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时间:2016-09-19 11:49:37 来源:免费论文网

篇一:美语三级跳 013A

美语三级跳:013A 电脑: 初级课程 Chloe的电脑出了点毛病,她打电话给朋友Matt,让他帮忙看看。

Professor: That's right, Winnie. Isn't it good to have friends who understand computers?


Chloe: Hi Matt, thanks for coming over to help me fix my computer. Matt: No problem. I know everything about computers. What's the problem? Chloe: I can't surf the Internet. What do you think the problem is?

Matt: Well it could be a software problem, or it could be a hardware problem. Matt 说,只要是有关电脑的东西,没他不懂的,口气还真大,希望他不是吹牛。 Professor: Well, we will see. Winnie, what is wrong with Chloe's computer? 她说,她不能"surf" the Internet. Professor Bowman, surf不是冲浪的意思么? Professor: Yes, but you can also use it to talk about browsing the Internet. For example, I spend three hours every day surfing the Internet.

我明白了,surf the Internet就是上网。Matt说,Chloe的电脑不能上网,这不是hardware problem - 硬件的问题,就是software problem - 软件的问题。

Professor: That's right! Let's see if Matt can help fix the computer.

Matt: Well, let's see if the computer can turn on. Here, I'll just press the power button.

Chloe: Uh ... Matt? That's not my computer. That's my TV.

Matt: Huh? Oh yes, of course. Where is your computer?

Chloe: My computer is over on the desk. See? It is turned on, but when I try to open the browser, there is no connection to the Internet.

这个Matt,怎么连电脑和电视都分不清!他说开电脑,却伸手去按TV的power button - 电视开关!

Professor: He doesn't sound like a computer expert at all.

可不!不过Professor, Chloe说,她想打开browser的时候,没法连接网络。 Browser就是上网用的浏览器吧?

Professor: Correct. You can also say you opened a browser window.

哦....open a browser window就是打开一个浏览窗口。我倒真想看看Matt是不是真懂电脑。

Matt: Hmm .... have you tried re-starting your computer?

Chloe: Matt, of course I tried re-starting my computer. That was the first thing I did!

Matt: Really? Well if that didn't work, I don't know what to do.

Chloe: That's your only idea? You said you know everything about computers. I should have just called technical support.

Matt: Well re-starting the computer always works for me.

我猜的没错!Matt唯一的办法就是re-start the computer,重新启动电脑,这谁不会啊!

对了,重启电脑是不是也可以说re-boot the computer?

Professor: That's right. Re-start and re-boot mean the same thing.

看来,Chloe对Matt很失望,觉得自己还不如打电话给电脑公司的technical support - 技术服务部门呢。

Professor: Matt has one more idea to fix the computer. Let's listen.

Matt: Wait! I know how to fix the problem!

Chloe: Great! What should we do?

Matt: We should contact the Internet company to see if their service is down. Let's log on to their website to find their phone number.

Chloe: Uh, Matt? The Internet isn't working. How can we log on to the website? Matt: Oh yeah.

Professor: So Winnie, what is Matt's solution for fixing the computer?

Chloe: 他出馊主意说,去网络公司的网站找他们的联络电话,然后打过去问问是不是网络出问题了!

Professor: Exactly. But that's impossible because the Internet is down.

就是!Chloe的问题就是不能上网,Matt却要上网查东西,这不是瞎出主意么!对了,Professor, Chloe说Internet is down, 就是说网坏了吧?

Professor: Yes. For example, you can say "I couldn't go to work today because the subway is down." You can also say that your E-mail or phone service is down. 我明白了。希望Chloe不是因为什么急事需要上网,要不然都让这个假行家Matt给耽误了! Professor: Well, let's listen next time to find out!


篇二:美语三级跳 007B

美语三级跳:007B 你是哪里人: 中级课程 Professor: Kevin and Jose are new roommates who are meeting each other for the first time. Jose is from Mexico, and is telling Kevin about his experience coming to America.

Professor Bowman, 不知道Jose对美国印象如何?

Professor: Let's listen and find out, Winnie.

In the first part, listen for the phrase "every walk of life," meaning "from many different backgrounds."

Kevin: So Jose, what do you think of America?

Jose: I like how friendly the people are, and I also like the fact that America is so diverse.

Kevin: That's true, America is very diverse. You can find people here from every walk of life.

Jose: I know! For example, in Los Angeles there are lots of Latin American communities, but there is also a big Chinatown with lots of Chinese.

Kevin: Yes. You know, in the year 2000, 36 percent of the people living in Los Angeles were born overseas.


Professor: That's right, and it's becoming even more diverse. What else does Jose like about America?


Professor: Right again. Now let's find out what Jose thought was very surprising about America.

Kevin: Did you have any culture shock? Were there things in America you thought were really strange?

Jose: Well, I couldn't believe how big all the cars were. Why do people need such big cars?

Kevin: Hmm ... maybe because they have lots of children?

Jose: Maybe some do, but I think most people just think they look cool driving a huge truck.

Professor: So Winnie, Did you hear Kevin ask Jose about culture shock? What do you think that is?

Culture shock就是文化冲击的意思。美国人喜欢开大车,让Jose觉得很奇怪。

Professor: Exactly. So Winnie, did you have any culture shock when you came to America?


Professor: Don't Chinese people sit on the ground?


Kevin: Do you ever get homesick?

Jose: I get homesick from time to time. But when I get homesick, I can send my family an email or talk to them on the phone.

Kevin: Sure, I think it's natural to get homesick now and then. But with today's technology, it's easy to keep in touch.

Jose: Yes. My hometown will always have a special place in my heart.

可怜的Jose,说自己会想家,homesick. 可我不太明白的是,他说from time to time是什么意思啊?

Professor: The phrase "from time to time" means "sometimes." You can also say "now and then."

哦,我知道了,就是有时候的意思。那keep in touch呢?意思是保持联系吗?

Professor: Yes. In the next section, we'll find out what was hard for Jose when he came to America.

Kevin: What was the hardest part about moving?

Jose: I had a hard time getting used to my new life. I'm used to having lots of family to support me, but in America I have to do things by myself.

Kevin: Yeah, that sounds hard. What do you do to deal with the homesickness? Do you watch Spanish-language TV?

Jose: No, that just makes me more homesick. Usually I just study a lot so I don't have time to think about it.

Kevin: Yes, sometimes hearing news about your home country makes you even more homesick.

Professor: Winnie, did you hear how Jose deals with his homesickness?

他说自己埋头学习,这样就没有时间想家了,否则越看西班牙语的电视节目,就会越想家。 Professor: That's right. And what is different about life in America for Jose? 他在墨西哥周围有很多亲人可以帮他,但是到了美国,他就要学会独立。He has to "get used to" being on his own.

Professor: That's right, it is often hard to get used to life in a new country. Tune in next time to learn more about moving to America.


篇三:美语三级跳 016B

美语三级跳:016B 社会文化: 中级课程 Jane和Will初次约会,聊到彼此的家庭背景。我知道Jane的父母来自中国,所以我很想听听,作为一个亚裔美国人,Jane的成长经历是什么样的。

Professor: That's right, Winnie, let's listen to what they have to say.

Will: So Jane, you said that both your parents are from China. How do they like living in America?

Jane: They really like it, but of course they miss their friends and family back home sometimes.

Will: Yeah, I can imagine. So do you consider yourself Chinese or American? Jane: Well, that's a complicated question. Of course I'm American, but I'm ethnically Chinese as well.

Will: I see. So you consider yourself both?

Jane: That's right.

Will总是问一些严肃的问题! 他问Jane,觉得自己是中国人还是美国人。Jane回答说,自己既是中国人,也是美国人。

Professor: Right. Jane is an American citizen, but she is also ethnically Chinese. Ethnically? 我明白了,ethnic是民族的意思.

Professor: Exactly. For example, I could say that Hispanics are one of the largest ethnic groups in America.


Professor, 拉美裔人,是美国人口最多的少数族裔之一?那么,亚裔人口又怎么样呢? Professor: Asians make up about 4.5 percent of the American population. Will: Did you face a lot of stereotypes growing up?

Jane: Of course, all minorities face some stereotypes. For me, lots of people assume that because I'm Asian, I'm smart and good at math.

Will: That doesn't sound like a bad stereotype to have!

Jane: No, it's not a very offensive stereotype. But it's still wrong for people to assume things about me because of how I look. I hate math!

Will: Me too! I guess that's one thing we have in common.

Stereotype, s-t-e-r-e-o-t-y-p-e, stereotype,是“刻板印象”、“先入为主的看法”。Jane说,因为她是亚裔,所以很多美国人对她持有stereotype,一看她的亚洲脸,就认定她的数学一定很好!

Professor: But Jane thinks that stereotypes are wrong, doesn't she? 当然啦!Jane说,以貌取人是不对的。她其实很讨厌学数学。

Professor: That's right. She and Will both hate math, so that's one thing they have in common.

Will: Did people tease you when you were growing up because you're Asian?

Jane: My school was very politically correct, so people tried really hard not to say things that would offend me.

Will: Right. Race can be a sensitive subject in America. People like to talk about it, but only in a polite way.

Jane: That's true. People these days try hard to be tolerant, and are careful not to say things that other people may think are racist.

看来Jane是在比较tolerant -“宽容”的环境下 长大的。人们没有因为她是亚裔而嘲弄她。不过,Professor, 什么叫"politically correct"?

Professor: Being politically correct is making sure that the things that you say won't offend people in minority groups and disadvantaged groups.

哦,politically correct,在政治上保持正确,也就是言行上避免有歧视少数族裔或弱势群体之嫌。

Professor: Right. People don't want to say anything racist, so they make sure all their words are very polite.

没错,racist -“种族歧视性”言行,肯定不能让你做到politically correct.

Jane: It's pretty easy for me living in the US because it is such a diverse country. There are many other minorities, so I don't feel different.

Will: That's true. The US is a country of immigrants, so it is very diverse. Jane: Yup. My university is especially diverse. It tries to find students from all over the world.

Will: Oh yeah, my university has lots of minority students too. I've really enjoyed learning about lots of different cultures from them.

Professor: Winnie, do you know what "diverse" means?

Diverse就是“多样化”。Jane和Will的大学都很diverse, 不仅有来自各族裔的学生,还有来自世界各地的留学生! Professor, Jane和Will初次约会就谈了宗教、种族这些严肃话题,而且聊得挺高兴。我看他们真是天生一对儿!

