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Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?单元训练


1、Usually, the air is f________ in the morning.

2、The new store has e________ to carry customers from one floor to another.

3、Do you know which d________ he is in for shopping?

4、Sam and his family live on a quiet b________.

5、He is going to perform m________ at the party.

6、The frozen river makes a good s________.

7、Let’s d________ up and go out to the theatre.

8、They put a new product on the m________.

9、I acted as a c________ at the play.

10、We need an o________ party.

11、I w________ whether you like the new room.

12、Would you please l________ me your pencil?

13、Remember not to o________ others when talking.

14、I think that ________ (引导) me to the real point.

15、Excuse me,could you tell me where to ________ (停车) my car?


1、We decided ________ (leave) her alone.

2、My watch has stopped. Could you please ________ (tell) me the time?

3、He could not decide what ________ (do) next.

4、I don’t like ________ (crowd) cities.

5、The restaurant is a good place ________ (eat) in our city.

6、Little Tom spent all his spare time ________ (practice) playing the piano.

7、Do you enjoy ________ (read) English in the morning?

8、The police ________ (be) maintaining public order now.

9、We will visit the world’s ________ (large) zoo and see many different kinds of animals.

10、It’s a good book for children ________ (read).

11、I don’t think it’s good ________ (sleep) in class.

12、________ (spend) time with family and friends is very important.

13、It’s more ________ (convenience) to take a taxi to the station than take a bus, but too


14、I think English is as ________ (important) as math.

15、My father often spends two hours ________ (read) newspapers every day.


( )1.Could you please ________ us Mary’s telephone number?

A. to give B. give C. giving D. to giving

( )2.—Can you tell me ________? —She is in the computer lab.

A. where Linda wasB. where is Linda C. where was Linda D. where Linda is

( )3.Could you please tell me where ________ the post office?

A. to find B. can I find C. finding D. find

( )4.I prefer reading books ________ playing computer games.

A. forB .toC. withD. rather than

( )5.—Where is the bookstore?

—Take the escalator _______ the second floor and turn left. The bookstore is _______ the furniture store and the drugstore.

A .at; next to B. at; between C. to; between D. to; next to

( )6.—Do you know ________ the man with glasses is? —A reporter, I think.

A. what B. that C. who D. where

( )7.Will you go out and ________ with me after dinner?

A. hang out B. hang on C. hang off D. hang in

( )8.My friend asked me ________.

A. if I will come to the party B. that he would help me to clean the room

C. what was wrong with meD. how should he do it next

( )9.Every day I walk ________ a beautiful park.

A. pass B. past C. crossD. out

( )10.I always spend too much time ________ football.

A. play B. to playC. playedD. playing

( )11.Do you know where ________ maps?

A .can I buy B. can buyC.I can buy D.buy

( )12.Mr. Green always ________ weekends playing with his children.

A. spendsB. takes C. pays D. costs

( )13.________ she was listening to the radio, she fell asleep.

A. Before B. SinceC. While D. After

( )14.The soldiers were walking ________ a forest after they swam ________ the river.

A. through; acrossB. across; through C .through; cross D. cross; through

( )15.—Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?


A. Yes, I canB.I could C. Sure D..I could tell you

( )16.Do you know ________ there are any good restaurants ________ this block?

A. if; on B. how; on C. if; to D. where; to

( )17.Could you tell me ________?

A. what to do it B. how to do itC. how to do D. when to do

( )18.The young mother ________ her baby, then went to the park with him.

A. woreB. put onC. dressed up D .dressed

( )19.The ________ wait there for the latest news.

A. boy B. manC. student D. staff

( )20.—Will Liu Ling come to school today?

—I don’t know. But I also want to know ________.

A. that she will come to school today B. whether will she come to school today

C. how will she come to school today D. if she will come to school today

( )21.His hard work ________ the success.

A. led B. led from C. led to D. led on

( )22.Don’t just believe the advertisement. That kind of camera is ________ it says.

A. as good asB. not as good as C. as well as D. not as well as

( )23.—How long can I ________ the book? —For two weeks.

A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. buy

( )24.________ be late, she cut across the fields.

A. In order to B. In order not to C. So as to D. So as not to

( )25.Reading English aloud in the morning ________ good for your English learning.

A. be B. isC. are D. were

( )26.Your T-shirt is so cool. Could you please ________?

A. telling me what you bought itB. tell me where you bought it

C. telling me what you buy itD. tell me where you buy it

( )27.Some students think the mall is a good place to ________ out.

A. carry B. hangC. watch D. look

( )28.—Do you know ________ Tom’s sister is a doctor or not? —No, I don’t know.

A. that B. whether C. whereD. what

( )29.The staff all ________ for the party.

A. dresses up B. dress up C. dresses up asD. dress up as

( )30.Did you have great fun ________ at the party?

A. playing B. to play C. playedD. play


1. 我不知道她新家的地址。

I don’t know the of her new place.

2. 大家都不喜欢麦克,因为他是个不懂礼貌的孩子。

None of us love Mike, because he is.

3. 路过书店时能帮我买些邮票吗?

Could you please buy me some stamps when you4. 他想知道火车站是否在广场的东面。

He wants to know if the train station is to theof the square.

5. 他们请求再给三天时间。


6. 二者都是正确的,但第一句听起来较不礼貌。

Both are correct, but the first one sounds .

7. 他比班里其他任何一个男生都高得多。

He is much taller than boy in his class.

8. 我期盼着你的回复。

I am looking your reply.

9. 她非常喜欢水果,像苹果、葡萄之类的。

She likes fruit very much, apples or grapes.

10. 请再说一次,我没能听清楚。

,I couldn’t hear it clearly.


the bookstore?

1.Yesterday my brother lent one hundred yuan to Alice.(改为同义句)

Alice ______one hundred yuan ______my brother yesterday.

2.I don't believe that they can do well in English.(改为反意疑问句)

I don't believe that they can do well in English,______ ______?

3.Excuse me,could you tell me how I can get to the nearest post office?(改为同义句)

Excuse me,______get to the nearest post office?

Excuse me,______ to the nearest post office?

4.We saw the sad boy was sitting in the garden.(改为同义句)

We saw the sad boy ______in the garden.

5.Where is the bookstore?Do you know?(合并为一句)

Do you know ______ ______ ______ ______?

6、“Is there a drugstore between the bookstore and the restaurant?” the man asks me.(改为含有宾语从句的复合句)

The man asks me _______ _______ _______ a drugstore between the bookstore and the restaurant.

7、The girl borrowed this library book three days ago.(用for three days改写)

The girl _______ _______ this library book for three days.

8、They think the computer is very useful.(改为反意疑问句)

They think the computer is very useful, _______ _______?

9、Jane sat right beside Lucy in the cinema.(改为同义句)

Jane sat _______ _______ Lucy in the cinema.

10、 Not only Jack but also Mike has been to that island.(改为同义句)

_______ Jack _______ Mike _______been to that island.


新目标九年级英语上册Unit 1同步练习

I. 翻译下列单词或词组

1. 令人沮丧的frustrating_____ 2. 背诵、记忆_memorize_______

3. 出声地、高声地_aloud_______ 4. 发音(v.)_pronounce_______

5. 解决方法solution________ 6. 根本不__not at all______

7. 结束做某事end up doing_______ 8. 犯错__make mistakes______

9. 害怕做某事be afraid to________10. 说本族语的人___native


11. 笑话某人_laugh at_______ 12. 做笔记_take notes_______

13. 喜欢、乐意做某事_enjoy doing_______ 14. 组成、构成__make


II. 连词成句

1. study , How , you , do , for , test a

__How do you study for a test

_________________________________________________________________ ?

2. by study listening to , I , cassettes

___I study by listening to cassettes


3. you , do , by , learn , reading , English , aloud

_Do you learn English by reading aloud


4. should , find , you , pen pal a

You should find a pen pal


5. can’t , a lot of , I , new , words , memorize

_I can’ memorize a lot of new words


III. 将下列方法及理由搭配起来,组成相应的句子


1. by memorizing the words of pop songs

2. by reading English magazines

3. by using English

4. by studying grammar

5. by watching English movies 6. by joining the English club at school

7. by having conversations with friends

Reasons : A. because we can practice more and study English well.up

B. because the native speakers speak too quickly .C. because it is a great way to learn sentence structures.D. because we can get lots of practice and also have fun . E. because it is the best way to learn new words F. because we get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese G. because it can help us learn new words

Model : (1)I think I can study English by listening to English because I love music .(2)I don’t think I can study English by getting an English tutor because I will spend too much money .1. __I think I can by memorizing of pop songs because I it is the best way to learn new words ___________________________________________________________________ 2. I _think I can study English by reading English magazines because it can help us learn new words ____________________________________________________________________ 3. _ I think I can study English by using English because I can get lots of practice and also have fun ____________________________________________________________ 4 __ I think I can study English by studying grammar because it is a great way to learn sentence structures. __ _________________________________________________________________ 5. __I don’ think I can study English by watching English movies _because __ the native speakers speak too quickly . ________________________________________________________________ 6. _I think I can study English __ by joining the English club at school because _ I can get lots of practice and also have fun . _________________________________________________________________ 7. _I don’ think I can study English by _ having conversations with friends

because we get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese ___________________________________________________________________ IV. 写作:谈一谈自己学习的情况,包括你遇到的困难,你的解决方法以及未来的学习计划。50字左右

My English learning

My favorite_ project is English , but I also think studying English is very difficult . Exam ,I can’t memorize the new words , so I do it by making the flashcard_ . And I can’t listen to other , then I often listen to the tapes . so my listening skills get better . I also think studying grammar is so difficult and I study it by making more sentence .____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

V. Training Base (阅读理解练习)


People living in different countries made different kinds of words . Today there are about fifteen hundred languages in the world . Each contains many thousands of words . A very large dictionary , for example , contains four or five hundred thousand words . But we do not need all these . To read short stories you need to know only about two thousand words . Before you leave school , you will learn only one thousand or more .The words you know are called your vocabulary . You should try to make your vocabulary bigger . Read as many books as you can . There are a lot of books written in easy English for you to read . You will enjoy them . When you meet a new word , find it in your dictionary . Your dictionary is your most useful book .根据短文选择最佳答案:1. The number of different languages spoken is about D______.A. 150B. 15,000 C. 500D. 1,5002. Before you leave your school , you’ll learn ___C__.A. only two thousand words B. five hundred thousand words

C. more than one thousand wordsD. three or four thousand words3. To make your vocabulary bigger , you must ___B___.A. get as many dictionaries as you can B. read as many books as you canC. buy a lot of books D. have a very large English dictionary 4. You will enjoy ___A__.A. the books written in easy English B. your dictionary C. your new wordsD. finding new words in a dictionary 根据短文翻译下列句子:5. A very large dictionary, for example, contains four or five hundred thousand words. _一本非常大的字典,例如,40万到50 的单词。___________________________________________________________________ 6. There are a lot of books written in easy English for you to read.__有大量的简单的英语来读___________________________________________________________________ (B)限时阅读

Small children often laugh at the short ones or at someone who isn’t dressed as well as they are . But as they grow up , they learn not to hurt peoples feelings by laughing at their problems . They learn to laugh at other things . Most important they learn to laugh at themselves.Suppose (假设)you’re playing a game . You make a mistake and lose. Do you become angry? Or can you laugh at yourself and hope to do better next time? Suppose you are at a special dinner. You at times spill (溅)some food . Why keep worrying about how clumsy (笨拙)you looked ? Why not laugh it off and enjoy yourself any way ? If you can , it’s a good sign you’ve really grown up . Answer the questions (D )1. This article is mostly about ______.

A. why laughter is good for your body B. what you should laugh atC. where you may laughD. who you may laugh ( A )2. The writer says small children laugh at people who ______.

A. have problemsB. not to be worried C. dress well D. play games ( B )3. Next the writer shows how laughter could help you ______.

A. not to spill food B. not to be worried C. not to enjoy yourself D. to grow up ( D )4. The most important thing is to learn how to laugh at ______.

A. jokes B. pictures C. children D. yourself ( C )5. The writer shows how laughter could help you not to ______.

A. make a mistakeB. lose gameC. become angry D. try again


I. 1. frustrating 2. memorize 3. aloud 4. pronounce5. solution 6. not at all

7. end up doing sth8. make mistakes9. be afraid to10. native speaker 11. laugh at sb 12. take notes 13. enjoy doing sth

14. make up


1. How do you study for a test ?

2. I study by listening to cassettes .

3. Do you learn English by reading aloud ?

4. You should find a pepal .

5. I can’t memorize a lot of new words.



1. I think I can study English by memorizing the words of pop songs because it is the best way to learn new words.

2. I think I can study English by reading English magazines because it can help us learn new words .

3. I think I can study by using English because we can practice more and study English well .

4. I think I can study by studying grammar because it is a great way to learn sentence


5. I don’t think I can learn English by watching English movies because the native speakers speak too quickly .

6. I don’t think I can study English by having conversations with friends because we get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese.

7. I think I can learn English by joining the English club at school because we can get lots of practice and also have fun .

IV. 略

V. 阅读

A. 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A

5. 比如,一本大字典包含40万到50万个单词

6. 有大量的简易英语读物,你可以阅读。

B. 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C

篇三:九年级英语上册Unit 3单元同步练习

Unit 3单元同步练习

Ⅰ.单项填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


1.— Mum, I think I’m _____ to get back to school.

—Not really, my dear. You’d better stay at home for another day or two.

A. so well B. so good C. well enough D. good enough

2. Taking _______ exercise in the open air is a good way to prevent yourself from _______SARS.

A. more; get B. much; get C. less; getting D. more; getting

3. —Look! The bus is coming.

—But there are too many people. We can’t _______it.

A. get on B. get down C. get off D. get up

4. His friends find ______him everything that has happened.

A. it necessary to tell B. that necessary to

C. necessary it toD. necessary to tell

5. They all thought this _______.

A. an idea is good B. a good idea C. is good idea D. that is a good idea

6. If you are feeling stressed, you should _______.

A. keep quiet B. shout at your friends and family members

C. share your problems with a friend or family member

D. watching more TV programmes.

7. They learned it all by themselves. That is to say nobody told them ________ .

A. what to do it B. how to do itC. where to doD. when to do

8. Millie calls her dog Eddie. It is a structure of ______ .

A. S + V+ DO B. S+V+P C. S+V+IO+DO D. S+V+DO+OC

9. Alice can’t find her little dog. How ______ she looks!

A. happilyB. happy C. sad D. sadly

10. Mr Black has a way that makes his class ________ .

A. alive and interested B. alive and interesting

C. lively and interesting D. lively and interested

Ⅱ.完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


I am a person who can get angry easily. But since I read an article from my

English teacher, things a lot.

boarding (寄宿的) school, so I learn not only how to study well, but also how to with others. Some of us are while others are quiet. It is common that people have problems and arguments.

Smiling at is the easiest way. Another way is to think your ideas are reasonable (有道理的others’ ideas are really not good, keep an open . Try to forgive them. Having a friend is better than having an enemy after all!

Also, don’t point out other’s in public. This will mean people lose hand, if someone points out your disadvantages(缺点), don’t be . Just think Tolerance makes life easier.

11. A. changed B. have changed C. changeD. are changing

12. A. working B. teaching C. writing D. studying

13. A. can B . mayC. have to D. will

14. A. keep upB. get along C. catch up D. talk about

15. A. busyB. shyC. serious D. outgoing

16. A. whyB. where C. how D. what

17. A. othersB. otherC. the other D. the others

18. A. whichB. when C. if D. why

19. A. until B. while C. before D. when

20. A. headB. mind C. brain D. hand

21. A. muchB. so C. asD. very

22. A. thoughts B. faces C. mistakes D. ideas

23. A. lost B. burnt C. hurt D. helped

24. A. happyB.angryC. interested D. confident

25. A. worryB. hurtC. help D. laugh at




What problems do the teenagers probably have? Here is a survey showing their

A. Four. B. Five.C. Six.D. Seven.

27. What problems are caused by too much homework?

A. Feeling stressed and fight. B. Feeling tired of study and getting fat.

C. Feeling stressed and getting short-sighted.

D. Getting short-sighted and feeling tired of study.

28.. If Simon is feeling stressed, he should______.

A. do much more homework

B. make a plan to spend time on study and hobbies

C. donate his pocket money to Project Hope D. buy some snacks

29. Peter is tired of study, maybe because he ______.

A. has no close friendsB. has no pocket money

C. plays too many computer games D. gets fatter and fatter

30. ______ is a good way for the teenagers to stop fights.

A. Doing less homework B. Playing computer games

C. Learning how to make friends D. Paying no attention to each other


No, 4 Middle School

Kunming, Yunnan

April 2nd, 2002Dear editor(编辑),

I live in a beautiful city. Many visitors come to my city every day. There are so many colorful peacocks(孔雀)here.

The peacocks mostly live on the grassland of Dongfeng Square(广场). They are given food freely by visitors. They usually throw food to them, and don't think about at all whether the food is right or not. Some of the peacocks became ill, some even died after eating the bad food given by the visitors.

I'm sure most of the visitors who throw food to the peacocks really like the birds, but don't realize(意识到)that they may be doing them harm(伤害).

The visitors should be told that what they have done is very harmful to the birds, and this kind of thing must be stopped from happening.

Perhaps we can build some small shops beside Dongfeng Square to sell peacock food. It's our duty to give more love to these beautiful birds and to look after them carefully.


Sun Yan

31. Many visitors come to the writer's city to________.

A. do some shopping B. see beautiful peacocks

C. play on Dongfeng Square D. eat nice food

32. Some peacocks became ill and died because some visitors________.

A. didn't give them any food B. gave them too much food

C. threw them some bad foodD. loved them and played with them

33. Some shops can be built beside Dongfeng Square so that they may________.

A. sell food for visitors B. sell food for peacocks

C. make the square more beautiful D. have the beautiful birds

34. From the passage we know people should________.

A. live and play with the birds

B. stop the birds from eating too much

C. give right food to the birds

D. give more food to the birds

35. We can guess the writer of the letter, Sun Yan, may be a________.

A. visitor B. shopkeeper

C. square keeper D. student


Young people and older people don’t always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. But in one special programme in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in a friendly way.

Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works several hours each day. They do so not just to keep busy but to find meaning and enjoyment in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village. Some learn to make things like

tables and chairs and build houses. The adults teach them these skills.

There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn phototaking or painting. Others sit around and talk or sing. Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time.

When people live together, rules are necessary. In this programme the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. They talk about it and ask, “Why did it happen? What should we do about it?”

One of the teenagers has this to say about his experience, “You stop thinking only about yourself, You learn to think about the group.”

36. In one special programme in New York State, young and older people _______ .

A. don’t work well together.

B. are friendly to one another.

C. teach one another new ways of building houses.

D. spend eight weeks together, working as farmers..

37. All the members work some time every day mainly to _______ .

A. lead a busy life.

B. learn new skills of farming;

C. get used to the life on the farms

D. find value and pleasure in work

38. Living together, _________ .

A. the teenagers don’t have to obey the rules

B. the teenagers have to obey the rules the adults make

C. the members have no free time on weekends

D. the members are not allowed to break the rules they make together

39. The last programme shows that the teenager thinks his experience in the programme is _________ .

A. unpleasant B. tiringC, helpingD. boring

40. The best title for the passage is __________ .

A. The rules of living together

B. Life in New York State

C. Teenagers in the special group

D. Free hours in the special work group


Take a look at the thin Alan Luo. It's hard for you to imagine he used to weigh 110kg.

But the Taiwanese has never stopped changing himself, just as he has always

made music. He is now the apple of his fans' eyes!

On Saturday, Luo signed 1,000 copies of his latest CD for his fans in

Shanghai. The CD, "Expert Show", came out last year. It's a mix of hip hop and pop music, with a lot of fun songs.

Luo was born into a musical family. His father led a band and his mother sang in it. Luo watched his uncle playing the drums. At the age of 3, he became interested
