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时间:2016-10-08 11:36:42 来源:免费论文网


1. significant = enormous = dramatic = tremendous = appreciably = remarkable = crucial = substantial 巨大的,明显的,程度大的

2. rigid = stiff = unchanged = little change = invariable 一成不变的

3. exchange = swap = alter = shift…from… 交换,转换

4. approximately = nearly = almost 几乎

5. proportion = percentage = percent 比例

6. deplete = exhaust = exploit = run out of 开采完,耗尽

7. complex = complicated = sophisticated = intricate 错综复杂的

8. deadly = fatal = lethal = mortal 致命的

9. prosperous = thriving = booming (特指人口,行业) = flourishing 兴旺,繁荣

10. circumstance 环境(event社会)/ surroundings(around周边)/ environment 环境(influence环保)背景/ background 后台/ settings 后台,布景/ context 上下文(文章中)/ condition环境(location形势)/ situation(a state or position)

11. isolate =alienate (人与人)= insulate 隔绝,排外,孤立 – be alien to/ insulate (-ion) 绝缘,隔热(体)

12. substitution 替代物 – substitute sth for sb = replace/ alternative 选择性,代替性,辅助性

13. inventive (-tion) = innovative (-tion) = creative (-tion) = ingenious (-ity) = novel (-ty) = revolutionary (-tion) 创新的,新颖的

14. ambiguous (ambiguity) = obscure = vague=unclear=dim 模棱两可的,暧昧的

15. inadequate = insufficient ( insufficiency n.缺乏,短缺) = deficient = be lack (of) = be short (of) = be shortage of 缺乏的,短缺的

16. (be) skeptical (sceptical) = dubious = suspicious (about/of) 对……怀疑

17. contradictory = opposing = clashing = conflicting = incongruous 矛盾的,相反的

18. accelerate = speed up = increase speed = hasten = step up 加速

19. peripheral = marginal = fringe = bordering = unimportant = insignificant 次要的,边缘化的

20. create / gain efficiently = increase productivity 提高生产率/效率

21. poor = in poverty = impoverished = underdeveloped 贫穷的,落后的

22. associate with = link to = relate to = combine with 与……有关联

23. improve = enhance = promote = boost = strengthen 加强

24. neutral中立的,中性的/negative否定,消极,阴性的/positive 肯定,积极,阳性的

25. drawback = fault = defect = imperfection = failing = weakness = shortcoming = flaw 缺点,缺陷

26. bewildering = puzzling = perplexing = confusing = baffling= embarrassing令人困惑的

27. handicap = disabled = primitive 残疾的,落后的

28. caliber = criterion = standard = specification 标准

29. unsatisfactory = hardly be looked upon 不令人满意的

30. be alike/ be similar to = be resemble in = be identical to 相似的

31. barrier = hurdle = obstacle 障碍

32. address = solve = resolve = cope with = deal with = tackle the problem 解决问题

33. emphasize = stress = highlight = focus on = concentrate on = pay attention to 强调,重视

34. apparently = patently = obviously = evidently = clearly 显而易见的

35. molten rock = lava = magma 岩浆

36. degenerate (-tion) = degrade = deteriorate 恶化,每况愈下

37. make up one’s mind to do = be determined to do 下定决心

38. indicate = demonstrate (具体动作)= display = exhibit = illustrate(举例) 展现,证明

39. in terms of = concerning = considering = with regard to 考虑到

40. reduced = declined = downward trend 下降的趋势

41. pesticide 杀虫/ suicide 自杀/ homicide/ murder 杀人 massacre大屠杀

42. a vast array of = a great variety of = a great range of 各种各样的+可数或不可数

43. chronic 长期的,慢性/ long-term 长期的/ acute 急性的,短时的/ short-term 短期的

44. impede = keep…from… = prevent…from… = stop…from… = inhibit =forbid 阻止,禁止

45. result in = lead to = cause = bring about = induce 导致

46. include = embrace = comprehend = comprise = cover = involve = constitute = consist of 包括

47. constrain = restrict = limit = confine 限制

48. reduce = decline = cut = lessen = diminish = eliminate=decrease 减少,消除

49. predict = expect = anticipate 预期

50. conclude = make/reach a conclusion = put down to = prove that = attribute to = turn out to 归结为……

51. eminent=famous=well-known=celebrated=noted=renowned=notorious(famous for sth bad) 著名的/ imminent 即将发生的

52. deduce(推断)/induce(引诱 导致)/reduce(减小)


篇二:建筑设计条件中英文Design condition

Design Conditions


一、Your requirement for the project (function, scale, etc.).


二、Your local laws、regulations and rules for the project.


三、Your other requirement for the project.


四、Basic data you should provide:


(一) Resources. The natural resource condition of the project.


(二) Abuttals and geography data. District relief map would better be 1/5000 (scale), site

relief map would better be 1/500 – 1/1000 (scale).

地界与地貌资料。区域地形图宜为1/5000(比例尺),场址地形图选1/500 – 1/1000(比例尺)。

(三) Weather data. (Air temperature, precipitation,wind, mist and sunlight, etc. )


(四) Hydrology geology data.


(五) Engineering geology surveys data.


(六) Transportation condition: highway, railway and water transport, air transport, etc.

The circumstance of road system.


(七) Water supply and sewerage condition.


(八) Energy supplies condition: (heating, fuel gas and power supply, etc.)


(九) Telecommunication (telephone, television, fax and network) condition.


(十) Security project condition. The space requirement between the site and the

neighborhood. The rules of the security, sanitation, vision, environmental protection and civil air defense, waterproof, etc.



(十一) Landscape and environment. The precaution of the local Administration for

protection of cultural relics and natural landscape on the site, whether there are animal and plant life natural reserve.



(十二) Construction condition. The region and foreign building materials supply,

capacity, price. The local construction technique ability and level. The lifting capacity and quantity of the machine, and the construction period, and water, power, labors supply condition.




爱好:avocation, liking, fondness, hobby, fancy, passion, gusto, penchant

暗:darkness, gloom, shadow, shade

比赛,竞赛:game, match, competition, contest, tournament, challenge, championship

边缘:edge, limit, margin, threshold, boundary, bounds, border, frontier, verge

病:illness, disorder, disease, sickness, ailment, trouble, problem

不满意:depressed, discontented

不正常的:eccentric, insane, irregular

不足:shortage, scarcity, rarity

部分:part, section, segment, fraction, fragment, share, portion

财产,财富:property, belongings, possession, goods, asset, wealth

承认,接收: acknowledge, accept, admit, recognize, concede, confess, submit, agree, assent, consent

承认: acknowledgement, admission, confession, acceptance, concession, adoption

诚实,忠诚: honesty, trust, trustworthiness, faith, reliance, reliability, integrity, loyalty, constancy

崇拜,喜欢:admire, cherish, idolize, revere, worship. adore

触摸:touch, contact, tap

粗鲁无礼:rudeness, impudence, impertinence, insolence, disrespect

粗鲁无礼的:rude, impudent, impertinent, insolent, fresh

到达<目的>,完成:achieve, carry out, complete, do, finish, fulfill, accomplish

道歉,宽恕:apology, forgiveness, pardon

地位:status, class, condition, grade, station, rank, position

调整,调节:adapt, alter, arrange, change, modify, vary

动作:act, action, activity, behavior

发疯的:mad, crazy, abnormal, insane, unbalanced

发展,演变:development, evolution

法律,规章:bill, act, constitution, code, law, regulation, rule

法律,原则,标准:law, act, decree, edict, ordinance, principle, standard, proclamation, regulation, rule

反叛:rebellion, revolt, rising, revolution, subversion, overthrow

放弃权利;辞职:abdicate, abandon, give up, quit

废除,取消:cancel, destroy, exterminate, wipe out, put an end to, do away with

愤怒:anger, temper, annoyance, provocation, displeasure, vexation, irritation, fury, rage

风:wind, breeze, gale

服装:clothes, clothing, dress, wear

改变,使多样化:vary, alter, change, deviate, differ

感觉,态度等心理:opinion, attitude, belief, conception, conviction, estimation, feeling, idea, impression, judgment, outlook, sentiment, thought, view

工业,商业:industry, business, labor, manufacture, trade, work

工作:assignment, business, duty, employment, labor, position, task, toil, work

关税:tariff, tax, duty

关系:concern, nexus, relation, relationship, connection, bond

国会,议会:assembly, congress, senate, council, committee, convention, legislature, parliament

国家:country, land, nation, state

过程,制作法:course, procedure, process, mode, way, step, means, manner, operation

海边:coast, shore, beach

活力:energy, life, vitality

机会:opportunity, chance, opening

加快:accelerate, hasten, hurry, quicken, speed up

间隙:break, interval, interlude, intermission

建议:suggestion, proposal, proposition

建筑:building, architecture

建筑物:building, construction, architecture

降低,减少,缩小:decrease, lessen, reduce, abate, rebate, reduce, curtail, contract, detract abase, degrade, demote, dwindle, reduce, shrink, abridge, compress condense, shorten

角色:role, character, part

教授,训练:teach, instruct, educate, train, coach, tutor, discipline, school

教育:education, schooling, tutelage

结束:close, closedown, conclusion, end, finish, halt, stop, stoppage, terminal, termination

介绍:introduction, presentation, recommendation

经济:economy, saving, thrift, frugality

惊讶:surprise, wonder, astonishment, amazement

精力:省略:能:drive, force, might, potency, power, strength, vigor, vim, vitality

景观:view, scene, scenery

居住者:resident, dweller, occupant, occupier, inhabitant

开始,初期:beginning, starting, inception, infancy, origin, birth

考虑:consideration, reflection, speculation, deliberation, meditation, contemplation

可怕的:awful, terrible, dreadful, horrible, appalling, frightful

恐惧:fear, fright, scare, dread, terror, alarm, panic

困难的,难的:difficult, arduous, hard, rough, rugged

垃圾:rubbish, garbage, refuse, waste

来源:beginning, deviation

理解,领会:comprehension, understanding

量度,尺寸:appraise, assess, compare, estimate, grade, rank, rate, size

流行:popularity, prevailance, vogue

陆地:土地:land, earth, ground, shore, soil, surface

路,距离:course, distance, line, length, path, road, route

论文:composition, dissertation, thesis, paper



abut v. 接界,毗连

adjacent adj. 接近的,毗连的

coterminous adj. 毗连的,有共同边界的


gosling n. 小鹅,年轻无知的人

ignoramus n. 无知者,笨蛋

ignorance n. 无知


bile n. 胆汁

bilious adj. 多胆汁的,坏脾气的

gall n. 胆汁(bile),怨恨(hatred)

barbecue n. 烤肉架,烤肉

baste v. 倒脂油于(烤肉上,以防烤干)

gridiron n. 烤架,橄榄球场

grill v. 烤,烤问

n. 烤架

parch v. 烘烤,干热

scorch v. 烤焦,烧焦

skewer n. (烤肉用的)串肉杆

v. 用杆串好

broil v. 烤,烧


amorphous adj. 无定形的,散漫的

desultory adj. 不连贯的,散漫的

diffuse v. 散布,(光等)漫射

adj. 漫射的,散漫的
