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时间:2016-09-24 17:01:18 来源:免费论文网


Some feelings about the Inception

Today I’d like to talk about a science fiction film called Inception,which is quite popular this year.In deed,many of my friends have seen it and we enjoyed sharing our opinions about this film.

In this world, against what he had, there is a very strange title - Pirates of the dreamer.His specialty skills, is sneaking into others dreams, the subconscious steal valuable information and secrets.A rare skill, and soon made him the coveted corporate espionage industry's highly paid object.However, it has also lost his beloved wife for Moore, exile.Because the pain has long been widowed and find themselves unable to Cobb mental torture, finally got the last chance of redemption. Saito,Extremely wealthy,employment Cobb secret deal with their future competitors Fisher - implanted in his mind a thought.

No doubt, both from a technical or from the difficulty, it must be a perfect crime.

The film shows us a different world of science, in-depth analysis of a team to steal a dream.

I have to say it’s really an amazing film.It’s not only the success of Nolan but also for the screenwriters and directors. Because this film made so many guys begin to think deeply and they found happiness doing this and feel satisfied when got some consequence.The most wonderful film I think is what can make your idea free.I would like to describe the feeling as I drive a car in wild plains where I don’t need to obey the damn traffic rules and choose where to go just follow my own mind.For this film I got this feeling,I tried to understand the inner meaning by thinking reapeatly in many quite different ways.At last I got a clear understanding and felt I’ve just experienced a long and happy journey.

In the helicopter Saito promised Cobb help him go back home after the task.But when he got into the limbo,he gradually lost his consciousness just like Cobb before.He failed to fulfill his promise and got older in regret.On the contrary Cobb gave the teammates and Saito the most full trust.He take a leap of faith in the circumstances of quite uncertainty and finish the task. He also went to limbo and gave him a chance to go back together to honor the agreement and restart as young men.In the end everyone woke up in the plane,Cobb finished the task and Saito fulfilled his promise to make Cobb’s family reunion.

By means of this task Cobb and Saito both got the importance of trusting each other and save each other from their regres and finally get new life.

So what I think the greatest value of this film is to tell us we should be honest to the choice of our deep mind no matter what forces you to change .The only way to be without regrets even when you get old is not to deceive yourself now.


Some feelings about the Inception In this world, against what he had, there is a very strange title - Pirates of the dreamer.His specialty skills, is sneaking into others dreams, the subconscious steal valuable information and secrets.A rare skill, and soon made him the coveted corporate espionage industry's highly paid object.However, it has also lost his beloved wife for Moore, exile.Because the pain has long been widowed and find themselves unable to Cobb mental torture, finally got the last chance of redemption. Saito,Extremely wealthy,employment Cobb secret deal with their future competitors Fisher - implanted in his mind a thought.

No doubt, both from a technical or from the difficulty, it must be a perfect crime.

In the helicopter Saito promised Cobb help him go back home after the task.But when he got into the limbo,he gradually lost his consciousness just like Cobb before.He failed to fulfill his promise and got older in regret.On the contrary Cobb gave the teammates and Saito the most full trust.He take a leap of faith in the circumstances of quite uncertainty and finish the task. He also went to limbo and gave him a chance to go back together to honor the agreement and restart as young men.In the end everyone woke up in the plane,Cobb finished the task and Saito fulfilled his promise to make Cobb’s family reunion.

By means of this task Cobb and Saito both got the importance of trusting each other and save each other from their regres and finally get new life.

About the dream

Our dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right? It's only when we wake up that we realize how things are actually strange. Let me ask you a question, you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream do you? You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on.




Regret of the life

The moment's passed. Whatever I do I can't change this moment. I'm about to call out to them. They run away. If I'm ever going to see their faces I've gotta get back home. The real world.


To let go

I can't stay with her anymore because she doesn't exist. I wish. I wish more than anything. But I can't imagine you with all your complexity, all you perfection, all your imperfection. Look at you. You are just a shade of my real wife. You're the best I can do; but I'm sorry, you are just not good enough.


Time will tell

The last scene is that Dom return home ,he has a totem which is used to distinguish dream from reality.He spins it on the table then walks away.It is unclear if it is reality or simply another dream.

Maybe the opnions to the film from different persons is the same as the ending,there is no telling which films will survive as time files.Just like what is said in our book.


INTRODUCTION Inception is a 2010 American film written, produced, and directed by . The film stars , ,, , , , ,, , and . DiCaprio plays Dom Cobb, a who extracts information from

the of his victims while they dream. Unable to visit his children, Cobb is offered a chance to regain his old life in exchange for one last job: performing inception, the planting of an idea into the mind of his client's competitor. Development began roughly nine years before Inception was released. In 2001, Nolan wrote an 80-page about dream-stealers, presenting the idea to He spent six months polishing up the script for Inception before Warner Bros.

purchased it in February 2009.Filming spanned six countries and four continents, beginning in Tokyo on June 19, 2009 and finishing in Canada in late November of the same year.

Composer scored the film, using parts of 's song "".

Inception was officially budgeted at $160 million, a cost that was split between Warner Bros. and . Inception premiered in London on July 8, 2010 and was released in both conventional and theaters on July 14, 2010.Released to critical acclaim, the film grossed over $21 million on its opening day, with an opening weekend gross of $62.7 million.


Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), along with point man Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), is on an extraction mission within the mind of a powerful Japanese businessman Saito (Ken Watanabe); a form of corporate espionage through dreams. Pain is felt in dreams, but death results in awakening. Cobb carries a totem in the form of a spinning top which originally belonged to his

deceased wife Mal (Marion Cotillard), to determine whether he is dreaming or awake, which spins unceasingly or topples,

respectively. The extraction fails due to the intervention of Mal, whose memory haunts Cobb's mind and sabotages his missions. Saito reveals that he is in fact auditioning the team to perform the act of inception: using dreams to implant an idea. He

promises to have murder charges against Cobb cleared so that

he can return to the U.S. and visit his children, in return for the mission's success.

The target is Robert Fischer (Cillian Murphy), son of Saito's terminally ill corporate rival, Maurice Fischer (Pete

Postlethwaite). The objective is to convince Fischer to break up his father's empire. Cobb recruits Eames (Tom Hardy), a forger who can change appearance inside dreams, Yusuf (Dileep Rao), a sedative chemist, and Ariadne (Ellen Page), a student whom he and Arthur train as an architect to design dream worlds. When the elder Fischer dies in Sydney, Saito and the team share the flight with Robert Fischer back to Los Angeles and drug him. They enter Yusuf's dream, a rainy downtown area, and kidnap Fischer. However, they come under attack by Fischer's

trained unconscious mind projections, and Saito is badly injured. Due to the strength of the sedatives and multiple dream layers, death will result in the person going into limbo, a world of unconstructed dream space, for a seemingly indefinite time. Cobb reveals to Ariadne that he spent years with Mal in limbo, where they shaped their own world and lives. After waking, Mal remained convinced she was dreaming and committed suicide, persuading Cobb to do so by incriminating him in her death, but he instead fled the U.S. and the murder charges.

Eames changes into Peter Browning (Tom Berenger), Fischer's godfather, to extract information from him. The team then enter a van and are sedated into Arthur's dream, a hotel, where the team convinces Fischer that the kidnapping on the first level was orchestrated by Browning and that he must enter his godfather's mind to determine his motives. They in fact enter into a third level of Eames's dream, where Fischer must break into a snowy mountain fortress to reveal the planted idea. To wake and protect the team, a member stays behind at each level with synchronized kicks: Yusuf driving the van off a bridge, Arthur crashing an elevator containing the team's bodies in a zero gravity sequence, and Eames detonating explosives in the mountain fortress.

Fischer is killed by Mal and goes into limbo. Ariadne and Cobb follow him down and confront her. There Mal attempts to convince Cobb to stay in limbo by making him question reality, referring to events that occurred while he was awake. Cobb reveals that he had originally planted the idea in Mal's mind to wake, making him indirectly responsible for her suicide. She attacks him, but Ariadne shoots her. Cobb remains in limbo to locate a now dead Saito, while Fischer and Ariadne return to the mountain fortress where he comes to the conclusion that his

father wanted him to be his own man. Cobb eventually locates an aged Saito and tells him that they need to return to reality. He suddenly wakes on the plane to find everyone up and well. Saito honors their arrangement; Cobb enters the United States and finally returns home to his children. Cobb spins his totem top to test reality, but is distracted by the reunion.

CAST as Dominic Cobb, the Extractor

as Ariadne, the Architect

as Mallorie Cobb, the Shade

as Arthur, the Point Man

as Mr. Saito, the Tourist
