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时间:2017-03-15 06:40:19 来源:免费论文网



The Silk Route is an important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean in history. Since silk accounted for a large proportion of trade along this route, in 1877, it was named the Silk Route by an eminent German geographer. In the meantime, this route served as an artery of exchange for many other products, and more importantly, their technology. One of the most significant objects introduced to China via the Silk Route is Buddhism. Chinese techniques of silkworm breeding, iron smelting and irrigation spread to Central and Southern Asia and to Europe.

丝绸之路 the Silk Route

地中海 the Mediterranean

杰出的httP://m.CsmAYi.cN/ eminent

地理学家 geographer

交易 exchange

主干线 artery

养蚕 silkworm breeding

生铁锻造 iron smelting

灌溉 irrigation

篇二:丝绸之路意义和价值(英文 )

Significance and Value of the Silk Road

Abstract:Silk Road, a trade and cultural exchanges road which have more than two thousand years of the history. This semester we have learned knowledge about all aspects of the Silk Road, and now, when we look again toward the road with vicissitudes in the sand and the long silence, as if we can also through thousands of years of time to see it’s prosperity. This road has attracted the attention of many people, including government officials, scholars, professors and ordinary students, businessmen, tourists. What is the value of it? What’s significance that we understand it, learn it, research it, and develop it? This article briefly describes the historical significance of Silk Road: including trade, scientific and technological, political, ethnic, religious, artistic; academic research value of Silk Road: for history, geography, sociology, etc.;the value of the Silk Road tourism development.

Key Words :Silk Road; significance; value

1. Introduction

The Silk Road refers to the road opened up in the Han Dynasty, starts with Chang 'an (now Xi'an) or Luoyang, pass with Gansu, Xinjiang to Central Asia, West Asia, and links the Mediterranean countries land access. This road is also known as the "overland Silk Road" or "Oasis Silk Road”. Generalized Silk Road refers throughout Eurasia or North Africa and East Africa, including the general term of the long-distance business and cultural exchange lines began to form from antiquity. In addition to the above route, including grassland Silk Road formed in about the 5th century, maritime silk route formed in medieval early years and played a huge role in the Song Dynasty and the Southern Silk Road which appeared at the same time of the Northwestern Silk Road’s formation, and replaced it as the overland communication channel in the early Song Dynasty.

2.Historical Significance

First, caravan on the Silk Road transported the rare animals, plants, leather goods, herbs, spices, jewelry from the west to east, then trade them for Chinese silk, tea, porcelain, and other goods. These goods eiched Western and Eastern people's daily life. Secondly, after the opening of the Silk Road, smelting and sinking technique of the Central Plains spread to the Central Asia promoting the improvement of the social production levels and economic development in the Western Region; China's four great inventions and Silk

weaving technology, lacquer arts also via the Silk Road pass all parts of the world to promote the process of world civilization. Thirdly, after the opening of the Silk Road, the increasingly frequent diplomatic activity between Western Regions and central China closed political ties of each other. At the same time, some Western countries such as Persian, Roman Empire also sent envoys to China. That promoted the exchange of Chinese and Western cultures. Fourth, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism and Nestorian came with the Silk Road in China becoming many people’s faith and spread to the Korean Peninsula, Japan and other Asian countries along the Silk Road branch. In addition, the Silk Road has great significance in promoting ethnic blend of art and cultural exchange.

3.the Value of Academic Research

The Silk Road is a typical linear cultural heritage, has a very distinct linear cultural identity: (1) is a linear or ribbon cultural heritage area, range, including the legacy of many kinds of human activities reflect the form of rich. Both geographical characteristics of mutual exchange and accumulation of history blend;

(2) scale, can refer to a water system across many cities and towns throughout the basin; throughout many countries, a trade route can also refer to; (3) bearing contact http://m.csmayi.cn/with the change of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage, interaction and exchange, constitute the common characteristics of the culture to bring cultural remains, diversity and typical derivative colorful look and internal closely related; (4) involves to the huge economic value and complexity of the natural ecosystem. These feature makes it in history, geography, sociology, and other disciplines have considerable research value.


On the history, from the Han Dynasty Silk Road opened up to flourishing trade and frequent cultural exchanges in the Tang Dynasty Silk Road, rise of the Yuan Dynasty Grassland, Maritime Silk Road flourished in the Song and Ming dynasties, until the decline of the Silk Road on today, it’s history throughout China’s. Research significance of the Silk Road is not only confined itself, it also contribute to our understanding and evidence of the political systems, economy and culture, nation and religion of ancient China and even those in Central Asia, West Asia and Europe.


On the geography, the Silk Road starting with the central China, through Xinjiang province, Central Asia, West Asia, arrived in Europe and joins the North African, after a different geographical pattern with different cultural circles, the Silk Road knowledge can be used to help the study of physical geography vicissitude. It can also be used to research the relationship between the geographical environment and

national cultural differences.


On the sociology, the reasons and process of ethnic blend, the media and way of cultural spread, formation, differences and mutual influence of the different parts of the world cultural circles are hot research topics. And the Silk Road is a channel of economic and cultural exchanges between Chinese and Western, of course it has unusual meaning and value for the sociology.

4.the Value of the Silk Road Tourism Development

Silk Road culture is able to display the characteristics of tourism resources in the northwest of China and promote the whole development of the west. Cultural tourism is the best carrier of the inheritance and development of the Silk Road culture. And cultural tourism is an inevitable trend of the development of the tourism industry today.

Silk Road tourism and cultural resource classification. Silk Road tourism may include: the ancient cities on the Silk Road such as Chang'an (now Xi'an), Luoyang and four counties in Hexi(now Wuwei, Zhangye, Jiuquan and Dunhuang in Gansu province) and ruins of the ancient Western Regions countries; the Silk Road grotto and Buddhist art treasures such as Dunhuang Cave, Tianshui Maijishan Grottoes, Yulin Grottoes; ruins of famous ancient pass likes Yang Guan, Yumen pass and Jiayuguan; natural scenery likes desert, oasis, snow mountains in Xinjiang province along the Silk Road.

Tourism goods associated with the travel route of the Silk Road. Including diet series, crafts knit, sculptures, antique clearance Wen dish, personalized tickets, personalized merchandise, as well as "optional" postcards, stamps, etc.

Silk Road culture publicity and promotion. Include organizing various tourism festival; strengthen the direct contact with the travel source markets; take full advantage of a variety of media publicity, promotion and the organization of the various types of exchanges meeting.


The Silk Road connected East Asia, Central Asia, India, West Asia, the Mediterranean and other world civilization circle. It have great significance to promote the process of world civilization and progress of human society. Today, our research and development on the Silk Road will create inestimable value.






2.陆上丝绸之路自欧洲到中国新疆地区的自然带依次为 、温带草 原带、温带荒漠带,该自然带的分布体现了 地域分异规律。

温带落叶阔叶林带 由沿海向内陆(经度)


优化产业结构(1分) 治理污染,美化环境

4.简析天然气的能源优点及新疆地区天然气开发的限制因素有哪些?优点:①干净、清洁、使用方便②燃烧效率高、价格较低③属于流体,便于开采运输使用,对环境污染小 限制因素:①石油天然气工业是资金和技术密集型产业,新疆经济较落后,勘探开发资金短缺问题严重②新疆人口少,工农业较落后,天然气需求量有限,成为天然气开发利用的“瓶颈”。③该地距东部发达省区远,现有基础设施和运输条件无法满足外运需求。


① 区位优越优势。新疆是丝绸之路上的重要交通枢纽 ②地缘政治作用明 显,新疆与中亚、南亚和欧洲国家接壤,文化相通、宗教相似。③资源丰富,区内的石油、天然气、煤炭等资源丰富,农牧业生产较发达,是重要的商品棉基地。④国家政策优惠.另外援疆对口帮扶,东西部合作优势明显。


加强了沿海地区的贸易往来,促进沿海地区经济的发展; ②推动了沿海地区的文化交流; ③促进了沿海地区的民族迁徙; ④促进沿海地区对外开放程度,提升了沿海地区的国际地位; ⑤促进沿海地区的资源开发; ⑥促进造船技术的发展。

7.请你为“陆上丝绸之路”经济带的可持续发展提出合理化建议。 ①利用自然资源优势发展采矿业、矿产品加工工业; ②利用气候资源独特的优势,发

展特色农业和农产品加工工业; ③利用环境优美、旅游资源丰富的优势,发展旅游业和服务业; ④利用边境线漫长的优势发展边境贸易; ⑤注意保护生态环境,防止荒漠化; ⑥合理利用和保护水资源,防止发生次生盐碱化; ⑦合理控制旅游规模,提高服务质量; ⑧对农矿产品深加工,延长产业链,提高产品附加值。



西亚位于“三洲五海”之地,交通运输网络发达。可以利用便利的海运,尤其是苏伊士运河及其港口运输发展物流。(1分) 西亚石油资源丰富。(1分)人文、旅游资源丰富 (1分)农畜产品丰富


1. 改善我国的能源消费结构,促进我国能源产业的发展;增加工业制成品的出口,促进加工工业、 机械工业等的发展; 促进能源等相关产业的发展, 带动产业结构升级。(任答两点即可,每点2分)






① 加强政策沟通,本着求同存异原则,在政策和法律上为区域经济融合“开绿灯”;②加强道路联通,尽快打通从太平洋到波罗的海的运输大通道,为各国经济发展和人员往来提供便利;③加强贸易畅通,沿线各国应该消除贸易壁垒,降低贸易和投资成本;④加强民心相通,加强人民友好往来,增进相互了解和传统友谊,为开展区域合作奠定坚实民意基础和社会基础。


特征:冬冷夏热,气温年较差大;(2分)年降水量少,气候干旱;大陆性强。(2分) 成因:身居内陆,远离海洋,(2分)海洋水汽难以到达,终年大陆气团控制。


有利社会经济条件:亚欧大陆桥经过,交通运输条件较便利; 有特色畜牧业和特色林果业; 矿产与能源资源丰富; 国家政策支持; 自然风光与文化古迹众多,旅游业资源丰富。


地理位置优越,位于中国边陲,邻国多,便于发展边境贸易;油气资源、旅游资源丰富; 国家政策扶持;交通不断完善;面积大,农业特色突出;经贸往来历史悠久;劳动力廉价; 经济发展潜力较大。

17.结合材料,喀什人“东联”是指利用我国东部地区的资金和技术(人才)优势,“西进”是要利用西部国家的资源 优势。


我国:保障能源安全;优化能源结构;改善生态环境;边疆反恐与安全;加强与中亚地区的交 通、金融、农业、科技等方面的合作
