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时间:2016-08-30 09:33:25 来源:免费论文网











第一章 定义

1 “辅配件”指大量商可购买到的材料,包括易耗品和其它与________系统安装和系统配套有关的元部件,可由________厂或转让方提供。

2 “合同设备”指附件十二中规定的由转让方售给被转让方的测试生产设备。

3 “合同工厂”指被转让方用转让方提供的技术文件和专有技术制造合同产品的唯一地点,即中国______厂。

4 “合同材料”指固定网络设备、转让方软件和辅配件。

5 “合同产品”指合同材料制成整机,经测试可销售给最终用户。“合同产品”的进一步定义见附件一a。

6 “最终用户”指合同产品的购买者。

7 “固定网络设备”指附件一b中规定的材料,为________系统的一部分。

8 “模块”指本合同附件一b中规定的__________设备子机及由转让方售给被转让方用于制成合同产品的元部件。

9 “专有模块”指用于制造合同产品的元部件和组件。

10 “专有资料”指本合同条 款规定的资料,包括软件、目标代码、源码、测试设备的计算机程序、技术支持、转让方________专有技术和其它与之相关的文件、数据、材料、及指可向被转让方公开的业务、商业、金额、计划资料。任何专有资料均由转让方标明________“注册秘密专有”,证明其属“最高级机密类”或标明____________“保密专有”证明其属“初级机密类”。

11 “专有权利”指专利、版权、专有技术、商业秘密、商标和其它知识产权或指本合同终止或期满前产生的专有权利、软件或其它着作,不论转让方是否获得专利、享有版权或已注册。

12 “软件”指与合同产品配用的目标码计算机程序,以及与合同设备配套使用的测试源码计算机程序,以人们认可的形式提供,需经中间处理过后,由处理机编制。所有软件均按附件十一a与十一b中规定的软件许可证,由转让方许可给__________________厂。13 “技术支持服务”指本合同附件三和四中规定的在合同设备和合同材料和合同产品的制造、检验、调试、操作和其它有关职能方面由转让方向合同工厂人员提供的技术咨询和技术指导。

14 “技术文件”指本合同附件二中规定的与合同设备的操作、维护、调试和检验有关,以及与合同产品的制造有关的所有技术、图纸、说明、数据和其它文件。

15 “技术培训”指转让方在转让方工厂和合同工厂为合同产品的制造、检验、调试和操作以及为“合同设备”的安装、调试、操作和维护,对“合同工厂”人员所进行的培训。具体的培训内容和要求详见本合同附件四。

16 “专有技术”或“技术诀窍”指与合同材料和合同设备有关的相应的知识和经验,该知识和经验是转让当时生产中所使用的。“专有技术”由转让方以技术文件、技术支持和技术培训的形式向合同工厂提供。

17 “验收标准”指技术文件中规定的用以限定合同设备性能的标准。

第二章 合同范围




(3)转让方同意为合同工厂确认并向其销售按当时的技术合作阶段在技术合作等级下制造合同产品所需的合同设备。合同 工厂所需的合同设备目录见本合同附件一c。

2 转让方给予被转让方许可证和权利,使用转让方的技术文件和专有技术,制造合同产品,使用和/或销售形成的合同产品。合同产品的销售限于中华人民共和国和其它____________制式国家,下列国家和地区除外:________________。


3 转让方负责按本合同规定向被转让方提供与合同材料和合同设备有关的技术文件和专有技术。

4 转让方负责派遣其技术人员来华提供技术支持服务,并对合同设备进行验收。5 转让方应尽最大努力满足合同工厂技术人员的要求,使上述技术人员能掌握1.15条中确定的技术培训。

6 除非经转让方书面同意另增场所,否则被转让方只能在合同工厂进行许可的合同产品制造工作。

7 转让方同意向被转让方出售其专有模块,被转让方按转让方授权,仅旨于制造完整的合同产品。被转让方同意使用上述专有模块进行上述制造工作。除了被转让方经本合同特许生产的模块外,被转让方应向转让方购买所有被转让方要求的专有模块。

8 只有事先得到转让方的书面同意,才能修改或改变转让方许可的用于合同材料或合同产品的专用资料。这有利于专有资料的质量保证、控制和标准化。被转让方同意向转让方支付工程费用,用以审批此改变或改进的内容。被转让方同意给予转让方许可证,用以制造、委托他人制造、使用和销售应用被转让方改变或改进合同材料后生产的产品。被转让方同意向转让方提供关于改变或改进的足够文件,以使转让方能将此改变或改进同样包括在转让方产品中,费用由转让方支付。

9 事先未经另一方书面同意,任何一方均不应让渡本合同或本合同中给予的任何权利。然而,为履行转让方在本合同中的义务,转让方可使用其任何分公司、联营公司和/或附属公司的服务。

第三章 本合同的价格

1 被转让方根据本合同第二章规定的内容和范围,向转让方支付合同总价和提成费,以美元计价。第3.2条款中所列的价格为第一、二、三、四、五阶段的费用。合同设备价格详见附件十二。辅配件的预算性报价见附件一b,仅供参考。实际价格调整应在每次订货前由双方讨论。

2 费用如下:




















3 提成费


3.4 模块价格


第四章 付款条件

一、本合同中规定的一切费用均以美元计价。本合同中每个阶段均在该阶段开始日付款。各阶段开始日定义见本合同第 2条。


(一) 合同设备



4 无包装合同设备和合同材料应用金属标牌标出上述内容。对装在甲板上运输的大件货物,应提供充分的支撑和防震缓冲措施。

5 合同设备的每件包装箱内,应装有以下单据:







6 每件合同材料的包装箱上应附详细装箱单两份,质量证明两份。

第七章 技术服务和技术培训

1 转让方应派遣熟练、健康和有能力的人员去合同工厂根据本合同规定提供现场技 术支持服务。在中国提供技术支持服务的人数、专业、任务、内容和期限详见本合同附件三。转让方声明,技术支持服务和技术培训足够用来培训被转让技术人员制造合同产品。

2 转让方技术支持服务人员在华支持服务期间应遵守中华人民共和国法律,遵守合同工厂的规章制度。

3 被转让方有权派遣其技术人员或操作工人去转让方相关工厂培训。培训的人数、专业、内容、时间和要求详见本合同附件四。

第八章 初步检验和初步验收

1 转让方将尽其最大努力,保证本合同中由转让方提供的合同设备和合同产品的制造和检验按以下规定实施。

2 对所有由转让方提供的合同设备,转让方应向被转让方提供保证声明书。合同材料的保证见本合同第十章。

3 合同生效日起三个月内或相关阶段开始后三个月内,转让方应通知被转让方相关阶段检验和测试设备的初步计划,并提前一个月通知被转让方检验和测试的确切日期。被转让方有权自费派遣______人,为期______天,去转让方工厂观看对主要合同材料的检验和测试,了解设备的包装情况,但上述检验不应严重影响正常生产。



4 合同设备和合同材料抵达目的港或合同工厂后,被转让方应委托中国进出口商品检验局对包装、外观、质量进行检验,并尽可能地对技术规格目测初检。



如果因转让方自身原因,未能在 上述规定时间内派遣其技术人员去上述地点,则由被转让方在转让方人员缺席情况下进行检验。在这种情况下,由中国进出口商品检验局出具的检验证书应作为检验证据。

5 在对合同设备或合同材料的初步检验中,若发现有任何损坏、数量短缺、规格错误,证实皆系转让方疏忽所致,则被转让方有权在检验后凭中国进出口商品检验局出具的检验证



甲方:武汉大学 招标编号: 号 乙方:××公司 合同号:号

甲乙双方经友好协商,就甲方向乙方购买进口倒置显微镜设备 及售后服务事宜达成以下协议:

1、 甲方同意购买乙方的倒置显微镜设备及附件,设备名称、规格型号、数量及金额见下表: 仪器设备名称 规格型号 生产厂商 配置及技术指标 数量 单价 总 价 优惠价 合计(大写):CIF武汉 美元

2、 甲方根据本协议内容安排外贸代理公司与供货方签订代理进口合同,负责办理有关免税批文,以利进口货物的报关通关。

3、 仪器交货期为收到信用证后××个月。

4、 甲方付款方式为(1)合同金额在1.5万美元以下,按货到验收合格后付款(T/T);(2)合同金额在1.5万美元以上采取信用证方式(L/C),签订合同后开出90%信用证,见单即付,10%作为质保金在验收合格一个月采取电汇或其他方式支付。

5、 乙方保证供应的仪器设备完全符合本协议所定的原生产厂商所规定的质量、规格、性能和技术指标,确保该产品为全新未使用过的仪器,否则应保证更换并向甲方支付相关损失或退货。

6、 在货物抵达甲方最终用户所在的科室后五个工作日内,乙方对仪器进行安装调试,并负责对甲方操作人员进行培训,货物由甲方组织验收。

7、 乙方保证在设备正确安装,使用和保养的条件下,其使用寿命达到其设计要求。

8、质保期为验收合格后12个月。质保期内设备质量或安装调试原因引起的全部维修费用(包括更换零配件的费用)均由乙方承担;质保期外,乙方按接到用户故障通知后24小时之内上门服务,并承担交通、生活、住宿费等。维修服务的联系电话是027-8××××××××,联系人为××× 。

9、 乙方在仪器设备抵达两周前书面通知甲方货物安装所需条件,甲方在仪器设备抵达安装地壹周前准备好安装条件,以利货物的正常安装调试。










日期: 年 月 乙方: 委托代理人:身份证号: 日期: 年 月 日联系方式: 日


Chapter 4

Terms of Payment

4.1 The payment of the total contract price as specified in Chapter 3 by the Buyer to the Seller shall be made according to the following manner and percentage.

Proposal A

4.1.1 ___% (_________ percent) of the total Contract price viz. ______________(say:_____________________________________ only) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller by telegraphic transfer within 45 days after the Buyer has received the following documents through Bank of China from the Seller and found them in order:

A. One original and two copies of the valid export license issued by the relevant authorities of the Seller’s country or a statement certifying that no export license is required.

B. An irrevocable letter of guarantee for refund of the down payment plus interest at ____________ Bank’s current interest rate covering ____% of the total Contract price issued by the Bank of __________________________ in favor of the Buyer in original and one copy. (specimen as per Appendix 7 to the present Contract)

C. Proforma invoice covering the total Contract price in 6 copies.

D. Sight drafts in 2 copies.

E. Commercial invoice covering the down payment in 6 copies

The said documents shall be delivered by the Seller not later than 30 days after the effective date of the present Contract. If the Seller presents the above-mentioned documents in time but there is a delay in the payment by the Buyer, the delivery time shall be extended by a period equal to the delay.

4.1.2 _____% ( ___________ percent ) of the fees for license, engineering design, and related technical documentation as stipulated in Clause 3.2.2, 3.2.3 i.e. ______________ ( say _______________________ only ) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller by telegraphic transfer upon delivery of the Technical Documentation by the Seller within 30 days after the Buyer has received the following documents submitted by the Seller and found them in order:

A. One original and three copies of the Airway Bill marked “Freight Prepaid” for the delivery of Technical Documentation.

B. One original and five copies of manually signed commercial invoice. (indicating separately the amount related to license of know-how or patent)

C. Sight drafts in 2 copies.

4.1.3 ____% (___________ percent) of the price of Contract Equipment as stipulated in Clause

3.2.1 and fee for Technical Liaison Meeting as stipulated in Clause 3.2.6 i.e. _________________________ (Say ______________________ only ) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller pro rata of the total value of each delivery effected according to Chapter 5 of the present Contract by Letter of Credit after having received the following documents from the Seller and found them in order:

A. Shipping documents as stipulated in Clause 5.4.5 ( except 8)

B. Sight drafts in two copies.

C. A copy of Memorandum of Technical Liaison Meeting as per Chapter 7

The Irrevocable Letter of Credit shall be opened ___ days before the delivery date with the Bank of China, Head Office by the Buyer in favor of the Seller payable at the issuing bank against presentation of above-mentioned documents. The Letter of Credit shall be valid until the 15th day after the shipment is effected.

4.1.4 ____% ( ________ percent ) of the price of the Site Technical Service as stipulated in Clause

3.2.4 i.e. _______________ (say _______________________ only ) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller after the Seller has completed the Technical Service within 30 days after the Buyer has received the following documents submitted by the Seller and found them in order.

A. One original and five copies of the manually signed commercial invoice.

B. Two originals of the time sheets signed by the site representatives of two parties indicating the total man-days actually worked during the period of the time sheet.

C. Two copies of sight draft.

4.1.5 ___ % ( _______ percent ) of the price of the Technical Training as stipulated in Clause 3.2.5 i.e. ____________ ( say ______________________ only ) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller after the Technical Training is completed and within 30 days after the Buyer has received the following documents submitted by the Seller and found them in order.

A. One original and five copies of the manually signed commercial invoice

B. One original and one copy of Certificate of Completion of Training signed by the representatives of two parties

C. Two copies of sight draft

4.1.6 ____% ( ____________ percent) of the total Contract price i.e. ___________ (say _________________________ only) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller by telegraphic transfer not later than 30 days after having received the following documents from the Seller and found them in order:

A. One original and five copies of the manually signed commercial invoice.

B. One original and one copy of the Acceptance Certificate of the Contract Project signed by the representatives of both parties as per Chapter 9 of the present Contract.

C. Sight drafts in 2 copies.

D. One original and one copy of Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee covering ___% ( _____ percent) of the Contract price issued by the Bank of ____________ in favor of the Buyer for the Warranty Period of the Contract Project. (specimen as per Appendix 8)

Proposal B

4.1.1 Down Payment

_______ % ( _______ percent) of the total Contract price viz. _____

(say:____________________________________________ only ) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller by telegraphic transfer within 45 days after the Buyer has received from the Seller the following documents through Bank of China and found them in order:

A. One original and two copies of effective export license issued by the relevant authorities of the Seller's country or a statement certifying that no export license is required.

B. An irrevocable letter of guarantee for refund of the down payment plus interest at ____________ Bank’s current interest rate covering ____% of the total Contractprice issued by the Bank__________________in favor of the Buyer in one original and one copy. (specimen as per Appendix 7 to the present Contract)

C. Proforma invoice covering the total Contract price in 6 copies.

D. Sight drafts in 2 copies.

E. Commercial invoice covering the down payment in 6 copies.

The said documents shall be delivered by the Seller not later than 30 days after the effective date of the present Contract. If the Seller presents the above-mentioned documents in time but there is a delay in the payment by the Buyer,the delivery time shall be extended by a period equal to the delay.

4.1.2 Payment after Shipment

_______%( ________percent)of thetotalContractpriceviz. _________________( say________________________________________________only) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller pro rata of the total value of each delivery effected according to Chapter 5 of the present Contract by Letter of Credit after having received the following documents from the Seller and found them in order:

A. Shipping documents as stipulated in Clause 5.4.5

B. Sight draft in 2 copies

C. A copy of Memorandum of Technical Liaison Meeting as per Chapter 7

The irrevocable Letter of Credit shall be opened _______days before the delivery date with the Bank of China, Head Office by the Buyer in favor of the Seller payable at the issuing bank against presentation of above--mentioned documents. The Letter of Credit shall be valid until the 15th day after the shipment is effected.

4.1.3 Payment after Acceptance

_________%( _________percent)of the total Contract price viz._______________________(say___________________only) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller by telegraphic transfer not later than 30 days after having received the following documents from the Seller and found them in order:

A. Commercial invoice in 6 copies

B. One original and one copy of the Acceptance Certificate of the Contract Project signed by the representatives of both parties as per Chapter 9 of the present Contract.

C. Sight draft in 2 copies

D. One original and one copy of Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee covering ________%(__________ percent) of the Contract price issued by the Bank 0f _______________ in favor of the Buyer for the Warranty Period of the Contract Project (specimen as per Appendix 8)

4.2 In case the Seller is liable for paying to the Buyer the penalty, compensation and/or liquidated damages under Chapter 10 of the present Contract or the withholding tax under Chapter 13 of the present Contract, the Buyer shall have the right to deduct it from any said payment.

4.3 The banking charges of both parties incurred in China for the execution of the present Contract shall be borne by the Buyer and those incurred outside of China shall be borne by the Seller.

Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee Issued by the Seller's Bank

for Warranty Period of the Contract Project

Beneficiary: _____________________________________________

With reference to the Contract No.______ (hereinafter referred to as the Contract) signed by and between your corporation ( hereinafter referred to as the Buyer)and _____________(hereinafter referred to as the Seller)dated ____________amounting to ____________covering the sale of ___________(hereinafter referred to as Contract Project),at the request of the Seller, we hereby issue our irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No.________ in your favour. Our liability under this Letter of Guarantee shall be limited to ______% of the Contract price.

We guarantee to effect payment unconditionally to you up to the aforesaid amount plus interest at the rate of ___% per annum from the date of your payment of this amount up to the actual date of our refundation within ____days after our receipt of your written notice stating that the Seller has failed to fulfill its obligation during the warranty period as specified in the Contract.
