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时间:2016-09-24 16:15:19 来源:免费论文网


? 2015阳泉三中中考录取分数线


? 2015阳泉二中中考录取分数线分)(第二批统招生:486分)

? 2015阳泉一中中考录取分数线分)(第二批统招生:非指标生-608分,指标-548分,指标生未完成转为统招生-537分)

? 2015平定一中中考录取分数线分)(第二批统招生:非指标生-578分,指标-518分,指标生未完成转为统招生-497分)

? 2015阳泉育英学校中考录取分数线(第二批统招生:380分)

? 2015阳泉荣昌学校中考录取分数线(第二批统招生:300分)

篇二:山西省阳泉市2016年中考英语语法复习练习 数词





一、Read the following numbers loudly.

1~12192026 30

100123 5,123

15012345663(phone number)

2.9 7.185,08 (小数)

193719001908 2012 ( 年份)

1:302:15 3:20 4:40 5:00(时间)

二、Write down the following Ordinal Numbers.

1st 2nd 3 rd 4th 5th

9th2th 19th 20th 28th40th

90th100th 101st


( )1. More than 60 __________ people died in the powerful earthquake in Sichuan provice.

A. thousands B. thousand ofC. thousand

( )2. The important sports festival, the Olympic Games, __________ held every ________years.

A. is; five B. are; three C. is; four D. are; two

( )3. —How old is your daughter?

—_______. We had a special party for her _______ birthday last week.

A. Ninth; ninth B. Nine; nine C. Ninth; nine D. Nine; ninth

( )4. —Excuse me, how many students are there in your art club?

—There are _______.

A. twelve B. twelfth C. the twelfth

( )5. _______ of the gifts in this school are fans of Li Yuchun.

A. Two fifths B. Two fifth C. One thirds D. Fifths two

( )6. —If a=3, b=4, what's the answer to the question 4a+2ab+1=?—_______.

A. Twenty-fifth B. Thirty-sevenC. Thirteen D. Eighteen

( )7. —How long is the new bridge? Do you know?

—Yes, it's about _______.

A. one thousand one hundred and eighty meters

B. one thousand and one hundred fifty meters

C. two thousands one hundred forty meters

D. two thousands seventy and three meters

( )8. The old man began to learn to drive a car at the age of _______.

A. sixty B. the sixtieth C. sixty years old D. sixties

( )9. —On Eric's ______ birthday, he was given a new computer by his parents. —How ______ he was!

A. nine; lucky B. ninth; luckily C. nineteen; luckily D. nineteenth; lucky

( )10. I'm ______ years old. I had a special party on my __________ birthday last Sunday.

A. twelve; twelvethB. twelve; twelfth C. twelfth; twelfth


考点一 基数词

1. 基数词的构成:1~12特殊记,13~19在词尾-teen, 逢十的词尾加ty, 几十几在后面加连字符。

2. hundred, thousand, million, billion前有具体数字修饰时,不用复数,不跟of短语;如无数字,则用复数,跟of短语。

3. 用“几十”的基数词的复数形式,或给年份后加-s, 可用来表示岁数或年代。 考点二 序数词

1. 序数词的构成如下:

①第一、第二、第三的序数词要特殊记:first, second, third.

②从4到19,要在词尾加th, 但少数序数词在拼法上不规则。

③逢十的序数词通常是将基数词词尾y变成i, 再加上后缀-eth. 几十的序数词都是只变尾数。

2. 序数词的用法:


考点三 分数的表达


考点四 年份、日期、时间的表达法

1. 年份:四位数通常分两组来读,年份前用介词in.

2. 日期用序数词来表达。

3. 时刻表达法:

①顺着读。如:11:24 读作:eleven twenty-four

②借助介词“past”和“to”来表达。半小时用half表示;一刻钟用a quarter表示;如果是半小时以内或半小时就用past连接;如果是半小时以上,则用介词to构成短语。 题组训练二(知识网络化)

( )1. Today is my mother's ______ birthday. I will buy her a gift.

A. fourteenB. fourteenthC. fortieth

( )2. Autumn is _______ season in a year. It is called “fall” in American English.

A. three B. the third C. a third

( )3. We have _____ rain this spring. The trees and grass don't grow well.

A. little B. a little C. few

( )4. —There is a wrong word in line _______.


—In the _____ one.

A. two; two B. two; second C. second; two

( )5. —I'd like ____ grapes and pears.

—Oh, I only need _____ orange juice.

A. some; anyB. any; someC. some; some

( )6. Enshi is becoming a tourist city. _______ people come here during the holiday

every year.

A. Thousand of B. Thousands of C. Five thousands of

( )7. He doesn't have _______ furniture in his room —Just an old desk.

A. any B. many C. some

( )8. In our class _______ of the students ______ girls.

A. three fifths; are B. three fifth; areC. three fifth; is

( )9. Can you imagine what life will be like in _______ time?

A. 20 years' B. 20 year's C. 20-years'

( )10. Mother’s Day is on the _______ Sunday in May every year.

A. two B. second C. Six


( )1.Boys and girls, please turn to Page _____ and look at the _____ picture. (2015呼和浩特)

A.Fifth; five B.Five; five C.Five; fifth

( )2.It took _____ people three months to build this great building. (2015安顺)

A.two hundreds B.hundred of C.hundreds of

( )3.In our city, _____ middle school students want to work as a teacher in the future. (2015克拉玛依)

A. thousand B. thousand of C. thousands of

( )4.Tony’s mum looks young and beautiful. It’s hard to imagine she is already in her _____. (2015苏州)

A. fifties B. fiftyC. fiftieths

( )5.Basketball is so exciting that _____ people play it for fun. (2015天津)

A. million B. two millions C. millions of

( )6.Helen loves reading. She has read _____ books this month. (2015重庆A/C卷)

A.five B.fifth C.five of

( )7.It’s reported that over eight _____ people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal this year. (2015重庆B卷)

A.thousand B.thousands C.thousand of



一、略 二、略

三、1-5 CCDAA6-10 BAADB


1-5 CBBBA 6-10 ABBBB


1-5 CCCAC 6-7 AA








100教育致力于打造一个高效的教育服务体系,来解决这些问题,服务更多的学生、家长。 对学生来说,通过网络自由选择全国各地的优秀老师,找到最适合他们的老师为他们辅导教学,让高效学习成为可能,让老师根据每个孩子的情况制定针对性的学习辅导计划,针对每个学生薄弱项,设计不同课程,不同的教学方案,足不出户,节省学习时间,提升学习效率。




(一) 重点中学老师授课


(二) 足不出户


(三) 基于互联网的个性化教学


(四) 学习轨迹全记录

