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1. 单元及课文分析


2. 教学重点

学生通过语音归类、体验含义,来学习新单词idea,phone,encourage,follow,repeat,sentence,understand,pardon,have a good talk,have an idea

3. 教学难点

Learn about the tips of making phone calls.


● 语言知识

(1) 掌握词汇:idea,phone,encourage,follow,repeat,sentence,understand,pardon

(2) 短语及句型:have a good talk,have an idea

● 语言技能

Enable the students to make phone calls with their friends in English.

Help the students learn to how to make phone calls in English properly.

● 情感态度

学生通过形式多样、丰富多彩的活动,学习故事的内容,理解其内涵,激发学生自主合作学习、运用英语进行体验学习的兴趣,培养学生学会欣赏他人、热爱他人的情感。 ● 学习策略



Step I Lead in

Lead the students to talk about making phone calls in English.

T: How is it going, class!

S: Fine, Mr. / Ms …

T: Good! But I was not so good last weekend. Do you know why? Let me tell you something. Last Saturday morning, I went to the bookstore as quickly as I could. Then, I took my handbag and hurried to the station. But when I got to the bookstore, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to lock my door! What should I do? I thought of returning, but it’s a long way. Then I tried to call my neighbor. Think what happened.

S: You neighbor helped you.

T: Yes, you’re right. But try to think: he has no key at all. How could he?

S: Your neighbor called your family members?

T: Great! So you see, when we are in trouble, a phone call may be of great use, right?

Show the students the following pictures on the slide.

T: Well, look at the pictures. What are they doing?

S: They are making phone calls.

T: Yes. Do you often call your friends?

S: Yes.

T: How often do you make phone calls to your friends?

S: Very often.

T: Do you make phone calls in English? If yes, is it hard to understand your friends when they speak English?

S: Yes, sometimes we talk in English. And it’s hard to understand my friends when they speak English.

T: If so, what can you ask them to do?

S: I’ll ask them to speak slowly, or repeat what they’ve said.

T: You’re quite right. Making phone calls in English is not as easy as in Chinese. But, it may help us practice English, do you agree?

S: Of course.

T: Next we’ll listen to a phone conversation. Let’s listen and find out what the point is.

Step II new words


Ask the students to listen to the conversation and answer the questions given to have a basic idea of this text.

T: Listen to the tape and answer these questions on the slides.

Show students the following questions:

Why does Wang Mei want to speak to Jenny?

Because she would love to practise/ speak English .

Play the tape recorder, ask the students to listen carefully and take some notes if necessary. After that, ask some of them to answer the questions above.

T: Who can answer these questions? Boys and girls, be brave!

S1 Wang Mei wants Li Ming to help her to speak English with his friend.

S2: Wang Mei wants to practice her English with an English-speaking friend.

S3: No, it is difficult for Wang Mei to understand Jenny. She asked Jenny to say the sentences again and slowly.

T: You did a good job! Listen again and read after the tape. Pay more attention to the pronunciation and intonation. After that, I will ask some of you to act out the conversation.

Play the tape recorder, get the students to repeat after it, and then ask some pairs to act out the conversation.

StepⅣReading and discussing

Ask the students to read the dialogue again and find the differences in making telephone calls in Chinese and English.

T: Please look through the text and discuss the following questions:

1.Can Wang Mei follow Jenny when they’re

talking on the phone?

2. How does Wang Mei practise her English?

Ask the students to discuss in groups of four. After the discussion, ask the students to give their answers.

S1: In Chinese, when we make phone calls, we always say: Are you …? Who are you? I am …. S2: But in English, they always say: May I speak to ….? This is … speaking. Who is it / this / that? Is this / that … speaking?

T: Wonderful! So when you make phone calls in English, you should follow the ways in this text.

Remember Chinglish (中国式英语) is not encouraged. Well, next question?

S: We can express those in the following ways:

1.I am sorry, I can’t follow you. Please say that again.

2.Pardon? Please speak more slowly.

T: Great! Now suppose you want to call your friend, but he isn’t near the phone. His mother answers the phone. Work in pairs and prepare for this conversation.

Several minutes later, ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in class.

Sample dialogue:

S1: Hello, may I please speak to Jack?

S2: Hold on, please. (One minute later.) Sorry he isn’t in now. Can I take a message for you?

S1: Yes, I’m his friend,Tom. Could you please tell him I have two tickets to a football match tonight? If he’d like to come, phone / call me back. My telephone number is 8963628.

S2: OK, I will pass this message onto him.

S1: Thank you. Goodbye.

S2: Bye!


Read the dialogue in groups

Talk about the language points

1. A:Is that/ this ......(speaking)?

B:Yes. This is ……(speaking).

No. It isn’t.

2. A: May I speak to ……,please?

B: Hold on, please. / Wait a moment, please./

Certainly. / Sure. / Of course.

Jenny and Li Jing have a good talk. 詹妮和李晶交谈的很愉快。

talk 谈论 谈到,不及物动词

talk to/ talk with 与某人交谈

talk about 谈论某事

talk 交谈, 名词

have a talk 常用固定搭配 进行交谈

Sorry, I can’t follow you.


follow 做动词,意为“明白,跟随”

practice doing sth. 练习做某事

StepⅥ Do some exercises

1. I’m afraid I can’选出与画线部分意思相近的一项)

A.find B. run after C. understand D. keep

2. Tom runs _______than Dave.

A.slowlyB. more slowlyC. slowD. Slower

3. I often _______telephone calls to my friend on Saturday evening.

A make B send C use D play

4. —Is that Jim speaking?


A.Yes, I am. B. No, I’m not.

C. No, that isn’t D. Yes, this is Jim.

5. He comes form ______ So he is an _______

A.America,American B.America,America

C.American,American D.America,America.


Try to use the expressions you

learned in this lesson and

give a phone call to

your good friend.





A:Is that/ this ......(speaking)?

B:Yes. This is ……(speaking).

No. It isn’t.

A: May I speak to ……,please?

B: Hold on, please. / Wait a moment, please./

Certainly. / Sure. / Of course.

篇二:Lesson 25教案

Lesson 25 Christmas is coming!


1、能使学生听、说、读、写下列单词:holiday, Christmas, Christmas tree, lights, song认读Western, special, Santa? 和日常用语:Merry Christmas! Have fun together!


3、通过本课的学习,学习西方的节日,培养学生学习英语的兴趣 教学重点:四会掌握Christmas tree, Christmas lights, Santa 等词组和单词。

教学难点:描述圣诞节,并能听懂一些对圣诞节的描述。 教具:圣诞节课件。



T: What day is today? S: It’s December 20th.

T: How do you feel now? S: I feel happy/tired.

T: But I feel excited. Why? Because Christmas is coming!

T: When is Christmas? It’s December 25th.

S1:What day is it?

S2:It’s Tuesday December 25th.

二、New lesson .

1.T: What’s Christmas? It’s a Western holiday. Christmas, say it, please.

T: On a holiday, people don’t work. Children don’t go to school. Holiday, say it, please.

T: Do you know any Western holiday? S: New year’s Day, Mother’s Day?

T: Good! Do you know any Chinese holiday? S: Spring Festival, Lantern Festival?

T: Yes. Sunday and Saturday are holidays, too.

2.T: Christmas is special. Why? Because we have some special things. Look, this is a special tree. It’s a Christmas tree. (Point to the Christmas tree in the front of the blackboard.) How does it look like? Is it beautiful? T: Look, what’s on the Christmas tree? S: They’re lights.

T: Yes, they’re Christmas lights. Christmas lights are on our house and Christmas trees.

On Christmas, we can see a special man, too. Look, here is he. (Show Santa.) Do you know his name? His name is Santa. Santa, say it, please. T: He is a merry man. How does he look like? Do you like him? Why? Please discuss it in groups and answer. S: He is a merry man in red clothes. He has glasses, gloves and boots. I like him. Because he has toys.

三、Practice in groups.

T: please watch a movie for 2 minutes about Christmas, then answer some questions: What holiday is it? What do you see?

S: It’s Christmas. Because there is a Christmas tree, some Christmas

lights on their house and I see a Santa on the Christmas tree.

四、The text

1. Show the words on the blackboard with actions: invite, bring, give, sing, carol (a special song at Christmas). The students learn to say it.


It’s a _________ holiday.

On this holiday, people______ go to work.

Children don’t _______________.

_____________ is special.

Because we have _______________,

______________and _______.

Santa is a___________ in red _______.

Children say he ___________ on


3. What will you do on this Christmas ? Please talk about it in groups.


1. Copy these new words five times.


Santa bring

Christmas tree

Christmas light

2. Say “Merry Christmas !”to your friendand give she/he a gift. Blackboard Design

Lesson 25 Christmas is coming!

Christmas tree

Christmas lights

Santa in red clothes


冀教版初中九下Unit 4 Work for Peace

Lesson 25 Talk! Don’t fight!

Navigation of the course(课程导航)

Teaching aims(教学目标)

1. Let the students know the importance of peace.

2. Create the students’ spirit of cooperation.

Teaching important points(教学重点)

1. Mastery words and expressions: fight, spend,spend…on/doing sth., fight with/against sb.

2. Talk about the agreement and disagreement.

Teaching difficult points(教学难点)

1. Grasp the usage of the word spend.

2. Grasp the object clause.

Guiding Teaching scene(教学情景导入)

Hello, everyone. Please enjoy the two pictures. The pictures are about fighting. Not only animals but also friends may fight sometimes. But I think they should talk and not fight.

Teaching steps(教学过程设计)

Step 1. Warming up:

Let’s the students talk about the topic.

What would you do if you found some money on the street?

Step 2. Listening tasks: Listen to the tape twice and answer the question.

What’s happening between Danny and Brain?

They are fighting.

Step 3. Reading tasks: Read the text with the following questions and then give the keys to them.

1. What’s in Danny's bag?

2. How much money did Danny spend on it?

3. Where did Danny get the money?

4. Who lost the money?

5. Can Danny return the money? Why?

6. Do you think whose money it is,Brian’s or Danny’s?

Step4. Read the text and tell the main idea of the text in the students’ own words.

Let the students speak in front of the class. Encourage them not to be shy when they stand there. Give the students chances to speak loudly in front of the class. Step5. Encourage the students to ask more questions about this part.

Divide the class into groups of three or four to finish the task. Ask all of the students to take part in the discussion.

They can ask questions like this:

S1: When you are Jenny, what should you do to stop the fight?

S2: Do you think the ten dollars is Brian’s?

S3: Do you think Danny should spend the ten dollars that he found on the street?

Step 6. Explain the language notes to the class.

1. Sometimes countries fight, and sometimes friends fight!

fight v. fight with sb. “与某人吵架/打架”

fight for sth. “为……而战斗”接抽象名词,意为“为(真理、事业自由、权利等)而斗争/战斗。

fight against sb.“与……对抗”

fight over“为??而相争“

n. have a fight with sb.“与……进行斗争/打架

have a fight with sb. = fight with sb.

fightfought fought

thinkthought thought

buy bought bought

bringbrought brought



2. Jenny and Brown see Danny walking down the street, carrying a bag.

carrying a bag 是现在分词短语用作状语,表示伴随状况

The man hurried to the hospital, leaving his son at home.

She came into the room, carrying a child.

The boy sat there, crying.

3. I bought her a present.

buy sb. sth = buy sth. for sb. make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb.show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.

pass sb. sth = pass sth. to sb. give sb. sth = give sth. to sb.lend sb. sth = lend sth. to sb.

send sb. sth = send sth. to sb.

4. It was on the street, near our school.

on the street = in the street

5. I lost it this morning.

lose (v.)lostlost

lost adj. “丢失的, 迷途的”

a lost pen a lost child

Lose/lost与 miss/missing的辨析

①lose表示“丢失而难以复得”;miss则表示“发现某物不见了”。例如: I lost my watch on my way home.在回家的路上我的手表丢失了。

I didn’t miss the key until I got home.我到了家了,才发现钥匙不见了。


I took the lost pen from my teacher.我从我老师那里拿回了丢失的钢笔。

The book has two missing pages. Could you help me?


6. Jenny and I have been looking for it.

have/has + been + v-ing

续进行的动作,强调动作的持续性和未完成性,常与since或for 连用。

I have been learning English these days.

She has been working for two years in this factory.

7. You should give me back my money!

give back: return

give sb back sth= give sth back to sb

8. Whose money do you think it is, Jenny?

本句是一个含有do you think的宾语从句.从句用陈述句的语序。

Where do you think he will go?

Whose money do you think it is?

How do you think they should solve their problem?

Who do you think is standing there? (who作主语)

9. He yells.

yell at sb. “冲着某人大叫”

10. It was mine, and I spent it on Sandra’s shirt!

cost “花费/耗费金钱,时间等” 常以事物作主语

cost sb. + 金钱/金钱

pay “支付(价款)” 常以人作主语

pay money for sth. “为了某物付……款”

spend “花费时间/金钱” 常以人作主语, 常用句型为:

spend some money on sth.

spend some time (in) doing sth.

take “花费时间/金钱” 常用句型为:

It takes sb. some time to do sth.

Step 7. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Divide the class into groups of three or four, talk about what Danny should do. Everyone writes his or her opinion on a piece of paper. Everyone must write his or her reasons down. Choose the best from their opinions. Then report it to the class. Step 8. Evaluation standards:

1.(1) They had a fight last week.(同义句转换)

They last week.(fought )


Don’tthe classmates. (fight, with)

2.The secretary worked late into the night, _ a long speech for the president.


A. to prepare B. preparing

C. prepared D. was preparing

3.My father bought me a new computer

last week. (同义句转换)

My father ___ a new computer __me last week.(bought, for)



(I met a friend in (on) the street.)


(I have lost my key.)

Blackboard design(课堂板书设计)

Lesson 25: Talk! Don’t fight!

New words:

fight, spend, fought, spent


1. Finish off the exercises in the activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.

Teaching reflection (教学反思)

Lesson 26 Good Friends Shouldn’t Fight同步教案

Navigation of the course(课程导航)

Teaching aims(教学目标)

1. Let the student’s grasp the four basic skills of English: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

2. Know about the importance of peace in the world.

Teaching important points(教学重点)

1. Mastery words and expressions: enemy, behave, gentleman, honest

2. Oral words and expressions: thief, unhappy, agreed

3. The agreement and disagreement

Teaching difficult points(教学难点)

1. Talk about the agreement and disagreement.

2. Grasp the object clause.

Guiding Teaching scene(教学情景导入)

How do you get along with your friends right now? Sometime we could have a fight with our friends, and then we may feel angry with each other. But I think good friends shouldn’t fight. Let’s come to the topic this class.

Teaching steps(教学过程设计)

Step 1. Warming up: Ask the students to talk about the following questions.

Have you ever had a fight with your friends? What happened?

How do you feel when you are fighting with your friend?

If you have a fight with your friends, how do you make up after the fight?

Step 2. Learning new words of the text.

New words

thiefn. 贼enemyn. 敌人behave v 表现 behave like …表现得像…… The old man behaved like a child. gentleman n.绅士 ; 君子

honestadj. 诚实的;坦白的unhappyadj. 不高兴的;难过的 agreedadj. 意见一致的;商定的agree v. 同意

Step 3. Listening tasks: Listen to the tape and then finish the tasks.

Listen to the tape once and circle the words you hear.

speaklonger also true

anythingyesterday angry

mine houseagree

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

Brian thinks Danny is a ______.

Jenny thinks Danny and Brian should stop ______.

They will have a ______ at Jenny’s house.

Keys: 1.thief



Step 4. Reading tasks: Read the text and the finish the following questions.

1. Has Brian found his lost money?

2. Did Danny feel sorry to Brian?

3. Is Brian still angry with Danny?

4. What idea does Jenny give to Brian?

Keys: 1. No, he hasn’t.

2. Yes, he did.

3. Yes, he is.

4. She said they could have a meeting.

Step 5. Explain the language notes to the students.

1. If you had a fight with your friends, how do you make up after the fight? 如果你和朋友打架了,之后你怎么弥补呢?

1) have a fight with ...意为“和……打架”,fight作名词,意为“打架;打仗;争吵;斗争;争斗”。fight with ... 意为“和……打架”,这里的fight为动词。试比较:

I had a fight with my best friend yesterday. =I fought with my best friend

yesterday. 昨天我和最好的朋友吵架了。

2) make up意为“弥补;组成;捏造;补充”。如:

Five players make up one team. 五名队员组成一个队。

She made up the whole story. 整个故事都是她编造的。

We need one more player, will you make up the number? 我们还缺一名队员,你来补这个缺位好吗?

2. The next day, Danny and Brian won’t speak to each other.


each other互相,彼此。同one another。如:
