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Unit13 Rainy days make me sad同步试题(1)


( )1. The rainy day _________ me sad and angry.

A. make B. makes

C. making D. to make

( )2. The movie made __________ feel energetic.

A. he B. his

C. they D. them

( )3. Loud music always makes us ___________.

A. want dance B. to want dance

C. want to dance D. to want to dance

( )4. Excuse me, could you help me? I don’t know _________ exchange money.

A. how to B. how

C. how can D. how can I

( )5. _________ his new sunglasses _______ Tony look mysterious.

A. Wears…make B. Wears…makes

C. Wearing…make D. Wearing…makes

( )6. As students, we are supposed to spend more time _________ .

A. study B. studied

C. studying D. to study

( )7. Usually soft colors make people __________.

A. relaxing B. relaxed

C. exciting D. excited

( )8. I am sorry that I have kept you ___________ me so long.

A. waiting B. waiting for

C. to wait D. to wait for

( )9. .The dish looks good, but when I eat it, it ________very terrible.

A. tastes B. smell

C. look D. sounds

( )10--- Mom, I want to buy this dictionary. It is good but it’s too__________.

--- Let me see… It is really a useful dictionary. And the price is __________. OK, I will buy it for you.

A. high…low B. expensive…cheap

C. high…cheap D. expensive…low

二. 汉译英












Restaurant owner have to know how to make food. They also have to know how to ____1____. Here are some things they have learnt _____2_____ scientific studies. The color red makes people _____3_____. Red also makes customers eat faster. Many fast food restaurant, therefore, have red furniture or walls. Soft colors like pink and light blue make people_____4_____, so they spend more time ____5____ their meals. Soft _____6_____ makes people look good, but it makes food look bad. Loud music may be nice at first, but it soon makes people want to leave. _____7_____seats also make customers want to ______8_____quickly and leave. Many restaurants, especially fast food restaurants, use this ______9_____to make customers eat faster. Customers only sit for about 20 minutes before they leave, because customers don’t stay very long. Small restaurants can _____10______many people every day.

1. _________ 2 __________ 3.__________ 4._________

5. _________ 6. _________ 7. __________ 8. _________

9._________ 10._________


Color Mixing

Did you ever wonder how paints or crayons(彩色粉笔) make all of those different colors when you paint or draw? If you're thinking like a scientist, you may already suspect that it has something to do with light. The ordinary white light that we see every day is really made up of a whole rainbow of colors. All of the rainbow colors, -- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet -- and all of the shades in between, are contained in ordinary sunlight. All of them mixed together make the light that we see by, which is usually called white light.

The next thing that you need to know is that most objects(物体) absorb (吸收) some colors of light. An object that is blue absorbs all other colors except blue, and reflects (反射)only the blue. That is why a blue car, a blue notebook, and blue jeans look blue. They reflect only the blue light.

A yellow school bus absorbs all of the colors except yellow, and reflects only yellow. Big Bird and Sponge Bob reflect yellow light too.

It works the same way with paint and other art materials. Red paint absorbs all colors of light except red, and reflects only red. You could say that it subtracts out all of the other colors and leaves only red. That's why using paint, crayons, colored pencils, or markers are called color subtraction.

The three primary colors for color subtraction are red, yellow, and blue. When you want more colors than just the three primary colors, you will need in-between shades of paint that reflect just the shades of light that you want.

Artists often use a color wheel to organize colors. On a color wheel, the three primary colors are arranged evenly around the wheel, with space for more colors in between. In between the primary colors are the secondary colors. Orange is between red and yellow. Purple, is between red and blue. Green is between blue and yellow. These six primary and secondary colors are bright clear colors that really catch your eyes. Advertisements and children's books use a lot of primary colors.

( )1. The white light is made up of _____________.

A. red, yellow and blue

B. a whole rainbow

C. a whole rainbow of colors and all of the shades

D. the sunlight

( ) 2. Red paint absorbs ____________.

A. red light

B. green and blue light

C. all colors except white

D. all colors except red

( ) 3. A color wheel is used to _____________.

A. mix paint

B. organize colors

C. absorb some colors

D. practice painting

4. The meaning of Rainbow is ______________________ (in Chinese).

5. 请根据文章的描述,写出下图中字母所对应的颜色的名称。


1.A. 请根据下列句子的提示,将方框里的词汇分类,将字母填在相应的句子的横线上;然后再在括号里补充一个。

1) Some music can make people feel _______________________. ()

2) Some music can make people (do) _______________________. ()

3) Some music can be ___________________________________. ()

B. 请根据你的实际情况回答:

1) --- How do you feel about country music?

--- It makes me _________________________________________________.

2) --- How does your best friend feel about ______________________?

--- __________________ _______________________________________.

2. 根据下列文段仿写

My favorite color is red. I like red very much because it usually makes me excited. When I see the color red, I feel energetic and want to play sports. I also like red clothes and other things with red. But sometimes, it doesn’t make me go to sleep easily.

3. 请仔细看下列图片,谈谈它们对你的影响以及原因 (每幅图限用:(15’) (可参照所给例句,尽量用不同句型来表达)

1.SARS makes me scared because it is very dangerous. And I can’t go out to study and play.







一、B D C A D C B B A D

二、1. Soft/Quiet/Gentle/Light music makes him relaxed.

2.Sad movies always make me want to leave.

3.Waiting for the bus make them kind of worried.

4.How do you feel about pollution?

5.Restaurant owners have to know how to make food, and also have to know how to make money.

三、make money, from, hungry, relaxed, eating, lighting, Hard, eat, knowledge, serve

四、C D B 彩虹

purple, orange, green, dark

五、1. A部分: D E F JB G I L A D H K

B.部分: It makes me feel sleepy.

How does your best friend feel about pop music/

It makes her excited.

2. My friends favorite color is blue. She likes blue very much because it usually makes her relaxed. When she sees the color blue, she feels quiet and want to write poems. She also likes blue clothes and other things with blue. But sometimes, it makes her want to sleep.

3.1. SARS makes me scared because it is very dangerous. And I can’t go out to study and play.

2. Snowy days make me excited because it is very cool. And I can play outside.

3. Tigers make me scared because they are very dangerous. And I am afraid of them.

4. Swimming makes me happy because I like this sport. And I am good at it.

5. Smoking makes me feel sick because it is not good to people. And I never smoke.

6. Heavy traffic makes me worried because it is terrible. And I always arrive late to school because of that.

Unit13 Rainy days make me sad同步试题(2)


I am invited to my pen-friends home in America.But I am not sure what I can give him as a gift.Can you help me?(我被邀请到美国的一个朋友家去做客,但我不知道该带什么礼物。你能帮助我吗?)



1___________ 2___________3__________4____________5____________


6The storm took place_________.

A. in the morning B. in the afternoon

C. while I was in the back roomD. while I was in the garden

7Before the storm came, the weather was_________.

A. cold B. cool

C. hot D. warm

8The storm went on for_________.

A. more than three hours B. three hours

C. less than three hoursD. two hours

9The wind blew some pieces of paper_________.

A. all over the floorB. out of the door

C. into the back room D. out of the open window

10 The top of the back room was broken by_________.

A. the hot air B. the crashing sound



Unit13 We’re trying to save the earth .单元训练


1.Smoking is h________ to our health.

2.The girl is u________, but her sister is beautiful.

3.My father likes wearing his ________ (木制的) shoes.

4.We should bring ________ (塑料) bags for shopping.

5.He had the ________ (长处) of a good education.

6.I can't ________ (买得起) to buy the car, because I don't have enough money.

7.We should collect the ________ (可重复使用的) materials in our life.

8.I don't like to use public ________ (交通运输), because it's not convenient for me.

9.Now the air has become badly ________ (污染),we have to keep it clean.

10.I have taken part in an ________ (环境的) project since last year.

11.In order to protect the environment, it's important for us to r________ used books and paper.

12.Obama is the p________ of the U.S.A.

13.My English teacher is waiting for my parents at the school ________ (大门).

14.The table is made of ________ (金属).

15.My mother gave me two________ (瓶) of milk.


1.I saw two ________ (fisherman) selling fishes in the market.

2.Throwing ________ (litter) away isn't allowed.

3.He has many ________ (advantage).We like to get on well with him.

4.The best ________ (method) to protect the environment is to avoid kinds of pollution.

5.The price of these oranges is ________ (low) than that of those apples.

6.Everyone is ________ (try) to improve the environment at present.

7.The teacher often tells us saving the earth ________ (begin) with small things.

8.We always save electricity by ________ (turn) off the light when we leave the room.

9.Our head teacher told us we had to make a plan before ________ (take) action.

10.We should obey the school rules and________ (be) strict with ourselves.

11.You had better take your own bags when ________ (shop).

12.What was the air pollution ________ (cause) by?

13.Have you ever ________ (throw) away things you don't like to use?

14.I have also ________ (set) up a website to sell clothes online.

15.Can the book be ________ (bring) back to my room?


( )1.He would like to ________the next Clean-up Day.

A.play with B.play to C.play against D.play a part in

( )2.We will help to ________ the city.

A.clean out B.clean up C.clean on D.cleaned out

( )3.I watched TV________ doing my homework last Sunday.

A.instead B.instead of C.but D.and

( )4.This blue shirt ________ him 20 dollars.

A.cost B.spend C.take D.pay

( )5.We should stop ________ trees at will (随意).

A.cutting offB.cutting downC.cutting down on

( )6.Not only ________ dance well, but he sings very well.

A.he does B.does he C.does D.he D.cutting up

( )7.I think simple things like bike ________ can help to keep healthy.

A.ride B.ridingC.to ride D.rode

( )8.His work really ________ in the factory.

A.makes a different B.makes difference C.makes different D.makes a difference

( )9.The number of the students in our school ________ in the last few years.

A.has fallen B.had fallen C.fell D.has fell

( )10.He can ________ dance, because his leg was badly hurt.

A.no moreB.no longerC.not more D.not longer

( )11.—Have you had your breakfast yet?—No. Mom ________ it for me now.

A.was cooking B.is cooking C.cooks D.cooked

( )12.Miss Lin ________ a lot of work for the poor area since 2010.

A.does B.didC.has done D.will do

( )13.In recent years, the economy of our country ________ rapidly.

A.is increasingB.have increasedC.increased

D.has increased ( )14.There used ________ a small river in front of my house. The water in it was clean.

A.beB.to be C.to beingD.is

( )15.—How long can I ________ the book?—For two weeks.

A.keepB.borrow C.lend D.buy

( )16.The film had ________ for ten minutes when I ________ to the cinema.

A.been on; gotB.begun; got C.began; g D.been on; get

( )17.—It's difficult to get to the other side of the river.—I think a bridge ____ over the river.

A.should be built B.should build C.will build

( )18.—Must we wear our school uniform this afternoon?

—No, you______. All of us will go on an outing.

A.mustn't B.can't C.needn't D.couldn't D.has built

( )19.—Is that your teacher?

—That ________ be Mr. Wang. He has gone to Canada with his wife.

A.can't B.mustn'tC.can D.must

( )20.Jimmy, you ________ play with the knife. You ________ hurt yourself.

A.won't; can't B.mustn't; may C.shouldn't; must

( )21.I was doing homework ________ the phone bell rang.

A.when B.while C.asD.if D. can't; should

( )22.The old man lives in a house that ________ out of the stones.

A.builtB.was builtC.build D.to build

( )23.Look! An old tall building is being ________.

A.pulled out B.pulled down C.pulled in D.pulled off

( )24.Song Zuying is known ________ a singer.

A.for B.as C.ofD.to

( )25.We ________ you to have a good trip.

A.wish B.hope C.wish with D.hope to

( )26.Mr.Green asked us to stop ________.So we stopped ________ to him at once.

A.talking; listening B.to talk; listeningC.talking; to listen D.to talk; to listen

( )27.Waste paper must be ________ good use.

A.putB.put toC.to put D.puts

( )28.The lake near my home used to ________ clean. But now it's too dirty.

A.was B.is

C.be D.are

( )29.My father plans ________ an article about new methods of ________ math.

A.to write; learn B.writing; learning C.to write; learning D.writing; to learn

( )30.________ pretty, but also she is intelligent.

A.She is not onlyB.Not only she is C.Not only is she D.Not she only is



What you have told me may to my own position.


Please the water while you brush your teeth.


We should school activities on time.


I50 yuanthe coat yesterday.


We old houses and built new ones.


I can the car.

7、 我在跑步方面条件比他优越。

I him in running.

8、 我们应该使用可再次利用的袋子而不是纸袋子。

We should use reusable bags plastic bags.


Sharks are the food chain.


Your drawer is really a mess. Would you mind ________ ________ ________?



A:Would you like to help save the environment?

B:I don’

A:First, you can start by turning off the lights.

B:Yes. That’.

A:Second, you can ride a bicycle. Don’t take a bus or a taxi if you don’t have to.


A:Third, try to recycle paper.

B: A:The fourth idea is turning off the shower when you are not using it.

B:You mean, when I have shampoo in my hair?

A:Yes. Get wet. Turn off the shower. Put in the shampoo in your hair and then turn on the shower and wash it out.


A:Yes. We have to save water.

六、句 型转换

1. He is able to do the work. (同义句)

He has the _______ ______ do the work.

2. Remember to tell Jim the news as soon as you see him. (改为同义句)

_______ ______ ______ tell Jim the news as soon as you see him

3. I don’t know where I can find my dog. (改为简单句)

I don’t know ________ ________ find my dog.

4. My mother sent me a birthday present last week. (变为被动语态)

A birthday present _______ ______ ______ me by my mother last week.

5. He joined the school band. (用for 2 years 改写)

He ______ ______ _____the school band for 2 years.

6、 “Don’t park your car here,” the man told me.(改为间接引语)1

The man told me ________ _______ _____ my car here.

7、Tom left Shanghai two weeks ago because of his new job. (改为同义句)

Tom ________ _________ ________from Shanghai for two weeks because of his new job.

8、 He has cleaned the room. (改为被动句)

The room _______ ________ _________ by him.


新目标九年级英语上册Unit 1同步练习

I. 翻译下列单词或词组

1. 令人沮丧的frustrating_____ 2. 背诵、记忆_memorize_______

3. 出声地、高声地_aloud_______ 4. 发音(v.)_pronounce_______

5. 解决方法solution________ 6. 根本不__not at all______

7. 结束做某事end up doing_______ 8. 犯错__make mistakes______

9. 害怕做某事be afraid to________10. 说本族语的人___native


11. 笑话某人_laugh at_______ 12. 做笔记_take notes_______

13. 喜欢、乐意做某事_enjoy doing_______ 14. 组成、构成__make


II. 连词成句

1. study , How , you , do , for , test a

__How do you study for a test

_________________________________________________________________ ?

2. by study listening to , I , cassettes

___I study by listening to cassettes


3. you , do , by , learn , reading , English , aloud

_Do you learn English by reading aloud


4. should , find , you , pen pal a

You should find a pen pal


5. can’t , a lot of , I , new , words , memorize

_I can’ memorize a lot of new words


III. 将下列方法及理由搭配起来,组成相应的句子


1. by memorizing the words of pop songs

2. by reading English magazines

3. by using English

4. by studying grammar

5. by watching English movies 6. by joining the English club at school

7. by having conversations with friends

Reasons : A. because we can practice more and study English well.up

B. because the native speakers speak too quickly .C. because it is a great way to learn sentence structures.D. because we can get lots of practice and also have fun . E. because it is the best way to learn new words F. because we get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese G. because it can help us learn new words

Model : (1)I think I can study English by listening to English because I love music .(2)I don’t think I can study English by getting an English tutor because I will spend too much money .1. __I think I can by memorizing of pop songs because I it is the best way to learn new words ___________________________________________________________________ 2. I _think I can study English by reading English magazines because it can help us learn new words ____________________________________________________________________ 3. _ I think I can study English by using English because I can get lots of practice and also have fun ____________________________________________________________ 4 __ I think I can study English by studying grammar because it is a great way to learn sentence structures. __ _________________________________________________________________ 5. __I don’ think I can study English by watching English movies _because __ the native speakers speak too quickly . ________________________________________________________________ 6. _I think I can study English __ by joining the English club at school because _ I can get lots of practice and also have fun . _________________________________________________________________ 7. _I don’ think I can study English by _ having conversations with friends

because we get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese ___________________________________________________________________ IV. 写作:谈一谈自己学习的情况,包括你遇到的困难,你的解决方法以及未来的学习计划。50字左右

My English learning

My favorite_ project is English , but I also think studying English is very difficult . Exam ,I can’t memorize the new words , so I do it by making the flashcard_ . And I can’t listen to other , then I often listen to the tapes . so my listening skills get better . I also think studying grammar is so difficult and I study it by making more sentence .____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

V. Training Base (阅读理解练习)


People living in different countries made different kinds of words . Today there are about fifteen hundred languages in the world . Each contains many thousands of words . A very large dictionary , for example , contains four or five hundred thousand words . But we do not need all these . To read short stories you need to know only about two thousand words . Before you leave school , you will learn only one thousand or more .The words you know are called your vocabulary . You should try to make your vocabulary bigger . Read as many books as you can . There are a lot of books written in easy English for you to read . You will enjoy them . When you meet a new word , find it in your dictionary . Your dictionary is your most useful book .根据短文选择最佳答案:1. The number of different languages spoken is about D______.A. 150B. 15,000 C. 500D. 1,5002. Before you leave your school , you’ll learn ___C__.A. only two thousand words B. five hundred thousand words

C. more than one thousand wordsD. three or four thousand words3. To make your vocabulary bigger , you must ___B___.A. get as many dictionaries as you can B. read as many books as you canC. buy a lot of books D. have a very large English dictionary 4. You will enjoy ___A__.A. the books written in easy English B. your dictionary C. your new wordsD. finding new words in a dictionary 根据短文翻译下列句子:5. A very large dictionary, for example, contains four or five hundred thousand words. _一本非常大的字典,例如,40万到50 的单词。___________________________________________________________________ 6. There are a lot of books written in easy English for you to read.__有大量的简单的英语来读___________________________________________________________________ (B)限时阅读

Small children often laugh at the short ones or at someone who isn’t dressed as well as they are . But as they grow up , they learn not to hurt peoples feelings by laughing at their problems . They learn to laugh at other things . Most important they learn to laugh at themselves.Suppose (假设)you’re playing a game . You make a mistake and lose. Do you become angry? Or can you laugh at yourself and hope to do better next time? Suppose you are at a special dinner. You at times spill (溅)some food . Why keep worrying about how clumsy (笨拙)you looked ? Why not laugh it off and enjoy yourself any way ? If you can , it’s a good sign you’ve really grown up . Answer the questions (D )1. This article is mostly about ______.

A. why laughter is good for your body B. what you should laugh atC. where you may laughD. who you may laugh ( A )2. The writer says small children laugh at people who ______.

A. have problemsB. not to be worried C. dress well D. play games ( B )3. Next the writer shows how laughter could help you ______.

A. not to spill food B. not to be worried C. not to enjoy yourself D. to grow up ( D )4. The most important thing is to learn how to laugh at ______.

A. jokes B. pictures C. children D. yourself ( C )5. The writer shows how laughter could help you not to ______.

A. make a mistakeB. lose gameC. become angry D. try again


I. 1. frustrating 2. memorize 3. aloud 4. pronounce5. solution 6. not at all

7. end up doing sth8. make mistakes9. be afraid to10. native speaker 11. laugh at sb 12. take notes 13. enjoy doing sth

14. make up


1. How do you study for a test ?

2. I study by listening to cassettes .

3. Do you learn English by reading aloud ?

4. You should find a pepal .

5. I can’t memorize a lot of new words.



1. I think I can study English by memorizing the words of pop songs because it is the best way to learn new words.

2. I think I can study English by reading English magazines because it can help us learn new words .

3. I think I can study by using English because we can practice more and study English well .

4. I think I can study by studying grammar because it is a great way to learn sentence


5. I don’t think I can learn English by watching English movies because the native speakers speak too quickly .

6. I don’t think I can study English by having conversations with friends because we get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese.

7. I think I can learn English by joining the English club at school because we can get lots of practice and also have fun .

IV. 略

V. 阅读

A. 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A

5. 比如,一本大字典包含40万到50万个单词

6. 有大量的简易英语读物,你可以阅读。

B. 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C
