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篇一:批判性推理入门Critical Reasoning for beginners全笔记

Critical Reasoning for beginners

by Marianne Talbot Oxford

Lesson 1 How to recognize arguments and What is the nature of arguments

true, and the other(s) (the premises) are being offered as reasons for believing the truth of the one.

An argument isn't a set of contradictions.

Part of the point of an argument is to move us on from where we are to somewhere a bit further.

Arguments lead to deeper thoughts. (from where we are to where we want)

An Argument:

(one or more) Premises

Conclusion (Function)

[to prove---reasons] [suppose true]

e.g. It's Friday.

Marianne always wears jeans on Friday.

Therefore Marianne will wear jeans today.

Play attention to suppressed premises(隐藏前提).

context——all sentences may be argument.



Distinguish arguments from

(a) sets of sentences not related as arguments

(1) aren't related at all

e.g. The sea is salt.

Sydney is in Australia.

(2) related but not an argument

e.g. Towards lunchtime clouds formed and the sky blackened. Then the storm broke. (b) sentences (assertions) 'if...then...'

e.g. If it is snowing, the mail will be late.

(implication not entailment)

An argument is a set of sentences, one of which is being asserted.

An assertion is a single sentence (possibly complex) ,that is being expressed in assertive mode.

'because' may be causal or rational.

reason and cause

causal relations(因果关系) and rational relations(推理关系)

A and B entail C doesn't mean A and B cause C.

e.g. It's Friday. (A)

Marianne always wears jeans on Friday. (B)

Therefore Marianne will wear jeans today. (C)


(1) causal explanation(因果性解释):

e.g. Pawl fell down because he wanted to amuse children.

(2) rational explanation(推理性解释):

e.g. Pawl fell down because Jelly pushed him.

Facts are what makes sentences true or false. They are not Only beliefs or sentences that express beliefs

Belief (e.g. concept)..............the concept 'chair'

Language..................................the language 'c-h-a-i-r'

Reality.......................................the object 'chair'

Arguments can only be good or bad ,they can only be valid or invalid ,they can't be true or false because the only thing that can be true or false is beliefs or the sentences that express beliefs.

A good argument is one in which:

(1)the conclusion must follow the premises

(2)the premises must all be true.

The conclusion must be true. (truth preserving)


Lesson 2 Different sorts of arguments

two basic types of arguments: deduction and induction

Deductive argument :

the truth of their premises guarantees the truth of their conclusion.

e.g. It's Friday.

Marianne always wears jeans on Friday.

Therefore Marianne will wear jeans today.

If the premises are true, the conclusion would be true.

'truth guaranteeing' 'truth preserving'

Deduction is an 'either or' thing:

a good deductive argument gives us conditional certainty.

a bad one tells us nothing.

Inductive arguments are such that the truth of their premises makes the conclusion more or less probable. (don't guarantee)

Inductive arguments can be either weak or strong.

[strong]:The sun has risen every day in the history of the universe. Therefore the sun will rise tomorrow.

[weak]:Every time I met Mary, she wore a necklace.

Therefore the next time I meet her, she will wear a necklace.


Logicians study deduction by studying valid arguments forms

Arguments that are valid is in virtue of their forms as opposed to their contents.

the forms of deduction:

1、Modus Ponens肯定前件取拒式

If P then Q, P, therefore Q. (P,Q sentences)

wrong: If P then Q, Q, therefore P.

(Affirming consequent肯定后件式)

2、Modus tollens否定后件式

If P then Q, not-Q, therefore not-P.

3、Disjunctive syllogism选言三段论

P or Q, not-P, therefore Q.


4、Leibniz's Law 莱布尼兹律(相同者不可辨识)

a is F, a=b, therefore b is F.

e.g. Jane is(predication) tall.

Jane is(identity) the bank manager.

Therefore the bank manager is(predication) tall.


'is' can serve as a predication(论断) or identity(同等).

The 'is's above serve as predications.

And the '=' above serves as identity.


all Fs are G.

a is an F.

Therefore a is a G.

6、Deontic Logic道义逻辑

e.g. Lying is wrong.

Therefore we shouldn't lie.

7、Modal Logic模态逻辑

(a logic about necessity and possibility)

e.g. It is necessarily the case that there are no square circles.

Therefore it is not possible that there are square circles.

8、Temporal Logic时序逻辑(时态逻辑)

e.g. It is raining today.

Therefore tomorrow it will have been raining yesterday.

Inductive arguments

All inductive arguments rely on the assumption of the uniformity of nature (the idea that the future will be like the past)

哲学中的一个基本问题是,我们对未来的假设,会不会和过去的经验相一致? Uniformity 一致性 ,uniformity of nature (David Hume)自然界是否具有一致性?

Within the category of inductive arguments there are many different sub-types:

1、arguments from analogy类比推理

a is like b, a is F, therefore b is F.

(小写字母:particular thing特定的事物


2、arguments from authority诉诸权威的论证

e.g. Einstein is a brilliant physicist.

Einstein says relativism is true.

Therefore relativism is true.

Causal arguments因果论证

Causal arguments can be deductive or inductive, depending on whether we are arguing from a causal claim or to a causal claim.

deductive: As cause Bs.

There was an A.

Therefore there will have been a B.

inductive: Every observed A has been followed by a B.

Therefore As cause Bs.

negative existential否定存在判断句

e.g. 飞马不存在。

We can know that

arguments that are deductively valid

——in virtue of their forms

——in virtue of their content

e.g. Deontic Logic ,Temporal Logic

arguments that are inductively valid

——the uniformity of nature

Lesson 3 'logic-book-style'逻辑书

the point:

(a)it enables us to add suppressed premises隐含前提

(b)it enables us to eliminate cross references, irrelevancies and inconsistent terms排除交叉引用、无关和不一致词语

(c)it makes it easier to evaluate arguments.

A set of steps for analyzing arguments: 1. identify the conclusion of the argument

Look for the argument indicators (so, therefore, then, if...then..., accordingly, hence, since, for, because, from which we see that, it follows that, which establishes that...)

2. identify each of the premises

3. add suppressed premises

4. remove irrelevancies

5. remove inconsistent terms

6. remove cross-references

Example 1: Socialism did not provide the incentives need for a prosperous economy. Therefore socialism was doomed to failure.

Premise 1: Incentives are needed for a prosperous economy.

Premise 2: Socialism did not provide incentives.

Conclusion: Socialism was doomed to failure.

Premises and conclusion must be sentences.

P, unless Q.

If Q, then R.


But not R.

Example 2: Since many newly emerging nations do not have the capital resources necessary for sustained growth, they will continue to need help from industrial nations.

Premise 1: Many newly emerging nations do not have capital resources

Premise 2: Capital resources are necessary for sustained growth.

Premise 3: If a newly emerging nation is to sustain its growth, and it does not have capital resources, it will need help from industrial nations.

Conclusion: Many newly emerging nations will need help from industrial nations. Example 3: Well perhaps she didn't want you to tickle her tummy, or she didn't realize that was what you were going to do. If she didn't realize , then you obviously went about it in the wrong way. In that case you deserved to get scratched unless you ready thought she was such a perceptive cat that she'd understand 'woof-woof' meant 'roll over '. If you thought that you're an idiot. But you're not an idiot you're just twisted. So if the poor thing did want you to tickle her tummy you deserve to get scratched.


[牛津开放课程:教你如何和人讲道理/关键性推理入门][Critical Reasoning for Beginners][6集全][简繁英][HALFCD-TLF] 牛津开放课程

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考学得好一定要不厌其烦的练习、练习、再练习。那么﹐要怎么练习呢? 以下分为几个阶段:

1. 从日常推理到论证架构



当我们看到这一小段具有推理的叙述时﹐我们可以用论证的架构来看它﹐找出此论证的前提与结论。这个论证的结论可能是(A)吃野生动物是不应该的。或是( B )吃山鹿肉是不应该的。或是©小王不应该吃山鹿肉。当我们以不同的结论来分析一个论证时﹐所需的前提也不尽相同。以(A)结论来说﹐前提是:

(1) 人们如果去吃野生动物会导致野生动物灭绝。

(2) 如果野生动物灭绝则后代子孙看不到野生动物。

(3) 促使后代子孙看不到野生动物是不应该的。

(4) 所以﹐吃野生动物是不应该的。

如果以( B )结论来说﹐前提必须增加一个:「山鹿是野生动物」。而结论©则大概要增加另一个前提是:「小王是人。」则能顺利推理出这些结论。




2. 分析论证


该论证是否为有效论证﹐另外﹐我们还可以分析上述的前提是否都有说服力。例如﹐促使后代子孙看不到野生动物是不应该的。这样的叙述是正确的吗? 在日常生活中﹐我们可以用这个叙述当作春丽的「预设」并要求她提出说明来支持这个预设﹐那么﹐我们就又可以构作一个论证来分析春丽的预设。

3. 谬误训练



4. 构作论证







<1>加州大学电视台——《Science of Healthy Living》

01 Stress is the Norm It's How you Cope with it that Matters

02 Staying Balanced and Fit at any age

03 Using the Mind Body Continuum to Treat Pain

04 Emotional Vibrancy and Well-being Even In Modern Day Culture 05 Mind-Body Interventions Is there Power in Positive Thinking


01 领导力

02 奢侈品圆桌会议

03 奢侈品在生活中的意义


01 次贷危机概观

02 沃顿商学院的房利美和房地美救助计划

03 沃顿商学院讨论金融危机影响

04 沃顿商学院预见更多的问题

05 花旗集团CEO Vikram Pandit看到一个艰难的恢复期

06 崩溃后面的高风险贷款

07 走下坡路,是美国汽车制造商暗战?

08 “全球化下”为什么公司都与来自世界各地每个人的一切?

09 失去一点反而有助公司和团队胜利

10 数据饮食的时间?决定保持哪些客户信息或者丢弃

11 印度在医疗保健条款上是一个新兴的国家

12 一个新时代的新规则,FCC的挑战

13 与Neel Kashkari一对一

14 好的作品,格拉米和小额信贷

15 利润,全球化和领导者

16 保险,合作伙伴和外部投资

17 酸奶,可伸缩性和社会事业

18 早期的成功,今天的贫困与教育

19 假设,变化和成功

20 Neel Kaskari对金融危机的看法:“我们的民族将更加强大”


01 创新时代的中国机会

02 市场动荡时要精于专注

03 点亮暗网

04 框计算的未来

05 中国对计算机科学人才的需求

06 对百度影响深远的早期重大决策

07 为什么北美搜索引擎公司在中国举步维艰

08 中国硅谷的发展


01 脑-机接口

02 为脑构建原理图

03 耳聋:一个新兴的治疗策略

04 让盲人重获光明

05 可视化的欲望

06 新的精神疾病工程疗法

07 在芯片上搜索大脑


01 什么是积极心理学?

02 为什么要学习积极心理学?

03 幸福是一种随机现象吗?

04 积极的环境能改变人

05 环境的力量

06 乐观主义

07 逆境还是机遇?

08 感激


01 The moral side of murder

02 The case for Cannibalism

03 Putting a price tag on life

04 How to measure pleasure

05 Free to choose

06 Who owns me?

07 This land is my land

08 Consenting adults 09 Hired guns?

10 foster mother

11 Mind your motive

12 The supreme principle of morality

13 A lesson in lying

14 A deal is a deal

15 What’s a fair start?

16 What do we deserve?

17 Arguing affirmative action

18 What’s the purpose?

19 The good citizen

20 Freedom VS Fit

21 The claims of community

22 Where our loyalty

23 Debating Same-Sex marriage

24 The good life


01 The Genealogy of Guilt

02 Nietzsche on Soul in Nature:An Ecological Perspective

03 Who is the Sovereign Individual Nietzsche on Freedom

04 Consciousness,Language and Nature Nietzsches Philosophy of Mind and Nature 05 Nietzsches Metaphysics

06 Nietzsches Value Monism Saying Yes to Everything

07 Nietzsches Source Scholarly Nietzsche editions on the web


01 The Nature of Arguments

02 Different Types of Arguments

03 Setting out Arguments Logic Book Style

04 What is a Good Argument Validity and Truth

05 Evaluating Arguments Part.One

06 Evaluating Arguments Part.Two


01.Course introduction

02.The nature of persons dualism VS physicalism

03.Arguments for the existence of the soul Part I

04.Introduction to Plato's Phaedo Arguments for the existence of the soul Part II 05.Arguments for the existence of the soul Part III Free will and near-death experiences

06.Arguments for the existence of the soul Part IV Plato Part I

07.Plato Part II Arguments for the immortality of the soul

08.Plato Part III Arguments for the immortality of the soul

09.Plato Part IV Arguments for the immortality of the soul

10.Personal identity Part II dentity across space and time and the soul theory

11.Personal identity Part II The body theory and the personality theory

12.Personal identity Part III Objections to the personality theory

13.Personal identity Part IV What matters

14.What matters (cont.) The nature of death Part I

15.The nature of death (cont.) Believing you will die

16.Dying alone The badness of death Part I

17.The badness of death Part II The deprivation account

18.The badness of death Part III Immortality Part I

19.Immortality Part II The value of life Part I

20.The value of life Part II Other bad aspects of death Part I

21.Other bad aspects of death Part II

22.Fear of death

23.How to live given the certainty of death

24.Suicide Part I The rationality of suicide

25.Suicide Part II Deciding under uncertainty

26.Suicide Part III The morality of suicide and course conclusion

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