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篇一:当代商务英语听说教程2 Listening script 3

Unit 3

Part 1 Practical Listening & Speaking

B Functional listening

Task two (P27)

F: Good morning, Continental Hotel. How may I help you?

M: Good morning. I’d like to book some accommodation for five nights from July 3 to 7.

F: From July 3 to 7. Just one moment, sir. There aren’t many vacancies left because of the trade fair. What kind of rooms would you like?

M: I’d like to book three double rooms all on the same floor.

F: Yes, you’re very lucky. There are only three double rooms left, but they are on different floors.

M: That’s OK. What’s the daily rate?

F: Double rooms are RMB 900 per night.

M: What are they like?

F: All the rooms are overlooking the city. They are balconies and bathrooms. M: OK. Do you have a conference room I can reserve for July 5?

F: We have a nice quiet room that can take 3 people. Would that be suitable? M: That would be fine.

F: Can I have your telephone number?

M: Yes, it’s 46792345.

B Business culture (P31)

1、acceptable 2、target 3、prefer 4、achieved 5、simply 6、misunderstandings

7、business 8、shocked 9、dishes 10、shocking 11、home-cooked 12、wine 13、attending

Part 3 Listening Practice

A Listening focus

Task one (P34)


2、The Atlantic OceanThe Pacific Oceanon the east coast

3、westthe cinemanorthwestthe cinemasouththe hotelnortheastthe shopping centereast the shopping center

Task one (P35)


B Dictation

Task one (P37)

1、inclined2、outweigh3、compliment4、I’m so glad you liked it5、distinctive6、take pride7、modesty8、three refusals

Task two (P37)

1、 I’d like to book a hotel room for five nights.

2、 Modesty taken to extreme is arrogance.

3、 Kunlun Hotel is within walking distance to the Grand Theater.

4、 I’d like to reserve a single room with a bath for a client for two days.

5、 I’ll book the room now and call you back later to confirm.

Conversation 1 (P37)

F: Room Reservations. Can I help you?

M: Yes, I’d like to book a single room with a bath for a client from the afternoon of October 4 to the morning of October 10.

F: Yes, we do have a single room available for those dates.

M: What’s the rate, please?

F: The current rate is $50 per night.

M: What services come with that?

F: For $50 you’ll have a radio, a color television, a telephone and a major international newspaper delivered to your room every day.

M: Is there a discount rate for conference delegates?

F: Yes, there is. I think it’s 10%, but I can check that for you.

M: OK, do you mind if I book it provisionally for now and I’ll call you back later to confirm? I just need to check one or two details. By the way, I’d like a quiet room away from the street if that’s possible.

F: That’s fine, sir. Can I help you with anything else?

M: No, that’s all for now. Thank you and goodbye.

F: Goodbye.

Conversation 2 (P38)

Tony: Hello, Shanghai Holidays. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I took a brochure yesterday and now I’d like to book a holiday please. Tony: OK, which holiday are you interested in?

Customer: The one on page 43. Can you tell me how much this holiday cost, please? Tony: Yes, sir. It costs 858 dollars.

Customer: That’s expensive. How long does it take?

Tony: That package takes two weeks.

Customer: And when does it begin?

Tony: It begins in September. And now that one is on special offer. You can get 10 percent discount.

Customer: Good. How can I book it?

Tony: You need to fill in the booking form. We need your full address and a deposit of

20 percent. You can pay by cash or credit card. We then need to receive the balance at least ten days before the holiday begins.

Customer: OK, I know. Thank you very much.

Tony: My pleasure.

D Passage

My name is David Anderson. I’m the Operations Manager of the Shang Ri-La Hotel in Shanghai. I’m responsible for the day to day running of the hotel. So the manager of each department, reports to me. It’s my role to set them objectives and to ensure certain standards are maintained at all times.

Also, as the Operations Manager, I have direct responsibility for the reservations department in the hotel, which is the most, in terms of profit and revenue, important department in the hotel. It’s where we make 60% of our revenue in the hotel.

People can book hotels in a number of ways, including the most convenient way- the Internet, which is becoming more and more important for hotel bookings. We have to be aware of it because it’s a different method guests can use to book rooms.

So, we have to make sure we are offering the right rates, at the right time and in simple English, so that everyone around the world can understand, as now it is not just travel agents accessing the hotel information, it’s somebody sitting at home.

篇二:当代商务英语 听说教程 Listening script 6

Unit 6

Part 1 Practical Listening & Speaking

B Functional listening

Task two (P72)

Sam: Thank you for showing me around the showroom.

Peg: You’re welcome. Shall we have a look at the catalogue? Which products are you interested in?

Sam: Could you turn to page 3? I’m interested in these three chair models. I’d like 50 units for each model.

Peg: Let me write down the product numbers. What about the brochure stands on page 5? How many would you like?

Sam: OK. I would like 20 budget ones and 30 luxury ones.

Peg: I’ve noted them down. OK, let’s come to the workstations on Page 7. These are the models you’ve just seen in the showroom.

Sam: Yes, they look attractive.

Peg: Could I recommend BX123 to you? Though it’s a bit more expensive than other models, its style is perfect for your office.

Sam: OK, I’d like to have 10 units of BX123.

Peg: Is there anything else?

Sam: No, that’s all for the moment. When could you give us a quotation for these products?

Peg: We can send you a quotation by January 4th.

Sam: That’s great. Thank you for your help.

Peg: My pleasure.

Part 3 Listening Practice

A Listening focus

Task one (P77)

1、 When you see the sign, you can’t turn left.

2、 It’s a regulatory sign for stop.

3、 It’s a no through sign.

4、 It’s a sign which means there is a roundabout ahead.

5、 It’s a no entry sign.

6、 It’s a stop ahead sign.

7、 The sign indicates the maximum speed allowed by law on a particular piece of road.

8、 The sign tells you that there is a cycle route ahead.

9、 It’s a school crossing sign.

10、 When you see the sign you can’t stop, you must go straight.

B Dictation

Task one (P79)

1、customers 2、It’s important to understand your product from the customers’ point

of view. 3、specific buyer 4、target audience 5、the benefits 6、be added

7、determine 8、The list will be used in positioning the product.

Task two (P80)

1、In your e-store, always include searchable keyboards in product description.

2、When describing your product, remember the three C’s: compelling, concise, and correct.

3、Your description should not merely be a bland specification of your product.

4、It should be defined in terms of what exactly you are providing your customers.

5、Look at your description carefully and ask if it is tempting enough.

C Conversations

Conversation 1(P80)

M: Good afternoon, Madam. What can I do for you?

F: I’m interested in buying a car.

M: Do you have any preference?

F: Not really. But I think it should be energy saving.

M: How about the Mini over there between the Lancia and Volvo? It costs $2830 and is cheap to run: it does 38 miles per gallon. Or there’s the Citroen, behind the Mini. It’s even cheaper to run: it does 45 miles per gallon and costs only $2070. It is not very fast though, it only does 69 miles per hour.

F: I’m afraid the Mini and the Citroen are too small. I’ve got three children. Isn’t there anything bigger?

M: Well, there’s the Toyota over there, to the left of Peugeot. It’s very comfortable and cheap to run too, costing $3040. It does only 36 miles per gallon and it also has a built-in radio.

F: Well, I’ll consider that. And what color are you offering? I don’t like blazing red. M: Oh, yes. We also have intense black and rainforest green for this model.

F: Um, I think I’d like to see the black one.

Conversation 2(P81)

F: Our company is a professional manufacturer of craft candles, which are popular among many clients abroad. We produce three main series and more than 300 varieties. M: Can I have a look at your catalogue?

F: Sure. This is it. These are the most popular candles today: aromatherapy candles and ice-cream candles.

M: I see. They are lovely.

F: First, let me explain the aromatherapy candles. They are made of transparent jelly, which lifelike fruit in it. The aroma can be customized to your order. We also have detailed specifications on this page.

M: Um, burning approximately 25 hours

F: Yes, long enough for several romantic occasions, right?

M: Good. What’s the minimum order?

F: 1000 pieces, and it’s the same with all the other models. You may look at some other models below.

M: Well, the ice-cream candles look exactly like real ice-creams.

F: Right, they are a kind of gel candles. Light them after a long day and you will feel relaxed and totally renewed with energy. They light 80 hours, even longer than

aromatherapy candles.

M: That’s impressive. How long is the ship date?

F: Ten days. Our clients are mainly from Europe, North America and Southeast Asia. We’ve successfully maintained a long-term partnership with all of them.

D Passage (P82)

When two people are talking to each other, they tend to stand a specific distance apart. Each person has an invisible boundary around their body into which other people may not come. If someone pierces this boundary, they will feel uncomfortable and move away to increase the distance between them. This personal distance is not due to body odor or bad breath, but because closeness leads a sense of intimacy that is at odds with their relationship to the other individual.

Interestingly, the average personal distance varies from culture to culture. Americans tend to require more personal space than people in other cultures. So if you try to get too close to an American during your conversation, he or she will feel that you are “in their face” and will try to back away. Try to be aware of this, so if the person to whom you are speaking backs away a little, don’t try to close the gap.

Also, try to avoid physical contact while you are speaking, since this may also lead to discomfort. Touching is a bit too intimate for casual acquaintances. So don’t put your arm around their shoulder, touch their face, or hold their hand.

篇三:当代商务英语 听说教程 2Listening script 2

Unit 2

Part 1 Practical Listening & Speaking

B Functional listening

Task 2 (P14)

May: Good morning. May Wang speaking.

Paul: Hi, Ms. Wang. This is Paul Gary from KIP in London.

May: Hi, Mr. Gary. What can I do for you?

Paul: I’m ringing about our appointment at 11 a.m. on June 6th. I am afraid I can’t make it.

May: Oh, that’s a pity. What happened?

Paul: My flight has been delayed for four hours, and I have a feeling it may be longer than that.

May: Oh, I see. Then when will you arrive in Shanghai?

Paul: I’m not sure now. Could we reschedule our appointment for the same time on June 7th?

May: Sorry. I’m afraid I’ve made another appointment for then.

Paul: How about the afternoon?

May: I’m free after 3:00. Is 3:30 good for you?

Paul: Yes. That’s good for me. Then I will see you at 3:30 p.m. on June 7th. I’m sorry for the change.

May: It’s all right. These things happen.

Paul: Thank you for being so understanding. Goodbye.

May: Bye.

Part 3 Listening Practice

A Listening focus

Task one (P20)

Hello, Passengers of Flight 17 bound for Caracas, with stops of Atlanta and Miami, the departure gate has been changed to 30B. Also, there will be a slight departure delay due to severe weather outside. The ground crew is in the process of getting rid of the ice on the wings in preparation for departure. It also looks like the flight is slightly overbooked, so we are offering free round trip tickets for a few passengers willing to take a later flight. We should be boarding at about a quarter to nine. Thank you for your patience.

Task two(P21)

Good afternoon, passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for Flight 89B to Rome. We are now inviting those passengers with small children and any passengers

requiring special assistance to begin boarding at this time, please have your boarding pass and identification ready, regular boarding will begin in approximately 10 minutes time. Thank you.

B Dictation(P21)

Task 1

1、breaks down2、happening3、the actual attitude to time is much looser

4、servant5、short of 6、escaping7、abundant8、flexible Task 2

1、 Three o’clock is difficult, but I could make it after four.

2、 I was calling to change our meeting next week.

3、 I’ll just look in the diary and Wednesday is convenient for me.

4、 Mr. Johnson has to cancel the appointment with you this morning because he has got something urgent to deal with.

5、 People can experience time in different ways when they cross cultures.

C Conversation 1(P21)

Mr. Lee: Good morning, this is Hey Lee, is that Mr. Jones speaking?

Mr. Jones: Hello, Mr. Lee. I’ve been hoping to run into you. Are you busy tomorrow morning?

Mr. Lee: Let me see. Wednesday morning? Yes, I am booked solid all morning. What’s up?

Mr. Jones: I was hoping to talk to you about the sales project for next year. I am having a little trouble figuring out how to use the spreadsheet you set up for me. It has a lot of complicated formulas embedded in it.

Mr. Lee: I can explain them to you, it will just take half an hour. How about Friday afternoon?

Mr. Jones: Oh, sorry, that’s not good for me, I’m tied up all day Friday, we will have to do it next week. I am wide open then.

Mr. Lee: OK. Shall we say next week on Tuesday at 2:30?

Mr. Jones: Sure, that will be fine for me. I’ll come to your office then.

C Conversation 2(P22)

John: Hello, can I speak to Philip Acheson?

Philip: Hello, John. What can I do for you?

John: We are due to meet on Tuesday at 2:30.

Philip: Yes.

John: Well, not to beat about the bush, I am going to ask you to put off our meeting for a day or two. And I’d like to be perfectly honest and tell you why.

Philip: I am listening.

John: I really hate changing an appointment, Philip. And I know it will be

inconvenient for you, but the fact is …

Philip: Then we have to postpone it?

John: It’s very kind of you. Would Thursday be convenient for you?

Philip: Could you hold on a minute, John? Let me see the dairy. Thursday is difficult. But I could make it on Friday.

John: That sounds fine. Then we shall meet on Friday, the same time 2:30? Thank you very much.

Philip: OK. See you then. Bye.

John: Bye.

D Passage (P23)

Time is everywhere and it affects everyone, but surprisingly one second in Beijing is not necessarily the same as one in Cairo. Why? Because people have different attitudes to time and experience time in different ways. Usually the different attitudes in time do not create major problems between people. Often, you will quickly learn how another culture works, whether you need to be punctual for meetings or whether “let me at 9:00 a.m. ”actually means 1:00 p.m.

But on occasion, it can go wrong and then it can have distressing effects.

If you want to be effective in a culture you are going into, you need to be aware of your own attitude to time and task.

If you come from a culture which is more flexible and perhaps focus on relationships more, then you will need to adjust. If you come from a culture which is much more focused on things getting done in a short period of time and much more linear in its time management, vice versa. If you are coming from a culture such as UK, Germany or the U.S, and you are going to a culture where time is flexible, where relationships are more important, you will need to make some major adjustments.
