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时间:2016-09-30 11:36:07 来源:免费论文网


Unit 9 My favorite subject is science基础知识巩固



1. —How many students are there in your class?

—2. —What color is your new bike?

—old now.

4. Simon’s parents are very and don’t have much time to talk with him.

two books from the library twice a month.


6. —It’s very hot in (夏天) in Dongtai.

—That’s right.

(读) English every day.

(运动员) in the world.

9. My toy is a white one. So the black one isn’t (我的).

10. —(在……之间) the hills?

—Yes, I can.


( )1.—______ does he like science? —Because it’s interesting.

A. What B. WhyC. When D. Where

( )2.—What’s Tom’s favorite city?

—______ favorite city is New York.

A. Its B. It’s C. HisD. He

( )3.—____ does your music teacher come? —At nine o’clock.

A. WhenB. WhatC. Who D. Why

( )4.I like math _______it’s difficult for me.

A. butB. and C. or D. Because

( )5.—___ does he have P.E ?—He has P.E. at 3:00 in the afternoon .

A. When. B. What C. Where D. Why

( )6.We have politics ______ Tuesday.

A. on B. in C. atD. /

( )7.—Where does he live?—He _________in Beijing.

A. lives B. liveC. is living D. to live

( )8.—Do you like music? —________

A. Yes, it does. B. No, it isn’t.

C. Yes, because it’s relaxing.D. No, I do.

( )9.Let me ___ the new student to the classroom.

A. takeB. takes C. to takeD. taking

( )10. Can you play ?

A. the basketball B. the footballC. piano D. the piano

( )11. Musicvery relaxing.

A. sound B. sounds C. lookD. looks

( )12.—What do you eat for breakfast ? —__________.

A. At 6:30 B. Usually C. Bread and eggsD. At home

( )13.—What’s your favorite color ? —My favorite color is ______.

A. baseballB. science C. hamburgerD. white

( )14.After class, I have gymnastics .

A. At two hours B. for two hours C. for a hourD. at an hour

( )15.—Is Steve’s favorite day Friday? — .

A. No, it is B. Yes, he is C. Yes, it isD. No, he isn’t


1.My favorite subject is science.(就划线部分提问)

_____ ______your favorite subject?

2.He is really busy today.(改为一般疑问句)

____ _____ really busy today? 3.I like P.E. best.(改写同义句)

______ ______ subject is P.E.

4.He likes art because it’s fun. (就划线部分提问)

_____ does he ____ art?

5.My science teacher is Mr Green.

_____ ______ your science teacher? (就划线部分提问)

Ⅳ.情景交际 从II栏中找出与I栏相对应的答语。


( )1.Is Saturday the sixth day of the week?

( )2.Why does Jim like biology?

( )3.Who is your Chinese teacher?

( )4.What is his favorite subject?

( )5.Does Amy like math best?

( )6.What’s your favorite color?

( )7.What time do you get up?

( )8.What day is it today?( )9.Can you speak Japanese?( )10.Where is the guitar? Ⅴ.完形填空

My dear friends, let me tell you something about my daily timetable(时间表). I ___ (1) at 7:00 and I go to____ (2) at 8:00.I have science at____ (3) and then I have math at 10:00. ____ (4) is my favorite subject. I like math because it’s ___ (5). Mr. Dai is our math _____

(6). I like him very much. I eat _____ (7) at 12:00 and then I have music at 1:00.I have history at 2:00.I _____ (8) like history because it is boring. But I __(9) like art and I want to be an ___ (10). I have art on Wednesday at 2:00.

( )1.A.workB. get up C. studyD. go to bed

( )2.A.homeB. movieC. schoolD. work

( )3.A.six B. nine C. eleven D. twelve

( )4.A.Music B. Math C. English D. Chinese

( )5.A.boring B. difficult C. interesting D. relaxing

( )6.A.teacher B. partnerC. classmateD. parent

( )7.A.breakfast B. dinner C. lunchD. /

( )8.A.not B. doesn’tC. don’tD. can’t

( )9.A.kindly B. really C. surely D. well

( )10.A.artist B. actorC. teacher D. president



Mr. Grey is a teacher of English. He is not a very young man, but he is not old, either. He knows three or four languages and reads and speaks and writes them well. He reads many books and writes some.

His desk is in the middle of the room. Pens, pencils and ink(墨水) bottle are on the desk. There is some paper, too. The telephone is on the left. There is a reading-lamp behind the telephone. It is almost eleven o’clock at night now. But Mr. Grey is still working. He works very late. Sometimes he works till two or three o’clock in the morning. But usually he goes to bed at about twelve or one o’clock.

He teaches his students very well. All of them like him. He is not only(不仅) their teacher but also(而且) their friend.

( )1.Mr. Grey is an _____ teacher.

A. oldB. geographyC. EnglishD. math

( )2.From the passage we know Mr. Grey’s languages are very _____.

A. good B. fastC. wellD. slow

( )3.In the second paragraph(第二段), we know Mr. Gray works ______.

A. late at night B. at noon

C. early in the morning D. for long time in the morning

( )4.Mr. Grey’s ____ is wonderful.

A. cooking B. musicC. fishingD. teaching

( )5.The passage is mainly about ______.

A. Mr. Grey’s languages B. the friendly teacher

C. Mr. Grey’s family D. a good teacher


One day an old woman wants to see her son in Paris. When she goes to the small station,she forgets the time the train is coming and leaving. She looks around and she sees a boy playing with a toy pistol(手枪) nearby. She comes up to him and asks for help. The boy doesn’t say a word. He only points to her with his pistol, says ―/ tu: tu: tu: tu: tu: tu: /‖, then he runs away quickly. The old woman is very angry. She doesn’t know why the boy plays such a joke with(同某人开玩笑) her. The train comes. She gets on the train. When the train starts, she suddenly smiles: How clever the boy is! He tells her the time in that way!

( )1.The old woman goes to the small station___.

A. to playB. to see her son in Paris

C. to take a train to ParisD. to see her daughter in Paris

( )2.--What is the boy doing? – He ____

A. plays with a pistol. B. playing with a toy.

C. is watching a train nearby D. is playing with a toy pistol.

( )3.Does the boy answer the woman’s question?

A. No, she isn’t. B. Yes, he does. C. No, he doesn’t. D. Yes, he don’t.

( )4.The boy is a ___boy.

A. clever B. foolishC. sadD. happy

( )5.When does the train stay at the station?

1: 40—2:20 a.m. B. 1:58—2:02 p.m. C. 2:02—1:58 p.m. D. 20:02—21:08










Dear e-friend

Thank you for writing to me. I want to tell you something about my life.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Yours, Daniel


Ⅰ、A) 1. Fifty2. Orange3. years4. busy5. borrows

B) 6. summer 7. reading 8. player9. mine10. between

II. 1~5 BCAAA 6~10 AACAD 11~15 BCDBC

III. 1.What, is 2.Is ,he 3. My, favorite 4.Why, like 5. Who ,is

V.1~5 DEFGH 6~10 BICJA VI.1~5 BCBBC 6~10 ACCBA

Ⅵ.1~5 CAADD 6~10 CDBAB

VIII. One possible version

Dear e-friend

Thank you for writing to me. I want to tell you something about my life.

I study in Beijing Sunshine Middle School. I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning. I go to school at 7:30. We have classes from 8:30 to 11:30. I play basketball with my classmates after 4:30 in the afternoon, then I go home. I spend an hour on homework every night. There is too much homework for us. We all dislike it. I go to bed at about 9:30.






1. e______ introduced from another country

2. f______ business company

3. s______ outer form or appearance

4. d______ the main business center of a city

5. p______ put something into a suitcase

6. f______ attractive or charming


1. Parents should buy some e______ programs for children to study.

2. Do you know C______? He’s an important Chinese thinker.

3. Tom often s______ the Internet on weekends.

4. I like going hiking. I can always e______ new places.

5. The diamond ring is really f______.

6. How p______ it is in the countryside!

7. My brother told me a t______ story of ghosts.

8. Besides zoos, children should also visit some b______ gardens to see some plants in their spare time.

9. This underground doesn’t go d______.

10. How many official languages are spoken in S______?


1. If you could go anywhere in the world, what would be your ______?

2. I want to learn a new language while I’m on vacation. Do you have information about this kind of ______ vacation in Spain or Mexico?

3. I really have flowers, and I collect them from all over the world. I’d like to visit places with beautiful ______.

4. I’m tired and stressed out. I want a ______ vacation on a quiet beach.

5. I like to study the past when I’m on vacation. I’m going to visit some ______ sites in China this year.

6. Our friends took an unusual vacation last year. They spent a week on a ______ by staying on a boat in the ocean.


1. I’m sorry ______ (say) that there’s nothing ______ (eat).

2. This afternoon the biggest football match of this year ______ (be) on TV.

3. They told us that Mr. Wu ______ (see) the film before.

4. It is ten years since I ______ (leave) my hometown.

5. You need something ______ (drink), don’t you?

6. Either he or I ______ (be) right.

7. No ______ (smoke) in the hospital, please.

8. He would take out his money and ______ (pay) for the bill.

9. It’s time for rest; let’s stop ______ (have) our lesson.

10. What color do you decide ______ (buy)?


1. I’d like to trek ______ the jungle.

A. throughB. acrossC. over D. on

2. —Why do the people decide ______ these days? —Because there’s not much to do.

A. visitB. to visitC. not

visiting D. not to visit

3. He felt doubtful about ______ the city.

A. to get around B. get aroundC. getting around D. whether go or not

4. The Travel Agency offered him a hotel ______ 30 dollars every day.

A. /B. forC.

toD. with

5. My parents want to go ______ on vacation.

A.somewhere peaceful B. dangerous somewhere

C. somewhere boring D. fascinating somewhere

6. They ______ all over the country. So they plan ______ some other country.

A.have traveled, visitB. traveled, to visit



Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.



()1. — driver’s license. — It’s just same in our country.

A. /; theB. a; the C. a; a D. /; a

()2. —the way of my car.

— Sorry. I didn’t see your car.

A. inB. atC. on D. inside

()3. — I am afraid the room is for us to live in.

— Yes, it is. But let’s make do (将就) with it.

A. too largeB. large enough C. too tinyD. tiny enough

()4. — Grandpa said Transformer(变形金刚) 4 was .

— I am not surprised. It’s not a movie for the old.

A. wonderfulB. excitingC. awful D. interesting

()5. — Do you have to take some art lessons on Saturday?

— Yes. I have no . I don’t want my parents to be angry.

A. ideaB. chance C. reasonD. choice

()6. — Do you need a helping hand with the job?

— I can it. Thanks anyway.

A. manage B. support C. encourage D. refuse

()7. — My bike is broken. What should I do?

— You can get it in that bike shop.

A. repair B. repaired C. repairs D. to repair

()8. —the Heatsthe NBA finals this year?

— Yes. But they lost the champion(冠军).

A. Has; entered B. Has; entered intoC. Did; enter D. Did; enter into

()9. — How I regret

— You’d better say sorry to him. - 1 -

A. talked backB. talking back C. to talk backD. to talking back

()10. — Do you mean you will join the club? — Yes, I am it.

A. nervous about B. tired of C. careful with D. serious about

()11. —must the machine be checked?

— It needs checking every month.

A. How longB. How many C. How often D. How soon

()12. — Students be allowed to use mobile phones at school.

— I agree. Phones can bring troubles.

A. shouldn’tB. wouldn’tC. might D. need

()13. — Why most stars in the daytime?

— Because the sun is too bright. A. can’t; see B. can’t; be seen C. weren’t; see D. weren’t; seen

()14. — Do you agree that students should be madesome housework at home? — I can’t agree more. It can help them grow up.

A. to do B. do C. doing D. to doing

()15. — Mom, would you allow me to swim in the lake?

— . The lake is so large and deep.

A. Not at all B. No problem C. Never mindD. No way

(in China in the past 20 years.

A. took place B. were taken place C. have taken place D. have been taken place

()17 .is good our body.

A. Walking; at B. Walk; forC. Walking; for D. To walk; at

()18. should not be allowed to go out at night.

A. Twelve-years-old B. Twelve-year-olds C. Twelve year old D. Twelve years olds


A. we B. us C. ours D. our

()20.I want to have a day tomorrow because I have to meet my uncle at the airport.

A. away B. off C. free D. possible

()21.I don’t need a new dictionary because I bought this a year ago.

A. buying

B. buy C. to buy - 2 - D. bought ()22. I to have a part-time job.

A. am not allow B. not allowC. don’t allow D. am not allowed

()23. If you think the radio is too noisy, you can .

A. turn it on B. turn it up C. turn it down D. turn off it

()24. Later he left home in different cities.

A. to workingB. to work C. work D. worked

()25.We should learn as as we can at school.

A. many B. lots C. little D. much

()26. He can’t speak English, I can’t, ______.

A. too B. eitherC. also D. neither

(A. liked smoking B. gave up smoking C. gave in smoking D. began smoking

()28. Volunteering in the society will be _______.

A. a good experience B. good experience C. good a experience D. good experiences

()29. Tom does his homework very_______. So he often makes a lot of mistakes.

A. carefully B. carefulC. carelessly D. careless

()30. Liu Ying lives with her grandparents in the countryside because _______ of her parents work in the city.

A. both B. neitherC. either D. each


1. He is glad to have a cto go abroad for study.

2. Xu Zhimo’s pare still popular among young people.

3. Parents should etheir children to have good manners from young ages.

4. If you want to drive, you must have a driving l.

5. When the little kid does a good thing, his mother always gives him a h (Ⅱ)用所给词的适当形式填空。

6. I regret

7. Teenagers can make their own (decide).

8. School(safe)causes more and more people’s attention.

9. I’m glad to see my son

10. His dream is to be a(profession)boxer like Zou Shiming.


- 3 -

11. It’s a country which places great importance on ________.

12. The boy ________ wants a new bike. His old one is broken.

13. Her dream of ________ the famous university came true last year.

14. The mother put her arms around her baby and ________ him up.

15. Is there any ________ of getting tickets for tonight’s football match?

三. 短文填空

根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填写合适的单词,使短文完整、连贯。 More and more people are worried about their weight. But diet(饮食) isn’t the best way to lose weight. So (1) w is the best way to lose weight?

Here are 4 ways to make that happen:

◆Exercise. Doing some exercise can help you feel (2) g and keep weight off. Walking the family dog, (3) ra bike to school, and doing other things can exercise your body every day.

◆Spend (4) l time before screens. If you often spend a long time watching TV, surfing the Internet, or (5) p computer games, you’ll easily put on weight. You’re getting (6) m exercise when shopping with your friends than chatting with them on the Internet.

◆Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are more useful for you to lose weight. When you eat enough fruit and vegetables, you can’t eat more food (7) t makes you fat. And they can keep you (8) h, too.

◆Don’t forget your breakfast. Breakfast can give you energy to do more (59) d the day. People who don’t eat breakfast often feel (10) s hungry that they would eat more later on.

四. 根据中文意思完成句子

1. 王杰经常和他父母顶嘴,这让他们很生气。

Wang Jie often _________________ to his parents, which makes them angry.

2. 该是你自己做决定的时候了。

It’s time for you _________________.

3. 一定不能让你的社交活动妨碍你的学习。

- 4 -

Be sure not to let your social activities _________________ your studies.

4. 我想在大学期间做几份兼职工作。

I want to have several _________________ when I’m at college.

5. 为了实现梦想,你必须努力工作。

In order to _________________, you must work hard.

6. 每个人都有优点,我们应该互相学习。

Everybody has strong points . We should _____ _____ each other.

7. 当喜剧演员出场时,观众变得嘈杂起来。

When the comedy actors came out , the audience _____ _____.

8. 他的父母对他要求非常严格。

His parents _____ _____ _____ him.

9. 他花了两个小时做作业。

____ _____ him two hours to do the homework .

10. 约翰家有许多家规,彼得家也是这样。

John has a lot of family rules. _____ _____ Peter.

- 5 -
