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时间:2016-09-22 14:58:05 来源:免费论文网




摘要: 在每年的雅思考试当中都有很多考生会寻找很多的雅思考试资料,其实。对于雅思考试复习效果最好的就是雅思真题及答案,这不仅能够充分的向考生展示雅思考试特点而且能最大限度的让雅思考生适应雅思考试。

今天小编为大家带来关于 雅思 真题及答案,因为在每年的考试当中,有不少考生都对历年的雅思真题及答案进行了认真的练习和分析,最后取得了很好的效果,由此可见,雅思真题对于复习 雅思考试 成绩的提高效果显而易见,所以小编为大家献上最全的雅思真题及答案,希望大家可以从历年的雅思真题及答案解析的练习与分析中不断的提高自己的雅思成绩。



相关字搜索: 雅思真题及答案



1、姓名 Name

Q:What is your full name?

A:Yep ,my full name is Su Caixing .

Q:Does your Chinese name have any special meaning?

A:Yep ,it is given by my parents ,which means treasure in the Chinese Language .

Well ,maybe my parents expected me to be a rich and generous person .

Q:Do you think you would change your name in the future?

(1)No version

A:No ,I afraid not ,I love this name ,because my name sounds pretty good ,

and tends to leave a deep impression on people and help them remember who i am quickly .

(2)Yes version

A:Yep ,actually ,I have always wanted to change it and I don't like it .

For one thing ,it is old fashioned .On the other hand ,it is too common in China/

So I want to get a new name .

Q:What name are popular to give to babies in your country .



Well ,it is really hard to say/generalize it .

I don't really know .


It is a tough question to say .

I'm not quite sure .

I don't know much about this .

I really have no idea about this .


I have never thought about this before .

it depends .


Let me have a little think about this .

If I remember correctly .

A:Well ,It is really hard to generalize it ,but i would say ,name like 佳、仪、婷 are very popular for girls ,as the boys 宇轩杰 are commonly used .In general ,they all contain good wishes or expectations

2、学习/工作 Study or work

Q:Do you work or Are you a student?

A:Yep ,I'm a senior student of Guangzhou University .

Q:Do you like your studies?/Do you like your school life?

A:Yep ,i'm very enjoy my studies/life in the school .I think it is awesome .Firstly ,I can learn the advanced knowledge in the class ,it help me open up my eyes .The others ,i have join some club activity after class ,which could help me make some friend and the club activities also have much fun .In general ,i love the school life .

Q:What major are you studying?

A:Yep ,i'm studying Software Engineering ,

Q:Do you like it?

A:Yep ,I love it very much ,because Software Engineering involves a lot of computer's knowledge ,which is something that I've always been interested in since i was a pupil ,Studying it also give me a lot of fun and joy . Q:Why do you chose it?

A:Mostly because of my parents as they found the computer was fascinated me when i was a pupil ,also they

thought studying Software Engineering would be helpful for me to find a job after i graduate ,So I chose to went with their decision .

Part Two:

Q:A subject you disliked in high school .

A:Yep ,I hate the politics class in senior one .

One major reason is that the teacher of politics is a terrible person, he always have serious-looking and pocket-face and he never smiled in the class .Another thing is that his class is so boring that too many students including me fall asleep in his class . i try so hard to keep my eyes open,by pinching my hands , my legs and so on .There was still one thing ,his class have a lot of homework .In fact I have to stay up late to finish the assignment so i don't have energy to focus on the other class .It drive me crazy .All in all ,I hate it very much .

Q:One subject you like/dislike in high school .

A1:Yep ,one subject that i really like in high school was history,because I’m quite good at it ,so I could got good grades in exams ,which made me really proud of myself .

A2:Yep ,one subject that i really like in high school was music , for one thing i could appreciate the wonderful music ,the other is that music class is a good way for me to relax so i can relieve stress from my study .

A3:Yep ,one subject that i didn't enjoy is politics ,because it is too different and i am terrible at it ,so i always failed in exams ,this situation made me really upset and frustrated .

A4:Yep ,one subject that i didn't enjoy is politics ,because the class is dull ,In one way ,it only went through the boring textbook and focus on explaining rigid theories and concepts ,In the other way ,i had so many things to memories from the book .


Q:Where are you from?

A:I was born and raised in a small town of Zhaoqing City of Guangdong Province in China .It locates on the South of China and mid-west of Guangdong .

Q:Are there any special places in you hometown?

A:Well,I could say so .Zhaoqing is an excellent tourist city .There are so many interesting sights including Dinghu Moutain ,LongMu Temple and so on .What i like the most is the DingHu Mountain ,which is a major landmark in Zhaoqing ,When I get to the top of the mountain ,I can breath the fresh air and enjoy the singing of bird .It is a wonderful nature experience .I like it .

Q:Is you hometown suitable for young/old people to live in?

A:Well,actually,I guess my hometown is really suitable for old people to live in .Firstly,Living in Zhaoqing , the pace is slow and laid back .And also ,the living expense in Zhaoqing is lower than any other big city .

Q:Have there been any changes happened in your hometown in the past years?

A:Yes ,It is infable .Let me have a little think .I could say that one major change is that the public transport network become more developed in these years .I noted that government had increased the number of bus lines and taxis these years .Besides ,the light rail are being built .Another change is that the living service facilities become more and

more developed .Super market ,bar ,restaurant and any other facilities can be found easily in the downtown of Zhaoqing .

4、天气与季节Weather and season


Q:Do you like sunshine?

A:Yes,well,It depends .In summer ,it make me sweat a lot ,but in winter ,it give me a warm feeling and put me in a good mood for the whole day .I really like the feeling when seeing the sunshine through the window in winter .It is fantastic .

Q:What do you like to do in the sunshine?

A:Well ,on sunny day .I can do some outdoor activities such as swimming ,camping ,hiking or have a bbq with my friend in the park or even flying kite with my little cousin .

Q:Do you like travel to places which are full of sunshine?

A:oh yeah ,On sunny day ,i like to go to the beach and I can swimming in the sea and lie down on the soft

sand ,enjoying a wonderful sunbath and the nice view of the sea and sky .In the nightfall ,I can watch the sunset with my girlfriend together on the beach .it is amazing .

Q:What are the problems of being in the sunshine?

A:Well ,it is really hard to say .but I like to say is that if people are exposed to the sunshine for a long time ,one possible problem is that people will feel dizzy and even suffer form the sunstroke .


Q:Do you like rainy days?

A: Yeah ,I love the rainy days more than sunny days .I fell it is cool and comfortable in rainy day .I can sleep tight in the night and it make me feel calm and peaceful .

Q:How does rain effect people's daily life?

A:Well ,it is a tough question ,but I guess I possible effect is that rainy day makes it inconvenient for people to go out because on rainy day the roads are wet and slippery and the traffic is more congested .beside ,people have to carry on umbrella when it rain .Another thing I like to say is that ,it could affect people's mood ,which make us feel low or upset .

Q:Which cities in China have the most rain?

A:Let me have a little think ,uh ,I have no idea about that but i would say my hometown has a relatively with rich rainfall ,especially in summer .It usually rains after a few days of hot and stuffy weather .

Q:Which season do you like the most?

A:Well ,i guess my favorite season is autumn .because autumn unlike summer or winter .In Guangdong ,summer are so hot that make me sweat a lot and in winter . i even can not feel my feet .

Q:Do you think family is important for you ?

A:Yeah ,I could say that for most people ,family was the first/number one priority for all thing . It is more important than money or working .Also ,the family is a harbor of safety which gives us love support and guidance .



Q:What types of clothes do you like the most?

A:Well ,I like to wear casual clothes especially T-shirts and jeans as it is quite comfortable to wear and make me feel at ease .

Q:When you buy clothes would you think of the influence of different colors?

A:Actually ,I will . I will chose the bright-colored one like white ,yellow ,and red ,because I think that it suit me well ,give me more confidence ,and make me look more attractive .

Q:What factors would you take into account when shopping for clothes?

A:Well ,usually ,I would think about the brand ,price ,material and the design .Another thing I like to say is that I also think about the color .Like I say easier ,I would chose the bright-colored clothes like yellow ,white and red。 Q:Do you always buy expensive clothes?

A: Not that often actually .Because I am a student and I am not financially independent so I can‘t afford too expensive clothes and I also think that it is not worthy to spent too much in clothes .

Q:On what occasions do people wear informal or formal clothes?

A:Uh ,let me have a little think ,for example ,people often go to work by wearing uniforms or they always wear black suits when go to a interview or a business meeting .Also ,women wear gowns when there is big events like weddings and wine parties and so on .

2、食物与烹饪Food &Cooking

Q:What kind of diet do you like/dislike?

A1:Yeah ,I love the sweet food especially ice-cream .The sweet food very tasty and help me improve my

appetite .Well ,I could not eat enough of it .

A2:Well ,I do not like the hot food like 川菜 .Because it always drive me crazy when the peppery foods in my mouth and I even could not feel my mouth .

Q:What make a healthy diet?

A:It is really hard to say ,but I think we should not always eat what we like .We should try other foods even though we dislike it .Another thing I want to say is that we should keep our diet balance so we could get enough nutrition .Only in this way ,we could keep fit with our bodies .

Q:Can you cook ?What can you cook?

A:Yeah ,I can cook a little things such as fired eggs with tomato , cooking noodles and so on .Even though my friends always said that they are not so tasty ,I still love cooking .

Q:Who does most of the cooking in your family?

A:Um ,my mother do the most of cook in my family .Because she cook well and she stay at home and take care of family .

Q:Do you think people should learn cooking?

A:I can not agree with you anymore .Firstly ,it is an important survival skill .And also ,if we know how to cook ,we could be able to eat what we want .It is not only healthy and money-saving ,we also could invite friends together to share with our foods .I think it is super .


Q:Do you live in a house or an apartment?

A1:Actually ,I live in a house .It is a three-storey building which is located in a little town of east of Zhaoqing city .It have a dining room ,three bedroom ,a bath room and a kitchen .

A2:Well ,I live in apartment .It is on the 19th floor of a high-rise building .It has three bedroom ,two living room ,one bathroom and a kitchen .

A3:Yeah ,I live in a house ,it is a five-storey building which is located in suburb area and it cover a area with 130 square meter .

Q:Have you ever thought about moving to a new place?

A1:Well ,I have not thought about this before because I love my house and I don't want to move to other place . A2:I could say yes .Well ,you know ,in the little town ,it is very inconvenient to go to the downtown and the rural place is poor so it hasn't some entertainments .I feel dull when I come home .

Q:Which room do you like the most at home?

A:Well ,what i like the most at home is my own bedroom as I can have my own personal space such as keeping a dairy ,lying on the bed and listening my favorite(favor) music .

Q:If you redecorated the room ,how would you do it?

A:To be honest ,I never thought about this ,but let me have a little think ,uh ,if I redecorated the room ,I would repaint the wall with green ,I think it would make the room look nice and cozy .Furthermore ,I would replace the original windows with French windows ,it make my room roomy and bright .

Q:Do you like inviting people to hang out? What do you usually do when friends coming over?

A:Yeah ,I always invite my friends to hang out and get together in free time .When we are together ,we will do some amusement such as play 麻将 ,KTV ,or have a BBQ and drink some beers .Every time I have my friends come over ,I usually play card game or computer game with my friends ,sometime we just do some cooking ,eating and chatting . Countryside V .S city

Q:Do you live in a big city or a small town?

A:Yeah ,I live in a small town which have 20 thousands people .

Q:What do you like the most about the place you live?

A:Well ,I could say that I like the quiet and peaceful most about the place I live .It is far away from the city's noisy and busy .And also ,it is not crowded .

Q:Do you like living in the suburban area?

A:I could say yes .I agree that the living environment of suburban area is nice and pleasant .Because it is more quiet and peaceful than downtown .And also ,suburban area have a lot of greenery .Living .in suburban area ,I could enjoy the fresher air ,cleaner water and healthier food .

Q:Why do some people like living in the suburban area?

A:It is really hard to summarize but I guess one major reason is that the environment of downtown is not that satisfactory .It is crowded and have less greenery ,what is more ,downtown have a lot of air pollution and traffic jams .Another thing is that living in suburban area is less stressful .The living cost is lower and the pace of living is slow and laid back .

Q:What kind of change will there be in suburban area in the near future?

A:Well ,it is a tough question .one possible change is that the public transport network of suburban area would become more developed .As I know ,the government have increased the number of bus lines and taxis .Secondly ,the light rail and metro are being built in some suburban area like 从化,花都,增城 .In future ,it could be easier to get around in the suburbs and a increasing number of people would choose to live there .



Q:Do you like traveling? Why?

A:Well ,I love traveling .Because I think that traveling could expand my visions and it is a good way to relax and relieve streets .

Q:Where do you like to travel to?

A:I like to travel to some place of natural beauty which could help me get close to nature and get away from the hustle and bustle of city life .

Q:Do you prefer having lots of short holidays or a long vacation?




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出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别


In the earliest stages of man's development he had no more need of money than animals have. He was content with very simple forms of shelter, made his own rough tools and weapons and could provide food and clothing for himself and his family from natural materials around him. As he became more civilized, however, he began to want better shelter, more efficient tools and weapons, and more comfortable and more lasting clothing than could be provided by his own neighborhood or by the work of his own unskilled hands. For these things he had to turn to the skilled people such as smiths, leather workers or carpenters. It was then that the question of payment arose.

At first he got what he wanted by a simple process of exchange. The smith who had not the time to look after land or cattle was glad to take meat or grain from the farmer in exchange for an axe or a plough. But as more and more goods which had no fixed exchange value came on the market, exchange became too complicated to be satisfactory. Another problem arose when those who made things wanted to get stocks of wood or leather, or iron, but had nothing to offer in exchange until their finished goods were ready.

Thus the difficulties of exchange led by degrees to the invention of money. In some countries easily handled things like seeds or shells were given a certain value and the farmer, instead of paying the smith for a new axe by giving him some meat or grain, gave him so many shells. If the smith had any shells left when he had bought his food, he could get stocks of the raw materials of his trade. In some countries quite large things such as cows or camels or even big flat

stones were used for trade. Later, pieces of metal, bearing values according to the rarity of the metal and the size of the pieces, or coins were used. Money as we know it had arrived.

1. Exchange of goods became difficult because _________.

A man became more civilized

B smiths began to look after land or cattle in their spare time

C more and more goods which had no fixed exchange values came to the marker

D farmers hadn't enough grain or meat to provide for skilled workers

2. Money was not used until _______.

A paper was invented

B people practiced a simple process of exchange

C nothing could be offered in exchange

D the exchange of one thing for another became too complicated

3. The best title for this passage is _____.

A What is money

B What are money's functions.

C The importance of money

D The beginning of money


1. stage 阶段;时期at an early stage in our history


(前面与the连用)演员生涯;剧院工作;戏剧工作 行程,旅程

to travel by easy stages 从容旅行

2. content n.内容,容量,目录,满足adj.满足的, 满意的, 愿意vt.使满足

We should never content ourselves with a little book knowledge only. 我们切不可满足于仅仅有一点点书本知识。

3. shelter n.掩蔽处,身避处,掩蔽,保护,庇护所,掩体v.掩蔽,躲避

He stood in the shelter at the bus stop. 他站在公共汽车站的候车亭里。

4. smith n.铁匠,金属品工匠

leather n.皮革,皮革制品

carpenter n.木匠

5. axe or plough 斧或犁

6 complicate 使复杂化,使错综加重(疾病)使混乱,难做、难懂;使恶化

be complicated in 卷入……(的麻烦中)

Don't complicate life for me! 不要为我把生活搞复杂了!

答案:1 C 2 D 3 D
