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时间:2017-02-24 06:15:01 来源:免费论文网




Good afternoon, everyone, this is Chris on air. It?s the first week after the Mid Autumn Festival, so Sherry, do you feel that you can?t get used to your learning and working?


Well, actually, I feel a little uneasy at first, but to be honest, I told myself that , you still have a lot of things to do, come on. So I gradually changed my attitude, and now, I?m fine.


Sounds interesting, I think I?ll have a try next time, so after the beautiful music we?ll start our programme.


Honeybees are in danger worldwide.Their homes -- known as “colonies”-- are suffering from what scientists call Colony CollapseDisorder.

Scientists have linked the disorder to infections from harmful microorganisms and pesticides --products meant to kill other insects.Researchers also have blamed a sharp drop in the honeybee population to loss of the bees? naturalhabitat.Polish researchers are working on ways to save honeybees. One of the diseases that affecthoneybee colonies in Poland is nosemosis, also called nosema. It is a common fungi-based diseasethat affects adult bees.


“Infected worker bees live for a very short time in the summer, about eight to 12 days, while theynormally live 36 days. So the productivity of the whole bee family decreases and bees also haveproblems with passing (the) winter...”Scientists believe some pesticides weaken the bees? natural resistance against disease. This makesit difficult for them to fight parasitic organisms. After eating food or drinking water containingpesticides, the bees begin to act strangely and soon die.Scientists believe nosema is one of the main reasons the number of bees has dropped by 50percent in Poland over the past 15 years. B:

Polish scientists say they have found a natural substance in flowers that is more than 90 percenteffective in saving bees. They have created a drug from it. The drug is now being tested.

Scientists are warning that insecticides designed to kill mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus can alsoharm bees. They say such products should be used in affected areas only whe

n it is dark -- afterbees are asleep. And they say only chemicals that kill the mosquito larvae should be used.

Michael Steinkampf is a beekeeper.

“This particular strain is very toxic to mosquito larva but when it?s put in the water it doesn?t hurtthe bees at all.”

A:Many Americans are reacting to news that Verizon Communications will buy Yahoo, one of the firstbig internet companies.The deal is worth $4.8 billion.Verizon is a telecommunications company in the United States. It provides wireless service for cellphones and other mobile devices.Yahoo opened in 1994. Back then, it offered a guide to websiteson the internet. The company later graduated to email, web searches and news.Yahoo made money by selling advertising on its pages. In the late 1990s, the company may havebeen worth as much as $125 billion.

B:But its business has been struggling for a number of years. Some observers say Yahoo had troublestaying relevant as the internet developed. Google is now the most popular search engine in theU.S. Also, social networks like Facebook have changed the way people use the internet.In 2008, Microsoft tried to buy Yahoo for $44 billion, but its offer was rejected.Many people were surprised how far the one-time internet giant fell.The business magazine Forbes called the agreement with Verizon “the saddest $5 billion deal in techhistory.” Yahoo Sells To Verizon In Saddest $5 Billion Deal In Tech History In its sale to Verizon, Yahoogives up fighting … A:Critics noted how much money Yahoo?s chief Marissa Mayer made in her time with the company.She left her job with Google in hopes of reviving Yahoo in 2012. Mayer earned over $200 million inher four years. She is expected to stay with the company until Verizon takes over early next year.One person compared her earnings to the total amount of a recent U.S. lottery jackpot.Marissa Mayer got $218m at Yahoo, which is exactly the sum of the year's biggest Mega Millionsjackpot.Yahoo officials say they have no plans to sell the company?s shares in the Chinese online shoppingcompany Alibaba. They are said to be worth about $40 billion.


Following days of rumours, Uzbekistan has announced the death of its President, x, aged 78. Hewas previously said to be critically ill. The funeral will take place on Saturday in his home city of x.A bomb explosion in the southern Philippines

appears to have killed at least 12 people and injuredmany more. Then blast took place in a busy night market in x, the home town of President x.Hungarian police are recruiting 3,000 officers they are describing as body hunters to be deployedalong the southern frontier with Serbia. They'll help bolster the 10,000-strong force alreadyguarding the x fence to keep out migrants.A delegation from the United Nations Security Council is in South Sudan to discuss a U.N. resolutionto send 4,000 extra peacekeepers to the country. The South Sudanese government hasdescribed the decision as near-colonialist.


A delegation from the United Nations Security Council is in South Sudan to discuss a U.N. resolutionto send 4,000 extra peacekeepers to the country. The South Sudanese government hasdescribed the decision as near-colonialist.

Opposition leaders in Gabon who've been trapped for three days in their party headquarters havebeen allowed to leave. Troops surrounded the building after opponents of President x set theNational Assembly on fire.An MP in Kenya has asked Parliament to pass a law, recognising a third gender. x said this wouldhelp end discrimination against intersex people, who are born with both male and femalecharacteristics.


A pan-African survey has found that the continent's elephant population has declined by a third inthe last decade, with almost 150,000 killed. The researchers warned that half the elephants left inAfrica could be gone in the next ten years.British scientists say a new Alzheimer's treatment has shown promising results in trials, raising hopesthat a drug to slow the progression of the devastating disease may finally be in sight. The potentialdrugs slow the decline in memory and thinking skills of those in the early stages of the condition.


The U.S. presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has arrived in Mexico, which he's criticised as thehome of drug dealers and rapists. Mr. Trump will hold private talks with President x.Israel has approved the construction of nearly 300 new homes for Jewish settlers in the occupiedWest Bank. It's also retrospectively legalised almost 200 existing homes.x, the man considered to be the father of the Boeing 747 aircraft, has died at the age of 95. Theplane's successful debut in 1969 ushered in the era of long-haul travel for the masses.And there's been record spending by English Premier League football teams eager to snap up newplayers before the closure shortly of the summer transfer window. They've paid out about 1.3billion dollars.


There is big news about the environment: Scientists say a hole in Earth?s protective ozone layer isstarting to heal.A new study confirms the hole is getting smaller. A report on the study was published late lastmonth in the journal Science. The scientists say the reason for the improvement is a reduction in the release of man-madechemicals into Earth?s atmosphere. These chemicals are called chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs forshort.“It?s a big surprise,” said Susan Solomon, the lead writer of the report. “I didn?t think it would bethis early,” she said.


Solomon is an atmospheric chemist and works at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Ozone is a form of oxygen gas. It is found in the air we breathe and in the upper atmosphere. NearEarth, ozone in the air is a danger to life. It is a pollutant. But the ozone layer, 10 to 50 kilometersup in the atmosphere, protects life on Earth. It helps to block dangerous ultraviolet (UV) wavesfrom the sun. It stops them from reaching the planet?s surface.Researchers first discovered the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica more than 30 yearsago.The new report credits the shrinking ozone hole to a worldwide ban on chlorofluorocarbons.


Solomon is an atmospheric chemist and works at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Ozone is a form of oxygen gas. It is found in the air we breathe and in the upper atmosphere. NearEarth, ozone in the air is a danger to life. It is a pollutant. But the ozone layer, 10 to 50 kilometersup in the atmosphere, protects life on Earth. It helps to block dangerous ultraviolet (UV) wavesfrom the sun. It stops them from reaching the planet?s surface.Researchers first discovered the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica more than 30 yearsago.The new report credits the shrinking ozone hole to a worldwide ban on chlorofluorocarbons.


CFCs once were commonly used in many products, including aerosols, cleaning substances,refrigerators and plastics. Scientists found that when released into the air, the chemicals damagedthe ozone layer, creating the hole.

CFCs were banned when world leaders signed an agreement called the Montreal Protocol in 1987.Susan Solomon compared the ozone hole to a patient that needs healing.“It isn't just that the patient is in remission,'' Solomon said.

"He's actually starting to get better. Thepatient got very sick in the ?80s when we were pumping all that chlorine into the atmosphere.”Measurements taken in September showed the ozone hole has shrunk since the year 2000. Thenew numbers show that the hole is smaller by 4.5 million square kilometers. That is about half thearea of the U.S. mainland.


One year was different, however. In 2015, the ozone hole got bigger, not smaller. After looking atscientific records, Solomon said that increase resulted from a n

atural event. She said it was causedby the eruption of the Calbuco volcano in Chile.While the healing is coming earlier than many scientists expected, it is an ongoing, continuingprocess. The ozone hole will not be completely closed for at least another 30 years. Estimates are itwill close by around 2050."We can now be confident that the things we've done have put the planet on a path to heal,"Solomon said."There is a sense of ?mission accomplished,''' said Mario Molina in an email to VOA. Molina works atthe University of California, San Diego. He shared the 1995 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for hisresearch on the ozone issue. He praised this latest study, but was not involved in it.


However, there is other news about Antarctica that is not as good.For the first time in four million years, Antarctica registered carbon dioxide (CO2) levels above thelevel of 400 parts per million. That information comes from U.S. scientists at the National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).“The far southern hemisphere was the last place on earth where CO2 had not yet reached thismark,” of 400 parts per million (ppm), said Pieter Tans. He is the lead scientist of NOAA's GlobalGreenhouse Gas Reference Network.“Global CO2 levels will not return to values below 400 ppm in our lifetimes, and almost certainly formuch longer,” he said.


Scientists say too much CO2 causes temperatures on Earth to rise.CO2 levels usually go up in colder months. In the warmer months, plants in the northernhemisphere use some of it, and that lowers the levels. But NOAA notes that plants are not enoughto stop the rise of CO2 levels. Those levels have risen every year since 1958, when measurementsbegan.Tans said that evidence shows that the CO2 increase is caused “entirely by humanactivities.” These activities include burning oil and other fossil fuels for energy.Because the burning of fossil fuel has been at a record high during the last several years, Tans said,the rate of CO2 increase has also been at a record high. He said some of the gas will stay in theatmosphere for thousands of years.

C:下面进入双语新闻。 方便面为我们的生活提供了便利,每当我们不想做饭的时候,一包泡面就能替代正餐,为我们节省时间,金钱.但是你知道吗,方便面竟然在美国监狱成为最流行货币,这究竟是怎么回事呢?方便面在大学生中经常被当做珍贵的东西——但是一项最新研究显示,在美国的犯人中它同样很受欢迎。据美国《卫报》报道,事实上方便面超过其它流行的货币替代品,比如香烟,邮票和信封成为监狱地下交易的新“货币”。美国亚利桑那大学社会学院的学者吉布森·莱特进行了调查,美国社会学于8月22日发表了该报告。


Gibson-Light spent a year interviewing around 60 male inmates and staff members at ananonymous state-run prison. While observing how prisoners dealt wit



S1:Welcome to the Channel-E,

S2:welcome to our English world.

(一起)join In us, enjoy the English, enjoy the life! Let’s go! S1:大家好,欢迎收听我们的英语广播站——channel E.每逢周三、周五早上我们将会为大家呈上优秀的英语故事,还会设立问答环节,你可以把答案投到学校广播站的广播箱里

S2:我们会在Shinning Day定期抽取并赠送一份小礼物哦。同时我们还开设点歌频道,你可以给你的小伙伴或是老师点歌送祝福,channel-E期待你的参加!


(一起)Good morning , teachers and students. Welcome to our happy English time .

S1: I’m ________from class 2, Grade 4.

S2: I’m________ ----from class 2, Grade 4.

S1今天我们给大家带来有英语小天地English story,每周一句Weekly English和英语歌曲欣赏English songs。

S2:At first, let’s go to the weekly English. Follow us. Let’s go! OK?

S1:Do you know? Our school is a colorful world.

S2: Yes, it’s very beautiful. Green trees, red flowers, and so on.

S1: Now, let’s learn the colors .

S2: OK.

S1: In the red.

S2: we know red是红色,but in the red 不是“在红色里面”的意思。这个短语源于20世纪30年代的美国,会计学上通常用红墨水记录债务,用黑色记录利润,所以in the red表示欠债,赤字。

S1: Ei, Jacky, , what color do you like?

S2: I like pink. And you?

S1: Me too. Pink is very nice. But do you know ”in the pink” ?

S2: 你知道“in the pink” 是什么意思吗?

S1: pink是粉红色,指脸颊的红润,是健康的象征。所以in the pink 就是指身体很健康。

S2: Suki, You look in the pink. 你看上去很健康。

S1: Thank you.

S2: boys and girls , do you know black and white?

S1: yes, black and white.

S2: Right. There’s a word.

S1: “Call black white and white black.”这就是我们常说的颠倒是非,黑白不分。

S2:所以我们一定不能“Call black white and white black.”

S1:next ,let’s come to a story.

S2:The question is ____________.

S1: So much for today. At last, let’s enjoy an English song.

S2: 最后让我们一起来欣赏英语歌吧。<Let it go>you like it, yes?

Thank you for listening! Good Bye. See you next time.(一起)



韩:the world of the panda is not strictly black and white 熊猫的世界原来不只是黑与白

When it comes to pandas, you probably thought things were strictly black and white.


But meet Qi Zai, an extremely rare brown and white panda whose colourful appearance has left scientists scratching their heads.


While every bit as a cute as others of his species, he is a very special bear because there have only been five sightings of brown-white pandas since 1985.


Now aged five, he was found as a two-month-old cub, weak and alone, by

researchers in a nature reserve in Qinling Mountains in China after his mother had apparently disappeared into the jungle.


For his own safety, they took him to the nearby Shaanxi Rare Wildlife Rescue, Breeding and Research Centre where he was given medical treatment and fed on panda milk saved by the centre’s staff from other pandas.

为了它的安全,研究人员把它带到了附近的陕西省珍稀野生动物抢救饲养研究中心,在那儿对它进行药物治疗,用中心的员工从其他熊猫那儿留下的熊猫奶喂养它。 He has since grown into the fine, eye-catching specimen he is today. 此后,它便长成了现如今这健康、引人注目的样子。

吕:These photographs were taken by Katherine Feng, an American vet and member of the International League of Conservation Photographers, who was delivering veterinary supplies to the centre donated by the US charity Pandas International. 这些照片是由凯瑟琳?冯拍摄的,她是一位美国兽医,同时也是国际自然保护摄影师联盟的一员,她正为这个中心运送美国大熊猫国际慈善团体捐赠的兽药。

She was granted special permission to photograph him during the recent visit. 在她最近一次来访期间,获得特许给这只大熊猫拍照。

Qi Zai - who is also known as ‘seventh son’ by staff at the centre - is the same size and weight and has the same habits as other pandas with the usual black and white fur.


Scientists at the centre say further studies are necessary to uavel the mystery of why the brown and white pandas occur.

这个中心的科学家说有必要进行深入研究,来解开棕白相间大熊猫的产生之谜。 The panda population in the Qinling Mountains is small and isolated with an estimated figure of between 200 and 300.


Some experts at the centre have suggested that the brown fur could also have

some links with the area’s unique geographical and climatic conditions, saying the soil and water in the area might influence the hair pigments of the pandas.



"I have to demonstrate to the actors and actresses how to kneel that I have frazzled three of my trousers," said Li Bin, etiquette director of the ongoing TV series The Legend of Miyue.


According to Li, the cast of The Legend of Miyue received special training on

ancient Chinese etiquette before shooting. And for Li himself, he had been closely following the crew, being on site with the team full-time while filming.


His careful approach regarding Chinese etiquette and its delicate presentation has paid off, as the TV series hit a historical high 1.9 percent rating within ten hours in late November, breaking online viewing records.


"Compared with many other costume dramas, the etiquette and costume in this drama is more solemn and up to standard.


While speaking to Beijing Times, Li said he put a lot of effort in filming the wedding scene between Mi Shu and Emperor Qin. "Dressing in an red wedding dress, eating a slice of meat from a porket, drinking water from the same cup and eating rice from the same bowl with hands are all in line with what’s written in history about national weddings of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)," Li said.

在与北京时报的交谈中,李斌说在拍摄芈姝和秦王婚礼场景时,他付出了大量的努力。“服饰大红、同牢而食、合卺(jǐn) 而饮(与历史记载一样的葫芦瓢式酒杯),夫妇食黍(与历史记载一样的饭碗,且不用筷子只用手)等,所有都与历史上记载的战国时期(公元前475-221)皇室婚礼相同。”李说。

吕:"The first three practices are meant to show that the emperor and the empress are ready to love each other dearly, to share with each other on an equal stance and are inseparably bounded as one. Eating rice is the emperor’s pray for a continuous golden harvest in the years to come."


As the disciple of Zhang Xiaolong, the etiquette consultant of another costume

phenomenon (The Legend of Zhenhuan), Li is no less professional in being precise with the ABCs of ancient Chinese etiquette as his master has taught him at The Central Academy of Drama in Beijing.


"We didn’t use the red silk cloth to veil the bride’s face as what we believed to be a necessity in traditional Chinese wedding because it was not written in record until the Wei Dynasty (AD 220-280)," Li said.


"But we did try to make the etiquette more visually appealing - the books didn’t write how women walk while making a bow with hands folded in front, so I

borrowed the idea from the move in one of Zhang’s choreographed dance. The supplement eiched the ceremony with more details."


The Legend of Miyue is based on a popular online novel which tells the story of Mi Yue and her life entwined with politics, war, and romance. Mi Yue, a real historical figure who lived during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) was reportedly the first empress dowager in China.


韩:感谢是感恩的开始,感恩是感谢的升华。感谢可能止于言语,感恩却要付诸行动。 让我们对带给自己快乐的人表示感激,他们就像可爱的园丁,让我们的灵魂之花尽情绽放 感激你所拥有的一切,最美好的事,是看到某人的微笑;而更美好的事,是他因你而微笑。 内心的礼物:

According to legend, a young man while roaming the desert came across a spring of delicious crystal-clear water. The water was so sweet, he filled his leather canteen so he could bring some back to a tribal elder who had been his teacher.


After a four-day journey he presented the water to the old man who took a deep drink, smiled warmly and thanked his student lavishly for the sweet water. The young man returned to his village with a happy heart.


Later, the teacher let another student taste the water. He spat it out, saying it was awful. It apparently had become stale because of the old leather container.


吕:The student challenged his teacher: "Master, the water was foul. Why did you pretend to like it?"


The teacher replied, "You only tasted the water. I tasted the gift. The water was simply the container for an act of loving-kindness and nothing could be sweeter."


I think we understand this lesson best when we receive innocent gifts of love from young children. Whether it's a ceramic tray or a macaroni bracelet, the natural and proper

response is appreciation and expressed thankfulness because we love the idea within the gift.


Gratitude doesn't always come naturally. Unfortunately, most children and many adults value only the thing given rather than the feeling embodied in it. We should remind ourselves and teach our children about the beauty and purity of feelings and expressions of gratitude. After all, gifts from the heart are really gifts of the heart.

