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篇一:2014秋六年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 Pandas love bamboo导学案

Unit 2 Pandas love bamboo





篇二:外研版小学六年级英语上册Module 7教案

Module 7

Unit1.I don’tbelieve it!



外研版小学英语六年级上册第七模块第一单元第一课时:Unit 1

1.Look, listen and say. 2.Listen, read and act out.


1.大多数学生能够听、说、读、写单词或短语:believe, snake, DVD, lucky, bamboo, its, body, come out of, flute, get frightened.

2.大多数学生能够听懂并用句型:I don’t believe it! Do snakes love music?


三. 重点难点


1.听、说、读、写单词和短语:believe, snake, DVD, lucky, bamboo, its, body,

come out of, flute, get frightened.

2.学习句型:I don’t believe it! Do snakes love music?




四. 教学准备。

1. 单词卡片。

2. PPT课件。

五. 教学过程。

Step 1. Warm up.

Free talk

T: Today we are going to know more about animals facts from Module 7. Unit 1.

Now let’s guess some riddles about animals.

(1) They are long .They have got small heads. They have got no legs. What are they?(snakes)

(2) They are fat. They are black and white. They live in China. What

are they?(pandas)

Step 2.Preview.

复习Module 7单词表的单词,提问拼背。

Step 3.Presentation.

1. 由两个谜语导入本节课的课题:Module7.Unit1.Idon’t believe it !

2. 出示本节课的重点单词,老师领读,学生跟读,通过“分组读”“同桌互读”“埋地雷”等方式练习。

3. 拿出事先准备好的单词卡片,让学生开火车读,检验学生掌握情况。

4. 根据所学单词,引导学生组短语,说句子。

5. 打开课本,老师和学生共同翻译,点出重点句型和知识点。

6. 听录音,看对话内容。

7. 试着自己读课文。标出不会读的单词。

8. 老师领读课文,学生跟读。

9. 看同步练习中的题,根据课本内容判断“T”“F”。

10. A、B组分角色读课文,教师指导。

六. 课堂小结。


七. 板书设计。

Module 7 . Unit 1 I don’t believe it!

I believe!我相信!

I don’t believe!我不相信! hour 小时


say 说,讲

dangerous 危险的

interesting 有趣的

fantastic 极好的



Module 1重点词汇和短语

near在…附近 along沿着 kilometer千米 meter米 how long多长 the Great Wall 长城 long and old 又长又古老 walk along沿着走 more than超过 how old多久 all right好的 how tall多高 look at看… 重点句型: It’s more than four hundred meters high!它有400多米高! How tall is the tree?这棵树有多高? How old is it?它有多久历史? Can you tell me more about it?你能告诉我更多关于它的事情吗? How long is the Great Wall?长城有多长?

Module 2重点词汇和短语

town城镇 subject主题/学科 everywhere到处 speak-spoke说(语言) dancing舞蹈 air空气 stone石头 write-wrote写 up and down一上一下 in New York在纽约lots of 许多Chinese shops中国商店 Chinese restaurants中国餐馆 be different from…不同于… lion dance 舞狮a big surprise一个大惊喜see-saw看见

重点句型:I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday. 昨天我去了纽约的唐人街。I had a big surprise. 我有一个大惊喜。We ate in a Chinese restaurant. 我们在一个中式餐馆吃的饭。The food was different from the Chinese food in China.这些食物不同于在中国的食物。 We saw a lion dance in the street. 我们在街上看了舞狮子。We went to the Ming Tombs yesterday.我们昨天去了明十三陵。I went to a library yesterday. 昨天我去了图书馆。

Module 3重点词汇和短语

stamp邮票 book 册/书collect收集 hobby 爱好sun太阳 island岛屿 put…into…把…放进… send emails发电子邮件 good idea好主意 make a stamp book 制作一个集邮册a picture of the moon一张月亮的照片 collect stamps集邮 my hobby我的爱好 collect toys cars收集玩具汽车

重点句型:Have you got any stamps from China?你有一些来自中国的邮票吗? Collecting stamps is my hobby.集邮是我的爱好。 What are you doing? 你在干什么?I’m putting my new stamps into my stamp book. 我正在把我的新邮票放进我的集邮册里。Here are some stamps for you.这里有一些邮票给你。 Module 4重点词汇和短语

nearly将近 something某事 sure当然 December12月 light 灯the Spring Festival 春节National Day 国庆节Children’s Day 儿童节write a poem写一首诗 give present 送礼物send cards寄卡片say-said说…话 family- families家庭(单-复0 important重要的

重点句型:National Day is his favourite day.国庆节是他最喜欢的节日。 Which festival in the US is your favourite?在美国,你最喜欢哪个节日? This festival is very important in the US. 在美国,这个节日很重要。We always have a big, special dinner.我们总是吃一顿特别而丰盛的晚餐。 What do you do on Thanksgiving?你在感恩节做什么? We say” Thank you” for our food, families and friends.我们向我们的食物、家人和朋友说“谢谢”。

Module 5重点词汇和短语

pleased高兴的 pretty 漂亮的phone 电话of course当然 be from…来自… come from…来自… pen friend 笔友write in English用英语写 speak some English说一些英语 want to be…想成为… play basketball 打篮球fantastic太棒了 cousin表/堂兄弟姐妹 China-Chinese中国-中国人 America-American美国-美国人 England-English英国-英语 Canada-Canadian加拿大-加拿大人France French法国-法语

重点句型:I want a Chinese pen friend. 我想交一个中国笔友。Can I write to her?我能写信给她吗? He’s from China.他来自中国。 Pleased to meet you. 见到你很高兴。She can speak some English. 她能说一些英语。You can write to her in English. 你可以用英语给她写信。Where are you from?你来自哪里? I want to know more about China.我想了解更多关于中国的事。

Module 6重点词汇和短语

world世界 show 展示difficult困难的 often经常 answer回答 make-made制作 chopsticks筷子 fly-flies飞(三单)Chinese chopsticks中国的筷子show me your photo 给我看你的照片be very difficult for me 对我来说非常困难in the park 在公园里answer your questions回答你的问题send…to…寄…给… at half past three 在3点半start-finish开始-结束make a poster制作一张海报

重点句型:I’ve got some Chinese chopsticks. 我有一些中国的筷子。Have you got a book about the US? 你有一本关于美国的书吗?These books are for our class.这些书是为我们班准备的。

Module 7重点词汇和短语

bamboo竹子 give-gave给 almost几乎 deaf聋的 my favourite animal 我最喜欢动物how many问多少(可数) at night 在晚上in the day在白天 live in a tree住在树上 learn…from从…学到 every day每一天 in winter在冬天 sleep in the day白天睡觉 twelve hours a day一天12小时

重点句型:Pandas love bamboo. What are you watching, Daming? 大明,你在看什么?Do snakes love music?蛇爱音乐吗? No, they don’t.不,他们不喜欢。They eat for twelve hours a day!它们一天吃12小时。They’re almost deaf! 它们几乎是聋的!What food do you love?你喜欢什么食物?A child sleeps for ten hours a night.小孩每晚睡10小时。

Module 8重点词汇和短语

coin硬币tidy整齐的 messy凌乱的 never从不always总是sometimes有时 blackboard黑板 story-stories故事(单-复) find-found找到 tidy your room整理你的房间 read books读书 go to the library去图书馆 in a tidy bed在一个整洁的床上 hurry up快点 clean my house打扫我的房子 clean the blackboard擦黑板go by bus坐公交车去cook dinner煮晚餐 drink tea喝茶 go to the supermarket去超市

重点句型:Do you often tidy your room?你经常整理你的房间吗? I often read English books. 我经常读英语书。Let me help you. 让我来帮助你。I never play football. 我从来不踢足球。I always ride my bike to school. 我总是骑车去学校。

Module 9重点词汇和短语

peace和平 famous 著名的south南方 east东方 west西方 north北方 mountain山 lake 湖should应该 places地方 country-countries国家(单-复)make peace维护和平member state成员国 the UN building 联合国大厦tall and big buildings又高又大的楼房

重点句型:Do you want to visit the UN building?你想参观联合国大厦吗? Is China in the UN? 中国参加了联合国吗?China is one of the 193 member states in the UN. 中国是联合国193个成员国之一。It’s a very important building in New York. 它是纽约一栋非常重要的建筑。I want to go to Shanghai. 我想去上海。There are lots of mountains and lakes in Guilin. 桂林有许多山和湖泊。

Module 10重点词汇和短语

aunt伯母 forget-forgot忘记 way方式 cross穿过 only 只有sunny晴朗的 rainy下雨的 bring带来 sandwich-sandwiches三明治(单-复) fun有趣的 bicycle自行车 left 左边right右边 Saturday 周六Sunday 周日weekend周末 road 马路slow慢的 quick快的 move移动 love-lovely可爱的(形-副)safe安全的—dangerous危险的 street 街道thirsty 口渴的hungry饥饿的 bring any drinks带来任何饮料 drink water喝水 take…away 赶…走be fun to do … 做…有趣have a picnic野餐

重点句型:Only drink clean water!这能喝干净的水! It’s fun to drink the way!这种方式喝水很有趣!It’s fun to learn English.这样学英语很有趣! Go straight on. 直走。Don’t cross!不要穿过! Don’t ride your bicycle here!不要在这里骑单车!How do you get to the zoo?你怎样到达公园? Turn left!先左转!Turn right!向右转! Don’t worry!不必担心!
