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2012年3月26日 胡锦涛首尔会晤奥巴马,商讨朝核伊核问题。


国际原子能机构理事会春季会议3月5日在奥地利首都维也纳开幕。此次会议为期5天,此次会议关注的重点是伊朗核问题、朝鲜核问题。 朝鲜发射卫星








2012年2月27日,外交部发言人洪磊表示,希望伊朗核问题各方尽快重启对话进程,积极探索全面、长期、妥善解决伊朗核问题的有效途径。 2012年3月22日,外交部发言人洪磊表示,中方将积极参与伊核问题对话进程。













2012年2月14日,外交部发言人刘为民说,中方支持朝核问题有关各方开展接触对话,希望有关对话取得积极成果,为尽早重启六方会谈创造条件。 2012年2月24日,外交部发言人洪磊表示,中方高度关注朝美在北京举行第三次高级别对话,希望有关对话取得积极成果,为重启六方会谈创造条件。


2012年3月31日,外交部发言人洪磊就朝美发表第三次高级别对话成果答记者问时表示,中方欢迎朝美改善关系,为维护半岛和平稳定做出贡献。 2012年4月6日外交部发言人洪磊在例行记者会上,就朝鲜卫星发射计划回答记者提问时表示:朝鲜宣布射星计划后,中方即表达了关切和忧虑。我们认为,维护半岛和东北亚地区和平稳定,符合各方共同利益,也是各方共同责任。在当前形势下,中方呼吁有关各方保持冷静克制,防止来之不易的半岛缓和势头发生逆转。
















Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference on October 30, 2014


Q: The agreement between Canada's Toronto District School Board and China's Confucius Institute has been terminated. What is China's comment on the termination?


A: I am not aware of the specifics. However, I would like to point out that the Confucius Institute is designed to help foreigners learn Chinese, understand Chinese culture, enhance mutual understanding and deepen friendship between China and other countries. This cause follows the trend that the world hopes to know more about China and China is going global, thus it is full of vitality.


Q: At the upcoming talks between President Xi Jinping and US President Obama in November, will the topic of counter-terrorism cooperation be raised during their talks? Is China willing to help the US combat illicit transactions made by the Islamic State? How will China call on the US to assist China with its counter-terrorism efforts domestically?


A: China is looking forward to President Obama's participation in the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting and his visit to China. During the visit, President Xi Jinping and President Obama will have an in-depth exchange of views on advancing the building of a new type of major country relations between China and the US as well as on international and regional issues of common interest, covering not only bilateral practical cooperation on business and trade and people-to-people exchanges, but also a series of international cooperation both sides are engaged in, like jointly facing up to the Ebola epidemic, the threat of terrorism and climate change. We hope this visit can further enhance our mutual strategic trust, reduce strategic suspicion, deepen strategic cooperation, and deepen the building of a new type of major country relations between China and the US.




As for counter-terrorism, China's position is quite clear. We oppose all forms of terrorism, and stand ready to cooperate with the international community to fight against it. In the global fight against terrorism, the UN and the UN Security Council should be allowed to play their due roles, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter should be obeyed, and the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of relevant countries should be respected. Meanwhile, we should address both the symptoms and the root causes of terrorism, discard double standards, and avoid linking terrorism with certain ethnic groups. On the basis of honoring the principle of mutual respect and equal-footed cooperation, we are willing to intensify our counter-terrorism exchanges and cooperation with the international community, including the US. Combating the terrorist forces of East Turkistan Islamic Movement is an important component of the global fight against terrorism on which we count on the support and collaboration of the international community.


(by:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China)

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference on October 31, 2014 外交部发言人洪磊主持例行记者会(2014年10月31日)

First of all, I would like to give you an update on the opening ceremony of the 4th Foreign Ministers' Meeting of the Istanbul Process on Afghanistan. Premier Li Keqiang and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani attended and addressed the opening ceremony that was held this morning. Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that moving forward the Istanbul Process is conducive to the early settlement of the Afghan issue and the realization of regional security and prosperity. Premier Li Keqiang said that a united, stable, developing and amicable Afghanistan meets the aspirations of the Afghan people and serves the common interests of regional countries and the international community. It is the unshirkable responsibility of regional countries and the international community to support Afghanistan's peaceful reconstruction and push for an early resolution of the Afghan issue.




Premier Li Keqiang raised a five-point proposal on resolving the Afghan issue. First, Afghanistan should be governed by the Afghan people. The destiny of Afghans should be placed nowhere else other than in the hands of themselves who should be the true governors of their country. Second, political reconciliation must be moved forward. The international community should support Afghan government in formulating a comprehensive strategy for reconciliation and assist with the "Afghan-led, Afghan-owned" peace and reconciliation process. Third, economic reconstruction should be expedited. The international community should honor its pledge to offer assistance to Afghanistan and help Afghanistan reinforce its capacity to achieve independent development, realize economic development that is sustainable, and remove the breeding soil for extremism. Fourth, a development path should be explored. The international community should respect the rights of the Afghan people to independently choose the social system and development path. The Afghan people should be able to seek out a model for state governance that suits their national conditions through practice. Fifth, external support should be fortified. The international community should firmly support Afghanistan in developing its external relations on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, assist Afghanistan in enhancing its security capacity building, and support UN's leading role in coordinating the international efforts to aid Afghanistan.


Premier Li Keqiang stressed that China has always been a firm supporter and active promoter of Afghanistan's peaceful reconstruction process, and has provided Afghanistan with assistance to the best of China's capacity. China will continue with its friendly policy towards Afghanistan, support Afghanistan's peaceful reconciliation and reconstruction process, prop up Afghanistan's capacity for self development, support Afghanistan's integration into regional cooperation, and promote regional economic and trade cooperation and connectivity.


President Ghani expressed his approval of Premier Li Keqiang's five-point proposal in his speech, and his appreciation for China's long-running assistance and support to Afghanistan. President Ghani said that the Istanbul Process is conducive to the early resolution of the Afghan issue and


regional peace and stability. China and many other parties have made important contributions in facilitating this process. With the help of the international community, Afghanistan will move forward peaceful reconciliation and play a positive role in regional development.


The meeting is still underway. We will keep you updated on relevant developments.


Q: The US Lockheed Martin Corp and the Italian Intermarine have signed an agreement to help build and equip 6 mine sweepers for the Taiwanese navy. What is China's comment on that? Has China expressed any unhappiness to the US side or the Italian side?


A: China firmly opposes foreign arms sale to Taiwan and any form of military technology exchanges and cooperation between Taiwan and foreign countries. This position is clear-cut and consistent. We ask relevant countries to respect China's core interests, adhere to the one-China principle, neither sell arms to Taiwan in any form nor assist Taiwan in developing its military equipment, and take concrete actions to support the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and peaceful reunification of China.


Q: Australia may not participate in establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). What is China's response to that?


A: Recently, we have been briefing everyone on China's initiative to establish the AIIB and the positive progress that has been made. Last week, 21 countries signed a memorandum on establishing the AIIB. Why do we need an AIIB? The reason is that despite the sound development opportunities now existing in the Asia-Pacific region, there is still a considerable demand for infrastructure financing. A place needs to have well-functioning roads before it can get rich. Therefore, the Asia Pacific region must have sound infrastructure to complement its economic development. China's initiatives to build the 21-century Maritime Silk Road and the Silk Road Economic Belt, as well as to establish the AIIB, attest to China's willingness to shoulder more international responsibilities and promote mutually beneficial cooperation with other Asia-Pacific countries. Setting up the AIIB serves the common interests of China and China's neighboring countries. In advocating the initiative, we always maintain that this mechanism is complementary


with the existing multilateral mechanisms, and they should all play their due roles in facilitating the building of infrastructure in Asia. We have been in communication with Australia, the ROK, the US and others during the whole process. We welcome all countries' participation in the AIIB so that everyone can have a role to play in driving new development of Asian economy. We are also willing to work with everyone to forge the AIIB into a multilateral financing platform for infrastructure and a multilateral development bank that is open and inclusive, and jointly advance the development of the Asia-Pacific region.


Follow-up: Does China believe the non-participation of Australia and others will have a huge impact? Does China need the participation of these countries?


A: China's initiative has been echoed and supported by most countries. Last week, 21 countries signed the memorandum on establishing the AIIB. China welcomes the participation of relevant countries in this mechanism, and holds an open and inclusive attitude towards this.


(Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China)

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Regular Press Conference on November 3, 2014


At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, President Barack Obama of the United States of America will attend the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting and pay a state visit to China from November 10 to 12. Leaders of the two countries will have an in-depth exchange of views on Sino-American relations as well as major international and regional issues of common interest.


At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, President Eique Pe?a Nieto of the United Mexican




Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference on November 26, 2015


Q: Japan's Defense Minister Gen Nakatani and Adm. Harry Harris, Commander of theUS Pacific Command agreed to conduct joint drills between Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force and the US military as well as help Southeast Asian countriesincrease their defense capabilities. What is China's comment on that? 问:日本防卫相中谷元日前与美军太平洋司令部司令哈里斯举行会谈,双方就进行海上自卫队与美军的南海联合训练、援助东南亚各国构建国防能力达成一致。中方对此有何评论? A: We urge all relevant countries to contribute more to peace and stability in the South ChinaSea, instead of flexing military muscles, creating tensions and pushing forward militarization in theSouth China Sea.


Q: According to US General David Rodriguez, Commander of the US Africa Command,China is going to open up a military base in Djibouti, the first of its kind in Africa. Canyou confirm that?


A: In accordance with relevant UN resolutions, China has deployed over 60 vessels to the Gulf ofAden and the waters off the Somali coast in 21 escort missions since 2008. In the process ofescorting, we encountered real difficulties in replenishing soldiers and resuppl

ying fuel and food,and found it really necessary to have nearby and efficient logistical support. China and Djiboutiare friendly countries. We are consulting with each other on the building of logistical facilities inDjibouti, which will better serve Chinese troops when they carry out international peacekeepingoperations, escort ships in the Gulf of Aden and the waters off the Somali coast and performhumanitarian rescue. It is of great significance for the Chinese troops in their performance ofinternational obligations to safeguard international and regional peace and stability.


Q: Do you have any further comment on Turkey's downing of a Russian fighter jet?


A: We call on all parties to make joint efforts to avoid heightening the tension. The Chinese sidesupports the international counter-terrorism efforts. All parties should strengthen coordination soas to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

