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时间:2016-09-27 16:10:37 来源:免费论文网



圣诞节(Christmas), 这个名称是“基督弥撒”的缩写。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。这一天, 世界所有的基督教会都举行特别的礼拜仪式。每年12月25日, 是基督徒庆祝耶稣基督诞生的庆祝日, 在圣诞节, 大部分的天主教教堂都会先在12月24日的耶诞夜。

圣诞节首先是属于西方国家的节日, 如果你有异国朋友的话, 自然少不了要互赠礼物。那么, 你知道在西方国家互赠礼物应该怎样说吗?现在, 我就几个例子给你参考吧。

Cynthia, an American, and Karina, her Danish friend, are shopping for Christmas presents.

Karina: Isn't this the perfect gift for Bob?

Cynthia: Are you crazy? That watch cost you an arm and a leg. Besides, Bob doesn't wear a


Karina: That's why he's always late!This gift will make him more punctual.

Cynthia: Why do you like this particular watch?

Karina: It reminds me of Christmas in Denmark because it's so shiny.

Cynthia: What do you mean?

Karina: Denmark only gets a few hours of sunlight a day during winter.

Cynthia: That doesn't sound very shiny!

Karina: No, but we light candles in homes, schools, and churches to create a warm atmosphere. At

Christmas, the whole country is lit up like a giant Christmas tree!

Cynthia: I'm sure that watch will brighten3 Bob's heart all winter long.

Karina: I hope so. In Denmark, we give Christmas gifts to every friend and family member.

Cynthia: In America, we do, too! But it can get expensive, though. Speaking of which, how could

you afford such an expensive watch on a teacher's salary?

Karina: I took a part-time job on the weekends to save the money.

Cynthia: That's so sweet!

Karina: I've got an idea. Let's walk to Da-an Park and enjoy the sunshine.



辛西亚:你有没有搞错?买那只表要花上一大笔钱。更何况, 鲍伯是不戴表的。卡丽娜:那正是他老爱迟到的原因!这份礼物会让他更守时。


卡丽娜:它令我想起丹麦的圣诞节, 因为它看起来好闪亮。


卡丽娜:冬天时, 丹麦一天只有几个小时的日照。


卡丽娜:是不太亮, 但我们在家里、学校和教堂中都点起烛光, 以营造温暖的气氛。在 圣诞节 期间, 全国上下灯火通明, 就像棵巨大的圣诞树一般!


卡丽娜:希望如此。在丹麦, 我们会送圣诞礼物给每位亲朋好友。

辛西亚:在美国我们也一样!但买礼物可能得花不少钱。说到这点, 光靠当老师的薪水, 你怎么买得起这么贵的手表呢?



卡丽娜:我有个想法, 我们走到大安森林公园去享受点阳光吧。

Karina and Cynthia are talking in Da-an Park.

Karina: So what's Christmas in America like, Cynthia?

Cynthia: Well, we don't light as many candles as the Danish. But people do string lights around

their houses.

Karina: How about the gifts?

Cynthia: Most families get up early on Christmas morning and open their gifts together. But some

families open their gifts on Christmas Eve.

Karina: What's all this I hear about Christmas stockings in America? You don't wear them, do


Cynthia:(laughing) Never! But American children do hang Christmas stockings by the fireplace.

Then their parents fill the stockings with candy and small toys.

Karina: Speaking of gifts, what did you get for John, your Taiwanese friend?

Cynthia: I decided not to buy him anything.

Karina: What? After all he's done to help you get settled in Taiwan? You could at least get him a

Christmas present!

Cynthia: Of course I'm going to give him a present, but it's something I made.

(Cynthia shows Karina a painting of John.)

Karina: Cynthia, that's beautiful!Did you have him sit for the painting?

Cynthia: No, I based it on a photo I took of him at Alishan.

Karina: That's really wonderful. I'm sure John will be touched that you took the time to make such

a delightful present.


卡丽娜:那么, 辛西亚, 在美国的圣诞节是什么样子呢?

辛西亚:嗯, 我们不像丹麦人一样点那么多蜡烛, 但人们会在房子的四周挂起一串串的灯饰。卡丽娜:那圣诞礼物呢?

辛西亚:大多数人家会在圣诞节清早起床, 一起拆开礼物。有些人家则在平安夜打开礼物。卡丽娜:我听说美国人会准备圣诞节长袜, 是怎么一回事?这些长袜应该不是拿来穿的吧?辛西亚:(笑声)当然不是!不过美国的小孩都把圣诞节长袜挂在壁炉旁, 然后爸爸妈妈就会在长袜里装满糖果和小玩具。

卡丽娜:谈到礼物, 你买了什么礼物给你的台湾朋友约翰?


卡丽娜:不会吧?他帮你这么多忙, 帮助你在台湾安顿下来, 你至少可以送个圣诞礼物给他吧!

辛西亚:我当然会送他礼物啰, 但我要送的是我亲手做的东西。


卡丽娜:辛西亚, 这幅画真好看!你是请他过来坐着让你边看边画吗?

辛西亚:不是, 我帮他在阿里山拍了一张照片, 这幅画是按着那张照片画的。

卡丽娜:真是别出心裁。你花时间为约翰做了这么赏心悦目的礼物, 我相信他一定会很感动。

It's Christmas Eve, and John and his English roommate, Bob, are preparing food for a Christmas party.

John: What do people eat on Christmas Day in England?

Bob: The best part of Christmas in England is the Christmas pudding. It's like a big hot cake that's

covered with flaming brandy.

John: What else do you have?

Bob: Turkey, sausages, 2 mince pies, cranberry jelly, chestnut stuffing……

John: It sounds like you have cooking experience!

Bob: Yeah, I used to cook for my family every Christmas. And after dinner, we?d sing carols and

play card games.

John: Check out these Christmas gifts I've prepared.

Bob: 3 x 5 note cards? Why are you giving people office supplies for Christmas?

John: Ha-ha. The point is not the cards…it's all the great things the cards can get you.

Bob: So, they're like coupons?

John: Exactly! Some are for a free massage, some are for a free home-cooked dinner, and others

are for a weekend trip to the hot springs.

Bob: That's cool!

John: Thanks. I used to buy gifts, but then I decided that my time is the best thing I can give others.(The doorbell rings)

Bob: You'd better get your cards ready……I think our guests have arrived!

John: I'll get the door.

Karina and Cynthia: Merry Christmas!

平安夜当晚, 约翰和他的英国室友鲍伯正为一场圣诞派对准备食物。


鲍伯:在英国, 圣诞节最棒的食物是圣诞甜果糕(编者按:这是英国特有的圣诞糕点, 以麦粥、面粉及干果混合制成, 味道浓甜, 咬起来有如糯米糕般黏稠), 是一种热腾腾的大块糕点, 上头淋上白兰地, 上桌时再点上火焰。




鲍伯:没错, 以前每年圣诞节, 我都会做菜给家人吃。饭后, 我们全家会一起唱圣诞颂歌和玩纸牌。



约翰:哈哈。重点不在于这些卡片, 而在于它们可以带来的种种好处。

鲍伯:这么说, 这些卡片就像是优待券啰?

约翰:对呀!有些是免费按摩优待、有些是免费家常菜招待, 还有一些是免费周末温泉之旅伴游。


约翰:谢谢。以前我会买礼物, 但现在我觉得自己可以给别人的最佳礼物, 就是我的时间。(门铃响了)




Daniel: What a fantastic Christmas present!

Olivia: Did someone say “present”? I love presents.

Daniel: I just mean the coffee shop staying open and your shop. Of course, it?s like an early Christmas present!

Olivia: It?s still a bit early for Christmas presents.

Daniel: Come on, it?s only a few days now!

Olivia: Yeah. I guess you?re right. I can stop worrying now. Hey Tony!

Tony: What?

Olivia: Come on Tony! Even you must be happy about this! The coffee shop is staying open!Daniel: Our campaign was successful!

Tony: Yeah. Erm, thanks everybody!

Olivia: So, Daniel, what are you doing for Christmas?

Daniel: Nothing much. I guess I?ll just be with my family.

Olivia: Yeah, me too. I?d like to spend Christmas just with my friends, not the whole family.Daniel: Yeah, it?s great to spend Christmas with you. er, I mean, everyone here.

Olivia: Oh, yeah, Erm. hmmm.

Daniel: Let?s invent an excuse!

Olivia: An excuse? How do you mean?

Daniel: Let?s leave our families for a few hours. come and have dinner here!

Olivia: Here? I don?t think the coffee shop will be open on Christmas day.

Daniel: We can persuade Tony to open, just for us, to celebrate our campaign to keep the coffee shop open, and Christmas too.

Olivia: Great idea! But I?ll probably have to bring Joe.

Daniel: Oh no! Joe, your terrible little nephew, I?d forgotten about him.

All: Hi Johnny!

Johnny: Hello everyone!

Olivia: We were just talking about Christmas.

Johnny: Of course, I?ve come back just in time for Christmas. How could I forget! I love Christmas here in London. We don?t really celebrate Christmas in China, but I love it here. There are a lot of food and presents.

Rita: I love Christmas too, but Christmas in Poland is so special, I?ll really miss it this year.Sarah: Aren?t you going back to visit your family? You usually go back to Poland.

Rita: I wanted to go, but I couldn?t afford it. Plane tickets are so expensive at this time of year.Sarah: (sighs) so, Rita and I will be on our own for Christmas.

Carlos: Me too. There?s no way I can go back to Brazil!

Sarah: That?s a long way.

Carlos: I?ve got an idea. If Daniel and Olivia can ask Tony to open the coffee shop, I?ll cook a proper Christmas dinner for everyone! I love cooking.

Rita: Good idea. In Poland we have a twelve-course meal at Christmas!

Carlos: Twelve courses! Wow, that?s a lot.

Rita: It is.

Carlos: I?ll try and make some traditional Polish food for you Rita. And perhaps there is also something special for you, Sarah. I?d like that.

Sarah: That?s very kind, but don?t try to make Chinese food for me! It?s difficult. Just make one of your own specialties. I love trying new things!

Carlos: OK, you?re on! Olivia: This sounds like a party! Harry, what about you? What are you doing for Christmas? Harry: Well, I?ve only got my mum, so I guess I?ll be with her. Bill: It?s nice to have Christmas dinner with you. Harry: Yeah, it would. Don?t you have to be with your family? Bill: We don?t really celebrate Christmas. Olivia: Don?t forget it?s a religious festival! Harry: Of course, yeah, I know that, but everyone can enjoy Christmas! Olivia: Well, why don?t you two try and join us. Harry: I?ll see what we can do. Carlos: There is a problem though. Daniel: What?s that? Carlos: Nobody has asked Tony. Daniel: Oh, Erm, yeah. Go on Olivia. You ask him. Olivia: Why me? Daniel: You?re the best at that kind of thing. Olivia: OK, OK. Erm, Tony! Tony: Yeah? Olivia: What are you doing for Christmas? Tony: Why? Olivia: We wanted to invite you to have Christmas with us! Tony: Well. Well, that?s very kind of you… thank you, yes. Olivia: Just one thing. Tony: What?s that? Olivia: Erm, we?d like to have our Christmas dinner here! Tony: Here? Olivia: Yes. Here! Tony: Hmm. OK, but I?m not washing the dishes afterwards! Daniel: Deal! Johnny: This is going to be the best Christmas party ever! (Sounds of eating and drinking, laughter) Carlos: So here are some Brazilian specialties. This is papaya. Rita: Mmmm. Carlos: This is cassava. Harry: Delicious. Carlos: And French wine to drink! All: Cheers! Happy Christmas! Harry: And I?ve brought my mum?s Christmas pudding! Sarah: I don?t like it! Olivia: No, you must try it! It's delicious! (Crashing noise) All: What?s going on! What?s happened? Johnny: It?s all dark! Daniel: I can?t see anything! Olivia: Joe! What have you done?


Here are the seasons to enjoy这些是享受的季节 5-1 Eat, drinks and be merry on Christmas

5-2 The pilgrims’ spirit of thanksgiving lives on

5-3 Don’t let ghosts frighten you on Halloween


Festivals I like are a lot , such as your country's Christmas、 Thanksgiving,、Halloween and Valentine's day , our country's Spring Festival, mid autumn festival, Dragon Boat Festival and so on


Well, I also like these holidays, these are the season to enjoy

A. 嗯,快到圣诞节了,是你们美国的过年呢,快跟我介绍一下你们在这个时候一般吃什么北

En,Christmas is coming,it’s the New Year of you.I really want to know what you will eat in this festival.


Oh, you're such a chowhound, you care nothing but eat.


Hey,you know!I just know you will eat turkey in Christmas,anything else?


In addition, we also eat the goose and ham, and I have heard, some relatively large family will eat Roasted Suckling Pig.


Really,it’s sounds so delicious that I even want to go to your country and celebrate the festival with you.Do you know,in our country,we will just eat apple at Christmas Eve to pray for peace.

B. 还有我们通常会摆玫瑰、核桃、桂皮和颜色鲜艳的水果在桌子上做装饰。我们晚餐后的甜食,通常有李子、布丁和碎肉馅饼等 And we usually put the rose, walnuts, cinnamon and colorful fruits for table decoration. We have dessert after dinner, such as plums, Bodine and mince pies, etc.

A.恩,跟我们过年类似,吃的东西太多了,可以让人大饱口福。对了,我们在过年的时候会贴对联,而你们是以装饰圣诞树来增加节日气氛吗? Sounds like our New Year,food is more than us.And, are you decorating the Christmas tree to increase festal atmosphere,like pasting the couplets of us?

B.是的啊,没有圣诞树的圣诞节都不完整。不过圣诞树还有一个功能,就是我们都会把礼物挂在圣诞树上,然后在圣诞节的早上拆礼物 Yes, Christmas without Christmas tree are not complete. But the Christmas tree also has another function, which is that we will put

the presents on the Christmas tree, and then opening presents on Christmas morning.

A.哇,听起来真不错呢,我们只有在生日的时候才会送礼物表示庆祝 It’s really interesting.But we only give presents in birthday.

B.嗯,送礼物是我们过圣诞节的一个很重要的部分,通常在家里面由一个人扮成圣诞老人给大家发礼物。孩子们睡前还会在床前挂一个袜子,以期待醒来的时候就看到圣诞老人的礼物呢 Well, sending gift is a very important part of our Christmas, usually at home, a man will be dressed as Santa to send gifts to everyone. The children before going to bed will hang a stocking in front of the bed; he is looking for to saw the Santa?s gift when wake up.

A.真好,拆礼物是最让人开心的事情了,比起我们过年,我觉得你们的更好玩呢。你现在应该很想回家过节吧 So great,opening presents is one of my best things.Compared to our New Year,your Christmas is more interesting.Are you eager for being home for holiday?

B.是的啊,不过入乡随俗了,再过不久,就可以跟你们一起过年了 Yes, but “Do in Rome as Rome does”. However, soon, i can have the Spring Festival together with you.

A.嗯,欢迎你到我们家做客哦 Yeah,welcome to my home.


well,that would be great



Kaylee: do you want to go out for dinner tonight?

Nathan: sure. Have you got anywhere in mind?

K: I'm starving, so maybe we could go somewhere with large portions. N: that Italian restaurant in the city centre always has large portions. Do you want to go there?

K: I'm not really in the mood for Italian, actually. I was thinking of something a bit spicy.

N: if you want spicy food, then I'd recommend going to a Thai, Indian or Chinese restaurant. How about that Chinese buffet on Cowley Road?

K: I really like that restaurant; you get a lot for your money there. But, they've westernized their food, so it's not actually that spicy.

N: you're right. Most of their dishes have sweet sauces. We could try that Indian restaurant just down the road from us.

K: the Taj? They're a bit expensive, but they do serve large portions of very hot food.

N: the Taj it is then.

K: shall we bring our own bottle of wine to save some money? N: they'll still charge us a corkage fee.

K: that's right. It'll probably work out to be about the same then anyway. N: don't worry about money. I'll treat you tonight.

K: are you sure? We could go Dutch.

N: no, I'll pay. It's my turn anyway. You paid last time.

K: I won't argue with that! Let's go!














N: we really were lucky. We got the last available table for two---and we didn't even have a reservation! Did you see the long lines behind us?

K: yeah, I'm glad that we didn't have to wait long. I'm starving!

N: let's take a look at the menu so we can order. Do you want to choose an appetizer for us to share?

K: what would you rather have, samosas or poppadoms?

N: I heard that one of their specialities is the samosa.

K: well, let's get a plate of those then.

N: sounds good. What are you going to have for your main course? K: I think I might have a dahl.

N: what's in a dahl?

K: it's got chickpeas and vegetables in a spicy curry sauce with rice. N: that sounds nice. Do you want to share some kebabs as well? K: ok. How about some lamb kebabs?

N: that's my favourite. Do you want to have some wine or beer? K: I think I'll have a beer.

N: ok, shall I flag down the waitress?

K: I wouldn't recommend it. I think we should wait until she comes round. N: you're right. That might seem a bit rude. It's a good thing I've got you with me!

K: what would you do without me?



咱们先看看菜单吧,这样才好点菜。你想不想选个开胃菜咱俩一起吃? 你想吃哪个?萨摩萨三角饺还是印式炸面包片?












我觉得不好。我们最好等她走过来的时候再 叫她。



Amy: wow, the duck looks so delicious. Should we order it, Rick?

Rick: the chef is going to slice it into thin pieces. There will be around one hundred and twenty pieces of both skin and meat for each.

A: I see. The chef is so skillful with his knief.

R: absolutely. It is said that they serve 3,000 ducks every day.

A: incrediable. By the way, what are these in the plates?

R: oh, they are pancakes, hollowed sesame buns, scallions, cucumbers and hoisin sauce. I will show you how to make one.

A: thank you. I couldn't wait any longer to have a taste.

R: Just roll it up and have a bite, Amy.

A: oh, it's terrific. I love the falovr. Can you tell me how it was prepared?

R: certainly. First, a Beijing duck is specially selected. After it is cleaned and dressed, it will be roasted in an open oven. Only wood of fruit trees are used to fuel the fire to give the duck a unique fragrance. When the skin turns golden brown, it is ready to be served.

A: it sounds really complicated. No wonder it tastes so great.

R: Yes, Amy, please have some more.






哦,有荷叶饼,空心芝麻烧饼,葱白,黄瓜和甜面酱.我来告诉你怎么吃. 谢谢.我都等不及想尝一口啦!



当然可以了.首先要精选一直北京鸭子,开膛收拾干净以后,挂在炉中烤制.通常只选果木作燃料,以使烤鸭有果香味.当鸭子表皮呈金黄色,就烤制好了. 听起来真复杂.难怪味道这么好!


A: I'm so hungry. Shall we go eat now, Rick?

R: sure. Where do you want to go? Are you in the mood for anything in particular?

A: how about some dumplings? I just can't get enough of them.

R: dumplings again?! Oh, Amy, let's try something new!

A: well, what do you have in mind?

R: how about the Mongolian hot pot?

A: oh, it's too spicy for me. Don't you remember last time when I tasted the lamb? It was so spicy my eyes teared up!

R: maybe we can try "Yuanyang pot" this time. You can choose the non-spicy soup base. A: sounds great. Do they serve noodles? I am in the mood for some tasty noodles as well. R: yes. The sliced noodles they offer are among the most authentic Shanxi cuisines.

A: great. Let's go!

R: wait a minute. Let me throw on a sweater.







啊,我觉得太辣了.难道你忘了上次我尝了口羊肉,就辣的我直流眼泪? 我们这次可以试试”鸳鸯锅”.你可以选不辣的底锅.





C: hey, Tom, did you enjoy your lunch?

T: oh, don't mention it. It was terrible.

C: what' the matter?

T: the food station was as crowded as usual. I waited for 20 minutes for my sandwish, and when I finall got it the chicken was underdone. C: I see. You simply can't blame the server for this.

T: yes, I know. Fast food is so popular in this district.

C: that's true.

T: anyway, how was your luch, Catherine?

C: it was good. I brough lunch from home today.

T: you did? I thought you must feel right at home here as we get as many fast food restaurants as you do in America.

C: well, I personally don't like then because i don't believe they are healthy.

T: i guess you're right. More often than not, people go there only for convenience. The foods may taste good, but generally speaking, they are high in calories, salt and fat.

C: yes. I am wondering that you must believe fast food is your lifestyle, don't you?

T: you bet. Almost all top brands such as McDonald's and KFC are from America.

C: well, actually two-thirds of Americans may avoid these places. T: seriously?

C: yeah, it's hard to believe but true.








