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时间:2016-09-24 11:42:22 来源:免费论文网





第一部分 听对话回答问题


( )1. How does Millie learn about the world now?

A.B. C.

( )2. Which is NOT Millie's suggestion for Daniel to improve his English?

A. B. C.

()3. What time did the boy go home yesterday?

()4. Which colour does the girl like best?

A. Green. B. Yellow.C. Black.

()5. Where is Jane now?

A. At school.B. At home.C. In hospital. 第二部分 听对话和短文答题 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。


()6.What are they talking about?

A.Going boating. B.Going hiking. C.Climbing the mountain.

()7.What does the boy advise the girl to do?

A .To take more exercise. B.To have a good rest.C.To


at home. 听第一篇短文,回答第8-10小题。请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。

()8. A. August 5th B. August15th C. August 25

()9. A. speaking B. writingC. listening

()10. A. friendly B. freeC. fun


()11. What did the Smiths decide first?

A. Where to go. B. How to go. C. When to go.

()12. When did the Smiths decide to go traveling?

A. In July.B. In September. C. In December.

()13. Why didn't Mr Smith tell his workmate where they were going?

A. Because he didn't want to tell his friend.

B. Because Mrs Smith didn't tell him.

C. Because they hadn't decided.

()14. What can we know about the family meeting of the Smiths?

A. It wasn't successful. B. It lasted a long time.

C. The Smiths quarreled at the meeting.

()15. How many people are there in the passage?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.


() 1.--Have you seen _________ film where are we going, Dad?

--Yes, it’s quite ______ interesting film so that I have seen it twice.

A. a , the B. the, an C. a, anD. the, the

( ) 2.—Would you please tell me what to ____ these old magazines and books?

—Sorry,I really don’t know how to______ them.

A. deal with; do withB. do with; do with

C. deal with; deal with D. do with; deal with

( ) 3. _______ he _______ his parents live in the city. They

both live in the country.

A. Both; and B. Either; or

C. Neither, nor D. Not only; but also

( ) 4. Our English teacher is very strict ____ us and he is strict ____

his teaching.

A. with; at B. with; with C. at; at D. with; in

() 5. —She didn’t make ______ great progress,did she?

_______,although she did her best.

A. so; No B. so; Yes C. such; No D. such;Yes ( ) 6 This pair of jeans looks nice ___Sandy because she looks very nice _____ blue.

A. on, inB. in, on C. for, onD. to, in

( ) 7. -- What’s the matter? You are crying!

-- Nothing serious. The film _____ me ________ the times when I was a child.

A. lets, think B. reminds, of C. makes, think D. takes, to

( ) 8.He devoted his lifetime _____ it possible for women _____ better education.

A. to make; to receiveB. to make; to receiving

C. to making; to receive D. to making; receive

( ) 9.I would rather _____the chance than ______her.

A. not to take; to hurt B. not take; hurt

C. not take; hurting D. don't take; to hurt

( ) 10. -What did John say just now?

-He asked_______.

A. which was the way to the museum

B. when we visit the museum

C. that we visited the museum

D. how did we get to the museum ( ) 11.—I am afraid I will have to give up Chinese chess. I have made

______ in the past few years.

— You’d better not. It takes time and patience, you know.

A.great progresses B. much progress

C. few progresses D. little progress

( ) 12. - Let's go on a picnic if it_______ next Saturday.

- But nobody knows if it_______ on that day.

A. is fine; will rainB. will be fine; rains

C. will be fine; will rain D. is fine; rains

( ) 13. The thing that_______ is not whether you fail or not, but whether

you try or not.

A. minds B. cares C. matters D. considers

( ) 14. Tomorrow is my_______ birthday, I promise to take on more

challenges in my_______.

A. thirty; thirties B. thirtieth; thirties

C. thirties; thirtieth D. thirtieth; thirty

( ) 15 - How can you manage to do all these things without a rest?-I prefer_______ a cup of coffee_______ me energetic.






( ) 1. A. clean B. clever C. classD. classroom

( ) 2. A. kingB. boy C. people D. man

( ) 3. A. liked B. visited C. showed D. walked

( ) 4. A. jacket B. wearC. kilt D. jeans

( ) 5. A. short B. longC. ago D. got

( ) 6. A. happy B. new C. old D. make

( ) 7. A. angry B. foolish C. cry D. shout

( ) 8. A. new clothes B. magic clothesC. make clothes D. like clothes

( ) 9. A. try onB. point to C. shout at D. look at

( ) 10. A. looked B. livedC. likedD. played


( ) 1.A.I’m fine.B. It was rainy.C. It is cloudy.

( ) 2.A.You look happy. B. Yes, it is. C. I was late for school.

( ) 3.A. What a pity. B. Well done! C. A good idea.

( ) 4.A. There is a parrot.B. There were some chairs. C. Yes, there were.

( ) 5. A. We couldn’t fly kites in the park.

B. We went to the playground and played games.

C. We were hungry and wet.


( ) 1. Tom is very tall.

( ) 2. Tom likes wearing his father’s clothes.

( ) 3. One day, Tom put on his father’s new shirt.

( ) 4. The trousers were not Tom’s father’s.

( ) 5. Tom’s father was angry.


It was ______ last Sunday. I ______ to the park______ my brother. We _______some bread and ______. We ______ many photos there. We

_____ up the hill and ______ some children flying _______ in the park. We _____ happy.


一、判断下列单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F” (6分)

( ) 1. (

( ) 2.(

( ) 3. (

二、英汉互译 (14分)

1. 变成____________________2. 变得晴朗


3. 一个小男孩______________4. 在天空中


5. 走过城市________________6.飞走_________________________

7.爬上小山__________________ 8.很久以前_____________________

9. hold onto the kite __________10. have a picnic _________________

11. say one sentence __________12. watch a film _________________

13. point at the king __________14. bring some food _______________


1. It was ______( rainy / rain ). There was a lot of ______(rainy / rain).

2. It was ________ ( clouds / cloudy ). There were black ______(clouds / cloudy) in the sky.

3. ______( Did / Does ) Mrs Black_______( watered / water) the flowers every day?

4.Mr Green _________ ( walked / is walking ) in the park now.

5. I look after ________( he / him ) every day.

6. He __________( looks / looked ) sad, because he__________( losed / lost ) a new pen.

四、单项选择 (12分)

()1. ---What happened?

-- -My kite _______ away.

A. fly B. flies C. flew

()2. He could not __________ his book.

A. find B. look forC. found

()3. They are looking _________ the picture. It’s beautiful.

A. for B. after C. at

()4. Each student __________ one sentence.

A. says B. speaksC. tells

()5. Don’t shout ________ your friend.

A. to B. at C. on

()6. It was time ________ play games.

A. to B. for C. on

()7. They were hungry because they ________ have lunch.

A. aren’t B. don’t C. didn’t

()8. There _______ many black clouds then.

A. is B. Was C. Were

()9. How do you go to school every day?

A. take a bus B. by bus C. drive a car

()10. ---__________

---Because I get some books from my teacher.

A. What’s the matter with you?

B. Why are you so happy?

C. Which man is your teacher?

( )11. The witch(女巫

A. turned …on …B. talked…with…

C. told…about … D. turned…into…

( )12.I want to play ___ football but he wants to play ___ volleyball.

A. /; theB. /; /C. the; /D. the; the




( and we couldn’t


( ________


( ________










( ) 1. A. clean B. cleverC. classD. classroom

( ) 2. A. king B. boyC. people D. man

( ) 3. A. liked B. visited C. showedD. walked

( ) 4. A. jacket B. wearC. kiltD. jeans

( ) 5. A. short B. longC. agoD. got

( ) 6. A. happy B. newC. old D. make

( ) 7. A. angry B. foolishC. cry D. shout

( ) 8. A. new clothesB. magic clothes C. make clothes D. like clothes

( ) 9. A. try on B. point toC. shout at D. look at

( ) 10. A. looked B. lived C. liked D. played


( ) 1.A.I’m fine.B. It was rainy.C. It is cloudy.

( ) 2.A.You look happy. B. Yes, it is. C. I was late for school.

( ) 3.A. What a pity. B. Well done! C. A good idea.

( ) 4.A. There is a parrot.B. There were some chairs. C. Yes, there were.

( ) 5. A. We couldn’t fly kites in the park.

B. We went to the playground and played games.

C. We were hungry and wet.


( ) 1. Tom is very tall.

( ) 2. Tom likes wearing his father’s clothes.

( ) 3. One day, Tom put on his father’s new shirt.

( ) 4. The trousers were not Tom’s father’s.

( ) 5. Tom’s father was angry.


It was ______ last Sunday. I ______ to the park______ my brother. We _______some bread and ______. We ______ many photos there. We _____ up the hill and ______ some children flying _______ in the park. We _____ happy.


一、判断下列单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F” (6分)

( ) 1. (

( ) 2. (( ) 3.(

二、英汉互译 (14分)

1. 变成____________________2. 变得晴朗____________________

3. 一个小男孩______________4. 在天空中____________________

5. 走过城市________________6.飞走_________________________

7.爬上小山__________________ 8.很久以前_____________________

9. hold onto the kite __________10. have a picnic _________________

11. say one sentence __________12. watch a film _________________

13. point at the king __________14. bring some food _______________


1. It was ______( rainy / rain ). There was a lot of ______(rainy / rain).

2. It was ________ ( clouds / cloudy ). There were black ______(clouds / cloudy) in the sky.

3. ______( Did / Does ) Mrs Black_______( watered / water) the flowers every day?

4.Mr Green _________ ( walked / is walking ) in the park now.

5. I look after ________( he / him ) every day.

6. He __________( looks / looked ) sad, because he__________( losed / lost ) a new pen.

四、单项选择 (12分)

()1. ---What happened?

-- -My kite _______ away.

A. fly B. flies C. flew

()2. He could not __________ his book.

A. find B. look forC. found

()3. They are looking _________ the picture. It’s beautiful.

A. for B. after C. at

()4. Each student __________ one sentence.

A. says B. speaksC. tells

()5. Don’t shout ________ your friend.

A. to B. at C. on

()6. It was time ________ play games.

A. to B. for C. on

()7. They were hungry because they ________ have lunch.

A. aren’t B. don’t C. didn’t

()8. There _______ many black clouds then.

A. is B. Was C. Were

()9. How do you go to school every day?

A. take a bus B. by bus C. drive a car

()10. ---__________

---Because I get some books from my teacher.

A. What’s the matter with you?

B. Why are you so happy?

C. Which man is your teacher?

( )11. The witch(女巫) the prince the lion.

A. turned …on … B. talked…with…

C. told…about … D. turned…into…

( )12.I want to play ___ football but he wants to play ___ volleyball.

A. /; the B. /; /C. the; / D. the; the




( and we couldn’t ABC

( ________


( ________






Long long ______ ,there a boy . He drawing .

2. 今天早上,我带来了一些饮料。

This , I some drinks .

3. 轮到波比了,他正在努力思考。

It’s Bobby’s . He is ___________ hard .

4. 昨天公园里有一场有趣的表演,我们看到了许多鹦鹉。

There was ,we many parrots .

七、根据首字母填空。( 8分)

, 21st September

in the morning . I got up late . I couldn’t eat my breakfast .
