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时间:2016-09-26 22:20:30 来源:免费论文网


donate 【根】don=to give(给予)

To present as a gift to a fund or cause; contribute. To make a contribution to a fund or cause.

v. 捐赠;捐献

n. 捐赠;捐献


We donate to the school endowment fund every year. 我们每年向学校的捐赠基金捐款。


To provide with property, income, or a source of income. To equip or supply with a talent or quality: Nature endowed you with a beautiful singing voice. To imagine as having a usually favorable trait or quality: endowed the family pet with human intelligence.

vt. 赋予;捐赠;天生具有

例句: She is endowed with great musical ability.


He endowed the hospital with half his fortune. 他把他的一半财产捐赠给了这家医院。


Money or property brought by a bride to her husband at marriage. Also called dower.

A sum of money required of a postulant at a convent.

A natural endowment or gift; a talent. n.=dowry 嫁妆;天资


The act of giving to a fund or cause. A gift or grant.

n. 捐款,捐赠物;捐赠

例句: She made a donation of $5,000 to the Children's Hospital.



The recipient of a gift

n. 受赠者,受赠人

donor One that contributes something, such as money, to a cause or fund. Medicine. An individual from whom blood, tissue, or an organ is taken for transfusion, implantation, or transplant. Chemistry. An atom, molecule, or ion that provides a part to combine with an acceptor, especially an atom that provides two electrons to form a bond with another atom. Electronics. An element introduced into a semiconductor with a negative valence greater than that of the pure semiconductor.

n. 捐赠者;供者;赠送人 ;【医】供血者;献皮者;(器官等的)供者;【物】【电子】施主 dose doss长的蛮像的,241期讲哈 A specified quantity of a therapeutic agent, such as a drug or medicine, prescribed to be taken at one time or at stated intervals. The amount of radiation administered as therapy to a given site. An ingredient added, especially to wine, to impart flavor or strength. An amount, especially of something unpleasant, to which one is

To give (someone) a dose, as of medicine. To give or prescribe (medicine) in specified amounts.

n. 剂量;一剂,一服

vi. 服药

vt. 给药;给…服药

例句: Feverish patients were dosed with quinine. 给发高烧病人服用了奎宁。

anecdote an=un ec=ex ecdot-edit

A short account of an interesting or humorous incident.

pl. an·ec·dotes or an·ec·do·ta (-dōt?) Secret or hitherto undivulged particulars of history or biography.

n. 轶事;奇闻;秘史


She told us anecdotes about the hospital and the patients.



To overlook, forgive, or disregard (an offense) without protest or censure. See Synonyms at forgive.

vt. 宽恕;赦免

pardon par= per, thoroughly

字面意思to give up someone’s fault thoroughly [Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: pardoner, from Late Latin perdonare 'to give freely'] To release (a person) from punishment; exempt from penalty: a convicted criminal who was pardoned by the governor. To let (an offense) pass without punishment. To make courteous allowance for; excuse The act of pardoning. Law. Exemption of a convicted person from the penalties of an offense or crime by the power of the executor of the laws. An official document or warrant declaring such an exemption.

Allowance or forgiveness for an offense or a discourtesy: begged the host's pardon for leaving early.

n. 原谅;赦免;宽恕

vt. 原谅;赦免;宽恕

例句: I beg your pardon. I suppose I should have knocked.


Pardon me for not writing to you sooner.

请原谅我未能及早给你写信。 forgive forget foreign

To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon.

To renounce anger or resentment against.

To absolve from payment of (a debt, for example). To accord forgiveness.

vt. 原谅;免除(债务、义务等)

vi. 表示原谅 例句: He is not a man who forgives easily.

他不是一个轻易宽恕别人的人。 Will you forgive me the debt?




第六届Spelling Bee 中级


第六届Spelling Bee 高级


初中英语词汇表 15too adv 也 注:n 名词v 动词16 three num 三 adj形容词 17are v 是

adv 副词 prep介18you pron 你,你们

19yes adv 是 词 conj连词

phr.短语num数词 20four num 四

21five num 五 第一册 1----833

22no adv & adj 不,1 what pron 什么

不是 2 is v 是

3 what'swhat is的23not adv 不

24hi interj 喂(问候缩写形式

4 your pron 你的,你或唤起注意)

25class n (学校里的)们的

班级,年级 5 name n 名字

26grade n 年级 6 my pron 我的

27six num 六 7 I pron 我

28seven num 七 8 am v 是

9 I'mI am的缩写29eight num 八

30nine num 九 形式

10in prep 在...里(内,31ten num 十

32zero num & n 零 上)

11row n (一)排,(一)行 33plus prep 加,加上

34it pron 它 12one num 一

13number n 数字,号35it'sit is的缩写形

式 码

36how adv (指程度)14two num 二

多少,怎样 54a art 一(个,件...) 37old adj ...岁的,老的 55clock n 钟 38eleven num 十一 56and conj 和,又,而 39twelve num 十二 57pencil-box n 铅笔40minus prep 减,减盒 去 58an art 一(个;41thirteen num 十三 件.)(用于元音开头的词前) 42fourteen num 十59pencil n 铅笔 四 60ruler n 尺子 43fifteen num 十五 61pen n 钢笔

44 hello interj 喂(问候62sharpener n 卷笔或唤起注意) 刀 45please interj 请 63eraser n 橡皮擦 46can v.aux 能,可以,64room n 房间 会 65book n 书 47spell v 拼写 66map n 地图 48that pron 那,那个 67desk n 书桌 49secret n 秘密 68cup n 杯子 50this pron 这,这个 69bag n 书包

51in prep 用...(表达) 70computer n 电脑,52Englishn & adj 电子计算机 英语,英国人 71mouse n 鼠,耗子, 鼠标英国的,英国人的 72bed n 床

53in English phr. 用73keyboard n 键盘 英语(表达) 74isn'tis not的缩写


75pear n 梨

76cake n 蛋糕,饼,糕 77banana n 香蕉 78apple n 苹果

79orange n 橙子,橘子

80egg n 蛋

81bike n 自行车 82bus n 公共汽车 83car n 汽车,小汽车 84jeep n 吉普车 85Chineseadj 中国的,中国人的n 中国人,汉语 86Japaneseadj 日本的,日本人的

n日本人,日语 87look v 瞧,看 88who pron 谁 89she pron 她 90he pron 他 91bird n 鸟 92its pron 它的

93do v.aux (构成否定句,疑 问句的助动词)

94don'tdo not的缩写形式

95know v 知道,懂得 96think v 想,认为 97Mr=mister n 先生(用于姓名前)

98very adv 很,非常 99picture n 图画,照片

100 Mrs n 夫人 101 boy n 男孩 102 girl n 女孩

103 woman n 妇女,女人

104 man n 男人,人 105 cat n 猫

106 his pron 他的 107 teacher n 教师 108 her pron 她的 109 everyone pron 每人,人人

110 here adv 这里,这儿

111 today adv & n 今天

112 at prep 在

113 school n 学校

114 at school phr. 在学校

115 sorry adj 对不起,抱歉的

116 where adv 在哪里 117 home n 家

118 at home phr. 在家 119 How are you?你(身体)好吗?

120 fine adj (身体)好的 121 thanks n 谢谢(只用复数)

122 OK adv (口语)好,对,不错,可以

123 thank v 谢谢

124 goodbye interj 再见,再会

125 bye interj 再见 126 parrot n 鹦鹉 127 sister n 姐,妹 128 father n 父亲 129 mother n 母亲 130 box n 盒子,箱子 131 excuse v 原谅 132 me pron 我

133 Here you are.给你

134 but conj 但是 135 these pron 这些 136 they pron 他(她,它)们

137 good adj 好的 138 those pron 那些 139 boat n 船 140 hill n 小山 141 tree n 树

142 their pron 他们(她们,它们)的

143 much adv 多,很,非常

144 very much phr. 很,非常

145 all adv 都,完全 146 right adv & adj 对的,正确的

147 all right phr. 好,行,不错

148 mum n (口语)妈妈 149 friend n 朋友 150 brother n 兄,弟 151 nice adj 令人愉快

152 to prep (表示方向)到,向 动词不定式符号 153 meet v 见面,会面,遇见

154 child n 小孩

155 children n child的复数形式

156 welcome v 欢迎 157 our pron 我们的 158 come v 来

159 come in phr. 进来,进入

160 morning n 早晨,上午

161 class n 同一个班的学生

162 on prep 在,在...上 163 duty n 职责,责任 164 on duty phr. 值日 165 we pron 我们

166 aren'tare not的缩写形式

167 have v 有 168 new adj 新的 169 student n 学生

170 twin n 双胞胎之一 171 look v 看上去,显得

172 the art 这(那)个,这(那)些

173 same adj 同样的,同一的

174 look the same phr. 看起来很像

175 America n & adj 美国人(的) 176 sit v 坐

177 down adv 向下 178 sit down phr. 坐下 179 over adv 在那边,在另一边

180 there adv 那里,那儿

181 over there phr. 在那边

182 after prep 在...以后,在...后面

183 look after phr. 照顾,照看

184 Miss n 女士,小姐(对未婚妇女的称呼)
