative(保守的) active(积极的) comparative(比较的) collective(集体的) creative(有创造力的) relative(相关的) protective(保护的) -less 无…的,不…的 endless(无穷的) careless(粗心的) helpless(无助的) hopeless(没希望的) restless(不安的) worthless(无价值的) -like 如…的 childlike(像孩子一样的), godlike(神似的) -ly …的,…地 deadly(致命的) elderly(上了年纪的) monthly/weekly/yearly -ous,-ious …的 ambitious(有抱负的) anxious(着急的) cautious(小心的) curious(好奇的) dangerous(危险的) delicious(美味的) famous(著名的) glorious(光荣的) religious(宗教的) suspicious(怀疑的) insidious(隐蔽的) -some--- handsome(英俊的) burdensome(有负担的) troublesome(麻烦的) tiresome(讨厌的) quarrelsome(好争吵的)


+ abide [E5baid] vi.(abode, abided, abiding)坚持, 遵守, 居住(live, stay)

abide by(= accept/adhere to/carry out/ conform to/follow/keep to/obey/observe)v. 遵守...

* abnormal [Ab5nC:mEl] adj. 不正常的,反常的(eccentric, irregular, odd, unnatural, unusual,

exceptional, funny, extraordinary)

+abrupt [E5brQpt] adj. 突然的(sudden, unexpected, unexpected, unpredicted), 粗鲁的(impolite,


+ absurd [Eb5sE:d] adj. 荒谬的(foolish, irrational, mad, silly, foolish, stupid, ueasonable) ,

可笑的(amusing, crazy, funny, ridiculous)

* abundant [E5bQndEnt]adj. 丰富的,充足的(ample, excessive, rich)

* accelerate [Ak5selEreit] v. 加速(hasten, pick up speed, speed up, quicken),促进(promote, step

up, stimulate)

* accessible [Ek5sesEbl]adj. 易接近的, 可到达的, 容易拿到的(at hand, available, convenient,

handy, with reach)

* accordingly [E5kC:diNli]adv.因此(therefore, thus, consequently, hence), 相应地


* accumulate [E5kju:mjuleit] v. 积累(build up, increase),聚集(assemble, bring together,

collect, gather, pile up)

* acquaint [E5kweint]vt.(与with 连用)使熟悉,使相识

acquaint sb. with...(=advise of, announce, disclose, inform of, notify, reveal, tell about) v.


*activate [5Aktiveit] vt. 刺激, 使活动(arouse, excite, initiate, motivate, stimulate, prompt, start)

+adhere [Ed5hiE] vi. 粘附,坚持(stick)

adhere to(=persist in, persevere in, insist on, stick to, follow) v. 坚持...

*administer [Ed5ministE]v. 管理(control, direct, lead, look after, manage, organize, oversee,

regulate, rule, run, supervise),给与(distribute, provide, supply), 用(药等)

+advent [5AdvEnt] n. (尤指不寻常的人或事)出现(appearance), 到来(arrival, reach)

+adverse [5AdvE:s] adj.敌对的(critical, hostile, unfriendly, unkind), 有害的(contrary, harmful,


*advertise [5AdvEtaIz] v. 做广告, 登广告,宣扬(announce, broadcast, display, notify, inform)

* advisable [Ed5vaizEbl] adj. 明智的(wise, sensible),可取的

* advocate[5AdvEkeIt] vt. 提倡(recommend),主张 n. 提倡者(supporter)

+affluent [5AfluEnt] adj. 丰富的(abundant, ample), 富裕的(prosperous, rich, wealthy)

* agreeable [E5^riEbl]adj.使人愉快的(pleasant, pleasing, cheerful, satisfying), 与...一致的(to)

+ alert [E5lE:t] adj. 提防的, 警惕的(attentive, careful, cautious) vt. 使...警觉(caution, warn)

+alien [5eiljEn]adj. 外国的(foreign), 相异的(strange, unfamiliar)n. 外国人, 外来人(foreigner)

+alleviate [E5li:vieit] vt.减轻, 缓解,缓和(diminish, ease, lessen, reduce, relieve)

*allocate [5AlEukeit] vt. 分派, 分配(distribute, assign)

+ambiguous [7Am5bi^juEs] adj. 模棱两可的, 不明确的(confusing, indefinite, puzzling,

uncertain, unclear, vague)

+ amend [E5mend] v. 修正, 改进(adjust, alter, change, correct, improve, remedy, modify, revise)

+ample [5Ampl] adj. 充足的(more than enough, sufficient), 丰富的(rich, abundant,

considerable, extensive, substantial), 宽敞的(great, large, big)

+amplify [5Amplifai] vt.(amplified, amplified, amplifying)扩大(add to, develop, enlarge, expand,

extend, lengthen), 增强(boost, increase, intensify), 详述(expand on)

+anonymous [E5nCnimEs] adj. 匿名的(unknown, unnamed, unidentified)

* anyhow [5enihau] adv. 无论如何(anyway, in any case), 总之

* appalling [E5pC:liN] adj. 令人震惊的(shocking), 可怕的(terrible, awful, frightening, horrible, terrifying)

* appetite [5Apitait]n. 食欲(stomach),胃口,(常与for连用)欲望(desire, hunger, passion) * applaud [E5plC:d] v. 拍手喝彩(cheer), 称赞(approve, compliment, praise)

+ appliance [E5plaiEns] n. 用具, 器具(apparatus, instrument, tool)

+ appraisal [E5preizEl] n. 评价, 估价(尤指估价财产,以便征税)(evaluation, assessment) * apt [Apt] adj. 易于...的(prone, likely),适当的(proper, appropriate, correct, right, fir, suitable) + aptitude [5Aptitju:d] n. 天才(genius, gift, talent),才能(capacity, faculty, ability, capability) * ascend[E5send] v. 攀登(climb, go up, mount, move up), 上升 (rise, soar)

* assign[E5sain] vt. 分配(allocate, distribute, give), 指派(appoint, choose, delegate, designate, nominate, select), 选定(时间, 地点)

+ assimilate [E5simileit] v. 吸收(absorb, digest, learn), 使同化

* attain [E5tein] vt. 达到(arrive at, get to, reach),获得(accomplish, achieve, acquire, complete, earn, fulfill, obtain, get, gain, secure, win)

* authentic [C:5Wentik] adj. 真正的(genuine, real, original, true), 可信的(reliable, believable, credible)

* authorize [5C:WEraIz] v. 授权, 批准(agree to, approve, consent to, entitle, permit, allow) * awkward[5C:kwEd]adj. 笨拙的(unskillful, clumsy),难以应付的(人)(difficult),使用不方便的(inconvenient)


+ bald [bC:ld] adj. 光秃的(uncovered, bare), 秃顶的(hairless), 赤裸裸的(naked)

+ barren [5bArEn] adj. 荒芜的(bare, desert, desolate, infertile), 不生育的, 不结果实的(unproductive, unfertile)

+ bearing [5bZEriN] n. 关系(connection, relationship, significance), 忍受, 举止(behavior, conduct, manners), (pl.)方向(direction, orientation)

+ beforehand [bi5fC:hAnd] adv. 预先(in advance),提前地(ahead of schedule)

* beneficial[beni5fiFEl]adj. 有利的(favorable, good, helpful, useful, profitable, valuable),受益的

+ bias[5baiEs] n. 偏心(preference),偏爱(injustice, prejudice)

*blend [blend]vt. 使...混和(combine, integrate, mingle, mix up) n. 混和(combination), 混合物(mixture, compound)

* bloom [blu:m] n. 花(flower, blossom), 旺盛v. (使)开花, (使)繁荣(flourish, thrive)

+blunder [5blQndE] n.大错, 失误(error, mistake, fault, slip)

+ blunt [blQnt] adj. 钝的, 迟钝的(dull, slow), 直率的(direct, frank, straightforward)

* bold [bEuld] adj.大胆的(brave, fearless, daring),冒失的(rude), 醒目的(字等)(clear, bright, obvious, prominent, striking, vivid)

+ bound [baund] adj. 必定的(certain, sure), 一定的, 正要到...去的, 开往...的, 受约束的 + breakdown [5breikdaun] n. (机器等)崩溃(failure),(健康,精神等)衰竭(collapse) * brutal [5bru:tl] adj. 残忍的(cruel, merciless), 野蛮的(wild)

+ bump [bQmp] v. 碰/撞(伤)(bang, collide with, crash into, knock, smash into, hit) n. 撞击(bang, blow, crash, hit, knock, smash), 肿块

bump into(= run into/knock into) v. 不期而遇;偶然碰见


* capability [7keipE5biliti] n. (实际)能力(ability, capacity, competence, faculty),性能(performance),容量(capacity, volume)

+ cardinal [5kB:dinEl] adj. 主要的(primary), 最重要的(important),基本的(elementary, essential)

* cautious [5kC:FEs]adj. 谨慎的,小心的(careful, attentive)

+ celebrity [si5lebriti] n. 名声(reputation, fame), 名人(big name)

* cheerful [5tFiEful]adj. 高兴的(glad, pleased, happy)

+ cherish [5tFeriF] vt. 珍爱(be fond of, care for, love, treasure, value), 怀抱(希望等)(nourish),抚育(bring up, raise, foster)

* childish [5tFaildiF]adj. 孩子气的,幼稚的(foolish, immature, silly)

* chip [tFip] n. 芯片, 薄片(slice),碎片(fragment, piece)

* clarify[5klArifai] v. 澄清, 阐明(explain, make clear, throw light on)

* classify[5klAsifai] vt. (classified, classified, classifying)分类, 分等级(arrange, group, organize, sort)

* climax [5klaimAks] n. 顶点(peak, high point, summit), 高潮 v.(使)达到顶点,(使)达到高潮

* clue [klu:]n. 线索,暗示(hint, cue)

+ clumsy [5klQmzi] adj. 笨拙的(awkward, unskillful)

* coarse[kC:s] adj. 粗糙的(rough, crude), 鄙俗的(impolite, rude, offensive)

* coincide [7kEuin5said]v. 一致(agree),符合,同时发生(happen together)

+collaborate[kE5lAbEreit] vi. 合作(work together, cooperate)

+ collide [kE5laid] vi. 碰撞(hit, crash, bump), 冲突(conflict)

+ collision [kE5liVEn] n. 碰撞(hit, crash, bump), 冲突(conflict)

+ combat [5kCmbEt]v. 战斗(fight), 搏斗(struggle) n.战斗(battle, fight)

* committee [kE5miti] n. 委员会(commission, council)

+ compatible [kEm5pAtEbl] adj. 谐调的(harmonious), 一致的(consistent)

+ compel [kEm5pel] vt. (compelled, compelled, compelling)强迫, 迫使(force, oblige) * compensate [5kCmpEnseit]v.偿还,补偿(make up)

+ competent [5kCmpitEnt] adj.有能力的(able, capable), 胜任的(adequate, qualified) * compile[kEm5pail] vt. 编辑(edit), 汇编

+ compliment [5kCmplimEnt] n. 称赞(approval, appreciation, praise)

+ comply[kEm5plai] vi.遵守, 依从

comply with(=conform to/abide by/observe/obey/follow)

v. 遵守/依从...

+ comprehend[7kCmpri5hend] vt. 领会, 理解(understand, catch on, follow)

+ comprehension[7kCmpri5henFEn] n. 理解(力)(understanding), 领悟

+ compress[kEm5pres] vt. 压缩(condense, cut down, reduce), 浓缩(concentrate) * compulsory[kEm5pQlsEri] adj.被强制的(required, imposed), 必修的,义务的

* conceive[kEn5si:v] vt.构思(主意, 计划等)(think of), 设想(imagine, assume)

* concerning [kEn5sE:niN] prep.关于(about)

+ concise [kEn5sais] adj.简明的(brief, short), 简练的

+ condense [kEn5dens] v. (condensed, condensed, condensing)(使)浓缩(concentrate), 压缩

(compress, cut down, reduce)

*confident [5kCnfidEnt]adj. 自信的(assured, certain, sure, positive),确信的(convinced) +confidential[kCnfi5denFEl] adj. 秘密的(secret, private), 机密的,表示信任(或亲密)的(personal, private)

* conform [kEn5fC:m] v. (与to, with连用)符合,与..一致, 使遵守

conform to(=comply with/obey/abide by/follow)v.与...一致, 遵照...

+ conquest[5kCNkwest] n. 征服(defeat, beat, overcome)

* consent[kEn5sent] v./n. 同意, 赞成

consent to(=approval of/comply with/agree to) v.同意...

+ consequent[5kCnsikwEnt] adj. 作为结果的, 随之发生的(following, subsequent)

*consequently[5kRnsIkwEntlI] adv.因此(so, therefore, thus, accordingly, hence)

+ considerate[kEn5sidErit] adj. 考虑周到的(thoughtful), 慎重的(careful)

+consolidate [kEn5sClideit] v. 巩固(reinforce, make strong, strengthen),合并(unite, combine)

+ contaminate[kEn5tAmineit] v. 污染(pollute)

+contend[kEn5tend] v. 斗争, 竞争(compete, contest, strive, struggle ), 主张(argue, assert, claim, maintain, allege, affirm)

contend with(=deal with/ cope with/ manage)v. 对付...

*content [kEn5tent]vt. 使满意(satisfy)adj.满意的(pleasing, satisfying, satisfactory) n. 满意(satisfaction)

*correspond[kCris5pCnd] vi. 符合(agree, conform), 通信(communicate), 相当(于)

*costly [5kCstli]adj. 昂贵的(expensive),贵重的

+courteous[5kE:tjEs] adj. 有礼貌的(polite, good-mannered)

*coverage[5kQvEridV] n. 新闻报告(report), 范围, 保险额

*credible [5kredEbl, -ibl]adj. 可信的(believable),可靠的(reliable, convincing)

+crude[kru:d] adj. 天然的(natural, raw), 未加工的(unprocessed), 粗糙的(coarse, rough), 拙劣的, 粗鲁的(impolite)

*cultivate[5kQltiveit] vt. 培养(foster, develop, promote), 耕作(farm, grow), 教化(civilize, educate)

+cute[kju:t] adj. 娇小玲珑的, 漂亮的(attractive, beautiful, pretty, handsome), 聪明的(clever, bright, intelligent)


*damp[dAmp] adj. 潮湿的(moist, wet)vt. 使潮湿(wet)

*deadly [5dedli]adj. 致命的(fatal, dangerous, terminal)adv. 如死一般地, 非常地(very, highly, greatly)

*decay[di5kei] vi. 腐烂(perish, go bad), 衰败(corrupt, worsen)

+deceive[di5si:v] v. 欺骗(cheat, trick, mislead),使弄错

*decent [5di:snt] adj. 正派的(nice, honest), 端庄的(elegant), 得体的, 大方的(acceptable, appropriate, courteous, polite, proper, respectable)

*decisive[di5saisiv] adj. 决定性的(crucial, final),果断的

*decrease [di:5kri:s]v. 减少(reduce, lessen, cut down) n. 减少,减少之量

+deduce[di5dju:s] vt. 推论(infer), 推断(conclude)

+defect[di5fekt] n.缺点(disadvantage, shortcoming, fault, weakness), 缺陷

+defer[di5fE:] vi. (deferred, deferred, deferring)推迟(suspend, postpone, put off), 延期

+deficient[di5fiFEnt] adj. 缺乏的(short, insufficient), 不足的

*defy[di5fai] vt. 不服从(disobey), 公然反抗, 藐视, 向...挑战(challenge)

*delete [di5 li:t]vt. 删除(write off, cancel,cross out )

*deliberate [di5libEreit]adj. 深思熟虑的(thoughtful, cautious, careful),故意的(intended)v. 仔细考虑(ponder)

+demolish[di5mCliF] vt. 拆毁(建筑物等)(pull down, break down, destory, wreck, knock down), 推翻(计划, 制度等)(overthrow, cancel)

*depart[di5pB:t] vi. 离开(go, leave, go away), 起程(start off, set out)

+depict[di5pikt] vt. 描述(describe), 描写

*depress[di5pres] vt. 使沮丧(discourage, upset), 使消沉, 使萧条

*deprive [di5praiv]vt. 剥夺(rob... of..., take ...away),使丧失

*derive [di5raiv]v. 得到(gain, obtain, get, acquire), 追寻...的起源, 派生

*desirable[di5zaiErEbl] adj.理想的(perfect, ideal), 称心的

*detain[di5tein] v. 拘留(arrest, capture)

*deteriorate[di5tiEriEreit] v. (使)恶化(worsen, become worse, decay)

*diagram[5daiE^rAm] n. 图表(chart, graph, illustration)

*digest [di5dVest; dai5dVest]vi. 消化(assimilate, absorb), 领会(comprehend, follow, grasp, understand)n. 文摘

*diligent[5dilidVEnt] adj. 勤勉的(industrious, hardworking)

*dim[dim] adj. 暗淡的(faint, dark), 模糊的(unclear)vt. 使暗淡

*diminish [di5miniF]v. (使)减少(lessen, reduce, decrease, cut down),(使)缩小

+discard[dis5kB:d] vt. 丢弃(throw away), 抛弃(abandon, give up), 解雇(dismiss, fire) *discharge[dis5tFB:dV] v./n. 释放(release, set...free), 排放出(give out, emit, let...outt), 放电 +discriminate[dis5krimineit] v. 歧视, 区别(distinguish, tell...apart)

+disgust[dis5^Qst] n. 厌恶(hatred)v. 令人厌恶(dislike, hate)

*dishonest[dis5Cnist] adj. 不诚实的(insincere, unfaithful)

+disparity[dis5pAriti] n. (职位、数量、质量等)不一致(disagreement, difference, distinction, variety, contrast)

+disperse[dis5pE:s] v. (使)分散, (使)散开(dismiss, scatter)

*dispose [dis5pEuz]v. 处理(deal with),安排(arrange,place)

dispose of(deal with, get rid of, throw away) v. 处理, 丢掉

*distinguished [dis5tiN^wiFt]adj. 杰出的,著名的(famous, noted)

*distress[dis5tres] n. 苦恼(worry, anxiety), 不幸(misfortune), 危难(difficulty), vt.使苦恼(annoy, upset, bother)

*diverse [dai5vE:s]adj. 不同的(different, distinct),变化多的(various)

*doctrine [5dCktrin] n. 教条, 学说(theory)

*domain [dEu5mein] n. 领土(land, territory), (活动、研究等的)领域(field, area)

*donate [dEu5neit]v. 捐赠(contribute, endow),赠予

*draft[drB:ft] n. 草稿, 草案, 汇票(bill of exchange)vt. 起草(draw up)

+duplicate[5dju:plikeit] vt. 复写, 复制(copy), 使加倍(double)n. 复制品(copy), 副本 *durable[5djuErEbl] adj.耐久的(lasting)

+dwell[dwel] vi. 居住(live)

*dynamic [dai5nAmik]adj.有活力的(energetic), 动力的, 动态的

